
Transmigrate to anime world

Adi an Indonesian teenager who died from drowning in a river saved a drowning kitten, because of his good karma during his life, he got a chance to be reincarnated in the anime world with some cheats, with the aim of enjoying the anime world and realizing his dream of having a harem, we'll see what it looks like Adi's adventures in the anime world. This is a discord author. If you like discussing this novel, please stop by https://discord.gg/rPgrwnmE ( Buy me coffee : https://ko-fi.com/adigm17) This Fantasy Genre Novel, Especially for adults over 21+

adi_gm · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

Second Harem Member (21++++)

After tidying up the mattress, and cleaning the club room, Rei started to explain to Adi, about the rooms in the club, such as the changing room, equipment room, locker room, and also the place where they keep the awards they receive.

Knowing that adi, has a spear skill that is greater than her kaicho, Rei enthusiasti cally discusses with adi, until their discussion becomes a wider and wider story, with Modi's understanding and knowledge making adi always find a good topic to chat until soon they hear the sound of "dooarrrrrr" and lightning flashed then accompanied by heavy rain pouring down on the school.

Seeing this, Rei and Adi could only wait for it to subside, especially when it was raining outside very hard and a lot of lightning struck "hei, didn't you bring an umbrella? Or are there no umbrellas in the club?" Adi asked Rei seeing the rain getting heavier and heavier.

"I forgot to bring an umbrella, and there's no umbrella in the club either," said Rei with a worried face

"well then you don't call your parents to tell them if you come home late, "Adi said again seeing the day it was getting dark.

"Ga, my parents are on vacation out of town, maybe 2 days just got home, so how are you, Adi?" asked Adi again.

"me, just like you, I don't bring an umbrella, especially at home there is only my sister, so it doesn't feel good to ask for a pick-up, pity she has to rain"

"yeah you'sright boys shouldn't be too spoiled"' said laughing

"Well then, I'll excuse myself first, I want to tell my sister at house"

Walked to a corner of the classroom and started calling Hiromi at home "Unfortunately I'm still at school waiting for the rain to stop, okay?"

"Oh, it's okay, you make me worry dear, now don't have to go home it's okay dear"

"Ehhhh,..you're angry dear"Adi heard Hiromi forbid him to go home

"No honey, I'm also not at home, I'm visiting my girlfriend's house dear, it's been more than 3 years we haven't seen each other and I plan to stay overnight too, so I wanted to tell you, I can't cook you, dearly, especially On the news reports right now, there is news that a typhoon is coming to the city, so that's why you should take shelter at school first"Hiromi said concernedly.

"Okay honey you don't have to worry too much, I'll be fine especially I also brought a food which was enough for me, so I can make dinner"

"Well, if that's the case, thank you dear, I'm so relieved"

"'Well you be careful there ok, and happy reunion remember the ring should not be removed and lost ok" reminded Adi to Hiromi

"Ok honey, bye...Daisuki"

"Bye...love you too" Adi answered hanging up the phone, and a strange smile appeared on Adi's lips.

Walking in the original direction, now Adi is looking at Rei sitting looking at the rain in the club room window

"Rei, I have 2 news, one good and one not, which one do you want to hear?" said Adi, approaching Rei.

"bad news first" Rei replied after a while

"there's a typhoon heading towards the city, and it will last until tomorrow, so we're stuck here"'

Rei slightly frowned and a few moments later he sighed in resignation. "So what's the good news?"

"The good news is that I'm also trapped here, so you don't have to worry alone hehehe"' Adi laughed

"Huuuu...that's what you want" Rei replied with a slight blush on his cheeks.

And so the two of them spent time chatting together until one day suddenly there was a loud explosion "'Duarrrrrrr"' and suddenly the lights went out.

Which made Adi and Rei shocked, realizing that the lights had gone out, both of them became silent for a moment "'Rei has a flashlight or candle, my cellphone is starting to off"' said Adi breaking the atmosphere between the two of them.

"Ohhh I think there is, let's go to the equipment room in the medicine box it feels like there are candles and matches"' said Rei to adi

After waiting for a while there were no movement "rei how come you haven't walked yet?" asked Adi confused

"mmmm....and..... I'm afraid it's dark Adi, can you accompany me to the equipment room"

"oooh so you're afraid of the dark hahaha"

"ahh. it hurts Rei don't pinch it, adi pretending to be in pain after being pinched by Rei

"Huuuuu.. after all, you dare to make fun of me"' replied Rei annoyed

"okay I'm sorry, now while there's still power on my cellphone, let's go to the equipment room"' Adi said as he started to lead Rei towards the equipment room, and unconsciously Adi held Rei's hand.

Rei who was initially annoyed, became embarrassed because Adi held her hand, but thinking about his fear he let Adi hold it

After walking for a while towards the equipment room, and looking for candles in the health box, Adi finds 2 medium candles with wooden matches.

"Nahhhh, here is Rei but only two, I think it can only last 2-3 hours"' said adi

"t's better than nothing, not bad"' answered Adi while heading back to the club's living room

Installing a candle in the center of the club room, the light came through the darkness, and soon Rei's beautiful face was visible in front of Adi. Rei who was staring at Adi became embarrasseddowered his head.

"rei, did Isay that in the dark your face is so beautiful"' said Adi began to launch an attack on Rei, and Rei who listened to Adi's words became more and more embarrassed, didn't know what to say, and a moment later a voice was heard "Grururuhhhh" ' the sound of Rei's hungry stomach broke the ambiguous atmosphere of the two.

"heeeheeh, so this beautiful Rei is hungry hahahahaha"' Adi teased Rei

"...adi stops teasing me," said shyly while shouting at adi.

"Ok, you're lucky Rei, I still have a bento meal this afternoon that I haven't had time to eat"' Adi said pretending to be fingering the bag, and took the warm food that was in his room. Adi always prepared this food for emergencies and provide was right this time.

Taking out a bento that looked quite large, Adi then opened it in front of Rei, and suddenly the fragrant aroma of food spread throughout the club room and embarrassed Rei's face even more.

"'Ok now you can eat, but because there is only one chopstick so we have to take turns, so you don't mind right?" said adi with a smile.

Thinking of the chopsticks used by the two of them Rei turned red again, but because especially the hunger, made her give up to his stomach.

"let me start ok," Adi said to Rei without waiting for his answer, while taking the food in the bento and feeding Rei, Rei who was shy at first gradually became used to the delicious taste of the food, and also the attention is given y adi.

He had never felt so comfortable and cared for as now, looking at Adi's gently smiling face who patiently and painstakingly fed him, there was a strange and happy feeling inside Rei[ *Ding detected Rei's level of liking for the host as a friend 60 points* ] heard the notification from the system there is a bigger smile in Adi mount, one more step.

And finally, after half an hour of interspersed chatter, the two of them finished their night. And while they were digesting the food they had just eaten, there was a flash of lightning shining brightly outside the window and a moment later "duarrrrrrr"' a bigger sound of thunder struck outside, Rei who was scared reflexively hugged Adi's arm, realizing Rei's action was only lushed and still hugged Adi's hand tightly.

The longer it goes on, the more the thunder rumbles, and the flash of lightning continues to shine outside."Rei you should move Rei's position, the storage room seems better, and warmer" Adi suggested because in the storage room there are no windows and only ventilation, and not too much space there.

Rei, just nodding andhugged's hand while headed totowardtorage room. Entering the storage room and closing it, suddenly the room became much brighter, with a small room measuring 3x 3 M, with one mattress piled up in some parts of the room, leaving only a little space for Adi and Rei to sit and lie down, with no extra room left.

But at least, it's better because it's more soundproof and warm, After adi and Rei sat back against one wall, and put the candle in a non-flammable place. The two of them just stayed silent and leaned against each other, but this time Rei slightly loosened his grip on Adi's hand.

"Rei you can tell me why you are afraid of lightning and the dark"' Adi's voice broke the silence between the two.

So Rei started telling Adi's childhood story, why he was struck by lightning and darkness. Turns out it all started with Rei when he was in grade 2 SD, his mother left him at home to buy food outside, because he was sleeping so his mother thought he left him and didn't wake him up.

And while he was sleeping, he was awakened by a loud explosion sound accompanied by rain, which scared him, shouted at his mother and walked out of the room, but Rei couldn't find his mother. immediately died, he who was a child became more and more scared and confused, finally, he just cried back to his room and covered himself with a blanket while crying loudly, until his mother arrived and heard Rei's cry, immediately rushed to his room and calmed Rei, and after the incident e was afraid of lightning and darkness, and only his family knew and at this time adi heard the story.

"Ohhhhh...so I'm lucky to be the first outsider to know the secret of our beautiful Rei" adii teased rei

she turned hiss gaze, in another direction

Adi who saw this just laughed "hahaha ahh....your face is so cute Rei when you're angry"Adi's teasing voice was heard again.

"Ohhhh" Pretending to be sick from Rei's pinch

And the atmosphere between the two of them became more and more ambiguous, outside was full of lightning and storms that hit, but in this room, mth and security felt Rei, for some reason he felt this and without realizing it he started to turn around to look at the adi, the adi in front of him. gazed by Rei, also consciously staring at him.

Until the two of them became closer, and there was a rush of breath between them, Rei slowly closed his eyes, and Adi who saw this leaned forward to embrace Rei in his arms and kiss him passionately. "uaachhhhh...muachhhhh"Their long kiss lasted for a long time, but when Adi's hand began to gently touch Rei's breasts, suddenly the kiss was cut off.

And there was a trace of regret on Rei's face "Why are you Rei? Just tell me, I know you have something" Adi said as he hugged Rei and gently caressed his face.

Rei who felt adi comfort, took a deep breath before she told his story. So it turns out that Rei is in a dilemma, namely a love triangle, Rei has a childhood friend who likes him and he also has a crush on him too, but as time goes on his childhood friend becomes increasingly immature and also more angry, on the one hand, a friend of his childhood friend made her more comfortable and able to see which men to rely on, but she still struggled with how she felt. And Adi, who heard this, tthoughthttthttt was right for the protagonist to be left behind. It looks like he's immature and rude, obviously, a loser who doesn't dare to confess his love and only blames the promises they made when they were small, child diss. Adi thought

"But Adi right now I feel very comfortable also being with you and there are other feelings that I don't find besides you and my father"

"eh? What is Rei? "Adi asked curiously.

"Security Adi, you make me feel safe and secure, I didn't know I felt so safe with you". leans her body tighter towards expectantly. [*Ding detected Harem Parameter by 70 points*


Adi, who knew this signal was not stupid, immediately buried his kiss on Rei's lips again, and this time Rei seemed to be out of control letting himself follow Adi's will.

"uachhhhh" the two of them kissed each other greedily and began to impatiently eat each other, on the other hand, Adi's hand began to caress and squeezed Rei's breasts "hhuh....issshhhh....ahhhhh" Rei sighed making Adi even hotter and started kissing her pretty neck tightly "' yaaa....continues...adi....." Rei sighed with a face that was now full of lust and passion, and Adi knew he couldn't give Rei a way back. , so this is the perfect time to make it his own.

"Intan, can you buy me a kissing skill and a stimulating hand?" Adi asked diamond while still kissing Rei's neck, and started to unbutton his uniform.

[Ok bro, wait a minute.....ok it's been bought and ready to be studied, brother want to learn now?] asked Intan


[Fine, Onichannn by the way .....Hentaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit]

For a moment Adi's mind was full of knowledge, and there were a faint glow on Adi's lips and hands that disappeared quickly.

Returning to continue the action, after being able to take off all of Rei's clothes, Adi looked deeply at Rei, admiring his figure "'Rei...you are so charming, I can't stand it" Adi said to Rei while massaging her breasts. "hhhhh... .." Rei didn't answer just breathed heavily and had pleading eyes in his eyes.

So Adi continues his action again, this time after opening Rei's bra, Adi is presented without two beautiful mountains with pink peaks, and can't stand to see Adi crush them.

"muuuuuuu"." "ahhhhhhh....continuesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss off" Rei shouted with a voice full of passion while burying Adi's head in his chest, until soon Adi started exploring downwards, opening his skirt. rei and skillfully entered his finger into Rei's cd.

"shhhhhhhh.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...youuuuu....." Rei sighed as he felt his garden of Eden begin to be explored he wasn't satisfied anymore, Adi opened Rei's cd, and in front of him when he looked down, in the dim light of the candle, he could see the garden of Eden which was so beautiful, with a few fine hairs growing and very neatly arranged, there was a very fresh fragrance in front of it, and he immediately buried his head under "" aaahhhhhh....dame ...don't...adiiii....over there....dirty...Rei replied with his breath starting to quicken.

"No Rei, it's so beautiful there and I can't help it"'continued sucking the nectar of love from the garden of Eden "slurupppppp..."

"ishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...hhahahand soon Adi sucked hard at Rei's Eden garden, ""aahhhhhhhh...I'm cumingggggg....."' Rei replied, as his body shook violently, and his hands buried Adi's head deeper into the garden.

"'Ahhh...haaa...haaaa" Seeing Rei who was still flying in heaven adi began to undress all over his body, and he kissed Rei's mouth softly, whispering [*Ding stick The Harem's meter was detected to a new 85 points*] when he was about to speak, it turned out that Rei had fallen in love with him, but thought it was natural if he didn't have felt wouldn't let Adi do this.

"Honey...would you like to be my woman?"Adi said softly as he looked into Rei's eyes, and let his hand touch his little sister who was already ferocious.

Rei, who was staring at Adi, seemed to be hypnotized, especially holding Adi's little brother, she couldn't stand it anymore and she nodded, seeing this Adi was certainly very happy and said "'baby follow the oath I'm ok" and Rei nodded in return while gripping Adi's little brother more The strong "'ukhhhh"and Adi lose a little concentration. "I, Adi Setiawan, hereby swear in the name of God to take Rei Miyamoto as my wife and make him happy in this world and the other, until death do us part"' Adi said in a serious and deep voice to Rei, hearing the oath Adi, there was a feeling of happiness and joy that Rei couldn't express, and he repeated his oath "Im Rei Miyamoto, swear I'm willing to be Adi Setiawan's wife and promise to be happy with him both in this world and in another world, and until death. separate us" and returned after Rei's statement light immediately shine on Rei's forehead and again the image of the moon disappeared inside. Adi who saw this was happy because it meant their vows were approved.

And on the other hand, after Rei took the oath, he felt a very relieved and relieved feeling, and also realized that he was becoming more and more important in his life.

Without waiting any longer Adi and Rei started their love session again, by kissing and touching each other, and seeing Rei's garden getting wet with the waterfall's liquid, Adi began to get impatient and said "Honey I'm in" said Adi while taking the position of aligning his little brother with the entrance to the garden, and Rei answered with a trembling voice "All right, make me your wife completely"' said by wrapping his arms around Adi's neck.

Adi who heard Rei's words didn't wait any longer and started to insert his little brother into the hole "aaahhhh....it hurts... honey...slowly" said Rei with a face that started to sob, looking at Rei who was In pain, Adi started to play his hand again, and made Rei forget about the pain, "ahhhhh...hahaha..hahaha.." and when Adi saw that his little brother was halfway in and blocked by the blood film, Adi squeezed even more. her breasts and also started kissing passionately.

"muachhh,...muachhhhhhh....aahhhhhhhhhhhhh....it hurts" suddenly Rei's scream was heard and tears were flowing eyes. "'Finally I have you, dear," said adi while wiping Rei's tears, "' yes this time I am fully your wife dear, remember never leave me"' said Rei with a happy smile.

After a few minutes, the pain finally subsided, and seeing the bloodstains starting to dry under him Adi started to slowly and steadily move the piston "lokkkk...plokkk.plok....plokkkk.....PLOkkkkkk" a sighing sound and the sound of little brother coming in and out, in Rei's garden of Eden filled the room.

"'ahahhhhh... keep it up dear"' Rei asked

"'yes....calm down dear...you will feel more comfortable"" speeding up his movement

"'ohhhhhhhh...We're Sameaaaa...kimochiiiiiiiii" Rei answered passionately while following Adi's rhythmic movements.

'" "hahahah...hahaha...iku...iku..."

The two continued to race until half an hour later.

"'Dear you are very close inside, I like it'' answered Adi while squeezing Rei's chest

"'all yours dear....don't hesitate...go on...Ohhhhhhhhhhhh"'

Five minutes later Rei's voice was heard again speaking to Adi "I'm sorry... I want to... cuminggggggg"


"me on, honey, I can't stand it too" adi replied and soon the two of them climaxed.



"uuuuuu...cumiingggggggg..."' "blursssssss" the sound of cum pouring down Rei's crown.

After a while both of them looked satisfied and beads of sweat had wetted their entire bodies, Adi who saw Rei's reddish satisfied face, kissed Rei's forehead again, and whispered "'You are amazing dear" said Adi.

Rei who heard Adi's answer smiled happily and shyly, turned around to see Adi who was lying on his side he turned and hugged Adi. The two finally fell asleep, because this was the first time Rei had to be tolerant but looked at his little brother who was still standing tall. Adi shook his head. Asking for help looked at Rei, and Rei who had become Adi's wife, smiled sweetly while helping Adi with his mouth.