
Transported to a parallel fictional world[Hiatus]

https://www.patreon.com/Totherwindow1 Ekko Makena Afia was a normal teenager boy, but that all changed what he completed a survey that mey or may not have been made by a Rob. Now in a completely New Earth from his own how will he deal with Boob robbing Ninja, aliens from space, a gloutonus dragon and a apartment hot spring that seems to attract women from all walks of life. ( This story will contain manga, anime some hentais and some Manwhas as well. The story setting is in modern Earth but with a few magical twists.) Update schedule: Whenever I have time as I work.

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
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136 Chs

Chapter 96

" I know it's the weekend and you probably want to relax but ever since our dance practice together I've wanted to practice more and more ever since."

" You don't need to apologize, so what do you want to work on today." Ekko asked.

Kai'sa was just about to reply when the door behind him suddenly opened and a faint aroma of citrus and cloves.

Ekko gulped already figuring out who had just entered." Ekko I forgot to mention but Evelyn decided she wanted to join our session, I hope you don't mind.

"Not at all." Ekko said but from the way Evelyn was looking at him, he knew a lot of flirting and teasing would happen throughout the session.

" Oh! I forgot to get the water bottles from my room, I'll be back in a few minutes but in the meantime why don't you and Evelyn do some warm-up stretches, I've already warmed up so I'm good to go."

Kai'sa said as she left the room, Evelyn gave her a little wave before she made her way to Ekko.

"Do you mind helping me out with some stretches Ekko, having a partner would quicken the process?" Evelyn asked and Ekko nodded.

" Sure, no problem." Ekko said before Evelyn then sat herself on the floor while spreading her legs to a perfect split.

" All you have to do is push on my back while I lean forward." Evelyn said while Ekko tried not to look at her sexy ass or toned thighs. Evelyn knew exactly what she was doing when she decided to wear those sexy yoga pants.

' Looks like this little game has already begun.' Ekko thought before going to his knees, he was just about to touch her but before he did he asked.

" Is it alright if I touch you, Evelyn?" Ekko asked and Evelyn looked back in mild surprise but she didn't show it.

She was using her pheromones on Ekko to at least let his guard down but even then he was still respectful.

' Ahhh, why do you have to be so cute, if you continue to resist then I might really lose control.' Evelyn thought as she smiled seductively and said.

" No need to be shy, make sure you get a good and tight grip on me~."

Ekko nodded and finally placed his hands on her back. Since she was wearing a sports bra her back and midriff were exposed and Ekko could feel how soft her skin felt.

"Hah…. ah… ahh~" Evelyn gasped as her cheeks starts to brighten. Evelyn was surprised at how potent Ekko's Life force was.

Just from a simple touch, her body felt heated. She wondered and hoped that when she kissed him it would feel just as good.

" Are you alright, did I push down on your back too hard." Ekko asked and Evelyn turned her head and said." No, I'm fine, actually, could you push down even more...yep, a bit more...more.

" Like this." Ekko asked as Evelyn continued to make or sorts of alluring noises.

" No deeper, even deeper...yep right there I can really feel it there." Evelyn said breathly. Ekko held her down in that position for 30 seconds before taking the pressure off.

" That hit the spot, now I'll do you." Evelyn said and Ekko let her go before getting into the same position.

Evelyn placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed him down and Ekko being more flexible than most normal people was able to relax his body to the ground.

But just as the stretching began he suddenly felt two soft sensations on his back and he heard Evelyn's feathery voice right next to his ear.

" How does that feel Ekko, is it enough pressure." Evelyn asked.

" I-its fine like that Evelyn...thanks." Ekko said using all his willpower not to react to her teasing and seeing that her little tricks weren't working she decided to push a little more.

So after they did a few more stretches on the floor Evelyn stood up and made her way to the back of the room where there was a free-standing ballet barre.

Evelyn placed her hands on the barre and with an impressive amount of skill lifted her leg straight up at a 180-degree angle.

" Help me out here too Ekko. Just like the stretches before you just push my leg towards me, think you could do that for me."

Ekko knew this was a trap but agreed anyway, though as he made his way to Evelyn he was wondering what was taking Kai'sa so long.

If he knew she was distracted because she was playing with Cerbie he would have cursed.

With this kind of a stretch, Ekko had to come up close and personal. And since he already had permission to touch her before he didn't ask a second time and grabbed her ankle.

" A little lower Ekko." Evelyn suddenly said confusing Ekko so he lowered his hand to her calf, but she still said it was too high so he lowered his hand to the back of her knee.

"Perfect~." She said as her leg then bent so it was over his shoulder." Now push forward and dont stop until I tell you too..."

Evelyn said in an almost commanding tone and Ekko followed her instructions, not because she commanded him but because otherwise how would she get a good stretch In?

Ekko leaned forward and didn't stop just like Evelyn had instructed but he got so close to her that he could feel her warm breath on his nape.

Just as Ekko was going to stop because if he didn't the two would basically be kissing Evelyn said he could stop.

Ekko stood there awkwardly, not even looking her in the eyes while Evelyn had a mischievous smirk on her face.

She was really impressed by Ekko's willpower as by now any man would have either lost control of themselves or be madly in love with her and even though it was frustrating it also excited Evelyn.

She knew that the kiss that she so desperately wanted would be that much more sweeter when she finally got Ekko to break and lose control.

Any man or boyfriend in her past had completely disappeared to the recess of her mind, the only male thing on her mind now was Ekko and Ekko solely.

" Hey, your pretty quiet Ekko, so how about a quick game of truth or dare, while we wait for Kai'sa."

Ekko stared at Evelyn with a contemplating look before nodding.

" Alright, I'll ask first, Truth or dare~"

" Truth..." No matter what Ekko wasn't going to choose dare.

Evelyn smirked and asked." Do you want to kiss me right now?"


" Dare!!" Ekko broke his internal promise instantly.

Evelyn leaned in closer and wrapped her arms around Ekko's Neck." I dare you to kiss me~~"

"...Never have I ever-"

" That is not the game we're playing EkKo~!!."

'Kai'sa where the hell are you, there's a scary lioness trying to eat me.'


Meanwhile, Kai'sa who was still playing with Cerbie in the Living room suddenly sneezed.' Huh, I wonder who's talking about me.'

A bit of a shorter chapter but a chapter nevertheless. Hope you all had a great new year!!!

TotherWindow1creators' thoughts