
Transmigrated: Patrick's Marvel Adventure

After being mysteriously transmigrated into the world of Marvel, Patrick finds himself amidst the chaos of the battle between the Avengers and the Chitauri Army, led by the menacing Loki. As he struggles to understand his new reality, he discovers three cards in his possession, each containing the abilities of powerful characters from different movies and anime. In the midst of epic battles and earth-shattering confrontations, Patrick must navigate his way through the conflicts and challenges of the Marvel universe, all while coming to terms with his newfound abilities and the impact he can have on the world around him. With the fate of the universe hanging in the balance, Patrick's choices will shape the course of history and determine the ultimate outcome of the battle between good and evil. Moreover, he is also presented with the opportunity to travel to multiple worlds, each holding its own unique challenges and adversities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will be an AU MCU. Moroeover the story won't change much till the plot of the 'Age of Ultron' movie. Consider yourself warned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I own nothing except the main character of the book. The Marvel Universe and the upcoming worlds to which the MC would travel to belong to their respective creators. Also the cover page is not mine. If the owner of the cover page wants it to be taken down, then it can be done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/StoryTeller229

Story_Teller_229 · Movies
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14 Chs

5. Duties

'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


As Thor and Patrick stood facing each other, a chilling roar echoed through the air, and the ground trembled beneath their feet. The air crackled with energy as massive Leviathans, emerged from the portal, their monstrous forms blotting out the sun as they hurtled toward the Earth. Along with the Leviathans, a swarm of Chitauri aliens poured out of the portal, their ranks seemingly endless as they descended upon the city below.

Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, wasted no time in issuing orders to the assembled team. "Tony, I need you to take to the skies and engage the Leviathans. Keep them occupied and prevent them from wreaking havoc on the ground," he commanded, his voice steady and firm.

"Natasha, we need to find a way to close that portal," Steve said, turning to the Black Widow who stood poised for battle. "I need you to locate any vulnerabilities or control mechanisms that we can target to shut it down."

Natasha nodded in understanding, her steely gaze focused on the swirling portal in the sky. "I'm on it, Steve," she replied.

He continued, "Also Tony, I need you to cover for Natasha. She's going to try and reach the portal to see how we can close it. Can you keep her protected?"

Tony nodded, his suit's thrusters activating as he hovered in the air. "You got it, Cap. I'll make sure Natasha gets to where she needs to be," he affirmed, determination evident in his voice.

Before leaving he threw something at Patrick," Keep that earpiece. It will help you to communicate with us."

Saying that he picked up Natasha and flew towards the building used to open the portal.

Steve continued"And Bruce, I need you to—"

Before Steve could finish his sentence, Thor interjected, his deep voice rumbling with authority. "I shall lend my strength to the defense of Midgard. I will engage the Leviathans alongside Stark, and together we shall vanquish them," he declared, his eyes flashing with the fierce resolve of a warrior born.

Steve nodded, his expression acknowledging the wisdom in Thor's decision. "Very well."

As Thor set off to fulfill her assignment, Steve turned his attention to Bruce Banner, who was already starting to morph into the Hulk. "Bruce, we need you to smash as many of those aliens and Leviathans as you can. Keep them from swarming the city any further," Steve directed.

Bruce nodded his head at Steve's order.

As Bruce Banner sprinted toward the oncoming Leviathans, he felt the familiar surge of energy coursing through his veins. The anger and frustration he had bottled up inside were now breaking free, and the transformation was imminent. His muscles began to bulge and expand, tearing through his clothing as his skin transformed into a green hue. The ground trembled beneath his feet as his size increased exponentially, and within moments, the mild-mannered scientist was replaced by the raging behemoth known as the Hulk.

The rage and fury of the Hulk were unleashed as he roared and leaped towards the Leviathans with a primal ferocity that sent shockwaves through the air.

The impact of the Hulk's colossal form colliding with the nearest Leviathan was earth-shattering, sending debris and alien creatures flying in all directions. His massive fists pounded into the armored exterior of the beast, each blow reverberating like thunder. The Leviathan thrashed and wailed under the relentless assault, but the Hulk's strength was unyielding as he tore through the creature's defenses with unbridled fury.

Just after Bruce transformed himself into Hulk, Steve's earpiece crackled to life with the sound of Hawkeye's voice. "Cap, I've got a vantage point on top of one of the buildings. What's my assignment?" Clint Barton's voice came through, clear and resolute.

Steve wasted no time in relaying his orders to Hawkeye. "Hawkeye, we need you to provide cover from up high. Take out as many of those creatures as you can from your position. We're counting on you to keep them at bay," he instructed, his voice firm and unwavering even amidst the chaos.

Hawkeye swiftly notched an arrow and drew his bow, his eyes scanning the battlefield below with unwavering focus. "You got it, Cap. I'll make sure they don't get past me," he affirmed, his aim unerring as he began to pick off the advancing alien forces from his elevated vantage point..

As the Avengers prepared to spring into action, Steve turned to Patrick, the enigmatic figure who stood at the edge of the group. "Patrick, I know you're not a part of the Avengers, but we could use all the help we can get. Will you stand with us and lend us your strength in this battle?" he asked, his tone earnest and imploring.

Patrick's gaze flickered with a sense of detached amusement as he considered Steve's request. "For now, I will agree to temporarily align myself with your cause, Captain. The safety of the world is of mutual interest to me," he replied, his voice cool and composed.

With a nod of acceptance, Steve acknowledged Patrick's offer of assistance. "Thank you, Patrick. Your help will not be forgotten," he said, his gratitude evident in his expression.

I've seen that you can fly," Steve said, his voice urgent as he gestured at the enemies hovering in the air. "We need someone to take care of them from above. Will you lend us your strength in the skies?"

Patrick regarded Steve with a steely gaze, his expression unreadable. "Absolutely, Captain. I will keep the skies clear of our enemies," he replied, his tone unwavering.

In total seven Leviathans had entered through the portal and were causing Havoc in the city. The number of Leviathans were greater then what Patrick had seen in the movies.

As he was about to fly towards them, Steve's voice stopped him from doing so.

"Remember, Patrick," Captain Steve called out, "save any civilians stuck in the buildings before you engage the enemy. We need to protect as many lives as possible." With a resolute nod, Patrick soared into the sky, heading straight for the monstrous Leviathans.


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