
Trapped Destinies

“The fragrance of your love always flows in my veins,” Asher said coming dangerously closer to Louisa “How do you?” Louisa asked shocked. For some unexplainable reason her heat skipped the rhythm listening to those lines “Babygirl from now on you will only be answering my questions” Asher spoke caging Louisa in his arms “The past is gone just like the water under the bridge, you can’t get a second back; what matters is ‘now’ the right now and where will we go from here” he whispered into her ears smiling viciously The way he said those lines contemplated something in her mind “Why do his eyes look like the ones I knew?” she thought trying to get out of his tight embrace which is making her feel suffocated. “I am loving this Babygirl, where I can see you out but you can’t see it; It’s giving me inevitable pleasure,” he said leaning towards her lips but she pushed him away “Babygirl; if you are still thinking of running away, you better give up that silly idea of yours. You don’t have any other way than this as we had our destinies trapped together,” Asher said following her -------------- Synopsis: Louisa Miller: Born with a silver spoon in the affluent Miller family. She is strong, independent, and talented. Some memories were engraved deeper into her heart than the tattoos on her body. Life was never easy for her but she knows how to beat the hurdles and rise against the odds Asher Carter: Mystery runs in his blood. He is like the brightest moon, who still have a darker side which scared him about the worse things it can do and one day everything he was scared of happening, happened and it changed everything. __________________________ This novel has a mix of all the emotions ranging for happiness to mysteries, with the unexpected twists and turns I believe that the story can keep you hooked. The starting chapters maybe a little lousy but every chapter is important for the main crux of the story. I hope you will shower the love, feel free to comment, and correct my mistakes. The cover doesn’t belong to me and was downloaded from pinterest and was edited by Sree_Exol#1214

Thelost_soul7 · Urban
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"I have lost my mobile and I have no idea where I lost that," Louisa replied horrified

Oliver's eyelids bulged out hearing to her daughter and Louisa immediately picked the newspapers and screamed looking at the headlines.

"Louisa, are you speaking the truth? Did you just loose your mobile? When did that happen?" Oliver questioned

"I have no idea, Dad. The last time I had my mobile with me was before entering the venue. I didn't get to see my mobile after that and I have no idea where that can be," Louisa said twisting her long hairs with her delicate fingers

"You lost your mobile yesterday and you didn't let me know about that until now. Do you even realize what had happened and what all can happen if anyone gets to open that? Your mobile has the access to all the security codes, one who opens your mobile can see the new plans of our company and will get to know every nuance of detail about everything. How can you let it go and what made you forget about your mobile? Oliver screamed

"Dad due to all the events which took place yesterday I was quite stressed out. Until I got back to home I didn't even get clarity between what is truth and what is an illusion. After reaching home due to the love showered by Aunt Flora and the brawl that took place between your wife and me has made me totally forget about other things. I kind of kept every other thing away and concentrated on peace; maybe that is the reason why I never remembered about the mobile," Louisa explained her side of things

"Yeah, you were in a totally bad mood yesterday. Sorry for lashing out at you. It's just I am so tense drawing the possibilities of the events which will take place if any of our opponents or the one who took the charge as the one who is giving us threats since yesterday. I will immediately assign the work of tracking your mobile whereabouts to our retriever team. You just don't stress yourself," Oliver said pulling out his mobile and walking a little distant from Louisa

Louisa's mind was struck with many thoughts.

Her mind is wavering drawing many possibilities. Louisa was not able to concentrate on one thing. She clutched her hair between her fingers and pulled them hard stomping her feet.

"Drink this; you might feel at ease," hearing the words Louisa looked up

"There is no one here, so why are you acting now?" Louisa questioned

"You are my daughter Louisa. I gave birth to you and if you are in any kind of stress or worry I just can't see that," Sophia Miller said forwarding the strong Immersion coffee

"Since when did you start worrying about my life?" Louisa questioned

"I always do Louisa. You are the one who doesn't understand that. You are my only daughter and my life depends on you. Why don't you understand that? Why do you hate me so much? Why can't you stand me?" Sophia questioned with tears

"Mrs. Sophia Miller, no one is around so please stop with all these fake tears of yours, these may work before others even before my father but not before me. After knowing every detail about everything you have done to your own daughter that no one in the world does for others you are standing before me with fake tears and want me to believe in you. How can you even expect that?" Louisa shouted

"Louisa, it's not like that baby. The truth is one other thing and what others believe is totally opposite to it. Why can't you listen to my version before making any judgment?" Sophia requested

"Your version? You want me to listen to your version? If you ever listen to a thief or terrorist he too says that he is innocent and guilty of what he has done and he won't repeat that ever. But it doesn't mean he is innocent or not had committed any mistake. This is the same way with you," Louisa replied to her mother

"Leave that matter, Louisa. Both of us will never get to discuss anything like normal human beings. So it would be better if we skip this," Sophia replied

"Good, you have understood that after all these years," Louisa said

"What is the new worry? Why is your Dad so tensed and shouting on the phone?" Sophia questioned

"Why, will you help that grow more intense?" Louisa yelled

"For once in your life answer my questions straight Louisa," Sophia yelled back at her daughter

"Here you go. Go through the headlines and increase your happiness by infinite folds," Louisa said handing over the newspapers to her mother

"The New Love birds in the country. Is the Miller - Carter union going to storm the business world? Will the wedding bells ring soon?"

As soon as Sophia completed reading the headlines her eyelids popped out.

"What is this Louisa? How did this happen?" Sophia questioned shocked

"If I would have known that I wouldn't be sitting here clutching my head Mrs.Miller," Louisa replied

"What about this picture Louisa? How did they get that? When were you this close to the Carter guy? In this picture, both of you are so close and you both look so much in love here. Both of you are lost into the depth of each other's eyes and the picture is published in the national media and you are saying that you have no idea how this happened?" Sophia questioned her daughter

"You always wanted this right? I getting hooked up with the richest person on the earth and now the whole print media hitched me with the young and hot billionaire in the country. You should be elated watching the headlines but this surprised face of yours is shocking me," Louisa said surprised

"Louisa, save the taunts for another time. Let's deal with the burning topic now," Sophia dismissed Louisa's words

Louisa was about to reply but Oliver walked towards them.

"Well, I have assigned teams to track your mobile," Oliver replied to Louisa who is looking hopefully

"What did they say? Have they got any leads?" Louisa questioned

"You might don't like to hear this but the truth is they can't trace that," Oliver replied

"What do you mean by they can't trace that? What was the radius of the place when the mobile was last used?" Louisa questioned

"It is near the venue where the event took place yesterday. After that, the signal was lost and the team was not able to trace anything. I have assigned security to look over the place and asked the trial team to change the security codes of every new project we are handling. But I am worried about the Kriz flight simulator, you are the one who designed it and it is very prestigious for us but if anyone gets their hand on your mobile they can easily get access to the blueprint or they can directly crash ours. We are doomed," Oliver stated

"No Dad we aren't doomed," Louisa replied

"You have lost your mobile and this picture where you are in Asher Carter's embrace was printed in the newspaper and a new threat has arisen for the Miller household and you say that we aren't doomed?" Oliver questioned

Louisa was about to answer her father's question but her mother started speaking.

"Oliver, I was at the venue yesterday and my eyes were on Louisa all the time and I never saw Louisa this close to Asher. Esma Blair came to me to inform me that Louisa was saved by Asher and when I ran to see Louisa's condition all I saw was Rudy standing with Louisa. As Esma Blair doesn't have any healthy relationship with Louisa I thought that she would have lied to me," Sophia told her husband

As soon as Sophia said that Louisa started running from the garden. Oliver and Sophia kept shouting Louisa's name in order to stop her but Louisa kept running towards her room

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