
Transmigrated into Patriarchal Kingdom: Won’t Abandon my Values!

Nick is an average 24 year old guy who has been working for the last 2 years since graduating college. Suddenly he is transmigrated into the body of the Duke of Edinburgh in a fantasy world with magic. When was he transmigrated? On the day of his wedding to a daughter of a Count! He thought she was incredibly beautiful, so he decided to try his best to make their arranged marriage a happy one. However, he quickly learned about this fantasy world’s patriarchal society when he was constantly bombarded by other nobles about questions of when he would choice some concubines or at least get a second wife. Coming from the 21st century, Nick had a strong aversion to this kind of society that treated women like pieces of meat. Whenever asked a question like this, he would answer with a simple, “I will only ever love my wife!” This greatly shocked his wife Rebecca because she was engaged to the original Duke since childhood and was taught that she would only ever be a decoration. She was told to never expect love in this marriage and that she would have no right to ever criticize any of her husband’s actions. Not only that, this patriarchal kingdom was also underutilizing some genius talents only because they were women! If Nick could bring over these great geniuses to his side, then his Duchy would become that much more powerful! Follow this story of a girl who is hardened by the patriarchal society she lives in and a boy who wants to shower her with love, affection, and understanding to break down her walls and make her happy. And while they are at it, they just might change this whole backwards kingdom for the better.

Andrew_3058 · Fantasy
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136 Chs

Family Dinner (Part 2)

Becca's Father wasn't just going to easily accept me interfering with his work. "Come to the steel workshop? Why?"

He obviously didn't want me to come and mess around in his shop while everyone was busy doing important business. Luckily for me, I had a lot of important business to discuss that he would not be able to resist.

"Actually, I have recently been interested in the steel industry, so I had some researchers under my employ looking into steel innovations. They gave me a few prototype blueprints to show to you. You see, we don't have a steel workshop in the Duchy, so we can't actually perform proper tests. We just have a theory of what should be possible. That's why I want to strike a deal with you to bring a few of our most fleshed out concepts into reality."

This time, Becca's Father turned on his business mode. "It depends on what kind of deals you are looking for. I have a large team of my own researchers. The products you have need to be something that my team hasn't already figured out, but decided wasn't comercially viable. Also, you need to be willing to leave some meat on the bone for me. I can't just do free labor for you because you are a Duke or my son-in-law."

I smirk, "don't worry Father-in-law, my products will blow you out of the water. I already showed one to Becca and she says it will be revolutionary. Also, I'm not a greedy person, so I'm willing to give you a family discount on account of the fact it will help my wife's family prosper."

Becca's Father's eyes lit up and turned towards Becca. "Is what he saying true? It's really a revolutionary discovery?"

It seemed like Becca's Father valued her opinion more than mine since she had been around the steel industry her whole life and had some level of expertise.

Becca smiled, "I won't spoil the surprise, so you can see it for the first time tomorrow, but the one product I know about is definitely a game changer. I already told him that it is such a valuable innovation that he should ask for 60% of all profits and no less. Be happy that he came to you, so you have the opportunity to reap 40%."

Becca's Father started to frown, "I don't give 60% to anyone. I am supplying all the capital, so it's standard for me to get at least a majority of the profits."

"Sorry Father-in-law, but I have to listen to my wife on these kind of things. If she believes it's worth 60% of profits, then I trust her. You can just take a look at the products tomorrow, there will be no hard feelings if you are not interesting at the asking price. If I really have to, I can supply the capital and create my own steel workshop in the Duchy. But I'm pretty confident you will want a piece of this deal no matter what."

"Fine, I am willing to drop the standard for something truly unprecedented."

"That's good. I actually have 3 things I want to make a deal with you, so you will benefit a lot. Becca and I will come tomorrow after our morning training is over."

Abruptly, Becca's Father exclaimed, "No! Come by yourself!"

I was confused because I thought he would be more comfortable with his daughter there. Was he so scared of Becca making the deal harder for him that he didn't want her there? It's sad, but it looks like my Father-in-law takes me for a pushover. Well, I can play hardball if needed, but I prefer everyone to get a share of the pie. Maybe I'll have to take some revenge on Becca's Father during our negotiations this time…

"What do you think, Becca?"

Becca thought about it for a second and then waved her hand in front of her face. "That's fine, I don't know much about how the steel products work anyways. Just don't forget to get at least 60%!"

I reassured her, "of course, I believe in your expertise in this field. I might even try to get more out of your Father if possible."

"That sounds like a good idea. While you guys head to the steel workshop early in the morning, I'll go to the training grounds with my Brother so I can show off my skills."

I frowned slightly, "aww, I wanted to see the look on everyone's faces when they see how powerful you are."

Becca started giggling, "you are too much! Haha"

I tilted my head, "I wasn't making a joke."

After Becca finally stopped giggling, she replied, "I know, it's just so absurb to think there is someone out there who supports me so whole heartedly."

I gently poked her arm with my elbow, "that's what husbands are for."

Becca sighed, "If only all husbands were like that…"

"Don't worry, We'll push the husbands of this Duchy to be better partners! I'm not sure about everyone, but I think we can quickly raise the standard of the average husband."

After confirming our plans, I turned back to Becca's Father. For some reason, he looked as if he saw a ghost. "Alright Father-in-law, we can head to the steel workshop tomorrow morning. I promise you will not be disappointed with the discoveries my team has found. I wouldn't bring them up until they were certaint to be hits."

Beccca's Father replied absentmindedly, "ok, that's fine. I have a lot of things to talk to you about tomorrow…"

His response was somewhat cryptic, but I decided not to read too deeply into it.

After our plans were set for tomorrow, we had a nice meal with Becca's family. Everyone was talking and having a good time. I wanted to ask Becca's Father to tell us some stories about going from a commoner to a noble, but he was on the side thinking to himself throughout the dinner.

I assume he was too excited thinking about what my new products could be, so I decided that making a deal quickly and than hearing the stories tomorrow would work out the best.

This novel just hit 400 collections. Thanks for all the support everyone!!!

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