
Transmigrated as a Fat villain: All heroines are after me

I AM EDITING IT'S FIRST VOLUME~~~ "Y-young master, the Lord is requesting your presence." I looked at myself in the mirror as a maid's voice, laced with trepidation, reached my ears. "Tell him I'll be there shortly." "I understand, y-young master." I paid no mind to her quivering presence, my gaze fixed on my reflection. And this is exactly why I despise this character, Yes, He is a villain with my name but does it matter, no, the problem is this guy's weight he is so heavy that this tub of lard is weighing me down, literally. For someone who prides themselves on muscle, nothing's worse than "fat," and this guy before me? Well, he's a prime example of that. "I suppose I need a workout." Reaching the door, exhaustion gripped me and I found myself gasping for breath. It was unbelievable – this body was so darn heavy. After an arduous struggle, I finally made my way out of the room, causing servants carrying a litter¹ to scurry over. They lowered it, creating a path for me to step onto it. I tried to ignore the spectacle – it was this pampering that turned this fatty into a giant tire. Pushing the annoyance aside, I began to move, managing only about 10 steps before my legs gave out. Damn it. Seriously? I collapsed, leaving the twenty servants to hastily lift me and place me onto the litter. For me, it felt more like a stretcher. There I was, sprawled on it like some mountain, panting heavily. "You damn god! I hope the protagonist of your favorite novel gets NTRed!" . . "We're here, young master." Can you believe it? his father's office is just thirty steps away from this pumpkin room, yet he insists on using a litter. "Give me a hand." I ordered while cursing this hefty body under my breath. "Oh, come, come, my dear child. How was your day?" I glanced at the middle-aged man, his face exuding warmth and care. As for my feelings? This old man right here is the reason this chubby exists. Not that I give a darn about my indulgent father. "I'm alright, Dad." Yes, imagine this: as a noble, this old man spoiled this pumpkin so much that he thinks he can go around scolding the mansion's maids and servants. "Take a seat. Hey, fetch his chair!" You might wonder why he doesn't sit on a regular chair. Well, that's because the chair is custom-made to accommodate this hippo-sized frame. "What's going on, Dad?" Seriously, why would he summon this big old hippo over to his quarters? There's gotta be a reason for it.... "Your fiancee is coming tomorrow" ~~~~~~~~~ Join Discord for Faster Update notification:: https://discord.gg/QZnWtQARft NO YURI NO INCEST NO NTR --- This story doesn't carry any of these things. ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE ~ you can expect some errors

A4KL · Fantasy
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173 Chs

Chapter 42 - Devoured in Dragon's Mouth

The dragon responded with a deafening


and my instincts kicked in. With newfound strength granted by my awakened abilities, I leaped away, soaring through the air, barely avoiding the dragon's colossal claws.

My heart raced as I gazed down at the beast, its enormous maw gaping open, ready to swallow me whole.

In that instant, I unleashed all of my mana, letting it radiate outward. Dragons were known for their sensitivity to mana, and I hoped that my sudden surge of power would confuse it.

Perhaps it would mistake me for a formidable adversary, like an archmage. It hesitated, its mouth remaining wide open, a flicker of uncertainty in its eyes.

But time was running out. The dragon's mouth drew closer, and I knew I had to act. With every ounce of my mana, I strengthened my body, knowing it would hurt like hell but also that it was my only chance at survival

In a desperate, heart-pounding moment, I made a daring maneuver in the air, narrowly avoiding the colossal jaws of the Black Dragon.

My body soared through the sky, propelled by sheer determination and the protection of the ethereal barrier I had crafted using my unique ability, «Mana Transmutation»

The thought raced through my mind, 'Now's my chance to escape this nightmarish creature'

But just as I prepared to flee, my eyes fell upon Thalia, standing there, drenched in sweat, her face contorted in sheer horror.

Questions raced through my mind in a whirlwind of panic. 'Why is she here? Did she follow me into this deathtrap? Can't she use her to sense the impending danger?'

Time seemed to slow as my thoughts spiraled into chaos. Without fully comprehending why, I acted on pure instinct, channeling all my strength and agility to fling Thalia far away from the imminent peril.

"Run! " I yelled, my voice laced with urgency.

It wasn't a conscious decision; it was as if some hidden hero within me had surfaced, driven by an innate need to protect.

As I watched Thalia being hurled to safety, I couldn't help but wonder why I had done it. But there was no time for answers.

In the blink of an eye, I faced the gaping maw of the dragon, its cavernous mouth closing in around me. Fear, raw and overwhelming, surged through me as I realized the inevitable – I was about to become the dragon's next meal.





Thalia's POV

My heart pounded like a relentless drum as I cowered behind the towering tree, my eyes locked onto the immense Black Dragon.

I had ventured here using my ability, , which had screamed over and over again and warned me not to proceed any further.

But my curiosity had gotten the better of me, and I had come, only to find Zeph engaged in a fierce battle with the monstrous creature.

The dragon's presence reigned terror upon the forest, each of its colossal steps sending shockwaves through the very ground beneath me.

Its deafening roars reverberated through the air, threatening to shatter my composure.

Fear clung to me like a second skin as I watched the terrifying spectacle unfold, helpless and terrified,I can't move.

Amidst the chaos, Zeph's quick reflexes came to the fore.

He sprang into action, a blur of determination, his eyes wide with panic as he spotted me frozen behind the tree.

In the blink of an eye, he propelled me with astonishing force, and I tumbled to the ground in surprise.

His urgent command, "Run, Thalia! " pierced through the chaos.

But before my mind could fully register the danger, the dragon's titanic jaws snapped shut, devouring Zeph in an instant.

My eyes widened with disbelief and terror as I bore witness to the unthinkable.

My heart ached at the memory of Zeph's resolute expression.

'He died for me.'

'I am responsible for another life lost due to my weakness.'

'Sorry, Brother.'

'Sorry, Zeph.'

'I am pathetic.'

"I want to die... haaa... haaa..." I struggled to catch my breath.

'My legs are giving up.' My legs had completely given out.

'No, I have to live. Another person sacrificed their life for me.'


Tears streamed uncontrollably from my eyes as these conflicting thoughts raced through my mind, leaving me overwhelmed and shattered.

My breaths came in ragged gasps as I lay on the forest floor, stunned by the horrific turn of events. The Black Dragon's malevolent eyes turned towards me, its hot, fetid breath washing over me. I knew I couldn't stay there.

With a all strength left in my legs, I pushed myself up and stumbled away from the scene, tears mingling with dirt and sweat on my face.
