
Transmigrator Survival System: Rise Of Maxmillan Slade

After dying in an atomic blast that wiped off an entire city due to sudden invasion by an overwhelmingly large number of zombies, Maxmillan's soul transmigrated into the body of a five year old in a new world where Astra Mystralis; an energy that causes endless magical manifestations, could be harnessed and manipulated to cause the instantiation of myriad preternatural effects. But unfortunately for Maxmillan, he couldn't control Astra Mystralis and therefore missed admissions into magical institutes where he would be trained to become an Astra Spellcraft Commander, one of the highly reverenced positions that absolutely everyone dreamt of becoming. After being deemed a Reject, where he wasn't accepted anywhere within his city and in any other city that he might travel to, how would Maxmillan survive? How would he live? Would his unparalleled fighting skills as a seasoned veteran soldier in his previous world, help him in any way in a world where absolutely everyone, including five to six years olds could control Astral Mystralis and bring about fascinating magical effects? Would he be able to thrive and survive in a world where Rejects, also referred to as cripples, were intimidated, scarred and terrorized by individuals capable of absorbing, controlling and utilizing Astra Mystralis? To know more, accompany Maxmillan in his journey as he tries to survive, thrive and defeat every nigh-insurmountable odd that would appear in his path using the Transmigrator Survival System; a powerful, dimension-warping intelligent consciousness that chose him out of millions and would continue to empower him with countless futuristic weapons, gadgets, equipments, as well as technological cycles and vehicles, for as long as he can complete certain really difficult tasks, missions and quests within a fixed timeframe! A/N: This book is a perfect blend of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Also, I own the book cover. Thanks for reading!

koladeizdavid · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 57 - Resuming an old mission

Chapter 57 - Resuming an old mission

About thirty minutes later, the coins attached to by the nanodrones were fully transferred into the Vast-Size Extra-Dimension Space Storer.

"Transmigrator Survival System, could you please move the coins to the Money Bank? I want to be able to access them from there." Maxmillan said, trying to alert the Transmigrator Survival System of the phenomenally spectacular feat he just carried out.

As soon as he said that, a notification message displayed on the screen in his vision.


[System Notification!] 


[Host has suddenly gained tremendously large amounts of gold coins from a heavily-secured, coin deposition vault that he gained unauthorized access into. And, according to data obtained from the Multi-Purpose Nanodrone Central Processor, amount of gold coins obtained from the vault is: 68,525,145,853,940,348 gold coins. Therefore, due to Host's city-shaking act of acquiring multiple-hundred generation amounts of gold coins, Host is rewarded with 835,000 points!] 

{**System Notification: Host still possesses 800,000 gold coins that is kept separately and can be withdrawn from [Money Bank] for use in purchasing different, peak-quality physical items from popular grand sales shops or city-renowned majestic trade inns that can be found in grandiose and greatly expensive areas of the city, or in other cities**}

[Host has suddenly gained an enormously huge amounts of silver coins from a heavily-secured, coin deposition vault that he gained unauthorized access into. And, according to data obtained from the Multi-Purpose Nanodrone Central Processor, amount of silver coins obtained from the vault is: 25,423,145,853,510,257 silver coins. Therefore, due to Host's city-upturning feat of acquiring multiple-hundred generation amounts of silver coins, Host is rewarded with 765,000 points!] 

{**System Notification: Host still possesses 2.5 million silver coins that is kept separately and can be withdrawn from [Money Bank] for use in purchasing numerous, high-quality physical items from expensive sales shops or magnificent trade centers that can be found in really costly areas of the city, or in other cities**}

[Host has suddenly gained astonishingly massive amounts of copper coins from a heavily-secured, coin deposition vault that he gained unauthorized access into. And, according to data obtained from the Multi-Purpose Nanodrone Central Processor, amount of copper coins obtained from the vault is: 2,720,700,891,521,560 copper coins. Therefore, due to Host's awe-striking, brilliant criminal feat of acquiring vast-numbered amounts of copper coins, Host is rewarded with 587,200 points!] 

{**System Notification: Host still possesses 7 million copper coins that is kept separately and can be withdrawn from [Money Bank] for use in purchasing numerous items from sales shops or trade inn-populated regions that are located in certain, less-costly areas of the city or in other cities**}

[Congratulations on your acquisition of a stupendously great, Government-rivaling wealth, Host!] 


[Move enormous stack of trade coins from spatial storage device for system-assisted dimensional storing]? 

<Yes >/<No >


'Yes!' Maxmillan immediately said within himself with a broad and bright, delighted smile appearing in his face. 

He then returned the Vast-Size Extra-Dimension Space Storer into his Inventory once the entire coins stored in it, where instantly moved out of it into another dimensional space that was as large as the size combination of highly numerous colossal planets, but was greatly compressed that it will easily pass through an ultra-miniaturized aperture or orifice that was a million times smaller than an electron. Though it was that compressed, it still however retained it massively large spatial size within such that it could store multiple, enormously massive planets and exceedingly great numbers of super-sized star systems in it. 

With that smile still present in his face, Maxmillan said, "Now that I have acquired more bonus points, I guess I can purchase absolutely more things. This is rather awesome. I am delighted."

Maxmillan who had spent lots of purchase points to purchase the nanodrone-housing disintegrative micropods, the flatly-compressed, micro-sized eight-limbed drone, and the Vast-Size Extra-Dimension Space Storer device that cost a shocking total sum of five hundred thousand points, nodded his head in great happiness when he saw that the ability to purchase more items and upgrade them to a certain extent, had returned to him.

"Now that I have more purchase points, I will buy a second Bionic Arm that I will implement into my left arm. Then I will have equal physical strength of forty-one tons on both arms which will make me more powerful and will greatly increase my formidableness and destructiveness in battles." Maxmillan said with a certain gaze in his eyes.

He then said further, "Also, I will try to upgrade the Miniature Shockwave Arc Cannon and the Kinetic Supercharging Sword, just so that they can possess more power and will become fully capable of causing greater levels of devastation, since my battles from hereon will become exceedingly difficult, now that I am beginning to slowly touch upon areas and regions that are populously dominated by highly-layered Astra Spellcraft Commanders."

Maxmillan then closed his eyes to sleep. Only to wake up the next morning and hear, through his vastly heightened, super-strong sense of hearing that could perceive ultra-low sounds from 1100 feet away, that the Government was exceedingly furious at the sudden, untraceable disappearances of really large amounts of gold coins, copper coins and silver coins that were stored in the highly-protected, magically-concealed vault that it owned.

He further heard that numerous steps were being taken to discover where the coins went to, including magic-powered temporal reversions that were done by immensely powerful, Astra Spellcraft Lords. 

'Hmm. Well, good luck with that.' Maxmillan said within himself once he was sure that the time reversals that they wanted to carry out within the vault, wouldn't reveal him as the person that stole the coins, but the buzzing, enormous swarm of nanodrones that simply transmitted themselves through space at a speed that could only be matched by Astra Spellcraft Lords with vast space control abilities.

"Now that most things have been settled, it is time to go on trips to those regions that Lylla described to me as places where I will be able to obtain large amounts of consummate magical items that will increase hers and Nailah's training speed on most of the numerous magical skills that has been branded to their memories." Maxmillan said with a contemplative expression in his face. 

He then said further, "But since the attention of everyone has been drawn to the theft incident that happened at the vault and escaped even the Government's awareness, I should immediately go to those inns where those damned thugs are located and simply eliminate all of them! Only then, can I really go on the mission that Lylla sent me." 

Therefore, opening the System Menu and neurally clicking on [Quests/Tasks Log] Directory, he was immediately presented with a three-entry list where he clicked on the 'Thug Extermination' mission that was the first entry on the list.


  [Mission Information] 


[Title: Thugs Extermination; The Grim Reaper] 

[Details: Thugs caused great harm to Host's life. Therefore, Host is required to find these thugs and eliminate every single one of them before they become obstacles/hindrances to Host's future growth and development.]

[Difficulty Level (Based on Host's current skill and strength level): 0.05/10 - (Absolutely Easy) -]

[Mission Completion Span: 2 month, 3 Weeks] 

[Elapsed Time: 1 Week, 2 Days] 

[Completion Failure: Items that Host obtained through the Mission Rewarding Program and are stored in the Inventory, will be removed for 6 months before being returned.] 

[Previous Completion Reward: Flight Thruster-Equipped Heavy Armor, Energy-Ray Projection Helmet, Low-Damage Electron-Beam Cannon, Superimposed Kinetic-Force Disintegrator Exo-Mechanical Gloves, Semi-Automatic Chain Grenade Launcher, Polarized Magnetic Blade Quick-Discharge Cannon Gun, Telescopic Dual-Spectrum Vision Google.]

[New Completion Reward: Multi-Spectrum Vision Google, Advanced Long-Range Flame-Beam Emitter, Quasi-Piston Powered Heavy-Hitting Mechanical Gloves] 

{**System Notification: Previous Completion Reward has been entirely scrapped due to Host's powers and abilities making mission exceedingly easy to accomplish. But a New Completion Reward has been set up to take the place of the Previous Completion Reward**} 


{{/System Alert: Judging from Host's current abilities and list of weapons and equipments found in Inventory, Host has grown too powerful for the mission and is therefore giving the ability to remove or cancel mission/}}

[Remove Mission: <Yes >/<No >


[Return to Menu] / [Return to Quest Log]

[Next Mission]


Maxmillan read through the message displayed to him and shook his head unhappily.

"No." He said determinedly.

Then with a whoosh sound suddenly ringing out once the Ultra-High Velocity Traversal Speed Boots appeared on his legs, he instantly dashed out of the house to the city, to a certain inn in the city where he would exact pure and vicious vengeance upon the wild and irritable, dubious thugs that either inhabited there or constantly frequented there for unrestrained gambling, excessive drinking and indulgence in long hours of sexual pleasure.