
Transported to a parallel fictional world[Hiatus]

https://www.patreon.com/Totherwindow1 Ekko Makena Afia was a normal teenager boy, but that all changed what he completed a survey that mey or may not have been made by a Rob. Now in a completely New Earth from his own how will he deal with Boob robbing Ninja, aliens from space, a gloutonus dragon and a apartment hot spring that seems to attract women from all walks of life. ( This story will contain manga, anime some hentais and some Manwhas as well. The story setting is in modern Earth but with a few magical twists.) Update schedule: Whenever I have time as I work.

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
136 Chs

Chapter 16

So she made her way back to his house but not before drinking to get rid of her nerves.

She had knocked and shouted repeatedly for Ekko but it didn't seem like he was home, so she decides she would wait until he came back. But instead, she ended up getting tipsy and falling asleep at his front door.


{New scenario in progress, New choices have been generated, Choices...}

1)Rangiku has offered her Body to you. Accept Rangikus's offer and Sleep with her the entire night. ( 3500 Ip And the cloak of invisibility)

2) Accept Rangikus Offer but halfway through stop and say you don't want to do this anymore. ( 2000 Tp And a Motorcycle of your choosing)

3) Deny Rangikus Offer and Kick her out of the house. ( 1000 Tp And 1000 Ip)

4)Ignore all Choices given. ( 500 Ip )

Ekko was silent for a few seconds before he lifted his hand, towards Rangikus face.

Rangiku thought that that gesture was his confirmation of accepting her proposal, but instead, Ekko grabbed the back of her head and pushed her down to his chest before grabbing the blanket to cover the both of them.

" I'm too tired, just go to sleep," Ekko said with a yawn. Ekko could practically feel Rangikus emotions from confusion to anger.

To be honest Ekko was really tempted to accept Rangiku's proposal. Not only was Rangiku beautiful but she had an amazing body, he could feel her warmth and softness on his hips and her breasts felt amazing pressed against his chest. He was using his willpower alone to not get an erection.

But he knew now wasn't the right time for a one-night stand. She was vulnerable and not in the right head space to make logical decisions.

Rangiku didn't seem to be the type to make a false accusation but a brother needs to protect himself from those kinds of situations.

{Badump, Ba-dump, badump}

Rangiku could hear Ekko's rhythmic heartbeat against her ear. It was so soothing and comforting. She felt his fingers run down her Orange red locks and his other hand wrap around her thin exposed waist.

"Am I not pretty enough for you." She asked subconsciously.' I must not be his type Otherwise why else would he not be interested in her body? That is unless...Huh! Could he be gay?'

{Flick}" Itetetete!!!"

Ekko suddenly flicked her forehead hard." Hey!! What was that for." She lifted her head and pouted at Ekko. But all Ekko saw Rangiku as was a cute pouting bunny.

'Cute!' He thought before replying" You were talking out loud, and no I'm not Gay. Rangiku I Don't know why you suddenly want to lose your v card and why you seem so adamant about losing it to me, but I'm not going to be used to get back at someone else."

Rangiku froze when she heard those words.'So he could tell all that from my Attitude. Am I that easy to read?'

"You never answered my question, am I not beautiful, or do you already have a girl your interested in." Rangiku tried to change the topic

"You're a very beautiful woman Matsumoto-san, but we've only known each other for less than a day, I'm not that easy to sleep with." He said looking into her eyes.

" Really I think that's just an excuse, most boys your age would cream their pants to just get the opportunity to sleep with an older woman...

maybe you are Gay and you've just not come out yet, that's fine you know many—mhhh."

Rangiku was shut up when Ekko suddenly kissed her. He brushed his lips against her's and then he separated from her. Rangikus's mind was coming up blank, she didn't know how to react, but she couldn't help but love the sudden Bubbly feeling in her chest.

She wanted to say something snappy but Ekko didn't give her the opportunity to as his lips locked with hers a second time.

She felt his tongue play with hers and his Woody scent gently wafted into her nose. She didn't know whether it was his natural scent or a colone but nevertheless loved it.

His lips were softer than she thought they would be and they felt warm against hers.' My body feels so hot pressed against his.' She could hear her own heart racing a thousand beats per second.'So this is was what a kiss feels like.' She could get addicted to this feeling.

Ekko felt similar but as he had more experience he led Rangiku and she followed his lead obediently like a cute kitten. Her lips still tasted like Alcohol but that was a given considering she had not brushed her teeth.

As the kiss continued the butterfly's in rangikus stomach continued to flutter...that was until Ekko had leaned back-breaking their kiss.

" I won't say it again, I'm not gay, now go to sleep." Ekko didn't care what she had to say afterward and went straight to sleep, leaving blushing and confused Rangiku to her own devices.

{ Choice 4 has been picked and completed, congratulations, now awarding the user with 500 Ip}

'Looks like I'm going to have to complete that task earlier than expected.'

It took Rangiku 30 minutes before she calmed down again. She stared at Ekko angrily before she couldn't control herself and started laughing.

She moved her body so that she was using Ekkos arm as a pillow. She looked at Ekko's sleeping face and subconsciously touched her lips." I really am an idiot." Rangiku wanted to stay awake for a bit longer but it would seem that Her Ekko pillow was just too comfortable.

After half a year of always having sleep problems, Rangiku had finally had a good night's rest.


Ekko woke up the next morning in a happy mood. That futon was really a godsend. He looked around and saw that Rangiku wasn't there on the futon with him, so she must have left.

Last night just to make sure Rangiku didn't get too suspicious about her feet' injuries he had gotten rid of the Bloody footprints and even left the front gates open a bit just in case she decided she wanted to leave earlier.

Ekko got up and did his daily routine and then he put on some Lose black Joggers and a white North Face Hoodie. Today he wasn't going to go to the Gym but instead find that cat Mr. Chubberes.

Ekko made his way downstairs to the kitchen but smelt something on his way there. It smelt like fish and miso soup.

Ekko walked past his living room and into the kitchen.

Rangiku had surprisingly not left but instead in his kitchen cooking a traditional Japanese breakfast.

Rangiku hearing light footsteps behind her turned around." Oh, your up, good timing, I just finished making breakfast. All that's left is to fluff the rice!!"

Rangiku said in a chipper mood. The way she looked now was far cry from what she looked like last night.

" You...your still here... and what happened to the clothes I gave you, why are you only wearing my T-shirt." Though she did look amazing in it, he was still confused.

" Oh, this!! Hehe, this is just your little reward, see it as thanks for yesterday, what you don't like it." She said in a meaningful tone. She even lifted the hem a bit to tease him.

Ekko wasn't going to deny her claim. He really did like it on her but the problem wasn't whether he liked it or not, the problem was whether he was ever going to get it back. He's had too many girlfriends steal his Hoddies in the past...would Rangiku Steal his Shirt?

Ekko then looked at her breasts. She wasn't wearing a bra which shocked him. Rangiku looked at Ekkos eyes and saw how her breasts caught his stare. Smiling like a mink she pulled the collar down to show her deep cleavage.

" You really like my breasts don't you, sigh, and to think you had the chance to touch them as much as you liked yesterday, too bad." She lifted the t-shirt back up and spun around back to the kitchen.

'Haha' Ekko knew she was teasing him but he didn't mind.

He had gathered that Rangiku was the flirty type who liked to show off her stuff but the moment you initiated on her offerers she would act like a schoolgirl experiencing her first love.

Bit of a longer chapter.

TotherWindow1creators' thoughts