
Transmigrated life of village girl who love tea

Other people got transmigrated as female lead or villainess , young ladies but me not even close to plot line. When SuYan transmigrated as village girl in the fantasy murim novel as character which is not even described inside the book. She decided to roll far away from plot line while drinking tea. What female lead arguing with support female? I have to go watch. What, male lead is fighting with love interest, need to to see need to see. Mother: “where is SuYan “ “She go watch villager fighting” “Where is SuYan “ “At tea house listening gossip from story teller” “Such strong tea, what a wonderful tea” Ps: tea mean gossip. I will be posting it on royalRoad.com as well. Thanks.

Yuki3sec · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 14 power and gratitude

In western part of xielin town is a neighbourhood made up from big courtyards which belong to officials, merchants and scholars. In this particular street is Fan family ancestor land, where their houses and Fan family scholar school exist.

Fan clan, one of the noble clan of eastern provinces have strict rules regarding to their honour and uphold in their offspring.

In the big Fan Clan house they're only 100s of servants while other are workers of Fan clan Academy.

At the back of Fan clan Main family house,


A strong middle age man with muscles and thin cotton dress is cutting firewood with axe while a young boy who is around 7 years old is moving the broken woods toward woodshed.

He is a one of the few longtime family servants of Fan Clan.

His grandfather was originally from northern region but got sold as servants by his family when he was younger. He finally bought by Fan family and since them their family have been family born servants of Fan household.

"Old Yi !! Old Yi!!" An older maid running towards the man servant with uneven breath and big smile on her face.

"Aigo, slow down ." Old Yi look at his wife with smiles.

" old Yi heavenly good new, i heard young lady come visit the house and she said sprital awakening ceremony is going to happen in the town"

Regardless of his wife happiness old Yi was non chatty " what this have to do with us.. young masters might participate but you don't have to run for it"

She beat at her slow husband on his arm

" muscle head, would I run happily for it? Of course it good thing for our Chong er. Young lady persuaded old lord this year to let all children in fan household even servant children to participate."

While she said, tears started pour out of her eyes.

"Really,really wife" old Yi also shocked and his eyes started turning reddish.

"God blessed our young lady . Aigo Aigo our chong er can have opportunities..our son can be free.." as he said both husband and wife hug tightly and started crying and laughing.

While the baby boy Chong er look his parents with tears, no matter how good the Fan family is, his parents always feel sorry for him to be a servant because of their birth.

"Housekeeper Hu," old man Fan look at his loyal servant who have been with him his whole life.

"I will bring your grandson to ceremony, don't worry if he really have talent for cultivation, i will support him."

Old man Hu who is already in his 60s is always calm and quiet person, can't hold the joy and he drop on his kneel and pay respect to his master with tears dripping down his face.

"This servant will never, forget the chance master give to my family. I will always be loyal to Fan family. Even if my grandson turn into dragon we will still server master.." as he said he cried loudly.

Old man Fan who can't stand his servant keep on knocking down on him quickly get him up from the floor with emotion.

"Hu. You and i been knowing each other since we are young, i always want to give back all the services and loyalty. This is nothing don't talk about."

"Get up get up, you already old, why are you still crying in this age. Go go to your family and inform about the situation." He said with annoyance but actually smiling.

This situation is also happening in small courtyard in northeast of town which is belong to Chung Yi.

"Boom!!" A strong woman in her middle age, knock down heavily on floor of lady Qin bedroom.

"Master!! I will never forget your help," as she said with teary eyes with her 8 years old grandson who is also in tears.

Both ChungYi and lady Qin are surprised at the amount of respect they received from her. Lady Qin finally snapped out of dazed and quickly pick up the old lady from her kneel position.

"Aigo, Aunty Du what are you doing. Get up get up, if you keep kneeling i might get thundered."

Aunt Du is only rough servant Second Su family have and they rest are 4 young maids who come with lady Qin from her natal house. Since second Su family courtyard is not very big they got only 9 servants including old bookkeeper in his shop.

Aunt Du son and his daughter in law died in drought, and she and her grandson have to run from their house and finally able to live after Su ChungYi found them on his travel.

"Aigo my lady thank you thank you very much..woowooo. Now my son and daughter in law in heaven can finally rest in peace…Aigo.."

"Thank you aunty" Du Ban also knock down ath the family again. Because of his young age Du Ban is the book boy or more like a playmate of two Su brothers.

Su ChangYi smile at Aunt Du and "i will bring Du er also Yi-er so you don't have to worry."

While some are happy about the coming of awakening ceremony, some are look for opportunities to make troubles.

"Nonsense, that why lowly levels people should never be noble." A huge fat man in his 50s throw the alcohol cup with furry in his eyes.

"Fan family, what nonsense. Let servant members those low lives participate in such Sacred ritual."

"I don't like how those sects let mud-legs participate in rituals now even those dirts. That why Fan family should never be officials,"

He is the He family clan leader and part of old noble fiction in Ki dynasty. While his father is fuming over Fan clan matter, his son the young lord of He family keep quiet and look at his father with smile

"Father, this is matter we can't afford to participate. Old man Xie is already staring at our moments. We should lay low. Regardless of our situation, those low people without proper health will definitely not be chosen."

Finally old man He stopped and look at the dark sky from window.

"No matter how they play, in the end they can't stop our progress hahaha.."

"You make sure our clan children to prepare. They have to accept into Kelim Sect…


PS: thank you e1967 for power stone, you are the main motivation for me to keep writing nowadays.


I even draw a world map for this novel but I don't know how to post it. Drink water for hydration, i keep forgetting to drink water.