
Transmigrated as Azazel's son in DXD(Fan-Fiction)

{This fic is my First work in this field and English is my not my 1st language , So please do not mind my mistakes much. Thank you .. BTW this fic is also available on Scribble hub] [ Some good points about my book~ 1•"The Cool - busty lady KALAWARNER will be in harem" {And Rias akeno, koneko and kiba(hehe) *Aren't included in the harem*} . 2• The harem is gonna be huge. 3• Lots of pics of characters both cultured and non cultured on my plate.r.on Some free pics on comment section as well. 4• I will reply to every single comment. (You can check if you want too.) 5• I will add your ideas oin the story if I like them. And now theSummary :- In a endless void a soul was floating without an aim (Yeah i know typical FF s**t but there was something different about that soul, its middle fin*er was up..... yeah you heard it right)..................... What want to know reason? read it and you'll know.(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) Though I am not confident in writing R-18 scene I'll try to do my best in romance. [NOTE :- HIGH SCHOOL DXD IS NOT MINE, ANY Original characters aren't mine, I DO Not own Anything Other then MC and the Idea about this fan fiction. This fan fiction is just for fun I wrote as a hardcore HIGH SCHOOL DXD FAN.] My reason for writing this fan fiction you ask? :- Well after reading many fanfics about DXD although many were good most weren't what I wanted ,So even tho I am lazy...... VERY LAZY , I decided to write some So I'll add whatever element or S**t I want and yours too if I like your Idea.}

GLORIOUS_SIMP · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

|| It's Worth It ||


{Hai~Hai~ attention everyone I have A assignment for you guys and you'll probably like It.

•The first one is - We are gonna have another pole for Harem members because there were many readers who wanted to add different characters to the harem, But since Web novel doesn't have a pole system. You guys have to comment the name of character you want to add or remove. Those characters who are already in harem can only be REMOVED if you guys comment to remove them, Of course Nyx and Kalawarna are not going to be removed because Its too late now And Artoria because of My privilege as author, So you guys should use your privilege to comment your favorite character. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS POLE IS OPEN FOR ONLY TWO DAYS. PLEASE VOTE SO THAT YOU WON' FEEL UNSATISFIED LATER. 




"Hey-hey~ What happened to your aim Oh' Mighty White dragon Emperor?" Today I am having a spar match with Vali under Baraquiel /Aka My Master at training my body/ San's supervision of course. Even though Vali asked for a sparring match with me, But from outsiders perspective it probably looks like Two kids are playing tag with SFX. But the reality is that this brat is seriously trying to hit me with demonic power as If I called his favorite superhero a fake.

"Stop moving so much and let me hit you if you think you are strong enough to be my big brother" Huh? What's up with this kid? What Noncence is he spouting again??

"No thank you I am not a masochist, Here Dodge~" after warning I threw a weakened dark spear at him which is a technique Nyx taught me, After all I don't want to kill him by throwing my 'light' weapons I inherited from my fallen angel linage .

"Vali, hit him on the face!!" The Masochist captian suddenly started cheering for Vali.

"Hey! What kind of referee are you. Referees are supposed to be impartial! " Shouldn't you support me your 'First Student' If you're gonna be partial, And Its not like I called you a masochist now, did I ?

"Ha!" He barely dodged it even tough I threw it without much force, But how about this.

"Urgh" My first landed on his solar plexus and he's on his knees, Seriously this guy is weak. Even with his Divine dividing He can't even force me to fight seriously. He is using his light wings of his longnius to move at somewhat decent speed but Its nothing Impressive as he's can't even touch me to activate his longnius's ability. If he gets close to me I throw a dark spear or two and keep the distance, then again he is just a seven year old brat. So maybe he is good?

"Alright The match is over. Vali, There is a lot you need to improve - your speed, aim And ENDURANCE, Not to mention you are not using your sacred gear correctly you have to touch your opponent to use it's true abilities ". Hmm why is he still on his knees? I didn't hit him that badly.. did I?

"Hey you fi- !! /- Gotchaa!"

*SWOOSH*.... " But before I could lend him a hand he suddenly tried to punch me which I avoided and countered with a round house kick.. Well if he wasn't hurt badly before, Now he is!

"Hah~ why don't kids follow instructions, Seriously as if one ignorant kid wasn't enough .. Well It doesn't look like he broke anything" Baraqiel said while lifting him up on his shoulders.

"Hey who are you calling a ignorant kid!" This Masochist captain really knows how to annoy someone.

"I will take him to healers, While you should Go and talk to Azazel, He asked me to tell you that!.. This brat when did he slipped away??" While baraquiel was talking Mathew had already disappeared, by using darkness magic and Telos Karma It was nearly impossible to Sense his presence if the opponent took their eyes of him even for a minute.

"Dad I heard you're looking for me." Ah, He chocked up.

" *Cough-Cough* Mathew how many times do I have to tell you *cough-cough to stop Using Telos karma and darkness magic like this! Are your trying to kill me you IDIOT!!" (If you want to live longer then just stop drinking all time) Mathew quietly remarked in his mind.

"So, Is it related to the Blac..*cough-cough* My request" Azazel narrowed his eyes.

"You just admitted it didn't you.. *Hah~* Anyways, well yeah I got everything ready, Here is list of Personal related to your project, You were lucky that some of our employees were willing to work for you, I even got you a building for your main office, Now you Better succeed or you'll be joining me for penemue's lecture about how hard it is to manage money for grigori" Azazel handed a File to Mathew which contained details about employees who'll be working for him, Company building's location and A Gold coloured credit card.

"Worry not We will definitely profit, After all human's are bound to give in, In front of temptations" Mathew was grinning deviously while looking at the Shining golden card in his hands"

" *Shiver* This is definitely one of the creepiest grin I've ever seen in my whole life, You sure you are a fallen not a devil! Just what are you planning?" Even Azazel couldn't help but feel goosebumps all over his body when he saw Mathew grinning ear to ear.

"What's the difference, Anyway you said some of the grigori's employees are going to work for me. It means Miss Penemue already knows about this huh? How much did you tell her?"

{A/N - San, Mr./Ms which one sounds better?}

"Nothing Much, Just that you owe me around $200 million and You are gonna give a lot of money in return as I am your biggest investor or the only investor right now" This statement seemed to have Poked Mathew's interest.

"Oh! She didn't ask you about the money you spent on those wierd inventions of yours?"

"What are you talking about? What money? The total amount of $200 Million I gave you was from my own pocket" It was Azazel's turn to grin.

"So you managed to fool her again huh? Looks like I unintentionally took more then just concept of business from you" Mathew refused to admit his bad personality with utter shamelessness.

"Anyways I will go take a look on the personal, See you later Dad" Just as Mathew was about to leave he was stopped by Azazel.

"Ah! Not so fast kid. Since I chipped in something extra for you, I want you to do something for me" Does he want me to?

"Is it related to the Nekoshou sisters?"

"No, Although I was able to contact New devil faction, They don't trust me yet and are still looking into that matter it looks like they hid it well. It's actually about Baraquiel's family, Although Himejima's were not happy about Baraquiel and Shuri's relationship since the begining but the situation is looking much worst righ now"

(Hmm? Isn't it few months earlier then original plot?)

"So you want me to guard 'M Captain's' house?" Hm that's a bit troublesome I got a building in Kyoto for free, So it's only fair to do something in return. Not to mention I'll earn more Karma if I interfere directly with the plot. So it's worth it.

"It's just as you guessed, that makes thing's easier. I need baraquiel to do something for me So he'll be away for a while and If I send another high ranking Fallen Shinto gods would be displeased. So you are perfect for this job as you are still very young yet already on peak of high class, not to mention my son. So would you take this job" After weighting pros and cons Mathew decided to accept his request.

"Okay, No problem. When do I have to leave?"

"Hmm, I was going to wait for a few more days but some suspicious people have been lingering around Baraquiel's house probably low ranking members of Himejima clan, So It would be good to leave as soon as you can or preferably tomorrow, You can take another credit card from my bedroom for your expenses".

"Alright but I'll beat the shit out of them if those Himejima guys annoy me, alright?" Azazel seemed to have predicted this already as after awakening his Second Longnius Mathew became bolder and a bit arrogant So he just gave up thinking this might be a good opportunity for him to see how supernatural world works. He closed his eyes and started brooding over how he should deal with the situation if something went wrong.

(Maybe he will be humbled if he encounters Himejima clan's Purifying arts, Or if he meets one the Shinto gods? If things get out of hand he could always escape using shadow magic and Telos karma, or I could always go and help him if needed).

"Sure, if they attack you first you can go ahead and beat them, but I would like you to remember those guys hate fallen so keep your cool while dealing with them. Do you under... I didn't made a mistake did I ?"

After brooding over for a minute or two when Azazel opened his mouth to warn Mathew one last time he had already disappeared.

"*Hah~* Sighing he started reading some project reports of a new SGSI 'Sacred Gear Stimulating incubator'.

~~~~ 2 minutes later~~~~~

"Master I heard you were looking for me" Kalawarner said in a professional tone with a elegent bow. Mathew was surprised by her professional attitude when she just started having secretory classes from Penemue but he soon got used to it after a while.

"Oh! you appeared quite early, The thing is I have been given a mission of sorts So I will be away for a while, Here take this card and file. I want you to go to this location and set up everything for my new company and, Even though I will personally interview all personal listed in here, I want you to make a report on their usefulness as well as character before I come back."

"Certainly Mathew Sama" She soon formed a teleportation magic circle left.

"Now Then lest get this over with as soon as I can and earn some money". Mathew also left but the scene without leaving any trace of magic being used.


{ P/S- Room_game, Rimuru_sama, Akaljot_Singh_0905, Johm_Mcdonagh_832, kevin_assoul Thank you guys for the power stones, And Make sure to comment for your favorite character. Again Thanks for reading}.