
Transmigrator Survival System: Rise Of Maxmillan Slade

After dying in an atomic blast that wiped off an entire city due to sudden invasion by an overwhelmingly large number of zombies, Maxmillan's soul transmigrated into the body of a five year old in a new world where Astra Mystralis; an energy that causes endless magical manifestations, could be harnessed and manipulated to cause the instantiation of myriad preternatural effects. But unfortunately for Maxmillan, he couldn't control Astra Mystralis and therefore missed admissions into magical institutes where he would be trained to become an Astra Spellcraft Commander, one of the highly reverenced positions that absolutely everyone dreamt of becoming. After being deemed a Reject, where he wasn't accepted anywhere within his city and in any other city that he might travel to, how would Maxmillan survive? How would he live? Would his unparalleled fighting skills as a seasoned veteran soldier in his previous world, help him in any way in a world where absolutely everyone, including five to six years olds could control Astral Mystralis and bring about fascinating magical effects? Would he be able to thrive and survive in a world where Rejects, also referred to as cripples, were intimidated, scarred and terrorized by individuals capable of absorbing, controlling and utilizing Astra Mystralis? To know more, accompany Maxmillan in his journey as he tries to survive, thrive and defeat every nigh-insurmountable odd that would appear in his path using the Transmigrator Survival System; a powerful, dimension-warping intelligent consciousness that chose him out of millions and would continue to empower him with countless futuristic weapons, gadgets, equipments, as well as technological cycles and vehicles, for as long as he can complete certain really difficult tasks, missions and quests within a fixed timeframe! A/N: This book is a perfect blend of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Also, I own the book cover. Thanks for reading!

koladeizdavid · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 35 - Hour of Reward

Chapter 35 - Hour of Reward

After clearing off rubbles after rubbles that blocked his path to other caves to search for his mom with disintegrating colossal bursts of kinetic energy that discharged from the enormously long sword tightly grasped in his hand, Maxmillan came across numerous people incarcerated within large caves whom he compassionately and benevolently released from their imprisonments.

Once he released them from their huge, magically-enchanted cages, the people whom he released looked at him with immense appreciation in their eyes, and with greatly amazed expression in their faces, since a non-user of Astra Mystralis could break into the organization of am Astra Spellcraft Lord.

Their amazements further intensified when they thought of how he had possibly killed off the large numbers of outlawed magic casters that worked for the wicked and nefarious Astra Spellcraft Lord, including his incomparably vicious Second-in-command called Lukka.

But upon understanding that the organization's boss who constantly ran human-enslaving operations for treasures and profits had possibly being seized by death, by the power of Maxmillan's gleaming blade, they couldn't help but gaze at him with the look that he wasn't a user of magic, but an otherworldly, beneficent warring god who had taken great pity on them and descended from his deific abode in an unseen, inaccessible dimension to set everyone of them free.

Maxmillan who was tireless in his search and constantly changed the system that he used in searching for his mother within the large hive of caves, suddenly came across a large metallic vault in a particular cave.

"Hmm. What could be in this place?" Maxmillan asked within himself with a look of deep curiosity in his face as he gazed at the enormous metallic vault that stood with an oppressive atmosphere before him.

"I guess I would have to blast it open If I want to see what is kept inside. But first, I have to melt off its hinges, and then its massive locking mechanisms." Maxmillan said and produced the long-range flamethrower in his hands.

Aiming the flame-shooting muzzle of the monstrous gun in his hands at the upper double-hinges of the vault's massive metallic door, he unleashed a densely compacted stream of flame that after numerous minutes, it began to slowly melt. It took these amounts of time because the vault was protected by powerful, magical protection enchantments.

The continuous, focused flame-beam had to eat away at the energy of the unseen layers of protective magical barriers that enveloped the vault, before it could really make contact with the upper double-hinges of the enormous metallic door and gradually melt them off.

As soon as Maxmillan finished doing that, ensuring that he had melted off the upper double-hinges of the door, he directed the focused flame-beam at the lower double-hinges.

Many minutes later, after the lower double-hinges had melted off, Maxmillan immediately directed the concentrated flame-beam at the enormous, interdependent locking mechanisms of the vault.


After entirely melting off the intricately-designed, colossal locking mechanisms of the vault too, Maxmillan instantly produced the Kinetic Supercharging Sword in his right hand before gripping its handle with both hands and readied himself to blast open the door with massively destructive bursts of kinetic energy.


Vertically swinging out the sword to heavily slash at the vault's door, a fearsome, tremendous burst of highly-destructive kinetic energy, suddenly discharged from one of the numerous energy-projecting arrays in and around the sword's blade to enormously impact the door.


Immediately the raging, kinetic energy storm that emitted from the sword struck the door, a terrifying bang sound immediately rang out and caused the gigantic, thick metallic door to instantly develop a ten-feet deep dent in its surface.

Upon seeing this spectacle, Maxmillan quickly understood that it was going to take more than this effort in breaking apart or blasting off the door, since the door was unfathomably thick and was possibly composed of invulnerability-imbuing arcana materials.

"Alright then. Three more strikes should definitely blast it off!" Maxmillan said and readied to swing the sword at the vault's door once again.




Immediately he swung the sword at the vault's door a third time, with a powerful ravaging storm of energy emitting like a vast tidal current from one of the sword's energy-discharging arrays, with the sword strike amplified by a solid-laser encasement field that fully enveloped the sword and increased it cutting power to a whole new level, the massively-sized and enormously thick metal door instantly cut into two with the violent destructive burst of energy blasting off the halves of the large metal door to far distances.

Once this was accomplished, Maxmillan immediately entered the vault.

"Wow!!" He immediately exclaimed with eyes that shone with exceeding astonishment when he set his gaze upon lots of exotic-looking, pure-gold treasures stored within the vault, which included shiny artifacts and dazzling, gem-ornamented antiques that both caused the air around them to lightly swirl or burst into small spherical vacuums from time to time.

"What an amazingly huge heap of treasure. I have struck a jackpot that will make myself and my family stupendously rich! Haha." Maxmillan said with a broad, ecstatic smile in his face before laughing delightedly.

"Wait, aren't those coins?" Maxmillan who still looked around him with great marvel and bliss in his eyes at the massive piles of treasures stacked around him within the vault, suddenly asked when he noticed large heaps of golden coins seated somewhere within the large treasure vault that extended to a really far distance, for possibly twenty feet.

"Boy, I am really glad I hit the base of an Astra Spellcraft Lord, and not that of an Astra Spellcraft Commander like his second-in-command, 'cause this guy is absolutely rich! Or if I did, I definitely wouldn't have come across this type of immense and absolutely shocking generational wealth."

"Now, the only problem is taking them all along with me. How do I achieve such feat? And I don't know if the Transmigrator Survival System would be willing to assist me. Ugh!" Maxmillan said and bitterly shook his head, as he definitely couldn't afford to leave behind his wealth and trophies obtained from winning intense, life-endangering battles with stronger, powerful beings.

But just as he mentioned that, a system message suddenly surfaced in the huge holographic screen that abruptly expanded in his vision.


[System Notification!]


[Host has discovered an astonishingly large store of treasures and is therefore rewarded with 80,000 points!]

[30 medium-grade glowing magical blades have been discovered within the numerous gigantic heaps of treasure found here. Therefore, host is rewarded with 60,000 points (since one medium-grade magical blade collected will yield 2000 purchase points)]

[Certain treasures with numerous magical imbuements or are in possession of powerful magical cores, have been found within the piles of treasures heaped here. Therefore, Host has been rewarded with 150,000 points — Due to Host making crystallized magical cores/solidified magical crystals available for infusion research and integration/implementation purposes into various items possessing mechanical, electromechanical and neuromechanical systems!]

{{/System Alert: Due to Host's discovery of a large treasure house, a new directory [Treasure Storage] has appeared in the System Menu. Host can go to [Treasure Storage] Directory to summon treasures for auctioning at Physical Auction Houses located in different part of the city/within other cities found in numerous other continents/}}

[Host has discovered large amounts of silver and golden coins, which according to computer-estimated calculation, is 2.5 million silver coins and 800,000 golden coins! Therefore, due to Host's discovery of these stupefying amounts of wealthy-class trade coins, Host is rewarded with 170,000 points!]

[Host has discovered enormous amounts of bronze, copper and black iron coins, which according to computer-estimated calculation, is 18 million bronze coins, 7 million copper coins, and 9 million black iron coins! Therefore, due to Host's discovery of these staggering numbers of poor-class trade coins, Host is rewarded with 80,000 points!]

{{/System Alert: Host can visit [Money Bank] Directory in System Menu to withdraw any type of trade coin for his use in purchasing different items anywhere/}}

[Congratulations, Host!]


[Move Treasure Heaps and Piles of Golden Coins for dimensional storing? <Yes>/<No>


"Yes!" Maxmillan immediately said with unbounded excitement in his tone. He was incredibly amazed at the amount of golden coins that he saw on the screen and couldn't help but be tremendously euphoric.

As soon as he mentioned 'yes', space began to warp and distort within the treasure vault such that a moment later when the effects ceased, nothing could be seen in the vault again. It was swept completely clean by the dimensional transwarping power of the Transmigrator Survival System.

Maxmillan after taking in this phenomenal sight, shook his head in awe and marvel at the power of the Transmigrator Survival System.

But suddenly, more system messages appeared in the screen in his vision.


[System Notification!]


[Host ruined the powerful, magic-imbued body of a 4th layer, Minor Achievement-stage, Earth-Tier Astra Spellcraft Lord and is therefore rewarded with 320,000 points! {2} Host fully obliterated a 2nd layer, Common Achievement-stage, Mortal-tier Astra Spellcraft Commander and is therefore rewarded with 80,000 points)]

[Host gave the Transmigrator Survival System the ability to accurately know the Power Rankings/Power Classifications of Astra Spellcraft Commanders and Astra Spellcraft Lords. Therefore, Host is rewarded with 70,000 points!]

{{/Sub-Mission Alert: Presence of a powerful Magiwolf has been perceived outside the cave. Host is required to capture and tame the ravenous, wild magical beast into a docile pet before it detects your presence and flees. Once Host accomplishes this prompted sub-mission, a new sub-directory named [Mechanically-Enhanced Sentient Magical Pet] will appear in the [Useful Miscellaneous Item] Directory and be activated for Host's use in armoring, weaponizing, and lightly/heavily augmenting living magical creatures with powerful mechanical implementers or integrators. {Reward: Vast-Range Human-Beast Mind Unionizer, Beast Impulse/Signal-to-Speech In-Mind Transmitter, and Condensed-Energy Armor Beast-Equipping Necklace/}}

[Congratulations on your massive points obtainment, Host!]


"Wow. This hour is surely a fabulous hour of points and rewards shower. I hope my achievement score has increased from nil to a good number of figure so that I can do absolutely more things." Maxmillan said with blazing hope in his heart.

"As for the beast, I will get back to it. Let me continue searching for my mom and wrap this mission up! I don't even know what she is currently passing through where she is kept hidden. I immensely hope that nothing grave or severe happens to her, or I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." Maxmillan said with a grave look in his face before suddenly looking at the earth beneath him with an indescribable expression appearing in his face.

"I have blasted my way through every caves in here to search for her, but I haven't checked for any underground room or tunnel."

"I guess my next course of action is to blast into the ground and comb through every underground room for my mother, just before anything fatal or lethal could happen to her and kill her off."