
Transported to a parallel fictional world[Hiatus]

https://www.patreon.com/Totherwindow1 Ekko Makena Afia was a normal teenager boy, but that all changed what he completed a survey that mey or may not have been made by a Rob. Now in a completely New Earth from his own how will he deal with Boob robbing Ninja, aliens from space, a gloutonus dragon and a apartment hot spring that seems to attract women from all walks of life. ( This story will contain manga, anime some hentais and some Manwhas as well. The story setting is in modern Earth but with a few magical twists.) Update schedule: Whenever I have time as I work.

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
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136 Chs

Chapter 56

Cana suddenly disappeared and reappeared in the forest where she started to draw random runes on tree trunks. she was working on a Magic barrier to protect the inn from possible future attacks.

But cana never noticed that a certain golden-eyed cat was watching her every move.

Though Eris who was in the Garden planting some seeds from her home planet had noticed or rather had smelled Yoruichi's scent nearby.


{Omotesando Hills: Tokyo-Shibuya}

Omotesando Hills, one of Tokyo's high-end shopping malls and where this year's fashion show will take place.

Normally this place would be teaming with people and tourists to shop around but because of the show, the whole mall is temporarily shut down, just until the show ends.

After Ekko drove to the security checkpoint, Rangiku who was in the passenger seat showed them her Id and they let the two through with no complications though Ekko noticed the infatuated looks they were giving Rangiku.

For some odd reason, he felt like hitting them with a brick, or maybe a Butter suck. He also noticed the hidden glares they were sending his way.

But Ekko decided that instead of saying anything, he wrapped his arm around Rangiku's shoulder and pulled her in close. Rangiku was surprised by Ekko's Sudden boldness but She was also happy that he was hugging her.

Ekko Smirked at the security Guard before driving off. He also may or may not have lifted his middle finger while doing so.


After finding a nice parking space, Ekko and Rangiku left the car before heading inside." So what do you need to do now." Ekko asked while holding the door for Rangiku.

" Mhh, Well I need to meet up with Sasha on the second floor for makeup and Fittings, some then Lunch...then after that Ruben should be here to make sure everything is on schedule. Wait didn't he tell you all of this."

" Oh, I dident tell him I was coming, think of it as a surprise visit, I'll just be hanging around until then, if you need me just text or call, your choice." Ekko said as Rangiku entered the elevator.

" Alright, I'll see you at lunch then, oh and don't lose that visitors pass or you'll be kicked out."Ekko nodded and the two said their goodbyes before separating.

" Now then, I should check out what that system task I was given a few minutes ago was." A few minutes ago around the time, Ekko drove into the mall the system had alerted him of a task though he hasn't checked it out yet, now he could.

{New scenario in progress, New choices have been generated, Choices...

A new intern and assistant have been doing her hardest to impress her Boses and do her best on the job, sadly because of her appearance a few models have been picking on and bullying her...

1)Go to the third floor of the Mall, find her, and help her to the infirmary ward for her twisted ankle. (The Infinite slice of pizza and 500 Tp)

2) Ignore the situation entirely and just walk around until you find something fun to do. ( A flying carpet and 750 Ip)

3) Run around the Mall naked and put your Underwear over your head and call yourself UNDEROOS!! ( Demon-Dweller Sword and 2000 Tp)

4)Ignore all Choices given. ( 100 Ip )

" W-what the hell system whats with choice number three." There was no way he was doing that, though that Sword sounded badass he wasn't going to go around naked and call himself Underoos.

Of course, the best option was number two, a flying carpet would be cool, but he could teleport anywhere he wanted to go so instead he picked option one.

He checked around real quick to see if there were any cameras but not seeing any he teleported to the third floor.

And on the very same hallway Ekko just disappeared from, a certain homeless alcoholic who had quit drinking watched as Ekko just teleported and disappeared into thin air.

The man just looked at the spot and then at the cigarette in his hands." I think my Doctor was right." The man stomped on the cigarette before throwing the whole box Away.


Once Ekko Was on the third floor he sensed around for a bit before finding his target, she was sitting at the bottom of a flight of stairs and was holding her ankle like she was in pain.

There were also two more people beside her, but it didn't sound like they were even trying to help, no more like the opposite. Ekko shook his head in disappointment before making his way there.

When he was around 50 meters away he could already hear the annoying snobbish laughs of the models who were making fun of the intern.

"Hoohoho, What's wrong piggy, why aren't you getting up to get my coffee, are you that stupid, come on what's taking you so long."

" Hahaha, Wow just look at her, she should be in a barn or something, and look at how fat she is, ever heard of a salad before."

" Hahaha, Hoohoho!!" The two laghed out loud as they made fun of the intern. The two models were speaking in English and not Japanese, so they probably weren't from this country. Ekko Could recognize the English accents.

" I, I'm sorry Miss Sankey ill get them In a second, umm but could you perhaps help me up, I think I've twisted my ankle."

" Huh, What does that have to do with me, it's not my fault your to fat to hold up your own weight, stand up yourself."

The more Ekko heard the more he wanted to smack some manners into the two Prideful models. Ekko hadn't intervened yet because he was recording the conversation, but now he thinks he has everything that he needs.

" Humph!! Seriously why did Anne even hire a pig like..." Though her insults were interrupted by Ekko's Sudden entrance

" Hey, what are you girls still doing here don't you know Sasha's been waiting for all of you, why aren't you there already."

At first, the three girls were confused, but when the two models saw Ekko their eye's lit up. Clearly liking what they saw. Even the girl on the floor couldn't help but admit Ekko was definitely a handsome young man.

" Hey, are you okay, looks like you hurt yourself. I'll take you to the nurse's office." Ekko completely Ignored the two models and walked straight to the girl on the floor.

The models dident feel comfortable with how Ekko was ignoring them and interrupted him." Hey, could you perhaps show us where we need to go, it's our First day here and we would really appreciate the help."

The model with the weird Santa laugh asked as she brought her hand to Ekkos shoulders, and she liked what she felt.

In her mind, she had already decided that she would taste Ekko before she left Japan, with her looks and fame it was basically guaranteed.

Though Ekkos next action Shocked the trio as Ekko slapped her hand off his shoulders." It's on the second floor, and there are signs showing you where to go. Now if you'll excuse me I need to take this young lady to the nurse."

" If it's about the pi...her don't worry I already called someone they should be coming soon, we really don't know..." Though she was interrupted again by Ekko suddenly picking up the Intern in a princess hold like it was nothing.

The two models and even the injured girl were shocked at how effortlessly Ekko lifted her. You had to know she definitely wasn't considered skinny by any stretch, and even 3 men working together would probably struggle to carry someone her size.

" I-I please put me down, it's dangerous and I'm hea..."

" Light, you're pretty light, to be honest, now let's get you to the nurse." Ekko said to the embarrassment of the intern and the shock of the models.

As Ekko walked away he never noticed that when the intern Looked back at the still-shocked models, She gave them a sly smile that sent shivers down their spines before she went back to her awkward, embarrassed persona.

" By the way what's your name miss." Ekko asked as he wanted to inform Ruben of this little incident later.

" U-um, it's, It's...Kirio, Kirio Hikifune...my name that is."

" Kirio Hikifune huh!! A beautiful name for a pretty girl. You can call me Ekko, Miss Hikifune...Umm, could I ask you something?"

" Y-yes!?!?" Kirio responded, not knowing what Ekko was going to ask.

" Haha, well um, do you know where the nurse's office is." Ekko asked embarrassedly as he had never been here before.

