
Transmigrate to anime world

Adi an Indonesian teenager who died from drowning in a river saved a drowning kitten, because of his good karma during his life, he got a chance to be reincarnated in the anime world with some cheats, with the aim of enjoying the anime world and realizing his dream of having a harem, we'll see what it looks like Adi's adventures in the anime world. This is a discord author. If you like discussing this novel, please stop by https://discord.gg/rPgrwnmE ( Buy me coffee : https://ko-fi.com/adigm17) This Fantasy Genre Novel, Especially for adults over 21+

adi_gm · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

Choosing a School Club

Coming home from school, Adi has a more comfortable mood, knowing that now he has another harem candidate, it's a happy thing. And for that, he needs to celebrate with his beautiful wife at home.

Stopping by a flower shop, and buying a bunch of roses for Hiromi, Adi's career as a romantic guy is just beginning. [Brother, who did you buy flowers for?] Intan asked curiously.

"For your older sister, Hiromi," said adi smilingly kissing the flowers

[Didn't Hiromi's sister already have a lot of flowers?] asked diamond again

" the ones at home are planted, if you bought this, it means different"

[What difference? Both flowers??? then don't you even lose? Brother has flowers but instead buys flowers from someone else ] sarcastically

"Who's the weirdo hhhhhhhh!!!!! you're not old enough so you don't know" Adi replied a little annoyed

[Yeah….. diamonds aren't big, but diamonds aren't weird like big bro… ihhhhhh] There's a disgusting smile on the corner of the diamond's mouth

"hhhhh...dare to say brother....here you are"tried to punish the diamond, but unfortunately the diamond suddenly disappeared.

Adi who saw this just sighed...loliiiiiiiiiii.....ohhhhh...loliiii why are you so innocent

Walking for a while, until a few moments later Adi arrived in front of his house, and saw a plaque on the wall of the home with the words "adi Setiawan and Hiromi Setiawan"there was few of pride in him, although he did not force Hiromi to change his name, it was an initiative from him, So Adi did not forbid him to change his family name, moreover, he has no relatives and he was raised in an orphanage.

"honey I'm home" opened the gate while shouting towards the house.

And soon the sound of the door sliding open and from there Adi saw, Hiromi who was wearing a light shirt with a short skirt,smiling geetly at him "welcome anata"said with a smile.

Of course, Adi, who was greeted by Hiromi with a sweet smile, became even more complacent, how beautiful it was when he came home to be greeted by his beloved wife.

Came to Hiromi and immediately hugged her and buried her lips into Hiromi" Muachhhhhhhhh...ahahhhhhhhh" Adi and Hiromi's long sighs after a long kissing session.

"Dear, you are very beautiful today, do you know?" Adi said affectionately

Hiromi who was praised by adi just smiled and blushed, buryingg her head into adi, and seeing Hiromi's reaction adi just laughed happily while whispering into Hiromi's ear which made her blush even more.

And a moment later Hiromi nodded his head in agreement, Adi who saw this laughed happily again and immediately gave the surprise he had kept.

"this flower is for you dear"' Taking out the flower she kept behind her body, Hiromi who received the flower became very happy and kissed it back lightly, as a thank you.

Entering the house, Adi was presented with a neat and comfortable room, rushed straight to the bathroom to take a shower, and saw the bathtub that had been prepared with warm water, Adi sighed..... hahaha... how comfortable life is.

Entering the tub, adi immerses his body comfortably in the hot water. And soon the sound of opening the door was heard and Hiromi's sexy figure was immediately revealed, waking her little sister who was now relaxed.

Without saying much, after cleaning her body, Hiromi entered the tub and, as if teasing Adi, sat directly in front of Adi while gently stroking his little bro. And adi also sighed "hemmmm...so comfortable honey...continue but slowly ok," Adi said as he lay down behind the tub

Seeing Hiromi's position who was patiently bathing his little bro, Adi felt that he was floating with Hiromi's attention, doing 3M which means rinsing, shaking, and sucking....making Adi, who had been tired all day at school, return to being fresh, after removing all his vomit into Hiromi's mouth ""ahhhhhhh I'm Cuminggggg....." sighed very deliciously.

After resting for a while after the climax, Adi, who was still closing his eyes slowly but surely, felt his little brother had now been wrapped into a much warmer and more comfortable room. "ooohhhhhhh" Adi's sigh opened his eyes. And there Adi saw Hiromi who had excitedly put his little bro into the garden of Eden.

Then began the splashing of the waves and also the hurricane, until a long time after changing positions from sitting, standing, to leaning, there was a long groan from two voices "Ahhhhh....iku..iku.....iku. ..iku...cuminggggg babyyyyy"

"ahhhhh...me too baby...cuminggggggg"

And a moment later both of them breathed heavily and roughly

"a...ha..ha...Sugoiiii anata, you went deep, I might be pregnant this time" said Hiromi with a face full of redness and also a little worried.

"Calm down dear, you don't have to worry, after drinking the herbs I've made so far, we'll be safe to play," said Adi while still hugging Hiromi.

"HHoney I was worried that you weren't ready, especially since you just started school" replied Adi with a relieved expression and also a little regret in his eyes.

Adi who saw this certainly knew Hiromi's wish, and he just smiled because when the time came Hiromi would be happy.


Adi was knocking on his desk with a bored expression, and he subconsciously looked outside the classroom, and students and students playing soccer on the field, suddenly there was a strange light in the corner of Adi's eyes.

"Almost forgot, heheheh, after school, I usually think" he mumbled quietly adi

And not long after that time passed quickly, lunchtime came again, and as before, Adi politely refused the invitation to eat from his girlfriend, back on the roof, Adi entered the room where he and Hayashi last had lunch.

Realizing Hayashi was already there, Adi sat down straight away and opened the bento he had prepared to eat for the two of them. "mm honey, I've prepared my bento made for you, even though it's not as delicious as yours but please accept it," said Hayashi with a shy face to adi.

""Wahhhhh...thank you dear, calm down about the taste, it will be delicious," said Adi while opening the lunch made by Hayashi. Looking inside the bento, there is onigiri with seaweed, Japanese cash fried egg, deep-fried prawns, and also some salad vegetables.

Adi who saw this, was very happy and knew the struggle that Hayashi had to go through, to make and prepare this bento lunch even though it was easy but took a lot of time, especially since he is a teacher.

"ah... it's delicious honey...you'll be a good wife later" Adi complimented while eating Hayashi's bento, and Hayashi who heard Adi's compliment, smiled happily while blushing a little, finishing their peaceful lunch, Adi nanddHayashi returned to the classroom and the teacher's room because time had run out, of course before they parted a deep kissing session was mandatory. and Adi becomes happier and happier about Hayashi's progress when he walks to class [*Ding detected Hayashi's Harem parameter reaches 85 points* ] smiling happily Adi continues walking towards class.

Entering the classroom, by shrinking him perception again as he sat in his place, he unconsciously made Saeko pay more attention to him, without him knowing it.

Finally, after a pretty busy day, the school bell rang, signaling it was time for me for them, but now Adi didn't go home right away, instead,he walk to next door where many school clubs were located. Yes, the goal is to see which club suits him.

Seeing several students and students passing by around the building, wearing various clothes such as karate, kendo, archery, soccer, etc., you know here is a new hunting place. While walking to find where the club he was thinking about, he occasionally greeted students who passed him, which made several students scream and blush.

After walking for a while, Adi saw a signboard in front of a classroom with the words ""Sojutsu Club"" on his face and a bright smile on his face "'Sumi mase" knocking on the door and waiting to be allowed in.

And a few moments later came the sound of footsteps, from inside and soon the door of the room was opened, and what greeted him was, a beautiful girl with a cute face "'Emmmm..anooooo....can I help you?" said with a flushed face.

Adi who saw the reaction of this cute girl just smiled and replied, "Ahhhhh....forgive me if I disturb...introduce my name is Adi Setiawan, I'm a new student and want to see this club, may I?" said with aloft voice and friendly smile.

For a moment the cute girl in front became silent and stunned by Adi's sweet smile, and after a while, she regained consciousness of her rude behavior "ahhhhh.... please come inside...let me introduce you to my Kaicho" invited Adi to come.

Entering the room, Adi was greeted by a row of mats arranged in the middle of the room, with a row of long Japanese cash spears and also some game armor.

Entering the deeper direction of the room, Adi was greeted by 5 women who were sitting while discussing, u, and among the 5 women, there was a beautiful woman with a ponytail and blonde hair, and looking down, two breasts were visible. large with a round shape, making people who see it want to squeeze greedily.

While the cute girl beside Adi rushed into the crowd, and was seen whispering something to a beautiful woman with straight black hair, took a closer look at her face and figure, Adi had to sigh at her beauty and sexiness, she slightly wonder why in the original story this hot and beautiful figure didn't become one of the heroin, ah.. well, now that he's found it, he's also put her in the harem, anyway, there's no difference adding one or two heheheh... thought Adi in his heart.

"Attention everyone, we have guests at the moment, so our discussion will be temporarily suspended," said the prettiest woman in the group to the group of members. "Okay, Kaicho answered the group of women in unison.

And when they all turned around and realized, it turned out that the faces in this club were pretty good too, all of them can be counted with 8 points, with their Kaicho 9.5 and Heroin 9, then the cute and the rest all 8 with each of their use ness.

There are those with short hair with cold faces, their hair in a ponytail like heroin but with a different color, namely brown, and one with braids and another with glasses, and of course there is heroin in a ponytail.

When they turned around and saw adi there were a few blushes all over their cheeks, not to mention their leader, and when they were still a little embarrassed to be stared at by Adi's friendly smile. They came back to their senses by the voice of their leader "mmm." "So Adi san, please introduce yourself and state your purpose for coming to this club?" asked the beautiful chairman to Adi.

"Ummm okay, introduce my name is Adi Setiawan, and I am a new student at Fujimi's school, I came to this club, because I am interested in the Japanese cash spear game," said Adi friendly.

"Ohhhh so you are interested in our club, well then what do you want to see?"

Ask the beautiful head back to Adi

"Can you give me some demonstrations to see, then I decided to join the club" said adi again

"ou want to join, now it depends on your ability, well here if you want to join you have to beat 3 challenges from us, then you are allowed to enter," said the beautiful chairman with a proud face.

" fine, then don't waste any more time, we should start, the sooner the better, and I also want to see what a good Japanese spear looks like," said Adi while slightly challenging his words.

Hearing this, some girls who were initially still embarrassed to see Adi, there was a look of disdain in their eyes, and Adi didn't feel preoccupied with it just smiling confidently standing there.

And this did not escape the eyes of the beautiful leader and our heroin, there were a pair of bright eyes in the eyes of both of them. ""Kaicho....let me test first,," said a beautiful cold-faced woman ""Ok Hina you can be the first"

"Calm down Kaicho I think I've had enough"' he said with a hint of mockery

Adi who heard this just smiled and didn't reply, because he knows that when you fall under me, especially when you are in bed, then you will receive what punishment it heheheh. Sigh adi inwardly.

"Well this is your spear....please take it"threw a plain spear at Adi with a height of 2 M, "that bad"' Adi replied, "o you need additional protection ha...."' asked the old girl again

"You don't have to do this, I've had enough"' Adi replied casually.

"then don't regret it when you get hurt"'


"We better start, talking doesn't prove anything"' replied Adi again, which made the woman frown coldly.

Taking a fighting position both of them took a distance of 5 M from each position, with a beautiful female referee with glasses. Adi and the cold girl are getting ready to start their confrontation "ok you guys get ready, in a count of 1,2,3 start"making a signal for a fight. Immediately the cold woman ran towards adi, and when the distance came into her attack she slashed at Adi's head with a powerful punch, irritated by this cold woman's dangerous punch.

adi thought to end it quickly, dodged by rolling, without giving the cold woman time to react, adi did a slashed hat extended towards her leg, with Adi's incredible speed, the cold woman couldn't help but give up and fell in pain "ahhhhh" " he shouted and "thump" he fell.

Adi who saw the cold woman fall immediately approached and asked how she was "are you okay "I asked with a worried tone

"ahhhh.....I'm fine just a little pain in the leg" said with an embarrassed face when adi grabbed his leg directly.

Gently caressing the skin on his feet, Adi feels happy that this cold girl is only acting" huuuu"

"Well, then can you get back on your feet?" asked Adi after removing his hands from his feet.

Watched Adi's handsome face full of worry he blushed a little, I can't help it, but just as he was about to stand up pain came from his legs" auto"' and instantly he fell and adi who was right in front of him swiftly embraced him, burying himself into the ground. in Adi's arms, the cold girl's heart was beating hard, and her face became even redder and louder." "Hina... you're fine" the beautiful referee with glasses came to help her up "'m... fine Akari "replied Hina with a red face, so be Adi and Akari helped Hina sit on the sidelines.

"because Hina lost, is there anyone who wants to fight him?" Kaicho asked after making sure Hina's wound was okay. "I'm Kaichouuu, let me try to fight artisan"' replied a beautiful woman with pigtails who was none other than our heroin "So are you sure Rei?" asked Kaicho again.

"Yes, just leave it to me" Rei replied firmly.

Adi who has returned to the center of the match area is now looking at Rei and there is a happy smile on his heart.

"Rei Miyamoto, please help" Rei replied bowing respectfully

"Ok, please help" Adi replied bowing too

"well get ready you two 1,2,3 start" shouted Akari

Just like Hina, Rei runs fast toward adi, but this time he attacks by stabbing into Adi's stomach, seeing Rei's attack is more civilized, of course, Adi will be happy to serve him.

In response, by making a cross barrier in front of his stomach "clank" e sound of the two sticks colliding, and then again the sound of "clank" sounded, so a sell-off attack occurred between Adi and Rei, which made the members exclaim with excitement.


"come on, rei beat adi sannn"

"Clank…..clank…the two of them became more and more intense until Adi finally caught Rei's weakness after seeing her breathing become tight. Making his speed increase adi disappeared from in front of rei, and instantly adi stood behind rei, hugged rei from behind, and crossed his spear in front of rei towards his neck, with a position pinched in front and behind rei tried to free himself, but unfortunately, his body was locked by di "you better give up rei" Adi whispered from behind rei's ear which made him blush instantly "emmm...no I haven't lost yet" he answered trying to rebel again, and unconsciously made both of their bodies rub against each other, adi who seeing this smile sourly.

Because his little brother who had been rubbed by Rei's plump buttocks stood up and stabbed towards Rei's intimate parts, "ahhhhh" Rei's face instantly turned redder and he let go of the stick that was in his hand.

Seeing this Adi smiled and whispered to Rei again before parting ways, "You're too charming don't blame my reaction" said softly while blowing hot breath into Rei's ear, which made him even more embarrassed, seeing this Adi immediately let go of Rei.

"Ok the winner is Adi san"' shouted Akira breaking the silence

"Well since Rei also lost now, let me play" Kaicho replied while tidying up her clothes

Hearing this there was a refusal from the other members, "no kaicho just let me"' Kaicho immediately replied "you are not at his level" replied with a pretty smile.

Seeing this Adi was happy to smile again in his mind "Well then please help Kaichoo"Adi replied with a friendly smile

", you're both adi san, let's start this match"'

"get ready, 1,2,3 start" again Akira's scream resounded in the room

Then there was an even fiercer battle between adi and their Kaichou, attacking and defending each other became the second menu "haaa" a hard blow came from the side adi "lank" retreated and made a distance.

Again a more intense attack occurred, this time it was Adi who took the initiative until 10 minutes later "clankkkkkkkkk" the sound of a spear flying and falling made the atmosphere quiet.

And above the match venue, Adi's spear has been aimed at Kaicho's neck "Ok you won adi san" Kaicho replied with a little wry smile.

"a...thank you for willing to give in to Kaichouuuu" Adi replied in a friendly manner.

"Well fine, because adi san managed to complete our 3 challenges, so from now on adi san is the 7th member of our Sojutsu club, well congrats adi san for joining"

"ahh thank you Kaichouu" Adi replied with a friendly smile and shook hands with the other members

"well I'm Kurumi adi san, nice to meet you" "beautiful girl with a brown ponytail

"I' m Kanai" replied the cute beautiful girl

"well the rest are as the referee Akira, and before that Rei and the first Hina, while I'm Lydia as Kaichou welcome once again adi"

"Well thank you kaicho for the hospitality"

"Ok everyone can disband and go home to rest, Akira you accompany hina to go home, Rei because you are picket today, you have an additional task to introduce adi to the club room"

"Okay Kaichouuou" replied Rei and the other members

Be one by one the other members out of the club room until Adi and Rei were left alone in the room.

"Well adi san can you help me fold this mattress and put it in the storage room""

"Okay Rei san no problem, oh yeah just call me adi ok to make it easier"

"since you said, so fine then you can also just call me Rei" replied Rei with a pretty smile.