
Transmigrated life of village girl who love tea

Other people got transmigrated as female lead or villainess , young ladies but me not even close to plot line. When SuYan transmigrated as village girl in the fantasy murim novel as character which is not even described inside the book. She decided to roll far away from plot line while drinking tea. What female lead arguing with support female? I have to go watch. What, male lead is fighting with love interest, need to to see need to see. Mother: “where is SuYan “ “She go watch villager fighting” “Where is SuYan “ “At tea house listening gossip from story teller” “Such strong tea, what a wonderful tea” Ps: tea mean gossip. I will be posting it on royalRoad.com as well. Thanks.

Yuki3sec · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 13 Strangers in town

"Cake!!" "Cake!! Hot flat cake!!"

"Brother have a look at this, this is skin of level 2, you see you can't get this level good leather in this price."

In noisy bazaars of XieLin town which only open once a week is fill with different sellers and people from nearby villages who held a few coins to purchased what they needed.

In the crowd of mostly native of eastern region with linen clothing, a group of well dressed people with noble atmosphere stand out like strange creatures in this crowd of market place. They received a lot of attention and attention when they pass through the town and one of the young man Fromm group come to nearby shop and ask the owner

"Big brother, where can we find this town administration office?"

The boss look at the young man with timidity and pay respect uneasy:

"This noble one, if you went straight this road, you will reach to our town officials office if you still need help, i can show the way"

"Thank you brother, we will go by ourselves." As he replied the shop owner politely and made way with his group of people.

Soon gossiping crowds who are wary of situations, soon crowded towards the shop owner with inquiries.

"Ah, which noble house do you think they are from?" A woman with shop baskets asked with another old woman with baby girl in back bamboo basket.

"I don't think they are from noble house." The lady replied with deep thinking.

Soon after she said all gossiping crowds turn their head at the woman with inquiries. A man who is wearing corset cotton dress also express his options

"I agreed with this sister, i work as bookkeeper in famous Xin restaurant and i have seen all the young masters of all the noble families in this town. Their are not one of them."

A rough man look at the proud young man with contrasting eye;" Hump if someone don"t know, they will think you are part of noble."

The young man quickly declined at the man options.

The lady who is lady Zhou finally look at the crowd and express her feelings

"I am not sure but I believe they are cultivators from famous sects in central plain, they might be coming for spiritual awakening ceremony. Instead of talking her, why don't brothers and sisters inform your families to take the exam? This is once in lifetime privilege for young children. We don't know there might be immoral in our town.." she said with smile at group of crowd.

"Yes yes, my JunJun is turing 5 years, i will let him take the ceremony." 'Yes yes"

Soon the crowded bazaars turn into ghost town with all the people running back to their own houses even the shop owners closed their stalls.

Madam Zhou turn at lady Wei who come to market with smile and "sister look like we can't shop today."

"It ok. I also going back to village to inform a few of my monkeys to take part in the ceremony. Are you coming?"

"No sister, i am bring Su Yan to her second uncle shop. This is the first time she come to town." She look at her daughter in the basket who is seriously sucking sugar candy.

Su Yan turn to look at her mother with big smile

"Mottther.." she call her mother in milky voice which was the heart and soul of lady Zhou.

"Ayo, our yaner called mother now, Ayo my boibae..mother will bring you to your brothers .."

After playing with her daughter she said goodbye to lady Wei and went to grocery shop of second brother Su.


The. City of XieLin is not small, you can see the towering city walls, moat and solders station from the central of the town.

"Greeting to town lord" the group of young people from southern sect pay respect to the official of XIeLin town.

The official was a well dressed led man in his 50 or 60 years old but there is unique demeanour on his body and sharp eye of his make is easy to notice his noble presence.

"Please get up, you are noble guests of our town."

Soon in the big hall fill with red wood and smell of burning incense, the people stared enjoying the tea. For cultivation sect eastern part of ki is poor with both quality of life and good. But the strategic location of eastern is play important barrier for normal people.

That why in the place fill with mountains, a person like official Xie who is in golden core stage is stationed as ruling lord as well as general commander of the eastern province.

Official Xie who is enjoying the tea slowly look up at the group of young people

"I though this year ceremony, Kielin sect is coming."

The group of people from southern sect look each other with unease and "This is this is, friends of Kielin sect wanted to change our mission so our southern sect come to eastern part instead of them. I hope lord officials don't take personally." The group leader of group give big ceremony at lord Xie and replied.

Lord Xie smile without simile in his eyes and reply

"How can this small official take personally at big sect like Kulin Sect. Don't dare don't dare.." he replied with scorn.

"Since, you have been travelling from central plain for a while, please rest at our guest rooms. I will prepare to let the whole province about the opening of ceremony. After all preparations i will trouble you guy."

Group of young cultivators hurriedly reply "no trouble no trouble lord."

Soon after the group of young people come out , a man who is hiding back of curtain come into view of lord XIe

"My lord i think we need to report the incident to emperor. The KieLin Sect is getting out of hand."

Lord Xie who is trimming his small bonsai tree,

"Let wait for a while of how the northern lord reaction to KieLin Sect."

"The storm is getting stronger and stronger. Look like upper them can't stand the temptation."

The light fickle as he cut at a branch of small tree.


Ps: "DODODO" drumroll lol. I lost my Spotify playlist today :{ . Song recommendation : the advisors alliance ost