
Transmigrator Survival System: Rise Of Maxmillan Slade

After dying in an atomic blast that wiped off an entire city due to sudden invasion by an overwhelmingly large number of zombies, Maxmillan's soul transmigrated into the body of a five year old in a new world where Astra Mystralis; an energy that causes endless magical manifestations, could be harnessed and manipulated to cause the instantiation of myriad preternatural effects. But unfortunately for Maxmillan, he couldn't control Astra Mystralis and therefore missed admissions into magical institutes where he would be trained to become an Astra Spellcraft Commander, one of the highly reverenced positions that absolutely everyone dreamt of becoming. After being deemed a Reject, where he wasn't accepted anywhere within his city and in any other city that he might travel to, how would Maxmillan survive? How would he live? Would his unparalleled fighting skills as a seasoned veteran soldier in his previous world, help him in any way in a world where absolutely everyone, including five to six years olds could control Astral Mystralis and bring about fascinating magical effects? Would he be able to thrive and survive in a world where Rejects, also referred to as cripples, were intimidated, scarred and terrorized by individuals capable of absorbing, controlling and utilizing Astra Mystralis? To know more, accompany Maxmillan in his journey as he tries to survive, thrive and defeat every nigh-insurmountable odd that would appear in his path using the Transmigrator Survival System; a powerful, dimension-warping intelligent consciousness that chose him out of millions and would continue to empower him with countless futuristic weapons, gadgets, equipments, as well as technological cycles and vehicles, for as long as he can complete certain really difficult tasks, missions and quests within a fixed timeframe! A/N: This book is a perfect blend of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Also, I own the book cover. Thanks for reading!

koladeizdavid · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 36 - Reunion with mother

Chapter 36 - Reunion with mother

Immediately Maxmillan thought that, he swung the sword in his hand at the ground and caused a massive, devastating deluge of kinetic energy to instantly emit like raging tidal currents from the numerous energy-projecting arrays of the sword.


A thunderous boom sound instantly rang out and caused the earth beneath him to form into a really wide crater, with the countless fragments that formed the solid earth struck by the burst of destructive energy unleashed by the sword, immediately shooting off like projectiles to far distances in all directions.

Once a crater was formed in the earth, Maxmillan looked into it and saw that the crater surprisingly led to an underground tunnel that could possibly lead to numerous underground caves dug far below the massive mountain.

"The Astra Spellcraft Lord that runs this place is really something." Maxmillan said and shook his head in disgust. But he was happy that he was dead, and that his notorious human-enslaving operations would cease to operate permanently.

He immediately jumped into the massive hole that he made in the ground to reach the wide tunnel and resume his untiring search for his mother in numerous underground caves that he felt he would definitely come across.

As he moved around in the underground tunnel and tirelessly called out his mom's name to see if she would hear him and respond back, Lenna who was bound in magical chain-like shackles and had pieces of her clothing covered totally in blood, suddenly had her eyelids snap open because of the really familiar voice that rang out from a certain far direction beneath the vast mountain.

"M-M-Maxie?" She stuttered unbelievably. Then her dreary and darkened, bloodstained morose eyes began to gleam with enormous surprise and delight from hearing that voice that caused a revitalizing tingling sensation to flow through her entire body. She did not even care to know if the voice was real or unreal.

So, her body that previously oozed the aura of great sorrow, anguish, and a gradually deepening feeling of total death embrace, suddenly became reinvigorated and re-energized that she tried to produce a powerful, extremely-focused magical blast to shatter the chains of magical energy that fully wrapped around her weak-looking figure.


The shackles which had greatly reduced in strength and toughness since they were no longer linked to the Sky Bridges Lord's mind for a continued, sustained flow of Astra Mystralis into them to keep them at their high-strength level, immediately shattered like countless fragments of glass into thin pieces of solidified energy that littered the ground around her, which then immediately reverted to gas-like wisps of multicolored energy and rapidly dispersed.

Lenna immediately stood to her feet after breaking off the chain-like shackles that bound her in place to go search for Maxmillan who seriously called out to her with loud terrifying booms ringing out moments after he called her name.

She could have magically changed the totally bloodstained pieces of clothing that she wore to prevent Maxmillan from seeing her like that and have an understanding that she had gone through numerous episodes of massive cruelty and inhumaneness in the hands of the Sky Bridges Lord, but she totally forgot due to her intense amazement and tremendously wild joy at Maxmillan calling out her name, which only meant that he was doing fine and wasn't harmed by the Sky Bridges Lord, which however deeply shocked her since the Sky Bridges Lord was someone that was overly wickedly, exceedingly savage and devilishly vicious, and would never allow Maxmillan who was his greatest target to run about within his well-concealed, criminal operation base to search for her and set her free.

"B-But what really happened to the sinister bastard that runs this place?" Lenna asked with a light of intense curiosity shining in her darkened, bloodied eyes as she ran to the different places that she heard her name ring out from.

"Is he dead? Did Maxmillan k-kill him? Can Maxmillan actually kill large groups of people now without batting an eye? Oh my, what has happened to my son? Let me get to him first. I will understand what has happened." Lenna said as she picked up speed to reach her son in time, with the boundless hope that the Sky Bridges Lord had truly died, since she didn't want anything bad to happen to both her and her son because of a raging Sky Bridges Lord who was thought fully dead by them and would unexpectedly appear out of fathomless wrath to wreak immense devastation upon her and her son.

After running about within the cave, Maxmillan who was both relentless and indefatigable in his search of this mom and unceasingly blasted his way through every blocked place within the ground, suddenly heard his name called out by a really familiar, sweet motherly voice that brought vast and endless surges of joy to his heart, and immediately washed away every worry and fear in his heart like the completely dusty roof of a tall building under a heavy, torrential rainfall.

Also, he felt more energy and live return to his being which made him feel stronger, faster and more powerful. It was like the unseen, constantly-revolving shackles of curse of weakness that wrapped around his figure and prevented him from reaching his true potential, had broken off completely and allowed him to feel his power and might soar to awesome levels than before.



"Maxie, where are you?!"

Lenna's voice rang out again and again without tiring as she called out to Maxmillan to know where he is and meet him there. While Maxmillan who traced the sound of her voice to where she was while still shouting her name at his highest, finally appeared before her in a region of the tunnel that was really faraway from where he blasted a massive hole into the ground and jumped into the large underground tunnel that was presented to him.

"M-Mom" Maxmillan said in a stuttering manner with the joy in his heart reaching a level that it could blast out of him and reach for the sky far above him.

"M-Maxie." Lenna who saw Maxmillan too, although looked really different from the Maxie that set out many days ago to take the admissive exam at the Floating Lotus academy, still however knew that this was her son and immediately dashed towards him to embrace him. While Maxmillan who reeked of joy and bliss, also dashed towards her to embrace her.

With tears streaming down their cheeks, Maxmillan said with great remorse in his tone, "Mom, I am very sorry that I caused you lots of problems and sufferings. If I knew that you would really leave our home to look for me in the city, I would have returned home to you immediately. I am really sorry mom. I am really sorry. Please forgive your son. He didn't know that he was making a really bad decision when he decided to stay away from you, from everyone by not returning home because of his grand failure at the academy's admittance exam. He fully and absolutely regrets it with the whole of his being."

Lenna who still hugged Maxmillan with her whole being emanating unbounded joy and excessive delight, since it was her hope to see Maxmillan once again and that he would be doing absolutely fine, said with a greatly fulfilled and radiant blissful smile in her face, "It's okay Maxie dear, mom isn't angry at you, at all. I did what every other mom who loved their kids to the core of their being would have done. I am just happy seeing once again and greatly delighted at the feeling of might and strength that surprisingly radiates from your being. I wonder what you have gone through, son. But I am boundlessly happy and greatly relieved to see you standing here before me with a sane mind and really strong vitality."