
Transmigrated as Nevillie Longbottom

Transmigrated in Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom after his uncle drops him out the window. There’ll be no bashing of anyone. Hogwarts Legacy, Movies aren’t canon. Spells are usually from canon, some might be made up.

Prometheus96 · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Early life and Time skip

In a bed a young man with neck length brown hair could be seen sitting on a bed cross-legged. His face was that of supreme calm and relaxation. Then suddenly his eyes snapped open.


I opened my eyes and, took in a breath of air. It'd been several weeks since I had arrived in this world. My time had mostly been spent trying to make objects move. But, to my great chagrin I have been unsuccessful. By the same token, I did have some success with Occlumency. It would seem I am a natural in the Mind Arts. I hadn't been battle tested at all. But, that would come with time, I wouldn't worry about the future too much. That was years away. Three to be precise, as it would turn out I was eight at the time of my awakening.


In the backyard of the Longbottom manor I hung from a pull-up bar. With great strain I attempted to pull myself up. Unfortunately my body had other ideas as, I slipped off the bar and fell to ground flat on my ass. But, I smiled it was progress from a week ago when I first started working out. The grind is eternal, whether it be magic or working out.

"Neville! Neville where are you!" Came the call of Algie's voice then, he appeared in the backyard.

"I'm in the backyard!" I shouted my location. Seconds later Algie sprinted into view.

"Oh Neville hear you are." Said Algie who was holding a big box. "I got you a gift it's your birthday afterall."

Huh. I've been Neville for almost a year now.

"Well go ahead and open it no everyday you turn nine." Algie said with encouragement.

Riping the paper from the box I opened it. Inside the box was a broom.

"It took me months to convince your gran to let me give that to you." Algie said with a smile.

"Thank you i'll put it to good use." I said. This is actually a good gift i've been interested in brooms for a while anyway.

"Do you wanna learn to use it? I can show you?" He asked eagerness in his voice.

"Sure why not." I said.

"Ok first you want to mount your broom." He said. And, I followed his instructions.

"Then quick the ground lightly and hover off the ground. Oh and lean forward slightly." He followed up and I again did as instructed. When my kick met the ground I was in the air.

"Good! Your a natural at flying!" Algie encouraged. But, I didn't he him I was too busy focusing on the sinsation of flying. Kicking the air I zoomed foward with a smile on my face. Aparently my old fear of heights left me in this world. It'd felt like hours as I zoomed around the backyard.

"Neville! Come down it's time for dinner." Came a yell from gran knocking me from my thoughts.


Seating on my bed a feather lay as I attempted to move it. Hand outstretched I willed it to move and, spoke.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Making sure to make the gar nice and long.

The feather hovered over the bed for several seconds and, suddenly dropped. Which seemed to be the last couple months theme. The spell was technically working which is a bonus I guess. But, technically wasn't good enough. Not with Voldemort being out there.

Speaking of the dark dork, I had to decide of how to approach his end. The best way in my opinion would be I kill everyone else. And, let Harry deal with Voldemort himself.

With my thoughts in order I got back to practicing the spell.

"Wingardium Leviosa."


"Neville we will be having a guests today." Said Augusta.

"Who'll it be?" I asked curiously.

"They are friends of your parent's they, said they wanted to meet their son." She said.

"You said 'are' does that mean my parents are alive?" I asked with a hopeful smile. I felt a little guilty in doing this but it's best I get the matter of my parents out of the way. When I took over this body I my an oath with myself. Frank and Alice gave their futures for this body so i'll make sure to live the best I can to honor them.

"Well..uh your parents are they." Tried Augusta before she took a deep breath. "Your parents are in St. Mungos, for permanent spell damage. They were tortured into insanity by death eaters. For not giving up information." When she finished grans looked as though she was drained. Probably reliving bad memories.

"It's ok gran I understand. They…they are heros they fought for what they believed in." I said walking over to gran for a hug which she accepted.

"Can we go visit them?" I asked. Becase I did want to see the couple. To pay my respects but also becase they deserved to see their son.

"We'll go one day." She said squeezing me tighter.

Our little family bonding session was interupted by the fire place lighting up with green fire. Gran and I then separated to greet our guests. When we did from the fireplace in walked. A tall black wizard with broad shoulders and, a single golden earring. Along with another who had darkgrey-hair and, a vivid blue eye that moved independantly of his other eye and, a wooden peg-leg.

"Augusta how are you, it has been too long." Said the Black man with a deep slow tone.

"I am fine and, yes it has Shacklebolt. And, you to Alastor. Now meet my grandson Neville." She said intoducing me to the two men.

"Hello I am Neville it's a pleasure to meet you two." I said in my most polite voice.

Alastor uncharacteristic to his gnarled face smiled at me. Which would terrify most people but I knew if he wanted to hurt me there's nothing i'd even be able to do.

"I'm Alastor Moody, I knew your parents some of the bravest I ever met." Moody said in his grizzled voice.

"I'm sure they would love your kind words of them." I replied.

"And, I am Kingsley Shacklebolt he isn't telling you the whole truth we didn't only know them we were all teammates." Said Shacklebolt.

Huh. Alice and Frank were teammates with these two interesting.

"Enough of that you two sit down i'll make some tea." Said Augusta leaving for the kitchen. While Augusta was leaving the three of us all took a seat.

"Would you like to hear a couple stories?" Asked Moody. Knowing his history it'll be some shit about someone dying of getting maimed.

"Sure why not." I said.

"Our team got a mission Croach the DLME at the time had given us permission to use unforgivables on death eaters without warning. We went to go on a campaign to route the giants. After weeks of hunting them down were finally able to send them into hiding." The tale he weaved was unbelievable. Those four had put the giants into hiding. They must have been very strong.

"That is amazing! Can you two teach me to fight?" I asked with the excitement of an actual child.

"Hahaha! You hear that Shacklebolt he wants to learn to fight." Laughed Moody.

Shacklebolt smiled and said. "You sure are their son i'd be happy to teach you a few things once you get you wand next year."

"I wouldn't mind either. Maybe you'll be stronger than all of us." Added Moody.