
Transmigrator Survival System: Rise Of Maxmillan Slade

After dying in an atomic blast that wiped off an entire city due to sudden invasion by an overwhelmingly large number of zombies, Maxmillan's soul transmigrated into the body of a five year old in a new world where Astra Mystralis; an energy that causes endless magical manifestations, could be harnessed and manipulated to cause the instantiation of myriad preternatural effects. But unfortunately for Maxmillan, he couldn't control Astra Mystralis and therefore missed admissions into magical institutes where he would be trained to become an Astra Spellcraft Commander, one of the highly reverenced positions that absolutely everyone dreamt of becoming. After being deemed a Reject, where he wasn't accepted anywhere within his city and in any other city that he might travel to, how would Maxmillan survive? How would he live? Would his unparalleled fighting skills as a seasoned veteran soldier in his previous world, help him in any way in a world where absolutely everyone, including five to six years olds could control Astral Mystralis and bring about fascinating magical effects? Would he be able to thrive and survive in a world where Rejects, also referred to as cripples, were intimidated, scarred and terrorized by individuals capable of absorbing, controlling and utilizing Astra Mystralis? To know more, accompany Maxmillan in his journey as he tries to survive, thrive and defeat every nigh-insurmountable odd that would appear in his path using the Transmigrator Survival System; a powerful, dimension-warping intelligent consciousness that chose him out of millions and would continue to empower him with countless futuristic weapons, gadgets, equipments, as well as technological cycles and vehicles, for as long as he can complete certain really difficult tasks, missions and quests within a fixed timeframe! A/N: This book is a perfect blend of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Also, I own the book cover. Thanks for reading!

koladeizdavid · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 58 - Leaving for Blacksilk Valley (1)

Chapter 58 - Leaving for Blacksilk Valley (I)

A few minutes after Maxmillan had shot into the inn to slay more than sixty thugs that he came across in there using only his bare hands that burst their heads open through fast, heavy-weighing slaps, and made large holes in their chests through quick, immensely-heavy punches, he immediately shot out of there to another faraway inn using the Ultra-High Velocity Traversal Speed Boots that had appeared on his legs once again. 

Immediately he arrived there, he annihilated more than seventy thugs that he found in there by blasting their heads into numerous thousands of bloodied bits that scattered everywhere within the inn, using only his fists that would impact a surface with a force that was far stronger and powerful in comparison to a twenty-ton solid steel pillar that was horizontally launched at a speed of 40m/s.

After finishing up at the last inn, Maxmillan immediately received a message in the wide holographic screen in his vision.


[System Notification!] 


[Host has successfully completed the Mission titled: 'Thug Extermination, The Grim Reaper', a prompted, D-Class Mission. Therefore, Host has been rewarded with the following items: Multi-Spectrum Vision Google, Advanced Long-Range Flame-Beam Emitter, Quasi-Piston Powered Heavy-Hitting Mechanical Gloves]

{{/System Alert: Some of the Items that Host is rewarded with have locked areas that can only be opened by spending Achievement Score Points. However, locked areas or greyed-out sections of the items will become accessible once Host obtains required Achievement Scores needed to unlock them/}}

[Host is rewarded with 100 Points for quick completion of the mission] 

[Congratulations, Host!] 


Once Maxmillan read through the notification message, he immediately returned home before an unexpected event would occur, such as the sudden appearance of an Astra Spellcraft Lord, or the furious and savage emergence of a high-level Astra Spellcraft Commander.

Immediately he arrived at home and pretended like nothing happened, but suddenly developed a really strong feeling that his mom, Lenna would know that he had left the house once again to engage in some activities he wouldn't ever tell anyone about, Maxmillan smilingly shook his head and opened the System Menu, before neurally clicking on the [Mission Achievements Record/Mission Completion Points Log] Directory.


[Mission Achievements Record/Mission Completion Points Log] 


[Host previously obtained massive amounts of Mission Completion Points — 1,512,000 Mission Completion Points (Which includes large amounts of Bonus Points for the numerous discoveries of highly relevant items that are completely useful to the Transmigrator Survival System)]

[But after constant deduction of Mission Completion Points due to numerous expensive purchases done by Host, amounts of Mission Completion Points remaining — 128,800 Mission Completion Points] 

[Host earned large amounts of Bonus Purchase Points through the creative stellar use of a self-replicating, space-transferring nanodrone technology to move colossal numbers of trade coins to [Money Bank]. Therefore, sum total of Bonus Points that Host was rewarded with = 2,205,300 Bonus Purchase Points]

[Mission Completion Points and Bonus Purchase Points can be translated to Purchase Points. Therefore, Host has obtained a grand sum of — 2,334,100 Purchase Points that can be used to purchase more items in the [Item Market/Purchase Store] {Congratulations, Host}

[Due to Host's exceptional performances in recently completed missions, Host was rewarded with an Achievement Score of 24,000 Achievement Score Points. Therefore, due to Host's inventive use of the self-replicating, space-transferring nanodrone technology to enormously enrich himself, Host has been rewarded with an Achievement Score of 6000 Achievement Score Points, which equate to a total sum of 30,000 Achievement Score Points that can be used to unlock multiple locked areas/greyed-out regions of certain items in Inventory!] {Congratulations, Host}


Once Maxmillan read through the information mentioned in the [Mission Achievements Record/Mission Completion Points Log] Directory, he broke a large smile in his face and returned to System Menu where he neurally clicked on [Host Mechanical Augmentation] Directory.

Immediately the Directory opened to display the first page which revealed entries of six different items, Maxmillan neurally clicked on the third item shown on the list.

As soon as he clicked on that item with the item immediately presenting a long wall of detailed information to him, Maxmillan instantly scrolled to the bottom where he thoughtfully answered 'Yes' as a response to the question that he was asked at the bottom of the item detail.


[System Notification!] 


[Vast-Physical Strength Turbo-Mechanical Enabler Multi-Functional Bionic Arm has been successfully purchased] 

[Host can visit Inventory for implementation of the Bionic Arm into his left arm!]


[Initiate integration of Bionic Arm]?

<Yes >/<No >


'Yes!' Maxmillan immediately said.

Then space warped around his arm to cease a second later and immediately reveal a bulky-looking, robotic limb-like arm that fully encased his entire left arm, all the way to his left shoulder blade and produced nigh-inaudibly low, mechanical whirring and humming sounds

Once this happened, with the implementation process starting, Maxmillan began to groan in pain as the bionic arm began to meld in with his left arm, such that it started to feel like it was his natural arm and not a bulky-sized, robot limb-like arm. He could feel the refreshing feeling of air as soft currents of wind blew past the bionic arm in his room. Also, when he touched surfaces of objects and so on, he could feel their textures, down to the molecular level, indicating that the arm actually, massively increased the perceptive 'feel' of his skin sense organ.

An hour later, the integration of the bionic arm stopped, meaning that it had been fully implemented into Maxmillan's left arm. While Maxmillan who exhaled a deep breath of relief, simply because of the extremely intense pain that he felt but resulted from the integration of the bionic arm into his left arm completely subsiding and vanishing entirely, he produced a bright broad smile in his face as he began to admirably flex the large-sized, super-tough neurotechnological arm that he felt had vastly, physically empowered him.

After accomplishing that, with the bionic arm immediately shrinking down to a paper-thin layer on his left arm and turning invisible, as well as totally imperceivable to all manners and forms of senses and perceptiveness, he immediately opened System Menu where he neurally clicked Inventory, before rapidly browsing through the long list shown to him to locate a particular item in mind. 

Once he located the item, which was the Miniature Shockwave Arc Cannon, he neurally clicked on it.

He then scrolled down to the lower part of the Arc Cannon detail where he clicked on upgrade.


[Miniature Shockwave Arc Cannon Upgrade] 


[1st-Tier upgrade will cost 270,000 Purchase Points] [Status: Purchasable] 

[2nd-Tier upgrade will cost 630,000 Purchase Points] [Status: Locked] 

[3rd-Tier upgrade will cost 1,580,000 Purchase Points] [Status: Locked]

[4th-Tier upgrade will cost 4,270,000 Purchase Points] [Status: Locked] 

[5th-Tier upgrade will cost 9,920,000 Purchase Points] [Status: Locked]

[6th-Tier upgrade will cost 21,710,000 Purchase Points] [Status: Locked]

[[**System Message: Locked Functions are due to Insufficient Mission Achievements Points! To access or open Locked Functions, Host must attain a minimum of 102,000 Achievement Score Points, which will open/unlock the next tier of upgrade!**]]


[Continue with 1st-tier upgrade]? 

<Yes >/<No >


'Yes!' Maxmillan answered, not caring much about the high upgrade cost of the cannon. 

Then he thought with a certain expression manifesting in his face, 'Even though the high-powered destructive waves produced by the Arc Cannon will be blocked by constantly alert, Astra Spellcraft Lords who wouldn't look down on their peers, including beings far lower to them in remarkableness and formidableness, and will unendingly scan their immediate and distant surroundings for even the slightest or most insignificant level of danger, it should however seriously injure Astra Spellcraft Commanders, no matter their layer or tier. I guess.' 


[System Notification!] 


[Miniature Shockwave Arc Cannon has been successfully upgraded!] 

[Congrats, Host!] 


Once Maxmillan received this message in the holographic screen that floated in his vision, he broke a smile in his face and opened the Arc Cannon detail to see what had changed about the weapon. 

Immediately the detail about the Arc Cannon surfaced on the screen, he instantly scrolled down to the part where he would see the numerous, highly improved changes that had occurred to the cannon. 


[Power Modes/Damage Rating Description] 


[Ultra Mode] {Non-Upgradeable} 

[Supreme Demolisher Mode - will allow Arc Cannon to unleash a super-converged, 10,000,000-meter wide destroyer crescent wave that possesses the power to instantly disintegrate a massive row of 1,000,000 super-giant stars from a far distance of 100,000 miles] {Status: Locked — Host possesses absolutely insufficient Achievement Score Points to use this mode}


[Special Modes] 

[Voidbreaker Mode - will allow Arc Cannon to unleash a super-converged, 1,000,000-meter wide destroyer crescent wave that possesses the power to instantly disintegrate a massive row of 10,000 large cities from a far distance of 100,000 miles] {Status: Locked — Host has enormously insufficient Achievement Score Points to use this mode}

[Earthbreaker Mode - will allow Arc Cannon to unleash a super-converged, 500,000-meter wide destroyer crescent wave that possesses the power to instantly disintegrate a massive row of 5,000 large cities from a far distance of 50,000 miles] {Status: Locked — Host has greatly insufficient Achievement Score Points to use this mode}

[Desolator Mode - will allow Arc Cannon to unleash a super-converged, 250,000-meter wide destroyer crescent wave that possesses the power to instantly disintegrate a massive row of 2,500 large cities from a far distance of 25,000 miles] {Status: Locked — Host has greatly insufficient Achievement Score Points to use this mode}


[Normal Modes]

[Cannon Full Power Mode will allow Arc Cannon to unleash a super-converged, 15-feet wide destroyer crescent wave that possesses the power to instantly disintegrate a vast row of 1,000 massive mountains from a far distance of 1,500 miles] {Status: Locked — Host has really insufficient Achievement Score Points to use this mode}

[Cannon High Power Mode will allow Arc Cannon to unleash a super-converged, 10-feet wide destroyer crescent wave that possesses the power to instantly disintegrate a vast row of 500 massive mountains from a far distance of 1000 miles] {Status: Locked — Host has really insufficient Achievement Score Points to use this mode} 

[Cannon Low Power Mode will allow Arc Cannon to unleash a super-converged, 5-feet wide destroyer crescent wave that possesses the power to instantly disintegrate a vast row of 250 massive mountains from a far distance of 500 miles] {Status: Locked — Host has insufficient Achievement Score Points to use this mode}

[Cannon Ultra-Low Power Mode will allow Arc Cannon to unleash a super-converged, 3-feet wide destroyer crescent wave that possesses the power to instantly disintegrate a vast row of 125 massive mountains from a far distance of 250 miles] {Status: Activated}


[Wave Discharge/Projection Tolerability] 


[Full-Powered Mode will allow Arc Cannon to produce only 5 Maximum-Power Super-Devastator Waves before entering Hibernation Mode to cool and restore power for another discharge of Super-Devastator Waves]

[High-Powered Mode will allow Arc Cannon to produce only 15 High-Power Super-Devastator Waves before entering Hibernation Mode to cool and restore power for another discharge of Super-Devastator Waves]

[Low-Powered Mode will allow Arc Cannon to produce only 30 Low-Power Super-Devastator Waves before entering Hibernation Mode to cool and restore power for another discharge of Super-Devastator Waves]

[Ultra Low-Powered Mode will allow Arc Cannon to produce only 65 Ultra Low-Power Super-Devastator Waves before entering Hibernation Mode to cool and restore power for another discharge of Super-Devastator Waves]


[Cool-Down Duration/Per Discharge] 


[Full-Power Discharge CD - 10 mins] 

[High-Power Discharge CD - 5 mins ]

[Low-Power Discharge CD -  2.5 mins] 

[Ultra-Low Power Discharge CD - 1.2 mins]




[Upgradeability Status: <Upgradeable >

[Upgrade Item: <Activated >




[Mergeability Status: <Mergeable >]

[Fuse Item: <Locked >]




[Exchangeability Status: <Exchangeable >]

[Exchange Item: <Activated >




[Tradability Status: <Tradable >

[Trade Item for Purchase Point: <Activated >


[Return to Menu] / [Return to Inventory]

[Go to Next Item] 


"Now that it has been upgraded, it has advanced to become the true s-class weapon that it really is." Maxmillan slowly muttered once he finished reading through the newly reviewed and revamped detail of the upgraded Miniature Shockwave Arc Cannon.

He then said further with a thoughtful expression manifesting in his face, "Some new, madly insane modes were added, while some previously opened functions are now locked. Why do I feel like I shouldn't have upgraded the Arc Cannon? Well, it has been made more powerful and hugely advanced. Therefore, I should be able to face some high-level Astra Spellcraft Commanders now without fear!"

Once Maxmillan contemplated that, he became excited at the absolutely new and highly advanced changes that will happen to the Kinetic Supercharging Sword once he upgraded it and brought out the world-shaking, phenomenal monstrous beast of true S-Class weapons that still slumbered within it.