
Transformers: Written in the stars

To have a sparkling in the middle of the war was never something Ratchet or Ironhide had planned on, but sometimes the best thing in life is't something that is planned. Their sparkling brings joy and laughter to the whole crew, and add the terror twins in the equation and it is a wonder that nothing exploded, yet. Or: A sparkling story of growing up with a dysfunctional but loving family on a huge spaceship. will cover first bayvers movie.

Twilight_Zion · Movies
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13 Chs

A new family

The whole room was in comfortable silence, not a sound from the outside could be heard for the new family on the inside. The sound of the ventilation shaft and low engines rumbling could be heard softly in the darkness somewhere. There was only three life force inside of the room as for now; First Aid was out at the moment. But yet the two new creators did not dare to speak out aloud or even move from their spot as their optics were glued entirely on the sparkling that still was in recharge, now a few cycles old. It was like they did not dare to vocalize anything aloud to break the comfortable silence that was all around them, and by that risk to bring the sparkling into awakening. Slowly the smallest one of them started to online by herself, her hands and finger started to stretch and gripped the hot metal underneath her.

A soft cooing sound was heard from her system as she liked what she was feeling, small chirping noises soon followed it as she was coming more online. The white femme looked slowly up at her carrier, trying to let her optics function on auto as she tried to focus on him and then she turned her helm to look at her Sire that was also close. She could feel their love for her, and she recognized their presence. Luna gave away a low cooing sound as she looked at them in pure sleepily wonder. She was listing to her creators smoothing voices over the bond they shared, and the feeling of safety and pride in their spark was enveloping her completely. All her program said to her that she was safe here, she was loved and it was everything the sparkling needed as of right now. She started to move her frame and slowly sat up on her rear and looked up at the bigger mechs in front of her with blinking optics. Luna gave away a new softly cooing sound and started to crawl forward tower the highest part her carriers chassis. She looked them both over as she could see them better now, and she could feel their encouraging feeling at her actions.

Suddenly something moved inside of the med-bay, and the light was suddenly turned on, and Ironhide glared at a new bot that before had been hiding in the darkness. One of his plasma guns was out and pointed at the new bot. The first reaction of the sparkling was fear at the sudden light and an unknown figure so close to them, but she could feel her carriers sending her calm and safe feelings. So the femme looked at both of her creators, and when none of them acted as the new one was a real threat or something to be scared over, she looked at the new one and cooed. A black and white mech stood not far away from them with a smile on his faceplate as the smaller sparklings optics focused on him. Luna looked the newcomer over and then to her Sire and at last to her Carrier, the new one had a long blue optic. He had been so silent before he had made his presence known to them, and no one knew how long he had been there.

"I swear to Primus that one day I will blow you up, or at least put a bell around your neck Jazz!" Ironhide growled at the intruding mech.

"Naah, chill Hide, I just came to see that you both were still online, haven't seen you for some cycle now" Jazz grinned and looked over to Ratchet and at last to the sparkling that was upon Ratchet and looked at him. His smile almost became softer, and the blue in his visor dimmed some before it brightened right up again as nothing had happened. It had been some time since he last saw a sparkling online and well, it was a sight to see.

"She is a real cutie!" Jazz is grinning and steps forward when he had got an acceptable nod from Ironhide, and he crouches down quickly before the sparkling, so she did not have to bend her helm so much she could to look at him. Luna looked over him curiously and whistled a questioning tune and Jazz answer her in the same manner, and the femmes face brightened up, and she clicked some more sounds to him. Jazz grinned as he let one of his clawed digits trace her chin and giggled as she tried to catch it.

"It almost impossible to think that she is yours!" Jazz teased Ironhide softly and grinned tower the bigger mech " she is going to be a real beauty when she is in her adult frame, I will tell you that." Jazz grin and as soon thous word left his glossa something hit his helm had by, and it drew a yelped from said mech that stumbled away from them in surprise.

Luna had jerked slightly away in fright by the loud clanging sound and by the swift reaction of her carrier as he had hit the new one with something. Her optics were open wide, and her processor tried to understand what happened and how she should react. She could feel her carrier sending her soothing feelings; there was no danger, so she did not need to respond at all. Luna gave away a low whistling sound. The black and white mech just laughed and rubbed his helm but had now backed away slightly. Luna looked him over and then back to her carrier that had something shiny in his hand, and it was that he had used to make that high sound. Her optics was looked on the wrench for sometime before the mechs started to talk again over her helm. She began to crawl tower it, her small hands grabbing in air tower the shiny thing she wanted to look.

"Relax Ratchet, I said almost!" Jazz said and rubbed his new dent in his helm when both Ratchet and Ironhide engines are grumbling at him.

"If I were you I would not even think of it" Ratchet warned.

"Think of what doc bot?" Jazz wondered and was now showing an utterly bad innocent act, his visor sky blue, and you could almost see him laughing on the inside.

"That the little Luna is going to be a real mech magnet?" He ducked down fast as the wrench now came flying through the air narrowing missing his helm by only a few inches, but hit the wall instead with a loud clang.

The clang that made the sparkling jump in reflex again and started to whimper and this time the sound had hurt her sensitive audios. The whimpering turned in to a shriek, and she began to cry. Ratchet picked her up in his hand and cooed at her and held her close to his spark so that she could hear the vibration of it and sent her calming pulses. Ratchet was muttering to himself, and it had been a pure reflex to throw that wrench at the annoying mech. Jazz looked at the little femmling with a sheepish look; it had not been his intention to frighten the little one; some of all their behavior had to bee look over it seems even if the medic had a wicked right hand.

"That is enough Jazz, stop teasing the new creators, you should know that they will be protective of her for some time," a new black and white mech suddenly said as he walked in, on his door wings there was the enforcement sign, and he had a red chevry on his helm.

"Hello, Prowl, nice to see you outside of your quarter" Jazz greeted the new bot with a huge grin but then turned tower Ironhide and Ratchet.

"I'm sorry Ratchet, Ironhide, It was never my intention to scare her," he said and looked over to the sparkling in their medics waiting hands. Jazz stood up and then said sparkling had gone silent again and had her interest to tinkering with some cables in her carriers palm with great curiosity. They were so easily distracted when they were small. Jazz sent Prowl a teasing smile, but the other one just ignored him. Behind Prowl, one big mech was walking in, and the small Femmes optics landed on him and went huge as she looked up at the new shiny one.

"Why don't you introduce your femmling to us Ratchet?" The sudden voice of their leader said behind them for the first time as the sparkling look up at the bot with the deep voice.

Her blue optics widen before she was offline and then online them again as she tilted her helm backward when she followed the mech's frame all the way up to his helm. Now when he was closer, he was not just tall and big, but also shiny. When her creators did not feel alarmed by all the newcomers, it was safe to look and explore for the sparkling. She gave away some unusual clicking sound and tapping her carrier's hand lightly with her as she was looking at the bigger mech. She wanted to look at him closer, and she made a gripping movement tower him.

Optimus looked slightly shocked by the sparklings request as he had stopped before them, but he hides it well. He looked at their medic for confirmation that it was alright and got it with a small nod and a smile. Even if he felt nervous by the thought of hold a sparkling, it was also this he had been fighting for almost all his time in this war. The next generation and their future. He held out his hand slowly towards the sparkling and Ratchet let Luna wander from her carriers hands towards their Primes.

The sparkling happily crawled over and into the other one's hand and giggled as she sat on her rear and looked up at him. Optimus had not held or seen any sparklings for as long as this war had been going on, and that was a long time ago it had started. Now here he was standing with the new sparkling in his palm as she looked up at him with curious optics, no fear at all. When the sparkling was in his hands, her helm bent to long back so that her weight backward became too big and she fell on her back structure. Luna was still looking at Optimus as he raised his hand slightly up so she would have an easier time to look at him. Luna gave away a pleasant clicking sound as he did, the lifting moment made a tingling feeling throw her tanks around, and she giggled. She moved around and came to the edge so that she looked over his digits, and her optics went wide in wonder and started to talk in her sparkling lingo happily.

"A talkative femme are we?" Optimus asked her, and a smile was now on his lip plates ad he holds the sparkling close to his chassis so that she would not fall off and offer safety if she needed it. Not that the sparkling needed that, she was chipping away and looked at his colors all over, loving every moment of it. He could feel her movements in his palm and blinked slightly in surprise as she was tapping his chassis armor and then looked at the different colors on it until she is slamming her small hand on it, making a soft metallic tapping sound.

"It seems that she has taken a liking to bright colors" Ratchet then said and could feel the awe feeling from the sparkling throw the bond, and he sends back amusement and pride. The sparkling squealed happily in their Primed hand, sending her into another fit of giggling and chirping sounds.

"Indeed she doses," Optimus said still looking down at the small femme that was exploring his chassis color with great interest. He had no other words to say, so he silently watched her, and then there was another movement beside him that made him looked over to the yellow scout. It seemed like the whole crew came to look at the newest member when the cost was cleared.

Bumblebee that had stood silent for some time in the back suddenly was by the leader's right side and looked up at the sparkling and beeped a question that did not need to be vocalized. He almost bunched at his feet in pure excitement. Optimus looked at Bumblebee and suddenly realized that young scout never had the chance to see or even interact with a sparkling before. The femmling now also had noticed the newest mech, and her optics got even more prominent, if that was even possible, as she saw the yellow colored bot and she started to talk again in sparkling lingo.

Optimus stretched out his hand so that Bee could hold the femmling after Ratchet and Ironhide confirmed that it was alright of course. When the sparkling was in his waiting hands, he started to study her as curious as she was examining him, and for the same reason too. He because this was the first time he even had seen a sparkling and her because he was to something that she had seen for the first time. That and she loved his colors. Bee let one of his digits dangling in front of the sparkling in an attempt to entertain her and now she was trying to catch it with her smaller one. Suddenly it had become A game that soon got her arms tired, and she got a bit irritated by never catching the more significant digit. The yellow bot started to beep low to her and let her catch his digits one last time, and she squealed happily and wrapped her arms around it in a hugging motion.

"What is her designation?" Jazz then asked as he had come closer to Bee and looked at them both before looking at the red creator.

"Lunastorm" Ironhide answered then, and he could feel the pride and happiness almost swell over in his chassis as he looked at his sparkling getting to know their crew and strange war-family unit.

"It fits her," Jazz said and smiled as he stood by Bees shoulder joints looking down at the happy sparkling, Prowl was standing almost beside them and looked over the whole unit.

"It would be in our most considerable interest to not inform anyone about her existents outside this ship; it will draw attention as she is the first sparkling that had been sparked for some time. " Prowl suddenly said and looked at them.

"You are indeed right Prowl, even if Megatron had been silence for some time now, we could never count him out completely" Optimus concurred

When it came to sparklings, and the fear of having one so far was not entirely about the war, no it was all because of Megatron view on their existence. He had made it his duty that no one, and he meant no one, would be allowed to have sparklings before the war could be won. He would not hesitate to offline any sparkling without even processing twice to show that he meant it. Also, Megatron had been quiet for some time now when the rest of the Cybetronians was searching for the AllSpark. They had to keep it away from the Decepticons and Megatron at all cost; he could not get his hands on it. That was why Optimus had sent it away from Cybertron in the first place, and for some time it had help, but now the search had been narrowed down quite a bit. It was not 'if' they would find it; it was instead 'when' they would do it. In this room that they were in, seven great mechs were standing with the femme sparkling, Ratchet their medic, Ironhide his bodyguard and weapon specialist, Jazz his SIC and the team's spy, Prowl his tactician, Bumblebee as a scout, First-Aid Ratchets young medic in training. So few of them and there was surely more out there in space, not knowing where to go or who to trust.

Lunastorm gave away a giggling sound and lifted her hand and patted Bumblebees cheek plates and she said something in her sparkling lingo again. Bumblebee answered her as if he had understood what she had said, and that made her giggle and move around in his grip. He held her close to his chassis, and she snuggled closer so she could hear the beating sound of his spark. It was not any of her creator's spark, and she could not feel a bond with him as she could with them, but now that did not matter, she was tired, and her recharging program was coming online. Bumblebees spark was beating in a rhythmic pattern, and he could feel the owner of the other spark's energy field blend together with his. It was a younger field, filled with amazement, wonder and safety and the sparkling vented out and snuggled closer. Soon she had fallen still and was peacefully lulled into recharging in Bumblebees palm, and she did not have any more energy to stay online.

"Well, I don't think we are going to have a problem with a sparkling sitter in the future" Ironhide noted dryly as the other bots laughed low at the statement.

"But I wanted to hold the sparkling to" Jazz suddenly said "Come on Bee, I want to see the little cutie too," he said and looked down at the recharging sparkling in Bumblebee hand as he moved her away and scowled to the smaller white and black bot.

:: No, get your own sparkling to hold:: he said and turned one of his shoulder joints to the smaller bot so he could not see the now recharging sparkling. He did not want to let go of the sparkling, and it was fun to tease Jazz.

Jazz stopped at his words and blinked before a sly smile on his lip plates, and his visor shimmered in a light blue color as he turned slowly to Prowl.

"Good idea, Bumblebee!" he said, still smiling.

Said mech that had caught the saboteur optics stiffen slightly and his wing sensor rose tensely in the air as Jazz looked at him like that, and after all of the time he had known Jazz he could easily understand that he was up to something. His optics were vigilant on the black and white mech that smiled that smile again and was coming closer, with steps light and graceful as a cyber-cat. That made his wings twitch again, and Prowl had an internal battle if he should run or stay put, and he could hear the other bots snickering, and low laughter before Jazz was by his side with that sly smile of his.

"Jazz I don't think that was what Bumblebee meant," Prowl said in a matter of fact tone, but then again when had Jazz ever listened to it?

"Well that went alright, she took it with ease," Ratchet said as he lowered the sparkling down to her bench and put a warmer crystal blanket over her for the warmth sake. Luna started to wake up slightly from her recharge as she was put down and cooed tired to her creators. Ratchet smiled and stroked the little one's helm with one digit, and soon the program was active again, and he felt Ironhide come up beside them.

"Yes, I would not have expected anything else from our sparkling," He said with a smile on his lips as Ratchet huffed.

"If it had been you, then you would have asked to see their weapons," he said teasing and this time it was Ironhides turn to huff with muted laughter.

"What can I say? It is in my coding; I like big guns," he said grinning as he lay an arm around his mate, hugging him close and letting their fields blend.

"Come now; you need to recharge," Ironhide said as he too gave his sparkling a patter on her helm and then led his mate to their bench not too far away but in another room.

"In your coding, you say? You are really a mechs mech" Ratchet teased as he was laying down and looked up at his red mech. He could feel the love come from Ironhide and the peaceful feeling from the sparkling. He had never thought that he would find this happiness in the middle of the war; it was delightful, and he let Ironhide feel this.

~Neither did I~ Ironhide said as he was laying down and laid his hand over the medics waits to force him to came closer to his frame. Their energy fields were perfectly blending now, and their bond was wide open, letting them both feel everything that the other thought for the moment.

Ratchet looked into his mechs optics as he laid closer and vented out ~did I ever thanked you for it?~

Ironhide gave him a sly grin ~it depends on what it means and how you were thinking of thanking me ~

Ratchet chuckled low and let his for helm rest against his ~that is for me to know and you to find out; it is a surprise for later events though, now I'm tired~

Ironhide smiled and send loving teasing feelings over the bond as he off-lined his optics soon followed by Ratchet as they activated their recharge programs