
Transmigrator Survival System: Rise Of Maxmillan Slade

After dying in an atomic blast that wiped off an entire city due to sudden invasion by an overwhelmingly large number of zombies, Maxmillan's soul transmigrated into the body of a five year old in a new world where Astra Mystralis; an energy that causes endless magical manifestations, could be harnessed and manipulated to cause the instantiation of myriad preternatural effects. But unfortunately for Maxmillan, he couldn't control Astra Mystralis and therefore missed admissions into magical institutes where he would be trained to become an Astra Spellcraft Commander, one of the highly reverenced positions that absolutely everyone dreamt of becoming. After being deemed a Reject, where he wasn't accepted anywhere within his city and in any other city that he might travel to, how would Maxmillan survive? How would he live? Would his unparalleled fighting skills as a seasoned veteran soldier in his previous world, help him in any way in a world where absolutely everyone, including five to six years olds could control Astral Mystralis and bring about fascinating magical effects? Would he be able to thrive and survive in a world where Rejects, also referred to as cripples, were intimidated, scarred and terrorized by individuals capable of absorbing, controlling and utilizing Astra Mystralis? To know more, accompany Maxmillan in his journey as he tries to survive, thrive and defeat every nigh-insurmountable odd that would appear in his path using the Transmigrator Survival System; a powerful, dimension-warping intelligent consciousness that chose him out of millions and would continue to empower him with countless futuristic weapons, gadgets, equipments, as well as technological cycles and vehicles, for as long as he can complete certain really difficult tasks, missions and quests within a fixed timeframe! A/N: This book is a perfect blend of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Also, I own the book cover. Thanks for reading!

koladeizdavid · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 43 - Upgraded (II)

Chapter 43 - Upgraded (II)

Maxmillan who sat on the bed and gnashed his teeth to endure the tremendous agonizing pain that enshrouded his whole being and senses, didn't know when he heavily collapsed to the ground from the bed and began to roll on the floor in pain that seemed intent on tearing apart his body to really tiny pieces.

So, with the feeling of having his whole body continuously pierced through by tens of millions of thick pins that were exceedingly hot, possessed countless, tiny saw teeths that covered their whole lengths that extended for infinity into the distance and therefore pierced through his body without end, caused Maxmillan to hold his head in pain and groan.

The pain was too much that Maxmillan was tempted to cancel the numerous bio-augmenting upgrades currently going on his body and be relieved. But of course he won't do that and only continue to bear the pain till it would end, even if it would go on for many months before stopping.

As he rolled on the ground with the pain seeming to want to eat him up and dry his blood, he could feel his strength beginning to increase slightly.


Many hours later, five hours to be precise, the brain-collapsing, artery-rupturing and tissue-ripping pain that he felt encompass his whole being, began to gradually subside, causing Maxmillan to become slightly relieved.

However, due to the pain that increased every second and lasted for numerous hours, Maxmillan's threshold for pain had massively increased.

When the pain finally subsided, Maxmillan heaved a heavy sigh of relief and stood to his feet with great delight in his eyes, since if the exceedingly painful, bio-augmentation upgrades had ended, then that meant he had become a superhuman. Something that he wouldn't ever think possible for himself.

He looked at the biceps of both arms and saw that they had become enormously dense, such that when he touched them, they felt like something carved out from reinforced thick steel. They were so hard that they invoked the feeling of exceeding heaviness due to their incredibly astonishing solidness.

"I have now become a superhuman. Haha." Maxmillan said and cackled delightedly as he clenched his hands into fists.

He then said further with a contemplative look in his face, "I should be able to face low-level Astra Spellcraft Commanders now without need for weapons. Their shields shouldn't be able to withstand my punches that would each weigh more than ten tons. And I should be able to physically withstand series of focused destructive blasts of magical energies that would erupt from their figures towards me."

After reveling in delight at the enormous upgrades that had taken place in his body, Maxmillan sat back on the bed with a broad and radiant smile in his face.

"Many amazing things have so far happened to me, such as the tremendous amount of wealth that I obtained from the vault that belonged to that Lord. As well as certain antiquated treasures that I can put up for auction at auction houses, or simply exchange for another treasure since the treasures possess great tradable and exchangeable values. Hmm." Maxmillan said with an ecstatic look in his face.

"I will leave some amounts of low-class trade coins with my parents and sisters so that they can get anything they wish before I return to the city to resume my old missions and initiate new missions for receival of bountiful rewards after their completions."

"Although I would have loved to give them gold coins and silver coins, but that would only cause all sorts of gazes to be casted on them. I don't want that happening to them which of course would lead to series of unexpected occurrences happening." Maxmillan said as he slowly made up his mind.

"But as I grow stronger, our abilities to purchase items will definitely hugely increase, since I would become immensely powerful and would be surrounded by my private large armies of mechanically-enhanced, terrifying magical beasts. We could even move from the town to any grand city of our choice since we can maintain a good or highly luxurious living there."

Just as Maxmillan was speaking, thinking of the future, a system message suddenly appeared in the holographic screen in his vision.


[System Notification!]


[Memories obtained from the Sky Bridges Lord have been fully sorted. Therefore, different magical skills that range from high-level spellcasting to Lord-tier spellcasting have been obtained]

[Host will be provided with a memory-infusing device that he could give to anyone of his family to use and have sets of powerful magical skills developed and honed by the Sky Bridges Lord infuse into their memories]


Produce memory downloader device?



Maxmillan who wasn't expecting that, immediately said with a radiant smile in his face, "Yes."

Instantly, an orb-like device that possessed an octahedral shape and seemed to be encased in a glass-like material that formed a sphere around it, and produced low-pitched mechanical whirring sounds that only Maxmillan could hear due to his enormously improved sense of hearing, suddenly appeared in his hands.


[System Notification!]


[Memory downloader device can be used by making the orb contact the forehead, before saying 'Infuse' to initiate the steady, long-hour infusion of well-organized and systematically sorted memories containing different tiers of magical skills into user's head]


"Hmm. Alright." Maxmillan said with the slight nod of his head after understanding how to use the item.

He then began to think of who to give the memories to before arriving at his sisters, Nailah and Lylla, as his mother had previously said she was done with the dangerous adventurous world of magical spellcasting and wanted to live her life peacefully with the gratitude that her kids were growing up into fine and amazing people in the society.

'Those two brats will definitely need it. I can give it to them.' Maxmillan said within himself, fearlessly calling his elder sisters brat. He could only say it within himself and not in their faces, or he would be in it for such bold disrespect.

He then said further with a wondrous and grateful smile in his face, "With the magical skills honed and perfected by the Sky Bridges Lord, my sisters will quickly become amazing spellcasters. They will have everything delivered to them on platters of gold, unlike at academies where one must pass lots of stupid-ass exams before been giving the limited privilege to access libraries for a high-tier magical skill. Trash."

"Now that I have the memory of an Astra Spellcraft Lord, even though he is at the low-tier level, it's still many times better than the one or two magical books or manuals that would be given to them for study. Whereas my sisters will possess a large repository of knowledge of the arcane, which is far better than studying only like ten books at some academies." Maxmillan said with a deep ponderous expression in his face.

He then said further with a certain light shining in his eyes, "Besides, they will need it to be able to better protect themselves. Since I wouldn't always be there to protect them from harm. So, with the different sets of magical skills that they would train themselves in and fully hone with the gradual passage of time, they will become powerful forces to reckon with."

"I am just glad at how everything is turning out. I am growing stronger, my sisters too will join the train soon. How lovely!" Maxmillan said and beamed a smile in his face before leaving for his sisters' rooms.