
Transmigrated in Tales of Demons and Gods [Completed]

Xiao Yan, high-school boy from Earth, got killed by a truck. Due to him firmly believing that being accidentally killed by a truck would send someone reincarnating in an other World, the God of Trucks decided to grant him his wish and sent him in his favorite World, Tales of Demons and Gods. —————————— I would like to write my own story. But I don’t have the skills for it, so I’m starting with this fan-fiction to train a little. Please, leave some reviews and comments on what you like, what you don’t like or what to do to improve myself, thanks. —————————— I won’t make an empty promise about a fixed number of chapters but it's the first time I write something, so don’t expect too much xD

Wise_Snail · Book&Literature
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146 Chs

012 - First gift

When Ye Ziyun finally received all of her answers, she went back to her seat while telling him with a sweet smile, "Classmate Xiao Yan, thank you for answering my questions, I'll come looking for you if I have new ones!"

He used the LoHP on her, noted her suitable cultivation technique and put it in his storage ring. {I'll give it to her tomorrow}

{Since I can draw Inscription Patterns, I should take a look at the "self-created" ones of the Sacred Family's Ancestor}

A few moments later, Xiao Ning'er walked in the classroom and her usual cold expression soften when she saw Xiao Yan.

{She also broke through?}, He immediately noticed her physical changes.

She walked to him without looking at anyone else, she greeted him as she sat down.

"Your highness, Ning'er didn't tell me that she had a sister who was even more beautiful than her, may I know your name?"

"Sweet talker…", She said, but she couldn't hide her joy and her face was getting increasingly red.

{Let's stop teasing her}, "Congratulations on your breakthrough Ning'er!". Counting himself, it was already the fifth person who broke through since yesterday. It made him remember a MMORPG where the people had to grind monsters to gain levels, each time the teammates would congratulate the one leveling up, and in the end there would be nothing else than those messages in the chat log.

"It's thanks to you", The cultivation technique that he gave her was simply too powerful, in just a few hours of cultivation her soul force grew by more than twenty, allowing her to become a Bronze Rank Demon Spiritualist.

"Today I also prepared a breakfast for you", She said as she bashfully took out a basket full of pastries from her storage ring and put it in front of him. Because of the first kiss they had yesterday, she felt like a wife who cooked for her husband.

His eyes light up, her pastries were really good yesterday, and since he didn't sleep last night, he was still hungry after the breakfast he ate with his parents.

"Thanks!", he said to her in good mood as he started to eat.

The girls of the class warmly looked at him, they found the contrast between his refined appearance and his childish way of eating really cute.

The boys were really jealous, not only did he have a good time talking with Ye Ziyun, just when she left it was the turn of Xiao Ning'er, who even brought him a breakfast! The worst thing is that he just sat down and it was the two who came to him! He took two of the most beautiful girls of the school for himself, so unfair! Even the other girls of the class seem infatuated with him. {What's so good about that guy? Just look at him, he's eating like a savage, he doesn't have any manners!}

As for Xiao Ning'er, she was concentrated on his lips while her face was heating up, {I really want to kiss him again…}

After eating, he told her with a smile, "It was very delicious, thanks a lot Ning'er!"

"It was nothing", He really likes my cooking?

"I have a good news for you, for both of us actually, do you know of the Ancestor of the Sacred Family?"

She recalled what she knew about him and replied Xiao Yan, "He was a genius who despite being only a Gold Rank, was a great master in the studies of Inscription Patterns, he even self-created seventeen Sacred Flame Inscription Patterns, hence he choose the name "Sacred Family" when he founded their family"

"Right, that's what everybody currently think. Sometime ago, I discovered that the Scarlet Sunburst Pattern is in fact plagiarize from the book "Divine Lightning Fire", an untranslated ancient book. I thought that since he did it once, why not twice? So I checked the other sixteen inscriptions as well, and I have the proof that all of them were also copied from ancient books".

"You mean that he ignored the Demon Spiritualist code of conduct just to gain some fame?", She was shocked, that code was around for three thousands years and almost every Demon Spiritualists followed it. The article 161 of it said that while it was possible to take inscription patterns or copying them from other Demon Spiritualists, they must indicate their source and cannot claim them to be self-created.

She continued, "How could he be so arrogant, didn't he fear that one day someone would discover the truth?"

"Well, almost nobody can read those books, and it indeed worked for more than three hundred years. I plan to send an anonymous letter explaining it to most of the influential powers of Glory City in a few days. That will be my first gift to those bastards"

"Xiao Yan, you… You really plan to fight them?", She asked him with a little fear.

"Of course, they dared to make you suffer, so they'll have to pay. Don't worry, I won't take any risk and they won't know who's striking them"

Seeing his confident face made her relax, {As long as we're together, I don't care about anything else}

Shen Xiu finally came for her class so they stopped talking and he started learning about inscription patterns in his LoHP.

From time to time Xiao Ning'er would glance at his lips with a blushed face.


Back to her room with Xiao Yan, when her door was closed she couldn't hold herself back anymore and she boldly pushed him against the wall while passionately kissing him. He gladly responded her.

They only stopped when they were going to have trouble breathing.

She apologized to him with a red face, "Xiao Yan, sorry, I wanted to kiss you since this morning", {Will he think of me as a perverted woman?}

Caressing her cheek, he said, "Ning'er, I really like that bold side of you, and I love it when you act like that"

He then started to kiss her and finally said while smiling, "I also wanted to kiss you since this morning".