
Transported into the cultivation world

Our MC has made a bold choice: to be transported to a mystical cultivation world. With a clear goal in mind, she sets out to build her own sect and carve out a life filled with adventure.

USMEX_DSantiago · Eastern
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11 Chs

The Oceanic Sect

{The MC is in the Eternis continent}

The morning sun filters through the dense canopy of the forest as Yutian Wei and I make our way through the tranquil surroundings. Birds chirp in harmony, and the crisp air is filled with the scent of pine and earth. Despite the beauty, Yutian's small stomach begins to grumble, and he tugs at my sleeve.

"Master, why didn't we eat at the inn? I'm hungry," he complains, his innocent eyes looking up at me.

A small smile tugs at my lips as I glance down at him. "We didn't eat there because I'm going to introduce you to a new kind of food today," I reply, my tone filled with a hint of mystery.

Yutian's curiosity is piqued, but his hunger overrides his patience. "What kind of food, Master?"

I simply chuckle and ignore his question, my mind already turning inward as I begin a mental conversation with my system. 'System, show me different types of one-time shelters.'

'Displaying options.' The system responds swiftly, presenting various shelter designs in my mind. I quickly select one that appears both comfortable and impressive.

Yutian watches in awe as I raise my hand, and with a subtle flick of my wrist, a small, cozy hut begins to materialize in front of us. The structure forms from the earth itself, roots entwining to create walls and leaves weaving together to form a roof. Within moments, a charming, rustic shelter stands before us.

"Wow!" Yutian exclaims, his eyes wide with wonder.

I smile knowingly, enjoying his amazement. "Magic!," I say dramatically, though I know he doesn't fully grasp the concept.

We both step inside the shelter, and as I close the door behind us, I turn my focus back to the system. 'System, summon orange juice and two plates of pancakes, eggs, and bacon.'

'Summoning…' The system's response is immediate. Before me, on a simple wooden table, appear two plates laden with fluffy pancakes, golden eggs, and crispy bacon, accompanied by two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice.

"A typical American breakfast," I declare with a flourish, catching Yutian's attention.

"American? What's that?" Yutian asks, his curiosity once again getting the better of him.

I wave a hand dismissively, a gentle smile on my face. "It's not important. Just forget about it."

However, Yutian's young mind is already spinning with imagination. "America must be where the immortals live!" he concludes, his eyes shining with excitement.

I chuckle softly, deciding to let him hold onto his newfound belief for now. "Perhaps," I say, indulging his fantasy. "Now, let's eat."

Together, we sit at the table and enjoy the meal. Yutian's enthusiasm and wonder fill the shelter, making this simple moment feel like a grand adventure.

Yutian Wei sleeps soundly on my shoulder as we walk aimlessly through the forest, with no specific destination in mind. The gentle rise and fall of his breath are a comforting reminder of the innocence I am now responsible for. We've been walking for about an hour, the forest gradually giving way to the whispering breeze of the late morning.

I turn my thoughts inward, initiating a conversation with my system. 'System, where should I establish my sect?'

'The mountains,' the system responds immediately.

I sigh. 'Too typical. Everyone chooses the mountains.'

'Then why not the ocean? If you want absolute secrecy, that's your best bet.'

At first, I was skeptical. 'The ocean? Really?'

'Think about it,' the system begins, clearly relishing the opportunity to persuade me. 'Seclusion, difficult to reach for any uninvited guests, a unique environment for cultivating techniques tied to water. Not to mention, imagine the view—a grand sect rising from the waves, shrouded in mist and mystery.'

I ponder his points, and slowly, the idea starts to appeal to me. The vision of a sect amidst the ocean, hidden from prying eyes, begins to form in my mind. 'You might be onto something,' I admit, albeit reluctantly.

'Of course I am,' the system replies, a hint of gloating in its tone.

I roll my eyes mentally. 'Alright, how long will it take to get there?'

'At your current pace, about five days. But with your cultivation speed, you could get there in an instant.'

I glance down at Yutian, still peacefully asleep against me. 'I can't do that. His body wouldn't withstand the energy required for such a rapid journey.'

'You're always so cautious,' the system says, and I can almost feel it rolling its metaphorical eyes. 'What if you used minimal cultivation? You could shorten the journey significantly without harming the boy. You'd arrive in just one day.'

'Now that's a reasonable suggestion,' I reply, feeling the system's smugness grow.

'See? I'm full of good ideas,' it quips.

'Duly noted,' I conceded

As we continue our journey, my mind buzzes with plans for the ocean sect. The idea has taken root, and I find myself more excited by the prospect with each passing step. Yutian stirs slightly, his tiny hand clutching my robe, and I can't help but smile. The journey ahead may be long, but with the promise of a unique and secluded sanctuary at the end, it will undoubtedly be worth it.

We finally arrive at the ocean shore, the vast expanse of water stretching out before us, glistening under the midday sun. Yutian Wei is now perched on my shoulder, his tiny hands gripping my robes as he peers curiously at the endless blue. I had explained my plan for the sect to him during our journey, and though he was initially confused, a bit more explanation finally made him understand.

"We're building our sect in the middle of the ocean," I remind him, my voice calm and confident.

Yutian tilts his head, his brows furrowing. "But, Master, how can we walk on water?"

I smile, stepping onto the surface of the water with ease. "With the technique I discovered in the Ethereal Nexus Realm, of course. It's called the Aqua Strider's Grace." I had found this technique while scouring through the Library, and I had copied it onto paper to share with my disciples in the future.

Yutian's eyes widen as he watches me, a mixture of awe and excitement on his face. "Can I learn it too, Master?"

"One day, when you're ready," I assure him, patting his small hand. "For now, just hold on tight."

At a normal speed, it would take around 35 days to reach the location I have in mind. However, with my minimal cultivation speed, we'll get there in just 7 days. 

'System, activate Aqua Strider's Grace and maintain minimal speed,' I command mentally.

'Activating. You know, this is quite the scenic route. Not bad for someone who usually prefers quick solutions,' the system teases.

I smirk. 'Not all of us are in a rush to get everywhere, you know. Some of us enjoy the journey.'

'Sure, sure,' the system replies, a hint of amusement in its tone. 'Enjoy your leisurely stroll on water.'

As we glide across the surface, I use the time to point out various sea creatures to Yutian. We see radiant Moonlit Koi leaping from the water, their scales shimmering with an ethereal glow. At one point, a giant Serpent Turtle surfaces, its massive shell adorned with glowing runes and aquatic flora.

"Master, what's that?" Yutian exclaims, pointing to a creature with fins that spark with tiny bolts of electricity.

"I believe that's a Thunderfin Eel," I say, recalling a passage from my Library. "Its electric fins can stun its prey and defend against predators."

Yutian's eyes widened in amazement. "So cool! Can we have one as a pet?"

I chuckle. "Maybe one day, when we're more settled."

During our breaks, I take the opportunity to set up different types of protective barriers. The system guides me in creating an intricate web of defenses, ensuring our future sect will be safe from intruders. We also install portals for easy travel, making sure that once the sect is established, my disciples will be able to come and go with ease.

'System, activate the Mirage Veil Barrier,' I instruct.

'Activated. No one will see you unless you want them to. Quite the cloak and dagger approach,' the system remarks.

'I prefer to think of it as strategic invisibility,' I counter, a grin spreading across my face.

'Potato, po-tah-to,' the system quips.

On the seventh day, we finally reach our destination—a serene spot far from the shores, where the water is a deep, mesmerizing blue. Yutian looks around in wonder as I begin to establish the foundations of our sect, summoning structures from the system and setting up the main hall.

"Master, this place is amazing!" Yutian says, his eyes sparkling.

"It will be our sanctuary," I tell him, feeling a swell of pride and anticipation. "A place where we can grow and learn, away from the eyes of the world."

As we continue our work, the system occasionally chimes in with helpful suggestions—and the occasional sarcastic remark. But despite its jabs, I know it's as invested in this venture as I am. Together, we are building something extraordinary, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for our oceanic sect.

In the Nocturne Continent, within the prestigious Heavenly Jade Sect, stood an elderly man who appeared to be in his late sixties but was actually in his hundreds. His presence exuded an aura of strength and wisdom characteristic of one at the late stage of the Great Ascension Realm. This was the sect leader, his face lined with both age and the weight of his responsibilities. He stood by the window, his gaze fixed anxiously on the horizon, lost in thought.

A sharp knock on the door interrupted his reverie. "Come in," he commanded, his voice steady but laced with underlying tension.

A middle-aged cultivator entered, bowing deeply and clasping his fists in respect. "Sect Leader," he began, his tone hesitant.

"What have you found?" the sect leader demanded, turning to face the cultivator with a piercing gaze.

The cultivator's face tightened with anxiety. "We found nothing, Sect Leader," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Fury surged through the sect leader. He slammed his hand onto his ornate desk, the sound echoing through the chamber. "How could you find no trace of my son, his wife, or my grandson?" he roared, the frustration clear in his eyes.

The cultivator immediately fell to his knees, trembling. "I deserve death for my failure," he pleaded.

The sect leader waved his hand dismissively, a gesture both weary and resigned. "No," he said, his voice softer now. "My son is a genius. If you can't find him, it means he doesn't want to be found."

The cultivator bowed even lower, then slowly rose and left the room, the weight of his failure heavy on his shoulders.

The sect leader sighed deeply, sinking into his chair. His mind drifted back to the tumultuous events that had led to this moment. He couldn't believe his youngest son had not yet forgiven him.

When he first discovered that his son had married a cultivator with no background, rage had consumed him. He had meticulously arranged a marriage between his son and the Radiant Dawn Sect leader's youngest daughter, a union that promised to strengthen both sects' positions and prestige. To find his son had defied his wishes felt like a direct affront to his authority.

In a fit of uncontrollable anger, he had expelled his son from the sect, cutting ties in a moment of blind fury. But with time, the political landscape had shifted, and a new arrangement had been forged—this time between his grandson and the Radiant Dawn Sect leader's granddaughter. This alliance promised mutual benefits, including establishing an official connection for trade and combined efforts in defending against the evil sects.

When the sect leader's rage had finally cooled, he realized the depth of his mistake. Casting aside his pride, he had reached out to his son, almost begging him to return as his heir. Yutian Liang had initially refused, his heart hardened by the harsh treatment. However, after much pressure from his father and the sect's grand elders, he had agreed to return under the condition of unconditional support for him and his family. Yet, in the end, it seemed he had changed his mind once more.

The sect leader rubbed his temples, trying to alleviate the headache that had become a constant companion. He loved his son deeply, not just for him being a genius but because he was the only child he had with the woman he had ever truly loved. The realization that he had forsaken his true son gnawed at his conscience.

He rose from his chair and paced the room, his movements restless and filled with regret. He decided then and there to let his son go, to allow him to live his life as he wished. All he could hope for now was to see them again in the future, to finally meet his grandson and perhaps, in some small way, make amends.

With one final glance out the window, the sect leader whispered to himself, "Yutian Liang, may you find the peace and happiness that eluded us here. I hope our paths cross again, and when they do, I will be ready to make things right."

His heart heavy yet resolved, the sect leader returned to his duties, carrying the weight of his decisions and the hope for reconciliation in the future.

Seven years had passed since the first structure of the Oceanic Sect had been erected; now, it had blossomed into a majestic town. Despite its current emptiness, meticulously maintained grounds and architecture gave it an air of expectancy. The buildings, fashioned from a blend of red, black, and gold wood and marble, were poised as if anticipating the arrival of future inhabitants. Each edifice stood grand and imposing, a testament not only to the meticulous craftsmanship invested in their construction but also to the unwavering care devoted to their upkeep over the years.

In the heart of this serene yet vibrant settlement, the largest structure—the grand hall—shone with intricate carvings. Inside, Alexandra sat at a table, focused on carving a small wooden figure of a whimsical hybrid between a Pegasus and a dragon. Her hands moved with precision, shaping the creature with care.

'It's coming along nicely,' the system remarked in her mind, its tone laced with familiar sarcasm. 'Especially for someone with your talents.'

'Gee, thanks,' Alexandra muttered, rolling her eyes as she made a particularly delicate cut.

Just then, the large double doors swung open, and in strode Yutian Wei, now nine years old and brimming with energy. He practically bounced across the room, his excitement palpable.

"Master!" he called out, his voice ringing through the hall. "I did it! I finally made a breakthrough into the Core Formation Realm!"

Alexandra looked up, a broad smile spreading across her face. She set the carving aside and stood to greet her disciple. "Congratulations, Yutian! That's incredible news."

Yutian beamed with pride. "I think I deserve a reward for this, don't you think? Especially since I'm turning ten soon."

Alexandra chuckled. "You know, I did tell you that we wouldn't go looking for new disciples until you broke through to the Core Formation Realm and until the sect building was finished."

Yutian nodded eagerly. "And we finished the sect five months ago! I've been working so hard to break through so I could finally go back into the world."

She raised an eyebrow, playfully. "Oh, you've been working hard, have you? I seem to recall a certain someone sneaking off to play with those Moonlit Koi more than once."

Yutian's face turned a light shade of pink. "Well, maybe a little break here and there," he admitted sheepishly.

Alexandra laughed. "Alright, alright. You've earned it. We'll go out and explore. But remember, the world out there isn't all Moonlit Koi and Thunderfin Eels. There are dangers too."

Yutian puffed out his chest, trying to look brave. "I know, Master. But I'm ready. I've been training really hard."

The system, unheard by Yutian, couldn't resist a quip. 'Well, let's just hope his fishing skills have improved as much as his cultivation.'

Alexandra stifled a laugh at the system's remark, then ruffled Yutian's hair. "Alright, let's prepare. We'll leave at dawn."

As Yutian ran off to gather his things, she returned to her carving, a smile still playing on her lips. The sect was complete, and her disciple had grown strong. Now, it was time to face the world together, and she couldn't be more proud of the journey ahead.

'By the way,' the system added, 'You should really finish that Pegasus-dragon hybrid. It might just become the sect's new mascot.'

Alexandra shook her head, chuckling softly. "Maybe I will, system. Maybe I will."