
Transmigrated Shadows

"Transmigrated Shadows" is an action-packed adventure that blends the realms of Street Fighter and the Marvel Comic Universe. Blake Bishop's journey explores the boundaries of his transmigrated abilities, as he battles The Hand's darkness with the power of Street Fighter, ultimately striving to restore balance and protect his newfound world from imminent destruction. I own the rights to the picture above. Updates for now will be *Friday-Sunday

Blu30Din · Action
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Chapter 15: Crash Landing Admist Shadows

Flashback Continued---- West Harlem Piers near 12th Ave-- Harlem, New York

Blake's heart pounded in his chest as he clung to the side of the Chitauri chariot, his fingers desperately gripping the alien metal. The wind rushed past him, and the chaotic sounds of battle faded into a distant echo. His initial plan to take down the Chitauri by tackling one off the chariot had backfired, and now he found himself locked in a precarious struggle for survival.

Iron Man's words of warning echoed in his mind, urging him to retreat from the danger. But stubbornness fueled his determination, overriding any sense of self-preservation. He was convinced that he had been sent to this world for a reason, and ignoring Iron Man's advice, he held on tightly, refusing to let go.

The chariot careened through the sky, spinning out of control, as Blake and the Chitauri clung to its surface. Fear and adrenaline coursed through his veins, but amidst the chaos, a strange sense of clarity overcame him. He knew that if he were to survive this wild ride, he would have to take control of the situation.

Summoning all his strength, Blake mustered his resolve and launched himself at the Chitauri, his body colliding with the alien warrior. The force of impact sent them both hurtling through the air, their bodies intertwined as they tumbled towards the ground.

The world blurred around them, and seconds stretched into eternity. Finally, with a bone-jarring impact, they crashed through the rooftop of a warehouse, splintering wood and scattering debris. As the dust settled, Blake slowly pushed himself up, his body aching from the impact.

His eyes widened as he surveyed the scene before him. The warehouse, once filled with crates and machinery, now teemed with a silent presence. Eyes of shadowy figures, dressed in black garbs, locked onto him with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine.


The realization hit him like a sudden gust of wind. He had unwittingly crash-landed in the midst of the Hand, the enigmatic organization known for their mastery of stealth and lethal combat. Their trained eyes bore into him, assessing the intruder who had disrupted their domain.

Caught between the remnants of the crashed chariot and the gaze of the Hand, Blake's mind raced. He knew he had stumbled into a dangerous situation, one that required careful consideration of his next move.

But even in the face of imminent danger, Blake's determination remained unyielding. This encounter, though unplanned and fraught with peril, held a purpose—a purpose that had brought him to this unfamiliar world. He couldn't turn away now.

Taking a deep breath, Blake steadied himself, his gaze meeting the piercing stares of the Hand ninjas. With a hint of defiance in his voice, he spoke, "I don't seek trouble, but I won't back down either. If you mean to harm innocents, then you'll have to go through me."

A moment of tense silence hung in the air, as if the universe itself held its breath. Then, with a swift and sudden movement, the Hand ninjas launched themselves towards him, their intent clear.

Blake, fueled by a newfound resolve, prepared to face the daunting challenge that lay before him. The shadows converged, and the clash of blades echoed within the warehouse. In this battle against the Hand, he would prove his mettle, his unwavering belief that he had a role to play in this world.

As the first strike was thrown, Blake braced himself, ready to face the darkness head-on. Little did he know that this confrontation with the Hand would be just the beginning of a larger war—one that would test his limits, forge alliances

, and unravel the mysteries of his own existence in this extraordinary universe.