
Transported into the cultivation world

Our MC has made a bold choice: to be transported to a mystical cultivation world. With a clear goal in mind, she sets out to build her own sect and carve out a life filled with adventure.

USMEX_DSantiago · Eastern
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11 Chs

The ‘Lovely’ Yutian Family

'I can't believe you actually did it.' The system's disbelief echoed in my mind, dripping with incredulity.

I was waiting at the sect's entrance for Yutian, and before I could respond, a thud interrupted our conversation. Yutian stood there, mouth agape, staring so intensely that I feared his jaw might lock in place. His bag had tumbled to the ground, scattering the meticulously packed items he had prepared for our journey.

"What... what kind of beast is that?" Yutian stammered, eyes fixed on the magnificent creature beside me.

"This," I said, patting the creature's neck, "is a Pegasus-Dragon hybrid." The hybrid was a sight to behold: dark blue with the head of a dragon and silver scales that shimmered in the light. Its body was that of a mighty Pegasus, clad in sleek armor, with powerful wings folded gracefully against its sides.

"Can I pet it?" Yutian asked, not daring to look away.

"Of course," I replied with a grin.

He approached with caution, but the amazement in his eyes didn't diminish for a moment. I laughed and said, "There's nothing to fear. He's a gentle creature. Like a big, scaly puppy."

"How and when did you tame such a majestic creature?" he asked, his voice filled with awe.

"I didn't just tame him," I said proudly. "I created him using the sect's secret technique. I'll make one for you when you break through to the next realm."

Yutian's eyes lit up with determination at the promise, practically glowing with excitement.

We then quickly both mounted the hybrid, and it slowly stepped onto the ocean water. As it started to run, the waves danced beneath its hooves, spraying mist in our wake.

"Why don't we just fly?" Yutian asked, confusion written all over his face.

'Yeah, why don't we?' the system chimed in with its usual sarcasm. 'Oh wait, I know. Because you love making things difficult.'

I smirked. "Because we look way cooler riding a beast on the ocean water."

Yutian could only roll his eyes. "Cooler? Really?"

"Yes, really," I said, glancing at him. "Have you ever seen anyone do this in your lifetime?"

"Well, no, but still..."

"Exactly!" I exclaimed. "Besides, it's not every day you get to combine surfing and horseback riding."

The system snorted. 'You're impossible.'

'And you're a disembodied voice in my head,' I shot back.


I laughed, and Yutian stared at me, used to his master's eccentricities.

As the hybrid picked up speed, the wind whipped through our hair, and the sea sparkled beneath us. The banter continued, lightening the journey across the shimmering sea.


In the outskirts of the Heavenly Jade Sect, bathed in the soft glow of the full moon, three figures stood in a tense tableau. The first, a man in his early thirties, was dressed in opulent blue and gold robes that shimmered in the silvery light. His name was Yutian Qiang, the son of the First Elder and the first grandson of the sect leader. His eyes blazed with anger as he stared down at the two men kneeling before him.

The men in black, their mouths hidden behind masks, trembled under Yutian Qiang's furious gaze. They had been summoned to answer for a grievous oversight: the disappearance of his uncle's body, an event that had occurred seven years ago after Yutian Qiang had orchestrated the assassination of his uncle and his family. Qiang had only just discovered this critical detail, and his anger was palpable.

"Why wasn't I informed about the disappearance?" Yutian Qiang's voice was a low, dangerous growl, cutting through the stillness of the night.

The men in black opened their mouths to respond, but a voice from the shadows interrupted them, calm yet authoritative.

A middle-aged man stepped into the moonlight, his presence commanding instant respect. It was Yutian Xiang, the First Elder and the eldest son of the sect leader. His arrival was like a ripple through the tension, bringing a momentary stillness.

"Father," Yutian Qiang greeted, bowing his head in deference.

"First Elder," the men in black echoed, lowering their heads even further.

Yutian Xiang's gaze was steady and unyielding as he addressed his son. "I ordered them not to tell you about the disappearance."

Yutian Qiang's eyes widened with shock and confusion. "But why, Father? Why would you keep such a crucial detail from me?"

Yutian Xiang's expression remained impassive. "Because it was not significant."

"Not significant?" Qiang repeated, incredulous. "How can you say that?"

"In that dangerous forest, filled with powerful beasts, many bizarre things happen all the time," Xiang explained, his voice calm and measured. "Bodies vanish, devoured by the creatures that dwell there. The forest itself conceals the evidence, often covering the ground with trees or flowers. Your uncle's remains were likely consumed, and the forest, in its mysterious way, cleaned the mess for us."

Yutian Qiang's brow furrowed as he struggled to comprehend. "But what if—"

"Enough," Yutian Xiang interrupted, his tone final. "That is what my bastard brother least deserved. To die in obscurity, forgotten by the very forest he once roamed."

The words hung in the air, a grim verdict that left no room for further argument. Yutian Qiang and the men in black could only nod in agreement, the weight of the First Elder's words pressing down on them.

The first light of dawn crept over the horizon, casting a golden glow on the landscape. Yutian Wei and I climbed off Drakeon, our majestic Pegasus-Dragon hybrid, and stretched our limbs. The view was breathtaking—a sea of rolling hills, dotted with emerald forests and kissed by the morning mist.

"Where should we go next?" I asked Yutian. "Maybe we should visit your parents at the cemetery."

Yutian shook his head, a thoughtful expression on his face. "We will, but first, I want to explore a town."

I nodded in agreement, then mentally called upon my system. 'Hey, where's the closest town?'

'It's a day's journey away on foot,' the system replied with its usual dryness. 'But with Drakeon, you'll be there in five minutes.'

I turned back to Yutian. "Alright, put on your mask. You know, it makes us—"

"Look cool," Yutian finished the sentence for me, grinning.

The system immediately burst into laughter. 'You two and your obsession with looking cool…'

I mentally told the system to shut up, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Let's get going."

We mounted Drakeon again, and with a powerful beat of his wings, we were airborne. The landscape below blurred into a colorful patchwork, and I couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement.

'Remember, five minutes, not five hours,' the system quipped. 'Try to stay focused, would you?'

I ignored the jab and enjoyed the ride. As we neared the town, I pointed out a few landmarks to Yutian. "Look, that must be the market square."

Yutian's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "I can't wait to see it up close."

Drakeon descended gracefully, landing a few yards away from the town gates. I quickly placed a mirage veil barrier around him to avoid attracting too much attention.

"Let's make an entrance," I said, adjusting my mask and striking a pose.

Yutian rolled his eyes but followed suit, his own mask firmly in place. Together, we strode into the town, looking every bit the mysterious cultivators we fancied ourselves to be.

'You two are ridiculous,' the system snickered. 'But at least you're entertaining.'

I couldn't help but smile. Despite the system's constant commentary, or maybe because of it, life was never dull. With Yutian at my side and Drakeon at our beck and call, there was no telling what adventures awaited us next.

As we walked through the bustling town, heads turned, and whispers followed us. We made our way to the market square, where colorful stalls and eager vendors promised a morning full of exploration and surprises.

"Alright, what's first on our agenda?" I asked, feeling the buzz of the town's energy.

Yutian grinned. "How about we find the best dumplings this town has to offer?"

I laughed. "A man after my own heart. Lead the way!"

'Just try not to get into too much trouble,' the system chimed in. 'I know how you are with food.'

We wandered through the market, sampling various delicacies and enjoying the vibrant atmosphere. It was a perfect start to what promised to be an unforgettable day.