
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

New Domino City

[] = thinking

Duel runner name: Blizzard

Kai: [Even though I was told the ride would be nothing short of luxurious I had a feeling Goodwin would still find a way to be discreet about bringing another Satellite into New Domino.]

Kai was currently inside of a massive container on a cargo ship relaxing with his runner. Even though it might seem uncomfortable Goodwin spared no expense, the inside of Kai's container was way better than anything you'd find in the Satellite! It had everything Kai would ever need for the trip to New Domino. From his king sized bed, mini refrigerator, running water, and a fully stocked kitchen!

Kai: [When Lazar said that Goodwin would make my trip luxurious for both the trip and the stay in the city he wasn't kidding! This place has everything the people in Satellite would kill for! It's sad really, you'd think you'd care for the people you grew up around but after Goodwin made it to New Domino all he cared for was money and power. Goodwin's greed truly knows no bounds.]

About 4-5 hours later a cargo ship docked like it did on a normal day. But this time there was a lime waiting by the docks with a short man seemingly waiting for someone. This of course drew some attention from passerby but in the end they didn't care and went about their day. Finally when night fell and no one else was around the last container was opened revealing a young man and a duel runner ready to go!

Blizzard: VRRRRMMMMMM! *Brakes Squeaking*

Lazar: "Mr. Kai there's no need for this! Mr.Goodwin has agreed to cover your stay here!"

Kai: "Sorry Lazar! I know you're just doing your job but I don't want to owe anything to Goodwin. I'll be at the Fortune Cup though so don't worry!"

Kai didn't leave any room for discussion as he sped off with only one location in mind. But as he was speeding down the streets he saw a news bulletin about someone breaking into a facility and stealing a duel runner!

Kai: [Looks like I'm just in time! If I'm not wrong Yusei will get his "invitation" to the Fortune Cup which means it's starting sooner than I thought! Talk about cutting it close.]

With this thought Kai smiled wide as he realized that the real fun was finally getting started! After riding around for a while Kai saw some cars in the distance blocking the road and surrounding a duel runner, it was Yusei! He stumbled across the moment where Yusei was forced into the tournament!

Kai: "And here I thought I'd be staying at a hotel before the tournament."

Kai waited until Lazar and his men left before driving up to Yusei coming to a stop right next to him.

Yusei: "And just who're you?! Another one of Goodwin's goons?! If so don't both I already received your "invitation" so you're a little late!"

Kai: "Relax Yusei I saw everything, including the picture." Kai said while removing his helmet.

Yusei: "Kai?! How did you get out of the Satellite and what're you doing here?! Did Goodwin force you to participate as well?!"

Kai: "Calm down Yusei. To answer some of your questions Goodwin didn't force me I came here willingly to have some fun!"

Yusei: "...Yeah that sounds like you alright. Seeking fun and challenges, you haven't changed. But I'm not here for fun, but you said you saw that didn't you?"

Kai: "Yeah and don't worry as far as you and Jack go that is going to stay between you two just leave me out of it. But if you two start acting stupid don't blame me for hitting you guys again!"

Yusei: "Hey! That was one time!"

After Kai and Yusei finished their greetings Yusei took Kai to Blister's place. After getting permission from Blister Kai was allowed to stay until after the tournament which gave the old friends time to catch up.

But Kai already knew this was the calm before the storm!!!