
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Yusei was messing around with his runner when Bolt and Yanagi walked in and saw someone they hadn't seen before with Yusei.


Yusei: "Oh! Sorry about that Bolt I wasn't expecting anyone. So, what brings you to my new humble abode?"

Bolt: "Before we get to that how about you introduce me to your new friend?"

Yusei: "Yeah he's one of the people I talked to you about during my stay at the facility."

Yanagi: "What?! He's the guy you have trouble beating in a duel Yusei?!"

Bolt: "Calm down gramps. That was just when they were kids. Didn't you listen to Yusei at all?"

Yanagi: "Yeah sorry about that. So, you're Kai right? Are you also a signer?! Since Yusei is one and he has trouble beating you before you could be one as well!!"

Kai: "What do you mean signer old man?"

Yusei: "He means this."

As Yusei rolled up his sleeve Kai was able to see his mark of the Crimson Dragon, and even though he knew it was there he still needed to act like he didn't know for now.

Kai: "Wow Yusei! I didn't peg you for the type to get a tattoo but that looks cool! You do know that Martha is going to kill you right?"

Yusei: "What?! No! I got this mark during my duel with Jack!"

Yusei then began everything about his duel with Jack including how the Crimson Dragon appeared when his Stardust Dragon and Jack's Red Dragon Archfiend collided with each other.

Kai: "Cool! So does this mean that you and Jack are actually closer than you are right now?"

Yusei: "Unfortunately no. I don't know what this mark means but maybe with the Fortune Cup approaching maybe I'll get some answers."

*Screeching Brake Noises*

Kai: "You expecting someone else Yusei?"

Yusei: "No. But may as well invite them to the party come on."

As everyone went outside the garage they were all surprised while Yusei looked even more serious than usual while Kai just smiled at the situation.

Kai: "Long time no see Jack! Seems like you've been doing pretty good for yourself lately!"

Jack: "Quit while you're ahead Kai! Sarcasm doesn't suit you and besides...I'm here for Yusei not you!"

Kai: "Hey! What does that mean!"

Jack: "Just wait a moment and I'll get to you! Now, Yusei I've heard that you and Kai are going to be participating in this years Fortune Cup. If that's the case then you'll be needing this back then won't you...so here! Now when I beat you there will be no doubt about who's better and we can settle this! That is...if you can still beat Kai or not."

After Jack and Yusei had their little back and forth cannon talk Jack turned to Kai seeming more focused than ever.

Jack: "A little birdie told me that you have your own deck now. You wouldn't happen to have a powerful dragon as well would you?"

Kai: "Do you honestly think I'll share that information with someone I might duel? Seems your intelligence hasn't grown with your fame Jack."

Jack: "Just answer me Kai because it isn't me asking!"

Kai: "So Goodwin wants to know huh? Just tell him he'll see for himself during the tournament. Makes it more fun that way wouldn't you agree?!"

Jack smiled knowingly at how his friend hasn't changed over the time they've been apart before speaking again.

Jack: "I wouldn't expect anything else from you Kai. Let's see just how good you've gotten when the tournament starts!"

This was the last thing Jack said to the group before getting on his/Yusei's runner and driving off.

Everything following Jack leaving went mostly along the lines of cannon with Yanagi pestering Kai for a look at his deck to see if he had a legendary dragon. Which Kai refused on several occasions .

Kai: [Now that that's over with I thing I should make some adjustments]

Kai: "You guys do whatever. I have something I need to do before the Cup so I'll see you then!"

With that Kai went back into the garage and began to make his turbo deck with the following cards:

Monsters: Blizzard Dragon x2, Divine Dragon Ragnarok, Blackland Fire Dragon, Rose, Warrior of Revenge, Mist Valley Soldier, Big Eye, Dark Resonator, Exploder Dragon, Masked Dragon x3, Twin-Headed Behemoth, Vice Dragon, Delta Flyer, Sangan, Handcuffs Dragon, Tiger Dragon, Dream Clown, Greenkappa, Invader of the Throne, and Ameba

Speed Spells: Speed Force, Silver Contrails, Shrink, Forbidden Chalice, Battle Tuned, Synchro Diffuse, Stamping Destruction, Speed Jammer, Rapid Shotwing, Monster Reborn, Pot of Avarice, Half Seize, Creature Swap, and Dark Core

Traps: Negate Attack x2, Dimension Wall x2, Scrap-Iron Scarecrow, Barrel Behind the Door, Call of the Haunted, No Entry, Bottomless Trap Hole, Rising Energy, Prideful Roar, and Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck: Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, Dark End Dragon, Light End Dragon, Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, and Celestial Wolf Lord, Blue Sirius

Kai: "That's that! 48 cards in total, not bad, a little smaller than my normal deck but that's fine! Now all that's left is the Fortune Cup!"