
Transmigrated into Severus Snape with Golden Trio back in Time

Harry, Hermione and Ron are transported back in time after Bill Weasley's wedding by a Cosmic entity. Chaos was not happy with this and decided to add another player. Watch how Harry, Hermione, Ron tread in past while trying to defeat the Dark Lord whereas a college student is transmigrated into the body of a 16 year old Severus Snape. Meanwhile things are changing and the golden trio couldn't wonder if it is for better or not. I own nothing all belongs to JK Rowling. This story will contain lemons so people who uphold highest morals sorry this is for not you.

Jerry153 · Book&Literature
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93 Chs

53) Each have their own

1st October 1976

Severus looked at the night sky above him with a serene smile on his face.

A huge parchment of paper was in his hands which fluttered slightly when the night breeze hit them, the parchment which he had managed to steal today sneakily from Argus Filch's office.

It was pretty much easy to aggravate Mr Filch with some honeyed words about certain concerns with the help of a letter in his desk - detailing about a magical parchment which helped the marauders get away from tough scenarios.

If there was one thing which caused Argus Filch's mood to be incensed suddenly, it was the topic of Marauders. In their haste to prank, the Marauders usually forgot that, it was the School Janitor who had to clean up their messes regularly, not them. Filch hated Marauders with a passion that would rival even that of his own adult self.

So the next time he caught them in act, he had managed to take the parchment from the hands of Remus Lupin. While Filch was a squib and no match for a wizard, he was still one of the authority of Hogwarts. An authority that Remus Lupin had to respect nonetheless. It really sucked to be a prefect sometimes.

"Your overconfidence, will someday be the reason for your downfall," a soft voice spoke up calmly from the shadows.

Severus recongised the voice, for some strange reason the grey lady and he met everytime when he came to the Astronomy tower.

He had learnt a few things during this conversation, which occured between them here in the astronomy room.

Helena Ravenclaw was a proud and arrogant witch, but then again she was the daughter of one of the founders. The same founders who were regarded as legends by the whole wizarding world.

The sole daughter and heiress of Rowena Ravenclaw, the one claimed to be the most intelligent even amongst the founders.

"Will it be?" Severus asked with a single raised eyebrow at her. He was a little amused at her words, not that he will show it to her face. It would be quite rude afterall.

"Overconfidence precedes carelessness," Helena spoke up with the same serene look on her face. "And that carelessness leads to downfall," she continued on as she looked at him impassively.

She didn't knew why she bothered with the traveller or Severus Prince. Maybe it was because he knew her origins or her tale of shame and her end. But then again, it had been so long that she had conversed so casually with anyone. So witting conversations that reminded her of the talks between her and her mother.

He never once seeked stories of her life, nor did she pried out his own after he had admitted of being a traveller.

There was a mutual understanding between them.

"I have faith in my abilities, it is the reason why I have not taken actions which may later come to bite me in the ass," Severus said calmly looking at the Grey Lady.

Helena didn't said anything as she looked at him with the same impassive gaze. Severus had to admire her, even after death, she still maintained a regal appearance and air with her.

If Helena found his words crass or was offended by it, she didn't said anything at all.

"Was this mere parchment worth breaking into the squib's office?" Helena asked calmly, her tone the same detatched one like previous apart when she mentioned Argus Filch.

Severus was a little amused at the whole thing. For all the preachings of light side, they failed to admit one thing. They too held distaste for squibs vehemently.

Helena's tone of mentioning squibs gave her feelings away. The scorn for them may be big but it was nothing compared to the old days when the people with magic were reverred. Squibs were killed instantaneously for tarnishing bloodlines as blood was given much importance.

But then again the people and the environment were different. It would be quite rude to form her image as someone bigoted, when he knew nothing about her or the situations she faced or the time she lived amongst the mortals as one.

"A lady like you; who had transcendd many centuries, should know by now to not judge anything based on its appearance," Severus replied with a calm voice as he looked at the grey lady.

Her face showed a trace of anger for a moment before she composed herself once again.

"For a mortal whose secret is known to me. You are pretty much fool to egg me," Helena said calmly with a blank look on her face.

"I never meant to egg you. Besides I know, that you won't go around sharing my secrets to anyone," Severus said with a slight apologetic voice.

"It seems your transmigration had resulted in you getting traits from both the souls," Helena commented as she felt his apology genuine. Her witnessing of such a thing, arousing her curiosity more.

"I sometimes belive that too. But if there is magic regarding soul..," Severus spoke up again with a nod as he tried to tell her more about his theory. The grey lady was a genuis, a genius ghost - in his opinion.

"Do not tamper with the realm of souls, traveller. You won't like the consequences you will face for that," Helena spoke coldly to him, cutting him midway.

"But Herpo the foul did it," Severus argued on as he looked at the ghost of Grey Lady. She knew from his tale, about what Lord Voldemort had done with his soul and her mother's diadem.

"The Great One's skill in magic far surpassed anyone. Even my mother's knowledge on magic was far inferior to his. The Great One revered magic and it is said that he practically worshipped it. Magic had blessed him with knowledge but his experimentations became the reason for his own downfall," Helena spoke calmly remembering the tales of the Great One.

"Great One. You know something about him. Don't you?" Severus spoke up instantly as he looked at her. The questioning tone wasn't missed by Helena, who was conflicted a little on what to tell him.

"Know this, that it was his own knowlege and discoveries which were the reason behind his family's death and the betrayal he suffered," Helena spoke calmly with a blank face as she didn't bothered to tell more.

"But isn't the line of Slytherin descended from him?" Severus asked a little confused at the whole thing. The Wizarding World believed that the line of Slytherin was descended from Herpo the foul. And if Helena Ravenclaw was saying that his whole family was dead, then there has to be something missing.

"The line of Slytherin descends from Herpo's little brother. Infact 'Herpo the foul' as you deem to call him was the great great grand uncle of uncle Salazar," Helena spoke up as she didn't bothered to tell more. She already had given him enough information about the Great One.

"Well that's certainly a new information," Severus commented as he looked at her with a small frown.

"Regardless, going with earlier topic. This parchment is a unique one, see here," Severus said changing the topic back, fully knowing that it was the most that he could get from Helena.

Helena watched as he showed her the parchment which showed everyone's name and their positions. The work and enchantment done on the map was something along the likes of which she had never seen before. An extremely useful creation and one which even showed some of the hidden paths of the school. The nicknames on the front of the parchments immediately giving away the identity of the makers of the map.

"The students who made this must be talented," Helena commented knowing that it will surely irk him.

"They are," Severus admitted honestly.

Seeing no anger on his face made Helena a little disappointed, who had hoped to egg him.

"You are not jealous?" Helena inquired a little questioningly. She had thought the traveller would be irked, considering the enmity between the two groups.

"You forget that I am made of two souls MLady. While the part of Severus is angry and hateful of them, the other part doesn't even care. It is completely indifferent to them or any sufferings they might face. The transmigration and the mixing had resulted in my feelings come to a middle. My mind is a mixture of two now and you could say, that I am mostly indifferent to them or anything they might face. I admit that they are talented but I don't give a shit about them apart from it," Severus spoke up calmly telling her the truth.

"Besides it is a shame to not acknowledge someone's genuis mind and talents," he continued with a calm face.

"Childish rivalries," Helena commented simply as she looked at the night sky.

The Astronomy Tower was the most favourite place of hers in the whole Hogwarts. Watching the sky and the stars the whole night in silence gave her a peace that she didn't found anywhere else.

"Have you ever thought what it would be like to have a living body once again?" she heard him mutter.

"I forbided you to seek the mysteries of the soul. It doesn't mean that you will go prodding around the dead and dabble in necromancy," Helena spoke with a cross tone.

"It was just mere speculation for a moment MLday," Severus spoke up defending himself. The grey lady was shrewder than he thought but then again he had meant to seek any knowledge of necromancy.

"Don't try to fool me traveller. I have lived and walked amongst so many generations that you can't comprehend ," Helena spoke up looking at him impassively.

"You know, I believe that you would have made an excellent scholar," Severus spoke up with a small amused smile as he took out a chewing gum from his pocket and put it inside his mouth.

"We each have our own talents, sins, woes and problems. Remembers 'each have their own'."

"Each pursues his own theory, little solicitous to correct or improve it by an attention to what is advanced by his opponents" Helena spoke up remembering some of the words used by her mother to explain some aspects of life to her.

"Sweet to the miser are his glittering heaps,

Sweet to the father is his first-born's birth,

Sweet is revenge--especially to women." Severus recalled the line, he had read long ago in his previous life.


It was around two hours later, around 2 AM in the night when he was walking around the corridors of Slytherin when he felt three presences behind him.

Each were disillusioned and following him with careful guarded steps.

His wand came to his hand with a flick of his wrist as he turned back immediately alert.

"Show yourself or otherwise you won't be able to show yourself to anyone," Severus said with a dead calm voice.

'That actually felt nice and cool to say' was one of the thoughts as he looked to his front.


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