
Chapter 8

When Luka finished looking at the changes in his system and his body he left his room to see more of his classmates heading for the throne room.

Luka went to his destination accompanied by his comrades and finally, he found himself with all his comrades in front of the access door to the throne room guarded by royal soldiers.

Luka waited with the others for the moment to meet Tiberius and after about twenty minutes the king's confidant came out of the throne room to allow Luka and the others to enter.

When Luka came in, he saw Tiberius on his throne and Nicholas was on his side with guards all along the wall of the room.

Tiberius looked at Luka and his comrades and said with a smile, "I hope you had a good rest,"

Luka's comrades nodded.

Tiberius added, "From today you will begin your training with Sir Nicolas and his men, I will let him speak so that he can explain what your training will consist of."

Luka and the others turned to Nicolas to listen to what their training will be like.

Nicholas went to them and said loudly, "In the beginning, you will strengthen your body by rigorous training so that you have a strong body and it will also serve to adapt to the mana then you will train your abilities to strengthen them and finally you will be plunged into battles against monsters, questions? "

Angel stepped forward and said, "Will I have a question?"

"You can go," said Nicolas.

Angel shook his head and asked, "How long will this training take?"

"It's going to take six months to ten months at most," Nicolas replied.

Angel nodded and stepped back.

Luka hearing the delay of Nicolas frowned and thought "Their training takes too much time and especially it is useless for me, I am already too strong and I have already participated in dead fighting, fighting against legends and I already have a good battle instinct ... "and he added" ... but I will need knowledge about this world if I want to leave here ... I already have access to the library thanks to my request to the king yesterday but it would be better to confirm it. "

Luka stepped forward and said, "Your majesty, yesterday I asked you for access to the library, could I know how to access it?"

Tiberius looked at Luka and said, "After finishing today's training, two guards will come and bring you to the library."

Luka replied, "Thank you, your majesty", but he added in his heart "I do not want your dirty fox guards."

After that Nicholas looked at the others and said "Any other questions? ... None? ... Well then."

Nicholas turned to Tiberius and said, "Your majesty I have you later." bowing.

Tiberius nodded and waved.

Nicolas turned to Luka and the others and said, "Follow me then, we'll go to the Royal Guards Training Camp."

Nicolas left the throne room followed by Luka and the others under Tiberius' gaze.

After crossing several corridors and buildings, Nicolas with the others arrived on a field as big as a football field and looking at these teenagers he said "Now you tell me what kind of abilities you have, short-range capabilities, mid-range or long-range and what it consists of. "

The high school students shook their heads and one by one Luka's comrades said what kind of abilities they have.

"I have a short range ability, I'm a knight"

"I have a long range ability, I control the ice"

"I have medium and long range ability, I can control animals"

Nicholas asked one of his men to write down everything, while he was nodding at times.

When it was Luka's turn to hide his true abilities without raising doubt for the moment then he said, "I have long-range capabilities, I can handle fire, water, earth, wind, and the lightning. "

Nicolas nodded and the man next to him continued to write.

One of the reasons that besides the knowledge of the library on this world and that he wants to take advantage of it to improve his magic skill because thanks to Solomon he has plenty of ideas to improve and the potential of magic and immeasurable.

When everyone announced his abilities and Nicolas finished noting them, Nicolas announced the beginning of the training.

He made those who had physical skills work harder by giving them nine exercises that were:

-1. Slots: To strengthen the power of the legs as well as the balance.

-2. The abdominals: To be able to make movements in all situations and to manage the balance of the upper body.

-3. Squats: For the power of the lower body, strength and protect the lower back.

-4. Running: To be able to cover long distances without lowering your foot.

-5. Burpees: To combine power, strength and muscular endurance and cardiovascular.

-6. Fractional: To have a cardio that resists all tests, especially those where you have to alternate sprints.

-7. The military development: To strengthen the upper body and to shoot and push more easily.

-8. Pumps: Basic Exercise of the Army. Allows you to have power on the upper body.

-9. Battle Simulation: To understand how to best use your abilities.

After the start of the training everyone was eager to start but came in the middle of the training everyone was tired and while Luka was like the others he felt a look and he quickly raised his head and he lives on a discreet balcony Reina, the princess.

Luka found her beautiful with her voluptuous body, long golden hair and purple eyes.

As Reina watched the "Heroes of another world" train, she felt a look directed at her, and as she lowered her eyes she saw one of the Heroes watching her.

Reina was used to the lascivious looks of men but this young man also had a look a little perverse but in a more respectful way.

Reina continued to look at her silvery eyes for a long moment in her reflections and when she finally came out of her amazement she blushed and turned to enter the palace.

Luka was surprised to see the princess blush and he thought, "It's because I'm so beautiful," Luka thought narcissistically and added, "Beauty can be a sin at times."

Luka did not know, but because he had dressed quickly in the morning, he had not noticed the changes in his body after the inheritance he had received but he was soon to discover them.

When the training was over everyone was lying on the panting floor and Luka simulated his fatigue and hid his strength thanks to the skill "martial arts without a crown: -" which was used to hide the true power of the user.

When everyone caught his breath, Nicolas said, looking at the young people, "When you're up and going to take a bath, behind you there are showers and we split them to divide men and women."

Nicolas then looked at Luka and said, "As for you, the two guards have arrived, they are here," said Nicolas, pointing to the entrance to the training ground.

Luka looked at the direction and saw two armored guards shaking their heads at Luka, who did the same.

After that Luka quickly took a shower and went to both guards and said: "We can go."

One of the guards said, "Follow us then."

Luka followed the two guards and he crossed many corridors and finally, they finally arrived in front of a pavilion.

"Here is the palace library, to enter you need a key, the king gives it to us so that you can enter it." said one of the two guards.

"Ok thank you," said Luka.

Luka waited for the library to open to get in and start reading.

Luka stayed until nine in the library until he did not even know the time until one of the guards tired of watching said "You're done, you can come back tomorrow"

"No, I'd like to stay a little longer," Luka said.

Midnight arrived and the guards said to Luka "We can not stay anymore, you have to go back to your room, hero"

Luka nodded, looking at the dark sky outside.

While Luka followed the guards to bring him to his room and the corridors were barely lit by the magic of light.

When they arrived at an intersection in the corridor, Luka's perception felt faint noises to his right and he asked the guards, "Excuse me, but what's in this corridor?"

One of the guards answered nonchalantly, "It's the quarters of the royal princess"

The other guard tugged on his comrade's elbow and said, "Oi, shut up."

"Anyway, his room is protected by a powerful magic field, there can be no intruder." answered the guard.

Hearing his friend's answer, the guard was silent and sighed as he found his argument right.

As for Luka, he had a weak smile because it's noise he could recognize but he could not make sure with these two guards, they would not follow him anymore, luckily Luka had several spells in his brain that he could use.

"Thank you, Solomon," Luka said in his heart.

"Well let's continue our way," said the guard.

Luka glanced one last time and he smirked before following the two guards to his room.

When Luka arrived in front of his room he turned around and said with a smile, "Thank you for taking me back to my room, see you guys tomorrow."

Luka turned around and went into his room and he went to sit on the desk on the left of the bed.

Luka put his chin on the back of his hands and began to work out his plan.

"I could read the whole library in three months and in three months I could dramatically improve my magic finally I can begin to master the Noble Phantasm, I could use Ars Paulina, the Noble Phantasm of Solomon who is a Reality Marble to use and control all the Noble Phantasm. " Luka thought.

Luka made a plan and decided to start absorbing Solomon's memories to master the magic before beginning to master the Noble Phantasm.

"I could absorb Solomon's knowledge in two months and in the last month I will begin to master some Phatasm Nobles, especially the Babylon Gate as it could be used as an inventory and especially when I leave here in three months I will use Vimana after finishing reading the whole library, "Luka thought.

When Luka finished planning his program for those three months, he began to analyze Solomon's magical knowledge, which he found incredible.

"Compared to the magic I have, it's like comparing a candle to a nuclear bomb, it's worthy of the King of Magic," Luka thought.

The analysis of Solomon's magical knowledge took Luka all night, and he calculated that to analyze all of Solomon's knowledge would take him four days and that he could begin to integrate his knowledge the next day.


Five days later.

During his five days, Luka finished analyzing Solomon's magical knowledge and began absorbing it, and he also knew the forces that govern this world by reading the books in the library.

This world is called Talamh and it is composed of a single supercontinent called Thir, like Pangea on Earth with archipelagos around the continent mainly to the South.

The continent is made up of nine territories:

-At the extreme North there are the Wild Lands which are inhabited by many races such as the Giants, the men of the North, beasts and other races and it is currently the front line against the Devils because they opened a portal of their world to this one to invade it and the people of the North fled to the South.

To the west of the Wild Lands, there is High-Rock, which is a people of the dwarves, and their frontiers are firmly guarded by their high mountains and their defense forts filled with machines.

East of the Wildlands is the land of the Elves called Fearann ​​and their magic serves as a deterrent to any invader.

-At the South West of the Wildlands, there is the Kingdom of Gryphen, it is a human kingdom and it is the place where it is currently.

- South of the Wildlands is the Imperium, a human empire that is based on military strength and is located in the center of the continent.

-A South of Fearann ​​there is the Black Marsh who is a people of demons.

-In the South of the Imperium, there is Elsweyr, the land of the orcs and the Free Cities which is populated by all the races of the continent.

-Finally, there is the largest archipelago which is located in the West of the Free Cities called Fiadhaich populated by beastmen.

I will create a map so that you can find it.

Chick_Thiefcreators' thoughts