
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Questions and Anger


Yusei: "Ok, before the mark would vanish but now it looks like I have a tattoo."

Kai: "I don't think you're the only one either. I felt a burning sensation on my back so I think I'm in the same situation."

Yusei: "But if that's the case we need to get Luna out of here. Who nows how long until Goodwin gets to her."

Kai: "Don't bother Yusei. Even if you told them to leave right now do you think Goodwin would let them leave. I wouldn't doubt if he had a plan to make them turn around."

Yusei: "Well if that's the case why don't we go have a chat with our kind director? After all he has some explaining to do."

After getting a quick check by the medics Yusei and Kai made for the director's tower where Jack and Goodwin were seemingly waiting for them.

Guard 1: "Hey! You can't go up the director isn't expecting you!"

Yusei: "Sorry but he has some explaining to do!"

After Yusei took care of the first guard he turned to find Kai standing over the other one with a smug look on his face.

Kai: "I thought your little team went through a couple of fights? What took you so long?"

Yusei: "Very funny, cmon we're owed some answers."

After a semi tense ride in the elevator with nothing but elevator music to fill the quiet they finally made it to the top. And after dispatching the Guard waiting at the door they made their way over to the director as he was finishing his scolding of Mall Officer Trudge.

Goodwin: "Langley please escort Mall Officer Trudge out."

Yusei: "Was Langley the guy guarding the door because…he's getting some beauty sleep."

Kai: "And he needs it in my opinion someone put some bruises on his jaw poor guy needs it."

Trudge: "What're you punks doing up here?"

Goodwin: "That's enough! How can help you two?"

Yusei: "Before we get to that, weren't you about to throw him out? I think we'd all like to see it."

With a subtle nod from Goodwin Trudeg was drug out of the room while shouting empty threats with an irate expression.

Yusei: "Time to talk Goodwin. You forced me into this tournament, somehow got my other brother involved as well, and locked up my friends I want some answers."

Kai: "And yes Jack we know this has something to do with these marks. We're still in the dark over here."

Jack: "Fine, he wants the power of the Crimson Dragon. So he's been gathering us. He manipulated me to pull those stunts that lead me here today."

Kai: "Don't push blame Jack. You wanted to be here, on top of the mountain looking down on everyone…even what little family you have."

Goodwin: "He's right Jack. I didn't make you come to those decisions. A little motivation but nothing too extreme."

Jack: "Maybe. But I wanted to EARN it. I wouldn't doubt if you set everything up. As bait for Yusei, but for Kai…I honestly think he could've left the Satellite whenever he wanted. Isn't that right director? Kai?"

Kai: "I had some plans to leave the Satellite back in the day but nothing like what you pulled. Though it's hard for me to blindly blame you."

Goodwin: "And don't be ridiculous. I knew you had some friends but I didn't know everything about Yusei until you dueled in the arena."

Jack: "You needed me and Yusei to duel with passion, so you found a way to make it personal. So you made it to where the stakes couldn't be higher."

After saying this Jack gained a fat off look on his face for a moment as if recalling his journey to where he is today.

Jack: "And what's more, he gave you three reasons to come after me. Your Stardust Dragon, your duel runner, and a score to settle. So now I have a demand to make Goodwin. You got what you wanted and more let Yusei's friends go. I want whatever duel that comes my way to be legit. Just me and my opponent, just like in the Satellite."

Goodwin: "If that's what my champion wants, then so be it. Lazar have Yusei's friends released immediately."

Lazar: "Yes director."

Kai: [When did he get here?]

Goodwin: "Now that all of this is settled…Kai and Yusei have a duel to prepare for. We'll fix the track for an hour or so then call for both of you at the line you'd better get going."

Yusei: "I still have questions Goodwin. These marks seem to be parts of the dragon. But why is Kai's mark on his back."

Goodwin: "I myself can't answer that, only time will reveal the answers to some of your questions as for the others you may have, you have my word I'll answer them after your duel."