
Transmigration: I Became a Cult Leader

Nikolai, a womanizing former assassin, dies after being stabbed. However, instead of the eternal punishment he expected, things didn't end there for him. As he strangely finds himself transported into the body of Samir, a young… slave. As if that wasn't strange and disturbing enough, he also finds himself in possession of a strange system... The Supreme Cultist System "What the fuck? So my mission is to become a fucking cultist?” “No, not just any cultist, but the ultimate cultist. Please, the system has standards, my dear host” “…” - - - - - This is my first story, so please bear with me a little. The beginning of the story is a little slow, but it gets better, I promise. Plus, English is not my mother tongue, so the grammar here won't be the best you've ever seen. So if you find any mistakes or typos you tell me in the comments, that I'll fix it as soon as possible. Thanks for reading my book!

MrSaltedCaramel · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Strength Behind the Smiles

 At the same time, on the other side of the formation. The targets of Jake's heroic display, the sisters were chatting nonchalantly

"Hehehe, do you think he will be angry?" asked the younger sister, Charlotte with a mischievous face

"Knowing his powerful personality... he's probably freaking out right now," replied Claire, with a charming smile, before continuing, with a cold look, "Still, I have to say that these monsters appeared at a good time. I was already reaching my limit. If that bastard kept giving us that disgusting look of his for another minute, I probably would have burned him until there was not a single hair left on his head"

"Claire, language, please. What would mom say if she heard you?"

The two sisters looked at each other in silence for a moment, before starting to laugh

"Well, back to the topic. Even though Jake tries to maintain a gentlemanly façade, when we're not looking, he reveals his true nature, that's a huge pervert. I really can't come to like him"

Charlotte gritted her teeth as she remembered Jake's lewd gaze constantly roaming her and her sister's bodies. Unbeknownst to the young noble, during their interactions, despite their friendly smiles, the sisters constantly struggled not to let their repulsion, disgust and anger show in their expressions

"Sigh! I don't understand why dad had to promise our hands in fair marriage to this idiot. Apart from his good looks, he has no other qualities. Not just, he is a petty, greedy and evil man. But also the rumors I heard about him as we walked through Askelyn were all negative. For example, how he is an unambitious good-for-nothing who uses the Thornten family's authority to get what he wants"

"Don't be like that, Charl, Dad said he would talk to Viscount Thorsten about revoking this agreement. Anyway, since we got rid of that clown for now, how about we have some fun?"

"Oh?! Yeah, let's go hunting!"

Hearing her older sister's suggestion, Charlotte's expression changed and her haggard face turned into an expectant expression

A fact that only a few individuals outside the Maskervil family know is that in addition to having enormous magical talent, the two have always been passionate about adventures since they were little. While growing up, the two constantly ran away, escaping the comforts of their family to explore and have fun

A habit that didn't disappear even after they both grew up. Therefore, when they received Jake's invitation to explore an unknown labyrinth, they couldn't resist and agreed to accompany him, hoping to have some fun. Unfortunately for the twins, the result was not quite what they expected. And due to the annoying presence of Jake, who stuck to them both like a tick on an old dog, not only were they unable to explore freely the place, but they were also forced to just watch as the mercenaries dealt with all the Stone Moles

Having made up their minds, the sisters quickly advanced, leaving the protection of the mercenaries and entering the battlefield


As if sensing the sisters' agitation, five of the monstrous moles came out of the ground, leaping towards them, trying to impale them with their huge claws

"No, you two come back here. It's dangero–"

Seeing this, the mercenaries protecting them were frightened, but before they could do anything, an astonishing scene unfolded before them. Since contrary to their delicate appearances, the two sisters were actually skilled warriors. Both sisters, easily avoided the creatures' onslaught using a unique and complex footwork, derived from the martial arts they learned at an early age in their family

As if that wasn't enough, in frightening synchrony, the two sisters turned around, pointing their hands in the direction of the monsters

""Blazing Arrow!""

Following the sisters' shout, in the next instant, two long fire arrows materialized in their hands, before quickly flying towards one of the creatures, burning it while still in mid-air. The poor monster wasn't even able to scream before its head was pierced and its body fell lifeless to the ground, completely charred 

As for the remaining moles, having lost their target, they dove back into the earth, preparing for the next ambush. Unfortunately for the creatures, the sisters had no intention of giving him that chance

Deciding to end it quickly, as if they could read each other's minds. The two looked at each other and waved their hands, following their movements, the rings present on their fingers glowed for a moment, before their weapons appeared in their hands

Unlike Jake who was a swordsman, using a longsword, both of which specialized in magical combat, the twins used staffs. Their staffs were quite long, being a head longer than the sisters themselves. They were made from an ancient black wood and each had large red jewels on its top tip

With the appearance of the staffs, the temperature around the two immediately began to rise, before a sea of flames exploded from them, covering a ten meter perimeter around them

Due to the intensity of the flames, the mercenaries who were observing them were forced to retreat, fearing that they would be burned by the furious flames. Once surrounded by flames, the two sisters then began to sing a series of strange chants

""Adue Dah Bule Gud...""

Almost immediately, the sea of flames that surrounded them began to rotate, their furious flames writhed in the air for a moment, before they began to condense, forming four roses of fire 


At this, the two calmly pointed their staffs towards the place where the monsters had just plunged into the earth, before shouting

""Eruptive Flower!""

Following the sisters' order, the four flame flowers followed the monsters' example and pierced the earth. What followed was a series of explosions taking over the battlefield



Along with the explosions, terrible screams of the monsters echoed from the holes – having nowhere to escape, they found themselves being cooked alive by the raging flames

This scene caused the battlefield to stop for a moment. Witnessing the real power of the two sisters for the first time, all mercenaries found themselves swallowing hard at such destructive power 

"By the gods. Are they even human?"

"Glup... We better not provoke this pair of scary sisters!"

As for the two mercenaries who had lewd thoughts about the two, well… they didn't even dare to look in their direction, fearing that the two had overheard their comments

Faced with the spectacular display of power exerted by the twins, Jake felt his face turn red, realizing that his actions only served to make him lose face

"Fuck! I should have let the mercenaries handle this. At least, I wouldn't have made such a ridiculous scene in front of so many people"

As he looked around, Jake noticed a lone figure on the battlefield in the distance. The figure was tall and carried a huge bag on its back, he easily identified the figure as his slave, Samir

Samir was standing still, with the same friendly smile and dead fish eyes on his face. Looking at his calm expression, one would imagine that he hadn't been attacked from the start

Nevertheless the presence of dozens of lifeless Stone Moles lying at their feet told a different story


As if it didn't notice the bodies of its companions scattered across the floor, a Stone Mole destroyed the floor by jumping towards the slave, trying to tear his body apart

Faced with this attack, the slave simply tilted his body slightly to the side, causing the sharp, pointed claws to miss his face by a hair's breadth. Then, with a fluid and decisive movement, he quickly returned to his original position, at the same time extending his right arm, as if trying to grab the creature's hideous head. Receiving this action with open arms, the creature not only did not try to dodge, but also opened its mouth

With his arm in the creature's mouth, Samir felt the various tentacles present on the monster's face wrap around him, slowly rising towards his arm, at the same time that tens of thousands of fangs present in the tentacles began to corrode his flesh, trying to consume him

It was then that the monster felt a strong, excruciating pain coming from its mouth and tongue, a pain that quickly spread to its larynx


The Stone Mole let out a scream of agony with a hoarse voice full of pain, trying to escape the slave's grasp. But before he could, the monster's movements stopped, no longer having any signs of life and the monster was dead. Although the description of the scene seems long, the entire process from the creature's ambush to its death only took about three breaths of time

Having eliminated his target, the slave calmly threw the monster's body to the ground, calmly pulling his right fist out of the monster's mouth, remaining silent again, awaiting the next ambush and his future victim

"Damn it! This bastard is still as annoying as ever. Later I need to punish him," Jake cursed before slashing a Stone Mole that had jumped towards him

Just like that, with the help of a furious Jake and a pair of fun-seeking sisters, the group easily managed to exterminate the horde of monsters. Resuming their journey, then about half a day later the group found themselves in front of a gigantic temple

I don't know if you noticed, but I kinda like it when things explode

MrSaltedCaramelcreators' thoughts