
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Dueling Brother’s Part 1

Leo: "YUSEI?!"

Yusei: "What're you guys doing here? You should be in the stands."

Bolt: "We wanted to wish you luck. Even if you're going against Kai with all this "signer" stuff we don't know what could happen."

Luna: "He's right Yusei, we don't want the duel to be like your other one with Akiza."

Yusei: "So that's it? Well you don't need to worry about that. Kai duels for fun not to hurt people. This might be the only duel I'll have fun with in the entire Fortune Cup."

Bolt: "Well then we'll wish you luck and cheer you on in the stands. Show him who deserves to beat the sense back into Jack."

Yusei: "You bet I will, though he's probably just as motivated to scold the both of us like Martha would."

While Yusei was talking to his friends shortly before the match Kai was making a couple last minute decisions before the duel started.

Kai: [I wasn't going to include you two yet but I'll have to pull out all the stops for this. Yusei will be taking this even more serious than usual since he's so close to Jack.]

Even though he still wanted things to follow the story as close as necessary Kai had been around the two since they were kids. In addition to who he was before, he's become one of their closest friends. Even though they aren't related Martha raised them as a family. With or without his knowledge from his other life he knew Jack and Yusei fighting like this only hurt them, even if everything would work out they still fought each other out of anger and betrayal. And it was getting time to bury this stupid feud.

Kai: "Ok, let's do this."


With that both Yusei and Kai drove up to the starting line with Kai on the inside and Yusei on the outside.

Yusei: "I don't think we've dueled like this yet have we?"

Kai: "Do you mean in front of countless people or on a runner? Either way, we haven't. So let's make this one for the history books!"


"Duel mode engaged. Autopilot standing by."

Kai/Yusei: "Let's duel!"

Yusei: "I summon Shield Wing in defense mode! And I'll end my turn with two face downs. Let's see what your deck's made of Kai."

0 ATK / 900 DEF

Kai: "I won't disappoint. Since you have a monster on your side of the field and mine is empty I can special summon Vice Dragon from my hand. After that I'll be bringing out Dark Resonator. But they aren't staying for long, Dark Resonator tune with Vice Dragon and Synchro Summon, Dark End Dragon!"

2600 ATK / 2100 DEF

Kai: "Now I'll place one card face down and end my turn."

Lazar: "Why didn't he attack? That dragon is obviously stronger than Yusei's."

Jack: "As you know Lazar, all of us grew up dueling together. Having said that, Yusei no longer knows what Kai can throw at him and the same goes for Kai, since Yusei isn't the same as he was in the Satellite. They're both being cautious for now it seems. But not for long."

Yusei: "Well let me show you something special. I summon Junk Synchron in attack mode!"

1300 ATK / 500 DEF

Kai: "Isn't Junk Warrior a little too weak for my monster? C'mon Yusei you should know better."

Yusei: "I do which is why I'm not summoning him. Instead I'll be using someone else! I tune my Junk Synchron with my Shield Wing in order to Synchro Summon, Junk Speeder in attack mode!"

1800 ATK / 1000 DEF

Kai: [Well if I can throw curveballs so can Yusei.]

Kai: "That's good and all Yusei but you're forgetting my facedown, Bottomless Trap Hole. If you summon a monster at or over 1500 ATK it's destroyed and then removed from play."

Yusei: "Then it's a good thing I took one out of Trudge's playbook! I activate Wiretap!"

Kai: "How'd you get one of those from sector security?!"

Yusei: "Trudge dropped it in the Satellite."

Kai: [Sure let's go with "dropped".]

Yusei: "This negates your trap and sends it back to your deck. But I'm not done, since Junk Speeder was successfully summoned I can summon another tuner monster from my deck in defense mode. And I'm choosing Drill Synchron!"

Kai: "This is less than ideal."

Yusei: "For you at least because now I'm attacking with my Junk Speeder! Since this was the turn that Junk Speeder was summoned when he attacks his attack points are doubled! Say goodbye to your dragon!"

Kai 3000LP / Yusei 4000LP

Kai: "Good for you Yusei but you aren't done are you? You still have something to do."

Yusei: "You're right. So now I'll tune my Junk Speeder with my Drill Synchron and Synchro Summon….STARDUST DRAGON! LET'S REV IT UP!"

2500 ATK / 2000 DEF

Announcer: "There it is folks! The dragon that brought the Black Rose to defeat! Will Kai's fate be the same?!"

Kai: "Not if I can help it. I summon Blizzard Dragon in attack mode. And with its ability I can choose one monster on your side of the field and stop it from attacking or changing its position. With that I'll put two cards face down and end my turn."

Yusei: "Then it's my move again, so I'll summon Speed Warrior in attack mode! Now Speed Warrior wipe out that dragon! And in case you've forgotten Speed Warrior's attack points are double in the first turn it's here."

900 ATK / 400 DEF

1800 ATK / 400 DEF

Kai: "That's fun and all but I'll play one of my face downs, Negate Attack! This not only stops your warrior but also ends the rest of your attacking turn. Anything else to add Yusei?"

Yusei: "For now no. I'll end my turn."

Kai: "Good because now I can play Call of the Haunted! And bring back my Vice Dragon! But before I do anything else I activate my dragon's ability on Stardust again. Since that takes him out of commission for another turn I'll summon Masked Dragon in attack mode! You went and got everyone riled up and on your side with your dragon Yusei, it's time for them to cool off."

Yusei: "What're you talking about?"

Kai: "Let me show you….I remove all three of my dragons from play!"

Yusei: "WHAT?!"

Luna/Leo: "HUH?!"

Jack: "What in the?"

Goodwin: "Lazar. What card is he going to use?"

Lazar: "I don't know sir I can't think of any cards I've seen that require banishing your own monsters."

Akiza: "What is he doing?"

Kai: "I've removed three different cards from play! Now…I FUSION SUMMON! A dragon so cold ice runs through its veins with frost covering it's scales. TRISHULA, THE DRAGON OF ICY IMPRISONMENT!"