
Transmigrated in Tales of Demons and Gods [Completed]

Xiao Yan, high-school boy from Earth, got killed by a truck. Due to him firmly believing that being accidentally killed by a truck would send someone reincarnating in an other World, the God of Trucks decided to grant him his wish and sent him in his favorite World, Tales of Demons and Gods. —————————— I would like to write my own story. But I don’t have the skills for it, so I’m starting with this fan-fiction to train a little. Please, leave some reviews and comments on what you like, what you don’t like or what to do to improve myself, thanks. —————————— I won’t make an empty promise about a fixed number of chapters but it's the first time I write something, so don’t expect too much xD

Wise_Snail · Book&Literature
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146 Chs

013 - Alchemist Association

After he did her massage, they had another round of kissing before he gave her 1 000 pounds of Purple Haze Grass to put in her storage ring. He told her to mix it with five other common herbs to make soul nourishing baths. {I can't tell her of the beautifying effect, she might misunderstand}

Leaving her, he went for the Alchemist Association.

"Hello, I'm Xiao Lan, the receptionist of the Alchemist Association Hall, what can I do for you?", A woman in her early twenties asked him when he walked in.

Since the library was in another building, he didn't meet her yesterday.

"Hello Miss Xiao Lan, I would like to pass the Primary Alchemy Master exam, here is the two hundred demon spirit coins"

"Alright, follow me", She said, even if she doubted that he wouldn't be able to pass the test. Since he already paid, it was her job to take him there.

She led him to a small room and left. Inside it were two Primary Alchemy Masters in their fifties sitting next to a table with a stack of three hundred sixty test papers and a pen.

He used the LoHP on them and checked their information in his mind, {Huyan Ming and Mu Yang, both 5-Star Gold Rank, so they're the same examinees that would've tested Nie Li… Is this karma?}

{I won't call them "honorable masters" like Nie Li, I would feel like I'm making fun of them. I also don't want to waste my time}

Knowing that they would ask him if he is in the right place, he directly told them, "Two uncles, I didn't get lost, I'm here to take the Alchemy Master exam. I would also like you to be the ones who pick the twenty test papers"

They were surprised that he already knew of the examination's process, but still went to pick the test papers for him, "You have two hours to answer these questions and you must have 90% of correct answers to go on the next round"

He sat on the chair, then started to rapidly answer the questions. He only took one minute to finish the first paper.

They thought that he was just a kid writing some nonsense, they checked the paper just to be sure and were really shocked when they saw that all of his answers were correct.

In just twenty minutes, he finished all of the papers and they also finished checking since they were doing it at the same time, they were amazed that he had a perfect score. He couldn't be cheating since they were the ones who picked the papers. {So that's why he wanted us to pick them, as we would've thought that he cheated}

Since his knowledge in Alchemy was at least on par with them, they decided to treat him politely.

"My name is Huyan Ming and he is Mu Yang, we are both Primary Alchemy Masters, may I know where is this young master from?"

"I'm Xiao Yan, from the Winged Dragon Family."

"Xiao Yan, your answers are all correct, normally you would've to go on the next round, but we'll go and ask the president to let you enter the Alchemy Association without the other tests, just wait here for a while", He said as both of them left the room.

{Eh? Normally they would ask me some question on refinement, only after noticing that my practical knowledge is also perfect would they ask the president to let me join them without the next tests. It must be the difference of status between my family and Nie Li's…}

{Well, it's all good since that way it'll be faster. They are good people and trustworthy, I should give them their suitable cultivation techniques} He thought as he took out two papers to copy what was inside the LoHP.

When Huyan Ming was back, he took him to the Council Hall. Xiao Yan then looked at the walls full of papers, {Right, Nie Li would answer all of these questions to become a Senior Alchemy Master, I should do the same}

Seeing him looking at the walls, Huyan Ming explained, "These are problems that Alchemy Masters encountered during their refining, they write it down to seek answers from all the other Alchemy Masters. This method allows Alchemy Masters to enhance each other's alchemy skills"

"Anybody can answer as long as they think having the answer?"

"Yes, someone will verify it later"

"Okay", He said as he took a pen on the table and started to answer them before Huyan Ming had the chance to stop him.

When he finished to answer all of the papers he noticed that Mu Yang was back and that there were two other people in the room, an old man with a beard and a beautiful mature woman in her mid twenties. Both were looking very excited. {Must be Gu Yan and Yang Xin…} He used the LoHP on them just to be sure. {Yes, that's them, 4-Star Black Gold Rank and 5-Star Gold Rank}

He waited for them to talk first and it was Gu Yan who broke the silence, "I'm Gu Yan, the President of the Association, and this is Director Yang Xin. Little guy, with these answers you became a Senior Alchemy Master, you must be the youngest of the whole history of our Alchemist Association, congrats!". He was in a really good mood, he knew that these answers would bring the Association on a whole new level, he must keep this guy so that he'll continue to make contributions.

"Thanks uncle, I'm Xiao Yan" he said

Gu Yan continued, "Director Yang, bring Xiao Yan the badge and robes of Senior Alchemy Master"

"Yes!" she replied as she went out of the room

{Eh? I'm directly having the rank without anything else? Not even asking me how I became this knowledgeable at fourteen years old? That's really different from the original time-line}

He then said to Gu Yan, "Since I'm now a Senior Alchemy Master, I would like to work with uncle Gu Yan on two projects"

"Oh? Explain them to me little guy", He replied, wondering what kind of project it was.