
Transported to a parallel fictional world[Hiatus]

https://www.patreon.com/Totherwindow1 Ekko Makena Afia was a normal teenager boy, but that all changed what he completed a survey that mey or may not have been made by a Rob. Now in a completely New Earth from his own how will he deal with Boob robbing Ninja, aliens from space, a gloutonus dragon and a apartment hot spring that seems to attract women from all walks of life. ( This story will contain manga, anime some hentais and some Manwhas as well. The story setting is in modern Earth but with a few magical twists.) Update schedule: Whenever I have time as I work.

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
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136 Chs

Chapter 44

Though when he looked down he saw his little brother was up and rearing to go." Sorry Little guy, maybe another day." He was really starting to get frustrated with not having Sex, and Rangikus Teasing and Eris's Kiss dident make it any easier.

Ekko looked at his right hand like he was looking at an old friend." Welp looks like it's just me and you old buddy."


{Two Days Later: Yakushi Inn}

Ekko woke up and did his usual routine like brushing his teeth Taking a quick shower and making Breakfast, though now he wasn't just making it for himself but for two more now.

That was Eris the Catian space girl and Rangiku the Aspiring Model.

Ekko still couldn't wrap his head around how much has transpired over these past Two weeks or so, though it did make life more interesting.

"Haa...~, Isent this great there's so much entertainment." Eris Said as she Scrolled through all the TV Channels.

Ekko popped his head out of the kitchen and saw Eris Laying on a love cushion with a bright smile on her face. She stopped Scrolling however when she got to the Spanish Talanovela Chanel.

[Mi Amore, lo Siento por favor perdona...]


The man slapped her across the face before making a dramatic Exit.

{Cries in Spanish.}

The woman in tears just sits on the floor, not noticing that there was another in the room hiding.

Eris's ears twitched and she decides to stay on that channel. Ekko let out a soft chuckle as just like Ruben it seems like Eris also likes Drama type Shows.

After checking on Eris Ekko goes back to the kitchen to finish Breakfast. He made Eris Some Salmon, Himself an omurice, and made Rangiku a katsu bowl.

He called out to Eris but she didn't take her eyes off the Tv, so he decided to call Rangiku but she didn't answer either, she was probably still asleep.

So he walks up to her bedroom and knocks but didn't receive a reply, so he knocks again but the same thing happens." This lazy little..."

Ekko Opened the Door to a pitch black Room and saw a hump under a Duvet.

" Wake up Rangiku, It's already 10 o'clock, and don't you have something to do this afternoon with Ruben."

"No! I Refuse To Leave this futon." Rangiku responded with sas, refusing to get out of bed.

" Wake up will you Breakfast is already done and if you don't eat now it will get cold." Ekko Quiped back. He was really Tempted to just open the blinds and let her suffer.


" Seriously, It's not even Winter plus you're a human, not an animal!" Ekko said, taking a step closer to the blinds.

" Get with the Times Ekki, I can be whoever I want to be, and right now I identity as a bear." Rangiku responded thinking she had won the Argument but instead she heard a Swooshing sound before her duvet was forcefully pulled off her, exposing her to daylight.

"Hisssssss! It burns" Rangiku Said, acting over Dramatic. But Ekko Ignored her antics and Picked her up in a Bridal carry shocking Rangiku.

" P-Put me down Ekko!"


Needless to say, Ekko won this battle. And Rangiku was forced to get out of bed.


At the Dinner Table, there were Ekko, Rangiku, and Eris Who Ekko had to Also forcefully drag out of the living room as she wouldn't take her eyes off the TV.


"What are you doing?" Ekko asked looking at Rangiku who refused to eat but instead opened her mouth, expecting something.

"I fell asleep on my boobs so now they're sore and numb and I can't lift my arms or they will kill me, so you have to feed me or I won't eat."

" Well if that's the case then...YOU IDIOT JUST EAT ALREADY." Ekko said As he Nugeed Rangiku.

" Itetetetet, Ekko that' hurts, stop Your going to give me a bold spot, then how will I Walk on the catwalk."

After Ekko lets go of Rangiku she finally started eating though it seems like she wasn't lying as even though she was hiding it he could still see her Uncomfortable Micro expressions.

"*Sigh* Here, open wide!" Ekko suddenly said Picking Up Some Katsu and Rice with his Chopsticks. Rangiku Smiled Happily While Being fed by Ekko.

"Ahhhh, Nom~"

Eris looked Curious At the two's actions and got an Idea."Ekko-Nya!"

"Huh! Something the matter Eris."Ekko asked turning his attention to Eris, only to see her Repeating Rangikus Actions.

"Nyaaaaaaaaaaa!!~"Eris Humed as she opened her mouth.

Ekko was about To Refuse as he already Had his Hands Full with Rangiku, but Stopped his train of thought when he saw Her Ears Droop in Sadness.

In the end, He ended up Feeding Both girls their Breakfast and Quickly Finished his Omurice After. Around An Hour Later Rangiku Left for Work and so it was just Him and Eris In the House.

Ekko thought about what he could do and Noticed That There wasn't Any more Wood Stock for the fireplace. He had a heater but It would be Nice To Turn on the fire furnace once winter comes around.

So Ekko Put On some Overalls, a Wife beater and bought an Axe From the System Shop.

It belonged To some Lumberjack that killed a wolf and saved A Red Hooded maiden.

Since the Show Eris Was Watching Didn't Have any more Episodes Until the Next Week She decided to relax on the porch and watch Ekko as he worked up a sweat-chopping Wood.

It wasn't Hard For Someone like Ekko To chop wood for hours and not get Tired But He also Increased the weight of his seals so it was more of a challenge.

{1 hour Later/Chank, Cla, Rip.}

Ekko Split A log With His Bear Hands and Looked at all his hard Work. There was a massive pile of Wood Ready for this coming Winter. Though He decided to just cut a few more and he would be done.

"Nya~ Here you go Ekko!" Eris said as she offered him a towel to wipe off All the sweat he had accumulated. At a certain point, Ekko Had taken off his wife beater and was topless for most of the wood chopping.

In the future when Rangiku Hears about this She will complain to Ruben for an hour straight for making her work On that Day.


"Huh!" Ekko And Eris Perked up when grey heard the doorbell ring. Looks like someone came to visit, it was most likely Granny Chio coming to just say Hello.

" Oh, I'll get It.~" Eris volunteered Enthusiastically as she Jogged To the Front Entrance. Ekko just continued to cut wood as he was almost finished. He Stopped His chopping When Eris Came back, though not With Granny Chio but With a complete Stranger.

"Ummm, sorry to disturb you, but Is this perchance Yakushi Inn." The Yellow shirt Buxom woman asked, in an uncertain tone. Though Her eyes couldn't help but quickly Inspect Ekkos Phisiche before Quickly trying to look someplace else.


Ekko Placed the Axe Down." Yes, It is, Are you perhaps here for the Open Rentals." Ekko asked as that would be the only explanation as to why She came here. Besides that Maybe She was a friend's of his dad, but that's it.

{Note: Host Your first Rental Has Arrived, today is the day Of her Move in.}

'Wait, Why Didn't I know this, I thought They'd be coming in a few weeks Not in a few days. And why Didn't you inform me that she would be coming Today?

{ The host Never Asked, and if you had checked You would have known.}'Ugh, Point taken.' Ekko thought as he really did forget to check the system for updates.

"Yes I am, we've Aleady exchanged Emails a few times But Let me Introduce My self, I'm Masane Amaha, It's a pleasure to finally meet You Mr. Lanlord, you have a beautiful Home. Thank you for opening it up to me."

Ekko nodded" It's nice to meet you too Amaha-san, sorry that I'm not in any proper clothing to Greet you, I'm Ekko Makena Afia, I hope you enjoy Your stay Here at Yakushi Inn."