
Transmigrated into Severus Snape with Golden Trio back in Time

Harry, Hermione and Ron are transported back in time after Bill Weasley's wedding by a Cosmic entity. Chaos was not happy with this and decided to add another player. Watch how Harry, Hermione, Ron tread in past while trying to defeat the Dark Lord whereas a college student is transmigrated into the body of a 16 year old Severus Snape. Meanwhile things are changing and the golden trio couldn't wonder if it is for better or not. I own nothing all belongs to JK Rowling. This story will contain lemons so people who uphold highest morals sorry this is for not you.

Jerry153 · Book&Literature
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93 Chs

23) Shop talks

Alice looked at the stack of books which was perched on the table infront of her. She didn't knew that Severus was a fan of law as she read the titles of books at the table.

They were in his shop's backside which had some rooms for a potions lab as well as two store rooms and an area where the employees could eat their lunch and sit for a meeting.

"Finding loopholes to exploit" he replied back from behind the book.

"Come on Severus, you have a hot and beautiful girl sitting in front of you and you are ignoring her for a book" came the amused voice of Lucius Malfoy who was sitting on a chair leaning back. The Malfoy Heir could pull any normal act like leaning on the chair elegant with his posture and behaviour, Alice thought inwardly.

"Go and bother Evelyn" Severus said with a scowl at the elegant Malfoy Heir who merely smirked in return.

"She is already arranging everything with your mother Eileen and I had no interests in listening to their girl talks" Lucius replied back with a small arrogant huff of his own.

Evelyn Rochefort was Lucius Malfoy's girlfriend which was clear to everyone present here. Lucius had introduced her as his friend and it was clear to any one with two eyes that he was besotted with her. Alice couldn't blame him afterall the girl was extremely beautiful with a figure that Alice would admit be jealous of.

"Did you said anything about me Lucius?" Evelyn's voice came up as she entered the room with Eileen with some boxes levitating behind them. Alice recognised the boxes, they were the ones in which they had put the salves and balms which Severus had made. She had been helping in packing them as Severus had invited her to the shop and she had ended up helping him. She also met Eileen who was extremely happy to meet her for some odd reason.

The shop's opening was two days later and today was also the day of interviews, apparently Evelyn too will work in the shop. Alice had to admit that the shop was large and comfortable, it would be not that bad to work here. The wards were already casted and the painting and furniture was being done by two house elves which she saw. Surprisingly she saw Severus thanking them and it surpised her as she never saw a house elf being thanked like it. He seemed genuinely thankful and honest and it warmed her heart and reinforced her beliefs that he was not evil and never will be. Afterall a man who treats the creatures with respect whom the general wizarding populace treated like dirt was certainly no evil man. He had his darkness but didn't everyone had one in their heart

"Really Lucius?" Evelyn asked with a raised eyebrow of hers as she took the seat besides him.

"Ofcourse Eve, have I ever lied to you?" he said calmly with an amused look on his face.

Evelyn simply rolled her eyes and simply put the boxes down with a wave of her blackthorn wand.

"Hey boss, aren't you going to interview people today?" she asked casually to Severus who had put the book down and was writing something on the journal beside him.

"You are already selected Evelyn, you will work during the day shift and will be the general manager of the shop" he said looking at her simply. It was a news to Alice as she didn't knew that Evelyn would work here in the shop.

"Won't it be special treatment or nepotism?" she asked slowly. Alice had to admit that she rather liked the idea of Evelyn being general manager. Evelyn had a charm of her own and she was extremely nice lacking usual overarrogance of the purebloods which she had seen in some of the schoolmates of hers.

"I own 65% of the business and Lucius owns 30%, between the two of us we have already decided on it. Besides if you are feeling overwhelmed by the offer or want to thank me then you and Lucius could always name your firstborn child after my great name" he said with a glint of amusement in his black eyes.

"Severus" Lucius tried to speak up in protest while Evelyn simply gave a small laugh.

"Calm down Lucius and perhaps stop making gooey eyes at Evelyn in public, it gets rather easy to spot. Even Alice could see that you like her" Severus spoke up raising his right hand at him placatingly.

"It's true, you are really acting like a sappy person" Alice spoke up in agreement. It was still strange to be on first name basis with Lucius Malfoy.

"I told you Lucius" Evelyn said as she stopped laughing at the situation.

"Very well then, I don't want the information to get out. It will be not good till the mourning period of 3 months is over though" Lucius said leaning in his chair.

"And what if our firstborn is a girl?" Evelyn said suddenly looking at Severus with amusement on her face.

"You can name her Severine" Eileen butted in leaning at the table with a glint in her eyes.

Everyone laughed at the words, even Severus cracked a small smile.

"Well, since we are here I wanted to tell everyone that the Prince's family name will not be in the frontlines of the shop for some months. Lucius will be the face of the shop and the business for now till I attain my majority. By doing this we would also be attracting a large number of traditional customers" Severus said slowly looking at all of them.

Alice was confused as why Severus was telling it infront of her.

After one hour....

Alice walked to the shop front with Severus who was escorting her.

"You know Alice if you are perhaps not too busy or would like to work in the shop then I have a place for you" he said slowly as he looked at her softly. Alice's body stopped at his words, was he really offering her a part time job in his shop.

"You know Evelyn will like you here and mother too likes you to hang around" he continues and Alice looked at his face which was looking as if he was struggling to say something.

"And I too would like you around here. I mean it will solve the meeting problem we will need for your studies and you could enjoy it here too and if you agree I could teach you some few things and tricks here and there" he spoke slowly but started to ramble on. Alice found it a little endearing though.

"I will think on it" she said slowly as she saw the joy in his eyes lighten a little. She would have to talk to her parents about it though first and if they would be fine with it. She though wanted to spend some time with him for some reason. It was awkard to say the least.

"Good bye Severus" she said softly looking at his dark eyes which held something which always made her feel naked infront of him. A small part of her was terrified but another part enjoyed it heavily. She really was becoming a lunatic, she thought inwardly as she walked back to Icecream shop.

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