
Transmigration in Against the Gods (AU)

A young soul drifting through the void is waiting for something to happen just to be chosen by "something" to come back to the world of the living, just...a little different world than the young soul was accustomed to. Will young soul go with the whims of whoever or whatever chose him? Will he try to rebel and overcome that "thing"? Or...will they both compromise and find a middle path to take on this journey in this new cruel world? [A/N: This is the fan-fic about Against the Gods. It's supposed to be more relaxing, more comedy and satire. You can expect a lot of cliches like in any other cultivation novels just to see how our MC from our world response to those. Also, this is AU so expect some different things from the original, also, I will be using a lot of other techniques and other ways of cultivating other than Profound Way] Cover shamelessly stolen from Pinterest, in case anyone would like me to take it off, no problem.

darvom · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs


"Here we go, prepare yourself because it might hurt a lot!" Meng didn't waste any time and said with a serious tone while extending his arm towards Yun Canghai.

"Bring it on!" Yun Canghai just smiled crazily.

A grayish-blue energy shot from Meng's palm into Yun Canghai's forehead and a graying-blue thread of energy formed between them. Yun Canghai's eyes lost their radiance and became dull as if he just became a doll without its own will.

'Soul manipulation?!!' Jasmine exclaimed when she saw Yun Canghai's soul leaving his own body through that thread of energy.

"What are you doing?!" Yun Che clenched his fists and questioned, however, he didn't make a move since his grandfather didn't even resist.

"Rescuing you" Meng glanced at Yun Che before focusing on Yun Canghai once again.

'The formation is bound to his life, therefore-!' Meng pointed his index finger at Yun Canghai's heart before a thin line of amber-colored energy shot forward, piercing his entire body.

By now, Yun Canghai's bright soul was in Meng's hand and Yun Canghai's soulless body stopped functioning since its heart was pierced. The body itself could "live" without the soul but it would be just like a doll. Once Yun Canghai's body "died" the formation bound to him crumbled down with the sound of breaking glass.

"What was that sound?!"

"It came from the Sword Management Terrace!"

Now that the barrier was broken, they could hear a commotion outside.

Meng quickly approached Yun Canghai's body and put the glowing tip of his index finger onto his wound which caused the hole in his heart and body to slowly close up.

"Hey, kid, do you know any lighting based arts?!" Meng turned to Yun Che who watched this act with wide-open eyes.

"Eh?! N-No, I don't!" Yun Che almost shouted back.

"Fuu, good thing I came prepared..." Meng muttered and took the yellow talisman and placed it on Yun Canghai's chest. He performed a hand sign and the talisman disappeared while weak lightning appeared in its position, shocking Yun Canghai's entire body. Meng used his own profound energy to help the heart start beating once again and once he succeeded, he quickly returned Yun Canghai's soul back into his body.

*COUGH!* *COUGH!* Yun Canghai opened his eyes and started violently coughing out blood.

"Grandfather!" Seeing that his grandfather was alright and the barrier disappeared, Yun Che's eyes shone in delight.

"There is no time for this!" Meng shouted and took Yun Canghai who was still very weak under his one arm and then he took Yun Che under his other arm.

"wha-?! I can go on my own!" Yun Che felt a great amount of humiliation from being carried like the sack of potatoes by someone.

"You can't fly so shut up!" Meng said in a harsh tone before flying out from underneath the terrace.

"They broke the Heaven's Might Soul Suppressing Formation!!! Delay them and quickly inform elders from Mighty Heavenly Sword Region!" Several elders from Heavenly Sword Villa were already waiting for them in the sky and once they saw the weak state of the "demon" they rejoiced, thinking that they still have some chance.

Meng didn't bother with them and quickly tried to fly away from there however he was being followed by several elders.

'Carrying those two along with my already quite slow speed makes even measly Sky Profound Praticioners capable of keeping up with my speed.' Meng thought and even though he could get rid of them within a few seconds, he didn't come here to kill elders of a sect that is practically being used by Mighty Heavenly Sword Region.

'Most of them don't even know who is this so-called "demon"'

Meng stopped in midair and once elders caught up to him, they also stopped but none of them attacked him, instead, they were keeping their distance and watching Meng's back with cautious expressions on their faces.

"*Start acting as if you are unconscious or try to act like I am kidnapping you if you don't want them to think that you are together with me and the "demon"*" Meng whispered and Yun Che who already accepted his fate of being carried raised his eyebrows before he understood Meng's intentions.

Yun Che started releasing his profound energy, trying to get out of Meng's grasp but when he saw that it was in vain, he tried to shout for help from the elders who just looked at him in pity but none of them dared to attack yet.

"Shut up!" Meng used his profound energy to make it look like he knocked him out and Yun Che played his part.

'Fuck! He could have been more light-handed! It hurt like hell.' Yun Che thought with a slightly pained expression while playing uncouncious.

"My orders were to come here and rescue this person, not to kill people but if you are going to tail me like dogs, I have no qualms killing a few insects!" Meng turned around and his eyes started to glow in amber color but since his mask was made by him, it looked like his eyes were glowing in icy blue color.

Instead of releasing the aura of his cultivation base, he started releasing the death energy he accumulated till now and the surroundings started being filled with gray clouds that were giving off an ominous feeling to the others.

The elders retreated a bit once they felt such an evil aura coming from the masked figure in front of them.

'What is this menacing aura?' Yun Che asked Jasmine as he himself felt tense being so close to it.

'His body is actually capable of hosting death energy without turning crazy from it?' Jasmine muttered with a thoughtful expression.

"...Tch! Don't be afraid, we just have to stall them until the elders from the sacred ground come here!" One elder stepped forward despite feeling a cold sweat on his back.

'Looks like I am not good at intimidating people...well, you will have to serve as an exemplar, unfortunately, I can't risk bringing out my spear or using my Yang energy. This is one of the times I would be better off giving more attention to my Yin energy...' Meng thought and put "uncouncious" Yun Che on his shoulder before swiping his hand in a claw-like form.

5 medium-sized slashes of grayish-blue energy were released from the tips of his fingers and traveled fast to the elder standing in front of others.

"?! Break!" Elder was surprised by the sudden attack but he slashed his sword and released his own profound energy to block that attack since it didn't give off a powerful pressure to him. However once his profound energy touched those 5 slashes, it got frozen before it broke and 4 more slashes aimed for his life.

Elder widened his eyes in shock before he brought his sword in front of him to protect his life however once he made contact with those slashes, he was completely frozen without a chance to release a scream.

The frozen statue of the elder crumbled down into pieces but that wasn't the end of it yet the other elders already took a few steps back.

"Death Chapter" Meng sent large portion of his death energy into those remainings of the dead elder and they suddenly started connecting to each other while the ice started to fall off.

"D-Demon!!" The other elders were watching this with horrified expressions when they saw their fellow comrade standing once again, looking at them with a dull look in his eyes.

"Make sure none of them follows me." Meng said before flying away however before he was too far away, he still said a few things.

"Tell your Sacred Grounds that Illusory Demon Royal Family never forgets its grudges! Time will come when those who have sinned will be judged by heavens themselves! Anyone allying Mighty Heavenly Sword Region is a sinner! Let the whole world knows!" Meng shouted with all his might while enhancing his voice even with his profound energy, making his changed voice travel several kilometers away.

"F-Follow him from a far, we can't lose sight of him!" The other elders woke up upon hearing his words and tried to follow but their former comrade stepped in their way, blocking them.

"Wha-?!" They were surprised that their already dead comrade's strength didn't weaken but perhaps he became even slightly stronger. If they wanted to follow the masked man, they would have to first overpower the strongest elder among all of them which would be a pretty hard task as this "elder" in front of them no longer feared anything and would risk anything to stop them from following the masker man.

None of them wanted to throw away their lives.

"He doesn't attack us on his own..."

"That must be because of that man's order. We already lost him, we should report this matter to others instead of dying here in vain."

"But what about...that?" The elders were discussing their new course of action while cautiously observing the reanimated elder in front of them.