
Transported to a parallel fictional world[Hiatus]

https://www.patreon.com/Totherwindow1 Ekko Makena Afia was a normal teenager boy, but that all changed what he completed a survey that mey or may not have been made by a Rob. Now in a completely New Earth from his own how will he deal with Boob robbing Ninja, aliens from space, a gloutonus dragon and a apartment hot spring that seems to attract women from all walks of life. ( This story will contain manga, anime some hentais and some Manwhas as well. The story setting is in modern Earth but with a few magical twists.) Update schedule: Whenever I have time as I work.

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
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136 Chs

Chapter 63(R-18)

Ekko swallowed the saliva he had been accumulating in his mouth and just stared at the two now bare women, who looked like they wanted to eat him alive...

"T-this is just a massage Right!?!?" Ekko asked.

" Yep, just a message." The two girls said at the same time.

So they say but Ekko doubted that he would be leaving this hot spring with just a normal message.

" Then let's get this session started...

Ekko looked at the two beautiful women in front of him completely exposing themselves. Ekko first checked out Rangikus body, which he had seen in twice before but that still didn't take away from how sexy this woman was.

From her soft peach blonde hair to her thin taper waist, and all the way down to her sexy soft looking thighs.

Everything about her screamed bewitching.

Then there was Cana, her breasts weren't as big as Rangikus but they were still bigger than average. She had exotic tan skin and a boxum figure that would leave most men breathless.

The girls felt Ekko's observant eyes looking at their bodies and Cana for some reason started to feel a warmth well up in her stomach and Rangiku felt like her entire body was heating up from his stare alone.

Cana was the first to attack as she walked behind Ekko and started to slowly massage his shoulders. While at the same time feeling up his defined muscles.

Ekko could feel Cana's soft Curved breasts come into contact with the back of his head and he couldn't help but admire how nice they felt.

Rangiku who saw Cana taking charge dident want to lose out so she also aprochroched. Ekko thought that she would be massaging his arms or legs but, instead, Rangiku straddle over him and sat on his lap.

Ekko could feel Rangiku's nice bubbly ass pressing against his legs and it looks like Rangiku could feel it too as her eyes widened in shock.

' Big, Ekko is way too big...is he already hard.' Rangiku couldn't believe someone could have something so big.

Though Rangiku quickly snapped out of her surprise and stared at Ekko, and Ekko stared right back.

Rangiku smiled before saying" Looks like your mouth is a bit stiff Ekko, mhh we should use a tit massage to make it better." Rangiku said as her hands grabbed her massive breasts and placed one of her nipples in front of Ekkos mouth.

Ekko looked at those tantalizing breasts and those perked pink nipples and wanted nothing more than to suck on them...but.

Just as Ekko was trying to make an excuse not to, he suddenly remembered the words his father had written in that massage for him.

"And one last thing son...if you love a girl don't hold back make sure you never hesitate..."

But what was he doing at this very moment, wasn't he hesitating, looking into Rangiku's expectant gaze, he knew she had gathered the courage to do this, so why spit on her efforts?

With determined eyes, Ekko stared right back at Rangiku, this time without caution. And Rangiku seemed to have sensed Ekko's sudden change in attitude but for her, it was too late, the two girls had already set Ekko off.

Without warning, Ekko's hands firmly grabbed Rangikus firm ass and pulled her in close. Rangiku squeaked in surprise before her eyes widened and her back arched from the sudden spike of pleasure coming from her breasts.

" Ahhhhhhhh~" Rangiku moaned as Ekko took her nipple into his mouth and started to aggressively swirl his tongue over the areola.

Rangikus whole body twitched with every movement Ekko made, it was like he knew every trigger point her breast had.

" Nnnnngh~fuck..." Rangiku exclaimed loudly as Ekko started to play and pinch her other nipple.

At first, she thought she and Cana would be the ones teaching Ekko and taking control but it looks like that plan immediately flew through the window the moment Ekko got serious.

Cana saw Rangiku's face full of euphoria and couldn't help but want some as well, but she knew, this was good for the two of them so she dident interrupt what they had going on.

Though that didn't mean she wouldn't please herself in the meantime. One of her hands came up to her breast and started massaging them.

Ekko who had fun with one nipple decided to try and taste the other one, so with a soft pop, Ekko let go of Rangiku's left breast and immediately assaulted the right.

His hands weren't Ideal either as they explored every inch of Rangiku's sexy curves. He gave her ass cheeks a nice strong squeeze that felicitated a cute moan from Rangiku.

And Rangiku who was getting more and more aroused started to grind her hips on his member.

The only thing between her pussy and his cock from officially meeting was a thin white towel covering Ekko's waist.

Rangikus body suddenly shuddered as she felt something coming, she knew what it was and couldn't help but want it to come sooner.

"Aah..~ F-fuck yes~ Ekko please dont stop im almost there..."

Ekko of course already knew this and continued his assault on her breasts and before long Rangiku finally Came.

"Haaaaah~ Mmmmmmh~" Rangikus body convulsed as her tongue lolled out of her mouth and her body froze from pure ecstasy.

Her breathing was ragged as she fell atop of Ekko. She had lost a lot of strength so she just rested on Ekko to catch her breath.

Though to Rangiku's dismay, it looks like Ekko was still rearing to go as she felt the towel underneath her disappear, and what she felt after was Ekko's rock-hard cock pressing against her vaginal lips.

Her breath hitched every time his dick slid across her labia and at some point she really thought Ekko was going to ram his monster inside of her.

Though that didn't happen as Cana who was patiently waiting saw her opportunity and took it.

She grabbed Ekko's Chin and turned his head up before she gave him a deep wet Kiss.

Her tongue immediately Swirled Inside of his and their tongue's started to play a fun game of cat and mouse.

A game to her shock she was losing. Ekko while still being connected to Cana, stood up and grabbed her neck with a bit of force before the two were standing while feeling each other's bodies.

Ekko's hands slid down her back before firmly grabbing her ripe supple behind. Cana had to stand on her tippy toes just so she wouldn't separate from the kiss.

"Aggggh~, Hngggh~" Cana moaned in glee as she felt Ekko's touch all over.

Rangiku who was on the sidelines couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

Not at Cana or Ekko making out, but at herself and how calm she felt.

She had thought that she would feel jealous, maybe even a little heartbroken if she ever saw Ekko kissing or being intimate with another woman...

But seeing Ekko dominate Cana and her being able to do nothing but take it...she felt aroused and a little proud.

Why she felt this way, she may never know, but what she did know was that She wanted Ekko to be happy.

Ekko who was Kissing Cana suddenly grabbed her by the thighs and lifted her up to her surprise but didn't separate from the kiss.

She could feel Ekkos huge cock sliding in and out of her crevice. With her mana, she had already determined Ekko's to be around 10 inches which was crazy to think as he still hasn't hit the end of his growth yet.

She could feel Ekko's want to stick his cock right into her exposed lips but wasn't doing so to cana's relief.

She was only here for a bit of fun, she wasn't intending to join in and was supposed to leave right after Rangiku and Ekko start getting it on.

But things just kind of went out of control and at this current moment she doesn't think she could even say no to Ekko if he asked for sex..

After five minutes of kissing Ekko decided he wanted to taste Cana's breasts...but before he could he let out a hiss of pleasure as he suddenly felt someone's tongue slide up his shaft and up to his sensitive Glans.

Ekko couldn't react before a sudden, wet warmth engulfed a third of his cock.

Rangiku having seen Ekko's member still standing tall and remembering what she came here to do, decided to just go for it.

Even though this was going to be her first time doing it, she would try to make him feel good.

So she decided to try giving Ekko a blow job. She crawled on all fours all the way to the distracted Ekko before deciding to just go for it.

She stuck out her tongue and licked Ekko's shaft up to the tip, before devouring the tip into her mouth.

She then started to bob her head up and down while swirling her tongue on his glans. It seemed Ekko liked it as his hips started to thrust forwards into Rangiku's mouth.

"Fuck, that feels amazing Rangiku." Ekko grunts in pleasure as he doesn't forget to praise her.

And his praise seems to have done the job as Rangiku started to suck with more vigor. Ekko could feel Rangikus throat Relaxing around him allowing his cock to reach even deeper inside her.

"Mhm-Mmph~...Grk!..Mmm...*Slurp*!!" All sorts of sounds were being made as Rangiku gave Ekko oral.

As he was thrusting, he didn't forget about Cana and with relative ease, he lifted Cana and brought her legs over his shoulders.

Now he had a clear view of cana's women hood, it had a nice shade of pink while being beautifully shaped.

And without hesitation, Ekko sucked on her lower lips while Cana was trying her best not to cum too soon from Ekko's supernatral tongue.

"Nhhhhhhhh, Fuck!!! Don't you dare stop licking me with that godly tongue of yours, mhhh~~" Cana said as she grabbed a hold of Ekko's head for support and leverage.

Rangiku was also close to cumming a second time and pushed two of her fingers into her pussy and started fingering herself while bobing her head faster.

Tears started to appear at the edge of Rangikus eyes as she took even more of Ekkos length inside of her.

But it seems her efforts were about to pay off as Ekko suddenly Grabbed the back of her head and with one final violent thrust, sent a flurry of cum down her throat.


This seemed to be Rangikus breaking point as her body spasmed from cumming a second time.

Liquid poured out and slid down her juicy thighs as she tried swallowing every ounce of cum Ekko had let off.

Though because of her inexperience, some had escaped from her lips, but she managed to catch the rest in her hands.

Cana also seemed to have reached her peak as her back arched and her tongue lolled out of her mouth and saliva rolled down her chin.

" Ehhhhhhh, Comingggggg!!!!!!!!"

After cumming he let Cana down on the floor and Ekko could finally see what he had done to the two girls.

He saw both girls staring at him but this time it was with infatuation. Cana being a mage and a strong one at that recovered relatively quickly and noticed the cum around Rangikus lips.

So with her index finger, she wiped the rest off her lips and sucked on her cum coated finger.

" *Pop* Delicious." Cana said as she looked at Ekko's still-hard member.

"Fufu~ Looks like we didn't do a good enough job Rangiku, Ekko still isent satisfied with our massage."

" Mhh, your right Cana, it seems we have to work even harder." Rangiku agreed while licking the remnants of cum on her hands.

She never thought cum would taste so good, she wanted to taste even more of it.

Cana and Rangiku nodded their heads, deciding to work together. With both girls on their knees, they stroked Ekko's thighs before they simultaneously started to lick Ekko's Cock together.

And Ekko who was expirenceing all of this was on cloud nine...


{2 hours later}

After two hours of none stop sexy time, Ekko was finally satisfied...well it's more accurate to say that he forcibly satisfied himself.

He could still keep going for a few more hours, but he doubted the girls could do the same, as they had both passed out just seconds prior.

Looking at the two tired beauties sleeping away Ekko couldn't help but let out a gentle smile before snapping his fingers, automatically cleaning the girls of any sweat or fluids they had accumulated or gotten on themselves.

He then teleported them back to his room and straight to bed.

He would join them in a minute but first, he needed to clean the whole hotsprings of there mess.


Fist R-18 chapter, I don't think I'm good at writing them but hey, I tried by best. Hope you enjoyed.

Chapter Length: 2176 words.

TotherWindow1creators' thoughts