
Chapter 3

Luka looked up at Nicholas's door to see a long line of people wanting to enter the capital through the door that was guarded by soldiers.

"How are we going to come in, sir?" Luka said pointing the long tail.

"We'll go through the secondary door, it's a door used only by nobles, royalty and army forces like us." said the soldier.

Luka nodded and as they passed the door Luka saw a lot of new things.

Luka saw his classmates fascinated by the things they looked at but he was fascinated by the things he was watching.

"It looks like a medieval society." Luka said then he added "but there are different races and weird shops." being impressed by what he was looking at.

Luka saw men with ox horns or a green Orc and shops selling odd things such as shining orbs that floated.

Watching this scene Luka thought, "I want to see more."

While the procession continues to advance while drawing the attention of a crowd because it was rare that the guards of the King escort people.

Finally, after several minutes they arrived at the palace and were escorted by Nicolas and his men to the throne room.

Nicolas, who was at the head of the procession, turned around and said, "Now you will meet the King, be respectful." Nicolas tells us with a serious face.

Luka nodded with the others.

Nicholas opened the huge door and a shout was heard "His Excellency Sir Nicholas and come with the Heroes of the Gods."

When they all entered the throne room Luka could observe the whole room.

"Wow, it's huge and super beautiful, worthy of a king." thought Luka.

The throne room was paved with white marble stone, and the ceiling, supported by twelve white, smooth, massive columns, was grand.

Finally, Nicholas brought them before the King who sat on a silver throne adorns with some precious stones.

"I am back your majesty," said Nicholas when he arrived before the King.

"Get up, Nicolas, you did a good job." replied the King.

"It's only my duty, your majesty," said Nicolas.

"Well, now let's talk with these young people here." the King said, looking at Luka and his comrades.

"The king looked at them, which made some of Luka's classmates nervous, and finally the King spoke.

"Welcome to our world and my kingdom, young heroes," he said with a smile.

"First of all, I'm going to introduce myself, I'm the King of Gryphen's kingdom, Tiberius," said King Tiberius.

"You know why you were summoned here no?" Tiberius asked.

Luka nodded with the others.

"Well, then you know you have to become strong to help us in the war against the Devils?" said King, then he added, "For that you will have Nicolas and his men train you to strengthen you, and when he judges you are strong enough you will start fighting monsters to gain experience, is that clear?" declared the King.

Some students stood out to ask.

"Will we be protected?"

"It's not too dangerous, is it?"

Luka could only shake his head at these naive people.

"Does he think that fighting is a game, of course, you will not be protected, you idiots." thought Luka ironically.

The King looked at those people who asked these questions and he said, "You will be under the supervision of Sir Nicolas and his men, but you may die during the fighting if you are not careful, so I advise you to train properly because I do not the more I do not want you to die here. "

Everyone who heard Tiberius' response was scared for their lives, but this fear was replaced by a strong will to live.

At this moment a man who was meeting at a butler's for the king whispered something in his ear.

The king looked at him, nodded and the man left.

The king

"It looks like my wife and daughters want to meet you." said the king to Luka and his comrades.

"The woman and the king's daughter?" Luka thought, then he added, "I hope his daughter is a beauty."

After a few minutes, the guards are accompanied by two women.

Luka seeing these two women was shocked.

"How can this old king have such a beautiful wife and daughter?" Luka thought, glancing at Tiberius who had a slight smile on his lips.

Luka looked at the king, who looked sixty years old, but still had a rather muscular body with a woman of only thirty years old.

Tiberius, ignoring Luka's thoughts, began to introduce his wife and daughter.

"This is my wife, Catherine von Russell." present Tiberius.

Catherine had a cold face with a voluptuous body and what attracted the most attention of men was her huge breast with her big ass and her mole at the corner of her lips that made her get together in front of a queen of the sexy ice cream. she had very long red hair that came to her ass.

Luka and her male friends were hypnotized by this woman, but Luka noticed that when Tiberius said "my wife," Catherine frowned.

"Mmh, why did she frown?" Luka thought curiously.

While Luka was in his thoughts, Tiberius then introduced his daughter.

"And here is my daughter, Reina Gryphen," said Tiberius.

Luka looked at Reina and he realized that she was the same age as them and unlike her cold-nosed mother who did not know everyone, Reina had a sweet smile that could feel joy, but like her mother, Reina had a voluptuous body had a huge breast with a plump ass like her mother but Reina had blond hair like the sun with violet eyes.

Luka looked at the two beauties and he thought, "It looks like sisters if we did not know they were mother and daughter," Luka thought, then added, "Damn, I'm jealous of that bastard king." Luka reflects with frustration.

While Luka was angry, Reina stepped forward and said, bowing "Hello hero, I hope you can help us in our fight against evil, thank you for your help."

While listening to Reina several boys have said that they will help in the victory against the devils.

Luka looked at Reina and he could see she was a little nervous because her hands were shaking a little.

At that moment one voice stands out and says "Your highness, do not worry, we will all help you defeat the devils, you will trust us." it was Angel who spoke and headed for Reina, placing one knee on the ground like the old knights on Earth.

Luka could not help but be disgusted. "Bleurgh, fucking hypocritical boy.

Luka knew that Angel was changing like a sock, and he noticed that many girls were jealous of Reina.

"All blind idiots." Luka thought with pity.

Luka saw that even Vanessa was jealous even though she was hiding him.

Reina who was in front of Angel replied with a small smile, "Thank you for your cooperation, hero." then she went back to her mother's side.

Luka saw that Angel was a little frustrated at not having impressed Reina "Well done for you!" Luka thought with joy.

At that moment the Tiberius looked at everyone and said, "So, do you still have any questions, otherwise you can go and rest in rooms that have been prepared for you because we know you would be tired."

Everyone wanted to rest because all these events had exhausted them so they only wanted to rest.

Luka reflected and concluded that he wanted to have more knowledge about this world to prepare for his departure from the castle after having enough strength because his power was too dangerous because it can attract jealousy but also fear so he wanted the most possible information to prepare to live in this world, because Luka knows that information and knowledge are paramount, it is the ancestors of humanity who have taught him that since books.

"Your majesty, can I have access to the library?" Luka said looking at Tiberius

Tiberius looked at Luka, narrowing his old eyes to ask "Why?" fixing Luka.

"I think that if we know more about this world we will be able to have more benefits and by having more knowledge we could better adapt to this world," Luka said, inventing a lie quickly with pieces of truth.

Tiberius looked away from him to think a little and finally agreed "Okay, you can have access to the palace library"

Luka was happy but the next words diminished Luka's joy "You will be accompanied by two guards for your protection."

Luka kept smiling and said, "Thank you, majesty." but inside he was insulting Tiberius.

"What protection is the royal palace, which will attack me, you just want to have an eye on me, king asshole."

Luka noticed that the queen, Catherine was looking at him with curiosity and surprise.

Luka thought, "Why does she look at me like this, I know I'm handsome but ..."

Tiberius thought, "He's pretty smart, it's better to watch him a bit."

Catherine as for her "He is not an idiot who thought only with his lower half"

After that Tiberius saw that there was no more question then he called maids to accompany everyone in his room while he, his wife and daughter went back to their rooms.

When Luka entered his room after the servants had shown him his room, Luka found it very large and the best was the large bed that seemed comfortable.

Luka went to bed and began to think about his meeting with Tiberius.

"It's just a typical old king but I noticed that between him and his wife Catherine there was a tension, Catherine does not even look at him while Tiberius only looks at her, it looks like Tiberius is in love with her but not Catherine, hehe, a one-way love can be. "Luka thought, then he added," But that has nothing to do with me, so I do not care. "

"Let's start with the inheritance process," says Luka as he sits on the bed.

"According to the system, when I start the inheritance process, I will suffer because it will change my body, but my body will also release a powerful magical force and will draw some people's attention to what I do not want because I want it to be discreet so let's look at what I can use from my skills. Luka looked at her skills.

"Status," says Luka who then went to see his skills.

Concealment of presence: C +

Presence detection: D-

Tool creations: D-

Constituency: E-

Resistance to magic: C-

Berserker: F

Charisma: E-

Release of Mana: D

Magic: D-

Mastery of the sword: F-

Enchantment: F

"I can not hide everything but enchant the room I can reduce the amount of mana coming out of the room and only a small amount will not feel like someone, I guess he will only believe that I'm training because of the small amount of mana that will be issued. " Luka deduces after thinking.

After Luka prepared his plan, he looked up at the sky from his window to see that it was mid-evening.

"Well then, let's start." Luka instinctively knew how to do magic because of his race and half-servant class.

Luka went to the walls of his room and began to write words in English because they did not know any other magical languages ​​such as Latin or Hebrew but with Solomon's legacy it was going to change.

Luka ends up enchanting his whole room and finally, he sits on the floor crossing his legs praying for it does not hurt too much.

"God, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, Odin, Gods of this world, I hope it will not hurt too much." Luka prayed.

"System, activate the inheritance process," Luka said, clenching his teeth waiting for pain, but ...

From now on I will start doing different POVs.

Chick_Thiefcreators' thoughts