
Transmigration: I Became a Cult Leader

Nikolai, a womanizing former assassin, dies after being stabbed. However, instead of the eternal punishment he expected, things didn't end there for him. As he strangely finds himself transported into the body of Samir, a young… slave. As if that wasn't strange and disturbing enough, he also finds himself in possession of a strange system... The Supreme Cultist System "What the fuck? So my mission is to become a fucking cultist?” “No, not just any cultist, but the ultimate cultist. Please, the system has standards, my dear host” “…” - - - - - This is my first story, so please bear with me a little. The beginning of the story is a little slow, but it gets better, I promise. Plus, English is not my mother tongue, so the grammar here won't be the best you've ever seen. So if you find any mistakes or typos you tell me in the comments, that I'll fix it as soon as possible. Thanks for reading my book!

MrSaltedCaramel · Fantasy
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17 Chs

A Slave and the Flaming Peacock

 The temple was huge and located right in the center of the city. Standing over a hundred meters tall, the temple had a simple yet elegant design. Being mostly white, with some gold-like gilded carved symbols, which together with large colored stained glass windows spread across its walls increased its grandeur

"Hahaha, look at this, how beautiful and stunning! Soon this place will all be mine, truly worthy of belonging to my family", commented Jake happily

Ignoring Jake's comments, the expedition members approached the grand staircases in front of the temple. Unbeknownst to anyone, Jake's words caused Samir to narrow his eyes for a moment, before returning to his standard smiling dead fish expression. As for what was going on in his mind, only he knew 

As the group approached, they realized that unlike the rest of the city, this place in particular was very well maintained. With the only proof of its abandonment, being the dirt and dust that covered its walls. And the dead bushes, trees and plants that surrounded the exterior of the temple. Furthermore, the ground around the temple was completely immaculate, with the stone floors intact without even a crack or scratch 

Despite this, the group did not dare to lower their guard. After all, just because there were no external markings, it didn't necessarily mean that the place was free from traps or monsters

Luckily, the group was just overthinking and managed to reach the top of the stairs without any incident, finally finding themselves in front of the temple's entrance doors. Proportional to the rest of the temple, the doors were huge, each one being over fifteen meters tall and nearly five meters wide

Right in the middle of the two doors, a huge green snake wrapped in a blood red skull was carved. Even though it's just a drawing, the snake carved was so vivid that it made the group feel as if it was watching them, ready to strike

"This is quite sinister. Claire, I have a bad feeling about this place"

"Me too, Charl... let's hope it's nothing"

The sisters whispered among themselves. While the rest of the group continued to watch the huge carved snake in amazement


 About an hour later, once everyone had already rested and recovered their energy, Marco stood up, breaking the silence

"Alright, we are here, behind these doors is the center of the labyrinth, we are just one step away from getting the riches we seek so much", Marco paused for a second, before continuing with a serious expression, "Everyone stay alert, we don't know what happens from now on. Even so, that remember according to the rumors, it is usually from this point onwards, that most of the casualties in exploratory groups occur"

Upon hearing these words, the mercenary group immediately began to feel apprehensive, fearing for their lives. After all, they could only enjoy the advantages that wealth and fame would offer them, if they were alive

Noticing the chaotic mood of his men, Marco knew that in moments like this, it was up to him to boost morale. Clearing his throat he continued

"What's with those wide faces? Are you all suddenly scared? I don't remember recruiting such a bunch of cowards... Have you guys already forgotten who we are?"

Without even waiting for their responses, he continued in a loud and dignified voice

"We are 'Dark Wolves', and like wolves, we are united and we fear no one or anything! Do you remember when we came across that minotaur during one of our missions? At that time, did we retreat?"

"N-No, we don't"

"That's right, we don't run, instead we fight. We fight because even though that bastard was capable of annihilating each of us if we were alone, he was no match for a pack of wolves like us. Remember, we are the Dark Wolves, what we cannot accomplish alone, we accomplish together as a pack that we are!"

At their leader's words, the mercenaries began to feel their hearts beat faster and the blood in their veins pump faster, slowly pushing away their fears and insecurities. Not wanting to miss the opportunity Marco continued with a firm voice

"Now tell me you fucking bastards… Who are we?"

"""We are Dark Wolves!"""

"That's right. Now tell me, do we get scared?"


"And why is that?"

"""Because Dark Wolves fear nothing!"""

"That's right you bastards and never forget it"

Blood Ogre's impassioned speech proved to be quite effective. Making all the tension and fear that the mercenaries felt disappear, being replaced by fighting spirit.

Having had their determination renewed, the group quickly adjusted their equipment, preparing to enter combat as soon as necessary

"Alright, let's go, let's loot the place!", satisfied with this outcome, Marco took the lead, then with firm steps walked towards the gigantic doors, placing his hands on their cold surface

However, before he could open it, it happened

"Hang on, hang on... please, stop right there!"

"Huh? Is there any problem… Mr. Torrence?", Marco replied grumpily, not happy to have been interrupted

"Yes, there is a problem here. The problem is what are you doing now? Why are you opening the doors yourself? This is very wrong!"

"Oh, so you are questioning my combat capabilities? By any chance, would you like to take the lead, Mr. Thornten?" Marco asked narrowing his eyes, as his body slowly began to emanate a dangerous aura

Although mercenary groups want to stay on the good side of noble families, for the sake of their future connections, it doesn't change the fact that these groups were made up of adventurers, powerful and skilled warriors with their own pride. As for Marco, having his strength questioned is the line that no one should never cross 

Following their leader's example, the rest of the Dark Wolves, who already didn't like this brazen young noble much to begin with, began to look at him in a hostile manner

Sensing the tension in the air, Jake quickly raised his arms in surrender, before continuing in a hurried voice

"Wait, calm down, calm down. Please don't misunderstand me, that's not what I meant by my words. Please understand, I do not doubt your capabilities at all Blood Ogre

I mean, if I thought otherwise, I wouldn't have specifically hired your group out of the dozens of groups I could have chosen to accompany me, don't you agree?"

"Hmpf! Continue…" the mercenary snorted as he signaled his companions to retreat

'Like a simple band of mercenaries, you dare to threaten me. Dark Wolves my ass, you're more like just a bunch of pathetic dogs'

Not letting his thoughts show on his expression, Jake cleared his throat and continued in a calm voice

"Ahem, what I was trying to say is that it doesn't seem right that our strongest fighter is the one responsible for opening these doors. What if there is a trap? Doesn't that mean we could lose the ace of our group due to a simple oversight?"

"Okay, I admit you have a valid point, but still, I'm not willing to sacrifice one of my men. And even if they were willing to take on such a role, I don't believe any of them are strong enough to open those doors"

As if he had been waiting for that answer, Jake smiled broadly, before continuing

"Oh, don't worry about it, you don't need to ask any of your men to do it. In fact, I have the perfect candidate in mind… my slave!"

Hearing this, everyone present turned their attention to Samir

"Look, this is my slave Samir, despite him being a cripple, incapable of using the simplest cleaning spell. He still has incredible physical strength, I believe it is the perfect replacement for the current situation. Step forward your fucking cripple!"

Being called directly by his "owner", the poor slave didn't have much choice, other than to obey and get closer

As the slave approached, the height difference between the two became more and more evident. Although Jake wasn't necessarily considered short, being 178 cm (5' 10''), he still couldn't compare to Samir's 196 cm (6' 5''). That among those present, in this regard he was second only to Marco who was approximately 215 cm (7' 1'')

After approaching, Samir looked at Jake, then with his characteristic gentle and harmless smile, he broke his silence

"What do you want, you damned Flaming Peacock? Don't tell me that showing off your weak, cheap little flames tired you out. And now you need me to carry you on my back, like the dead weight you are?"