
Transmigrated With A Time Chamber In DxD

"Okay guys. Time to settle an argument. If you were to reincarnate in DxD, what race would you choose and why?" Some choose dragons. Some choose yokai. Others choose devils and another few, angels. In an era where gods exist and a myriad of races populate the planet, Igor made the most uncanny of choices. As for what it was, read on and find out. Available on Fanfiction.net and RoyalRoad with the same title name.

HolyGambler · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

Chapter 45

She couldn't hold herself back anymore. Standing up, she wrapped her arms around his neck and…





A few moments prior…


Sun Wukong was enjoying the good show below while eating a banana. He was high up in the sky and was observing the situation below Dozens of exorcists had surrounded Igor while Vasco stood a few metres away from the blonde. Even though the situation seemed grim for the blonde, Sun Wukong had no intention of interfering in this little debacle. 

Taking another bite from his banana, he grinned.

"Haha! Good show! Good show! What will that punk Vasco do now?"

Another moment passed and when Vasco pulled out Durandal, he stopped chewing in order to observe Igor's reaction.

"Oh? That's quite the aura he's releasing-"

'You really treat me as a vegetarian, don't you?'

Hearing that line, Sun Wukong doubled over in laughter.

"Puahahaha! He really said such a line?! How long has it been since I've heard that sentence?"

Sun Wukong continued to watch with great interest as Igor used the pressure from his Kaioken to immobilise everyone in the vicinity. Apart from Vasco, every other exorcist was already struggling to remain upright.

But Sun Wukong did not care for those little scrubs that could barely qualify as high-class in power. What intrigued him more was…



Seeing Igor grab the blade of Durandal with his bare hands, Sun Wukong's interest peaked.

"To be able to grab that little thing…is it his aura that is suppressing that sword?"

Sun Wukong knew that whenever Vasco wielded Durandal, he could cut through almost anything with ease. Yet for him to fail to slash through Igor's hands raised a few intriguing questions about the blonde and his Kaioken.

And in a short moment, his questions were answered. The moment Igor grabbed Durandal by the handle and channeled his demi-ki into it, the monkey sage was able to sense what was happening.

"So it's suppression. That strange ki of his can completely suppress the holy power within that pesky sword."

Sun Wukong truly wanted to see what Igor would do next. But when he sensed the subtle killing intent the blonde released, he knew he had to intervene.




Having lost every ounce of patience within him, Igor pointed Durandal at Vasco. His words were spoken with finality, his judgement decided.



Appearing above Vasco, Igor stabbed down with cold determination and intent to Vasco's skull as a sheath for Durandal.



…Sun Wukong appeared in an instant and stopped a potential war between the yokai and heaven by trapping the blade between his fingers. 


Igor stared wide-eyed at Sun Wukong stopping him from delivering the killing blow. But he was more curious than angry. From the little he knew about the monkey sage, he seemed to be the type to never interfere in most matters unless it was necessary.

As for Vasco, the elderly male finally noticed the tip of the blade hovering above his skull.


He quickly sidestepped away from his rather precarious position. A cold sweat formed over his brow after experiencing the literal expression of 'Death looms over you'. But Vasco was no stranger to dangerous situations. Regaining his composure, he was ready to fight again but…he was completely unprepared for the sight of Igor and Sun Wukong suddenly bickering with each other.

The old monkey was hovering above the ground, his height level with the blonde as he screamed into his face.

"Ya stinkin' kid! Do you know just how troublesome it would be you killed that punk?!"

Igor's face turned red from anger, his throat muscles working themselves to deliver a severe tongue-lashing to the meddling sage.

"Who the hell cares who that old man is! He blocked my way even when I asked! Get it?! I ASKED. Since he blocked me from seeing my sister, then naturally I would kill him!"

Hearing the blonde's 'logic', Sun Wukong grew veins on his forehead. Pointing towards Vasco, he berated the blonde.

"Kill, your behind! That punk before you is the strongest exorcist. If he dies, the church will become an annoyance! And not just for you, but for my entire race as well ya little shit!"

" 'Little shit', your ass! Who told him to block my way when I clearly came in peace?!?!"

"Your sense of peace is warped you stupid lil' shit! Listen here. This is Vasco Strada. If he dies then kill yourself as well!"

Sun Wukong grabbed the stem of his nose in helplessness while Igor remained silent in shock.

"Now I regret letting you come here. I should've grabbed you by the ear!!!"

Sun Wukong was very clear about the position of Vasco Strada. He was one of the peak combat personnel that the church had. If Igor killed him, the church wouldn't be meek, but instead attack radically in order to preserve their reputation. It would not be a stretch if Seraphs were sent after the blonde. Furthermore, Igor used ki which is currently known to only be usable by yokai. Just this alone would cause an irreconcilable grudge between the Heaven Faction and the Yokai Faction.

The reason the grudge would nigh unsolvable, is because the death of Vasco Strada would open a floodgate that could only be closed with Igor's corpse. If the church did nothing, then they would be showing weakness and several other factions would begin to take advantage.

That is why Sun Wukong immediately stopped Igor. Because Vasco dying would be far more troublesome. But furthermore, Sun Wukong believed Vasco was not someone who should die meaninglessly.

Yet the blonde considered none of this. When Igor heard Sun Wukong say "Vasco Strada", a chord was struck within the blonde. Every ounce of anger vanished in an instant when he once again looked at Vasco.

An expression of fanaticism was on his face, almost the same as a fan looking at their idol.

"Vasco Strada? You're THE Vasco Strada?! The strongest human?!"

There was so much admiration in the blonde's gaze that neither Sun Wukong nor Vasco knew how to react to the sudden turn of events. The gaze in Igor's eyes was so genuine that Sun Wukong didn't know whether to laugh or sigh in relief.

As for Igor, he laughed awkwardly as he extended his hand towards the elderly male.

"Hehe…sorry about before, Signor Strada. I was just too anxious to see my sister that I couldn't recognise you."

While Vasco stood in a daze, Sun Wukong slapped Igor on the shoulder.

"Kid! What nonsense are you talking about? Do you know this punk?"


Igor turned to glare at Sun Wukong.

"Call Signor Strada a punk again, monkey sage! I dare you! I double-dare you!"

Ignited by the blonde's taunts, Sun Wukong fired back.

"Punk! He's a punk! His whole family is filled with punks! What will you do now?!"

Igor spit some saliva to the side before glaring at Sun Wukong.

"That's it! If I don't beat you into the ground in ten years, I'll change my bloody name to Shit von Dimori!"

"Well you might as well change it now!!!"

Sun Wukong was so riled up by the blonde that his entire face had turned red. He had never met a brat so insufferable that even he who had seen entire dynasties rise and fall, could be angered to death by him.

While Sun Wukong and Igor argued with each other, Vasco finally regained his wits and let out a boisterous laugh.


The situation in front of him was truly too hilarious. Vasco had already swept the matter of nearly dying under the rug. Such a scenario was not rare for him. Rather, the sudden event of the blonde showing him great respect and even referring to him as 'Signor' (Mister) truly made him unable to hold back his laughter. It was like a sudden twist in a tale.

Furthermore, it was truly entertaining to watch 'The Venerable Sage' Sun Wukong completely lose his composure to a lad who appeared to be in his teenage years.

Wiping a tear from his eye, he looked at Sun Wukong.

"Old Sun. Where did you find such an interesting lad."

Sun Wukong merely crossed his arms while he looked away from the blonde.

"Hmph! Even after all these years, you're still addressing me so casually, you punk."

Vasco only laughed harder, causing Sun Wukong to groan. Igor looked at these two elders who suddenly appeared to have an amicable relationship. He was about to enquire as to how they knew each other, but a sudden tugging in his heart made him pause.

In his mind, the image of Asia being carried away by an exorcist surfaced. The little blonde was struggling with all her might, her screams of resistance falling on deaf ears.

'Let me go! Let me go! Grandpa! Help! Please help!'

His head instantly whipped towards her location, his body oozing killing intent. He didn't question the vision nor harbour any doubts. Whether it was a trick or an illusion did not enter his mind at all.

All he knew was that the girl he wholeheartedly considered his little sister was crying for help.

"I'll kill you!!!"

In an instant, he activated Kaioken x20 and charged forward. Any lethargy or pain he might've experienced by suddenly boosting his base strength by twenty was suppressed by pure rage and stress that churned through his blood.

Both elders watched on as the blonde soared away in a red blaze of fury. But while Vasco was heavily concerned, Sun Wukong only glanced once in the blonde's direction before huffing and grabbing Vasco's shoulder.

"Don't worry. The one who's going to die deserves it."

Sun Wukong had instantly sensed the ill-intentions the party who kidnapped Asia had. He had absolutely no qualms in the blonde killing him.




Yesterday was Saturday. So here's two chapters to make up for missing Friday. As always, visit my p@tre0n for extra chapters

Here's the link: p@tre0n.com/HolyGambler

Replace the '@' and '0' with 'a' and 'o' respectively. Or just search for 'HolyGambler'.