
Transmigrated as Nevillie Longbottom

Transmigrated in Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom after his uncle drops him out the window. There’ll be no bashing of anyone. Hogwarts Legacy, Movies aren’t canon. Spells are usually from canon, some might be made up.

Prometheus96 · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

End of year Part 2

It had been five days since my spat with the trio. They'd all come back alive and Quirrell was dead, well he took a leave of absence. In these five day it took Harry three to awaken from a coma, and two to apologize to me. I let it all go becase they are eleven they really don't know any better.

"Pack." I said and all my things neatly folded into my trunk. And, Clare flew onto my shoulder making it sink slightly. After a quick feather-light charm on my trunk I was off. There was one person i'd visit before I left.

A short walk later I was inside Thestral territory in the forbidden forest. A little search later, I found Helena. Greeting her with a head pat I said. "Hey girl i'm leaving for the summer. But before I go I want to introduce you to Clare.

Clare hearing her name hopped off my shoulder to greet Helena. The two animals then engaged in a sort of conversation. One that I couldn't follow of course, but I was happy my pet and sorta pet got along.

"Well we gotta go Helena, i'll be back in when summers over." I said my goodbyes and so did Clare as we left and good a low humming sound in response.


Seated in a compartment on the Hogwarts express. I place a locking charm along with a Muffliato, as I planned to nap tge entire ride home.

My plan did survive five minutes before I heard a knock. Waving my and the spells were lifted and the door opened. To reveal two Hufflepuff girls, both whom I recognized. I had classes with them three times a week. One was Hannah Abbot, a blonde girl with pig tails, by her side was Susan Bones a red-haired girl with a single plait going down her back.

"Oh hey Neville. You know you can't lock the compartments right?" Said Hannah.

"Never crossed my mind." I said smiling.

"Why'd you do it anyway?" Asked Susan as they both took a seat.

"I actually wanted to sleep the train ride away, but now the you two are here i'll talk to you instead."

"You don't have to you can sleep if you want to." Said Hannah probably thinking they were interupting something.

"No your fine. So, how'd you guy think you did on finals?" I asked changing subjects.

"Terrible I-" And that started a half listened to talk about Hogwarts classes and exams stress. Now that I think about it I never spend that much time with other students besides the Trio. As I was either in the Undercroft or the library. Next, year i'd change that, making my own friends would be a good change.

"Are you listening Neville?" Asked Hannah how was looking at me along with Susan.

"Yeah I was, you were talking about how you did on the charms exam." I said taking a shot in the dark.

"Yeah. I guess you were paying attention afterall." Said Hannah and she continued.

Eventually there was a knock at the door and, Percy walked in with my exam results. Along with a Hufflepuff prefect handing Hannah and Susan theirs. Opening up my results it read:

Dear Mr. Longbottom

Hereby enclosed are your exam results from your first-year of Hogwarts. We are particularly happy to congratulate you on your scores in transfiguration and charms. We wish you a happy summer vacation, sincerely yours, the Hogwarts staff.

History of Magic: EE

Defence against the dark arts: O

Astronomy: EE

Herbology: O

Transfiguration: O

Potions: O

Charms: O

About what I expected, I was a little surprised Snape gave me an O but, I did make good potions.

"What'd you get?" Asked a curious Hannah. To which I handed over my results to her. Her and Susan read them and looked at me with shock.

"Who'd you get these?!" Shouted Susan.

"Uh…I studied." I replied not sure of what to say.

"Can you help us next year then? I really got some bad marks." Said Susan with puppy dog eyes. Luckily I was immune.

"Sure I have no problem helping you just find me." I said.


The rest of the train ride was pleasant and, the Hufflepuff girls were decent enough a convesation that it wasn't completely boring. So when we arrived at Kings Cross I promissed we'd meet up at the end of summer and owl each other.

Disembarking the train, i'd noticed gran standing in wait. But she stood by a plump red-headed woman. Who could only be Molly Weasley. Walking over I waited for their conversation to end.

"Oh Neville. Let me introduce you this Molly Weasley." Said Gran pointing to Molly who had a young girl next to her side.

"Hello Mrs. Weasley. Pleasure to meet you and all that." I said in a casual greeting.

"Yes nice to me you Neville. I have to thank you for saving my son." Said the woman warm smile on her face.

"What do you mean saving your son?" Questioned Gran.

"Oh don't tell me you don't know. He killed a mountain troll, saved my son and his friends to." Said in mild horror. Huh I actually didn't tell gran about that.

"Well thank you for telling me. Come along Neville we have a lot to talk about." Said Gran a stern look on her face.