
Transmigrated into Patriarchal Kingdom: Won’t Abandon my Values!

Nick is an average 24 year old guy who has been working for the last 2 years since graduating college. Suddenly he is transmigrated into the body of the Duke of Edinburgh in a fantasy world with magic. When was he transmigrated? On the day of his wedding to a daughter of a Count! He thought she was incredibly beautiful, so he decided to try his best to make their arranged marriage a happy one. However, he quickly learned about this fantasy world’s patriarchal society when he was constantly bombarded by other nobles about questions of when he would choice some concubines or at least get a second wife. Coming from the 21st century, Nick had a strong aversion to this kind of society that treated women like pieces of meat. Whenever asked a question like this, he would answer with a simple, “I will only ever love my wife!” This greatly shocked his wife Rebecca because she was engaged to the original Duke since childhood and was taught that she would only ever be a decoration. She was told to never expect love in this marriage and that she would have no right to ever criticize any of her husband’s actions. Not only that, this patriarchal kingdom was also underutilizing some genius talents only because they were women! If Nick could bring over these great geniuses to his side, then his Duchy would become that much more powerful! Follow this story of a girl who is hardened by the patriarchal society she lives in and a boy who wants to shower her with love, affection, and understanding to break down her walls and make her happy. And while they are at it, they just might change this whole backwards kingdom for the better.

Andrew_3058 · Fantasy
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136 Chs

Making Blueprints

The rest of the dinner went smoothly, Becca and I talked to her family happily for a couple of hours. Becca's Father seemed to be lost in thought in the corner of the table, but the rest of us felt like a warm family.

I was a little worried that Becca's Father wasn't doing enough to reconcile with Becca, but I decided to wait until tomorrow when I met him alone to remind him that he needs to work harder if he wants to gain his daughter's trust.

After the dinner was completed, we waved goodbye to everyone and headed back to our bedroom. As we walked into the room, I turned to her and said, "Hey Becca, you can start heading to bed if you want. I need to make those blueprints before tomorrow morning."

Becca looked slightly concerned, "Do you need some special blueprint paper? It will be hard to draw it on basic white paper right?"

I smiled at her thoughtfulness, "thanks for the concern, but I already asked Helen to bring some blueprint paper to our room earlier in the day. Look, there is a nice stack on the dresser."

There was a stack of about 100 pages on the dresser. I would probably only need 10 max if I made a couple of errors, but the more the merrier. "That's good, then I'll start getting ready for bed, I have to be up early tomorrow to go to the training grounds with my brother."

With the plans settled, I turned back to the stack on papers and sighed, "if only there was a better place in this room to write instead of just standing up at the dresser..."

Because Becca put all her stuff in one corner of the room so she had room for target practice, there was no table or desk to write at like most bedrooms.

Becca walked over to the bed and then pulled something out from underneath it. "Oh sorry Nick, I should have taken these out earlier."

Becca took the things in her hand and headed to the center of the room and continued to explain, "I keep this foldable chair and table under my bed for whenever I need to sit down and write a letter. They are pretty handy."

The chair and table unfolded easily and looked very sturdy. "Wow, this invention seems like something more advanced than the average level of the Kingdom. It almost feels out of place…"

Becca grinned in pride. "My Father and his researchers came up with the product. Usually they focus on steel products, but they created the proof of concept with this one and realized that wood was much more appropriate of a material than steel for this application. Luckily, my Father was not too stubborn about only using steel for all his products."

Becca's Father's level of research and commitment to advancement was truly impressive. "Your Father is pretty awesome. He seems like he is ahead of his time in terms of technology."

Becca chuckled, "he has always been obsessed with the next new breakthrough."

I sat down on the foldable chair and pulled out my paper and pen. "Then I'm sure he will be really happy when he sees what I have for him tomorrow."

I slowly started to put pen to paper. The blueprint for a spring would be pretty rough because I didn't know the exact dimensions needed for an efficient spring. Honestly, I think the shape is secondary and the part that has the most impact is the material of the steel used. It needed to be flexible enough to yield and go back into its original position without having unreversable damage. I'm hoping that Becca's Father will understand what I'm asking for from my description…

As for the second blueprint I wanted to show him, it was very easy for me to draw it out on a blueprint because it was something I used daily at my job as a civil engineer. Something so taken for granted in my industry that it was thought of to be common sense, but in this world, it would bring about a steel revolution. I was excited to blow everyones mind tomorrow.

As I was busy working on the blueprint for the spring, Becca suddenly called out to me, "Nick, you are so dreamy when you are focused and showing your skill."

Startled by her words, I quickly looked up and Becca was laying on her stomach on the bed as she watched me working. She was looking at me with eyes full of desire.

I got up and slowly started walking towards her. Once I was at the bed, I sat besides her and placed my hand on the side of her face. As I looked into her eyes, I reminisced about the past, "You know, I felt the same way when I first saw you studying in the library. When you are focused, your little nose scrunches up slightly and your hair gets a little messy with a few strands sticking out. It is unbelievabley attractive."

Becca smirked back at me, "it looks like we have similar taste."

In the lingering moments after Becca's words, neither of us was willing to break our eye contact. We were both slowly inching closer to each other. The atmosphere felt right, like we both wanted something more.

"Becca, may I kiss you?"

My words seemed to snap Becca back to rationally. Her eyes widened for a second before taking a long sigh. After she collected herself, she answered, "I'm sorry Nick, anything but that. I know this whole body swapping thing got our steps all out of order, but I really want us to follow the proper steps…"

I smiled lightly at the stammering Becca, "it's ok. I'm sorry for being impatient..."

Becca seemed to be worried that I would be disappointed, so she quickly replied, "I know I'm just being stubborn and doing it now or a little later won't really make any difference…I just feel not getting caught up in the moment and taking our time to follow the right steps will set us up for a successful lifetime partnership…"

I turned Becca over from her stomach to her back and leaned over her. "Don't worry Becca, I much rather have a wife who takes these milestones seriously than a wife that takes them too lightly."

Becca looked up at me and smiled, "thanks for being so understanding, Nick. Just know that I really wanted to kiss you too in that moment. In a few months, we can do what we want with no restrictions."

I smirked at Becca, "Speaking of restrictions, I know I can't kiss you on the lips, but I'm okay to kiss you on the forehead. Where else can't I kiss?"

Becca quickly replied because she was embarrassed, "just not my lips and my lady parts!"

"Ok, now I understand. I will listen to you."

If you didn’t like the tease, fear not, the next chapter will be R-18.

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