
Transformers Prime: New Missions, Threats and Fights

Sequel to Transformers Prime: New bots. It has been over a month since Team Prime's Human allies have been transformed into Cybertronians/transformers and have Join the Autobot cause to help the Autobot's in the Cybertronian Civil War. Meanwhile M.E.C.H. has developed New Technology becoming an increasingly threat on Earth.

SithDan · TV
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19 Chs

MECH Evolution

Date: June 2, 2012, 10:05 A.M. Location: A high secretly waterfront MECH base in the U.S. city of Los Angles in city District 15

For over the past month sense Project Chimera was completed with turned Team Prime's human allies into Transformers/Cybertronians; Silas the Leader of MECH* began to put into motive the 2nd stage his is next plan for world Domination called: Project Phoenix. After his transformation into a Transformer/Cybertronian after being gravely injured from a Special CIA Agent: Josef Frost along with his Head Human MECH scientist and closes Business partner decided to transfer his mind into a Human manufactured transformer/Cybertronian. Silas decided to appoint his Head Human MECH scientist and close business partner: Jason Marcos as his Business's face man of his company and CEO in the public while he worked in the background to pursue his true passions: computer science, engineering, combat and world dominion.

A few weeks after his transformation into a Transformer/Cybertronian Silas choose as his Vehicle mode: GMC Topkick c4500 truck to blend in with the Humans of Earth and not to stick out like a sore thumb in Public. Silas has been since his Transformation into a Transformer/Cybertronian working on one of his hobbies on making more Improved computer security systems and develop revolutionary Anti-Virus/Anti-Hacker programs and selling them from his computer to give the Populus of the world new Revolutionary Anti-Virus/Anti-Hacker programs to protect their computer systems from computer Viruses and Hackers. However, while he was developing New Revolutionary Anti-Virus/Anti-hacker programs he secretly placed inside the Revolutionary Anti-Virus/Anti-Hacker a Trajan horse computer program source code. The Trajan horse computer source code would activate after the Buyer of his Anti-Virus/Anti-hacker programs install them into their computer systems would very quietly rewrite apart of the host computer's source code and have access to as much of the computer owner's personal information and copy it. After copying the Data, the Trajan horse computer source code would send a secret encode message to one of his terrorist organization's main molecular super computers. After MECH received the owner's personal data MECH would have a possible target to capture and turn them into Transformer/Cybertonian. They then would put a mind obedience control set on him or her Head to enslave them to their will and force them to do their organization operation activities against their will.

Sense Project Chimera was completed Silas has been using his company's resources secretly along with all his organization best scientists and engineers have been purchase abandoned Industrial, Manufacturing factories and plants around the world and refurbishing them to increase his company's Industrial and manufacturing reach and capabilities. He has been secretly with a few of the reverbed industrial, Manufacturing factories and plants to manufacture and Produce Publicly revolutionary giant life-sized robots to help improve and increase the speed of procession cargo around the world that he was going to reveal to the world to sell. Top secretly there was another purpose for the reverberated industrial, Manufacturing factories and plants to manufacture and Produce Publicly revolutionary giant life sized robots; it was cover for MECH to Manufacture Transformers/Cybertronian bodies to supply MECH growing demand in getting as many Manufactured Transformers/Cybertronian bodies to have as many Robotic super soldiers or MECHcons for his coming wars with the world's most influential Governments, The Autobots and The Decepticons. As of June 2012, Silas's company's reverbed industrial, Manufacturing factories and plants have been able to produce and secretly given to MECH over 456 Transformers/Cybertronian bodies.

Silas was able find and persuade a total of roughly 42,068 troops all of the most Influential world Governments to give his organization along with become to kidnapped fair number of Civilians that the governments won't mostly notice were missing until it was too late to find them. over the months Silas ordered secretly the construction of as many Data Collection Devices to convert as possible of his troops into Robotic super soldiers or MECHcons. However, Silas decided to have a fair amount of his organization's human resources(Humans) to gather information and to move in quietly among their own kind to not draw to much attention to his Robotic super soldiers or MECHcons until the time was right to reveal the Evolved MECH to the world, Autobots and the Decepticons.

Silas was able to steal back the blueprints of his advanced weapon system: Project Damocles from the U.S. military and government. He and some of his organizations best computer scientists were able to help him develop a computer Virus to fool the U.S. Military computer servers at Colorado and bypass the computer servers Anti-Virus/Anti-hacker programs. It only took roughly a few hours to copy the Project Damocles Blueprint files and send them back through an encode message back to MECH's main molecular super computers. After he was able to steal back Project Damocles Silas ordered Top Secretly a few of his refurbished industrial, Manufacturing factories and plants to manufacture and Produce as many Project Damocles satellites as possible for MECH to have the ability to strike anywhere on the Planet against his potential enemies. As of June 2012, Silas's company's reverbed industrial, Manufacturing factories and plants have been able to produce and secretly given to MECH over 15 Project Damocles satellites for MECH to have the ability to strike anywhere on the Planet against his potential enemies.

Recently MECH's best scientists and engineers that specialize in communications with help from Airachnid providing Decepitcon communicate channel codes have cracked Decepticon communications and have been able to get a clear Picture and Scale of Decepticons Operations on Earth. they learned that the Decepitcons have roughly a total of 23(8 large, 7 medium and 8 small) Energon mines under their control. They learned that the Decepitcons have a total of roughly 3,567 miners, 2,000 well training troops, 350 engineers and 80 scientists along with the Decepitcon Leader Megatron and his current 2nd in command Dreadwing. Silas had a for the past few months have had Airachind teach both him and some of his MECHcon Spies the Cybertronian Language as well as cosmetically change their appearance to match some decepitcons in various decepticon ranks and positions with as much data on them as possible to infiltrate the Decepitcon ranks and gather and steal more Advance Cybertronian Tech to fight the World's most Influential governments and Cybertronians on equal footing even went current outnumbered. They were able to track down the decepticons that they was cosmetically altered to look like and kill them and take their places in the decepitcon ranks. within a few days MECH was able to get 23 Infiltrators in the Decepitcons ranks and they began their assigned missions within the decepitcon ranks to gather and steal more Advance Cybertronian Tech to fight the World's most Influential governments and Cybertronians on equal footing.

While he was Developing new computer revolutionary Anti-Virus/Anti-Hacker program his Cybertronian Business Partner: Airachind asked him a question in a calm and curious tone, Airachind "Silas why do you hate your world's current world order?"

Silas stopped his programing of his latest Anti-Virus/Anti-Hacker program and thought for some seconds before in a cold-hearted tone, Silas "Airachind I once had a wife named Jessica who I met during my studies at a Restaurant close by to the tech collage: California Institute of Technology or Caltech for short. Me and Jessica dated for 2 years and during that time a was approached by a recruiter of the United States Army and he was able to persuade me to join the Military after I graduated from the collage. after Collage and before I was about to be shipped off to basic training I purposed to Jessica if she would marry me to which she accepted. During my basic Military Training I decided to join the United States special forces. During one of my shore leave visits to my wife Jessica she told me that I was going to be a father to which I was excited to be and hopefully be a better father than my father. A few months later Jessica give birth to a son to which we named Liam bishop. We soon learned from the Doctors that Liam was born with a weak immune system meaning it would be hard for him to fight off diseases.

Me and Jessica were able for 4 years keep Liam relatively well and away from disease until 5 years ago when Liam caught a highly contagious Earth Virus called Measles from a person how at the time unknowingly was carrying the measles Virus. For over 3 days my son fought an epic battle with the Measles until his body's immune system was unable to combat the measles virus any longer and died in a Hospital Room with me right beside him holding his hand to his dying breath. That night I came home and told Jessica that our son had passed away. Upon hearing of Liam's death Jessica was broken mentally and had lost the will to live and she went to the area of the house where I clean my guns and loaded a gun with a single bullet and aimed it to the side of her head and killed herself. Upon hearing the gun shot in the house I ran to where Jessica was and saw her with one of my guns in her right hand and saw a blood pool around her.

Following her and my son death I felt into a state of despair and depression. I began to blame myself for both their deaths however when I see that it was a U.S. made gun that killed my wife it clicked in place on who was to blame. It was the United States military and government who is to blame for my son's and wife's death and that they had to pay 10-fold for what they did to me and my family. Ever sense that day I swore revenge against the U.S. Military and Government; however if I was going to go up against the U.S. Military and government I needed a plan for my revenge so I formed a company called Mechanical Engineering Cybernetic Humans or M.E.C.H own under an alias name: Kevin King and began to search for the U.S. Government's enemies and strike deals with to help he fund my growing New World order Technological Visionary Organization.

As I gather funds I decided to stay in the U.S. military to help them create advance weapons systems to destroy their enemies. After a Few years I personal help U.S. scientists and engineers design Project Damocles is a military space weapons initiative to create a network of satellites in orbit around Earth, which would be able to target any location on the planet with solar-powered lasers. however, the U.S. Military thought the Damocles was way too dangerous and decided to mothball the project and discharged me from military service. After being discharge I went underground under the name Silas and began to put into motive my plans for Revenge."

Airachind feel a small amount of pity and sympathy welling up in her from Silas's story and in a calm and little pitiful tone, Airachind "I sorry for your loss Silas." After their conversation with each other the Silas continue the next few hours finishing his latest revolutionary Anti-Virus/Anti-Hacker program.

3:12 P.M.

After Silas finished his latest programming of his revolutionary Anti-Virus/Anti-Hacker program he began his daily sparring training section with Airachind to get us to his Tranformer/Cybertronian and to continue refining his combat skills for the possible engagements with the World's most influential Powers, The Autobots and the Deceptions. Airachind was calmly breathing for her afternoon combat training section with Silas. Silas in a calm and somewhat smug tone, Silas "Let's see what kept of tricks you have up your sleeve today in our sparring training section today." Silas got into a fighting stance and both of they began to circle each other a few seconds and then he Jumped in with his right arm in straight punch toward Airachind's left side(left side to Airachind near her lower Rib cage area.) starting their training section with each other. Airachind out of instinct brought her right arm to block her right punch moving shifted him punch to the side and instinctively counter-attack with her own left punch toward Silas left side(right side to Side).

Silas easily block her right punch moving shifted her punch to the side and counter attacked by a left kick at Airachind. Airachind saw his left kick coming and at the last slip second Jumped a few ft. away. Silas in a calm satisfying tone, Silas "Very good react time Airachind."

Airachind just nodded in satisfying. Silas a calm and a little cautiously tone, Silas "But don't get overconfident as you sometimes think you have an advantage and then(Silas throw a right upper cut toward Airachind on her left side) your opposite does the unexpected." Just before Silas's right upper cut hit Airachind had anticipated that move and his punch was coming in on her left side she moved out of way the way to the left causing Silas's right upper cut to miss and she countered with both a left punch and a right Kick of her own to Silas's right side(left side from Silas's view point) causing her to both stumble back a ft. and then have Silas's right kick sweep his off his feet causing him to fall down and as he was falling Airachind took the opportunity to place a moderate size cut at a moderate depth into Silas's left side chest armor and was able to partially penetrate thought his left side chest armor causing some energon to leak out from his wound.

Airachind is a smug and a somewhat menacing tone to Silas, Airachind "Silas you should listen to your own advice and not get too overconfident or you have a now not just received that moderate size cut at a moderate depth into your left side chest armor that was able to partially penetrate thought your left side chest armor causing some of your energon to leak out from your wound."

Silas just gives a blank emotionless stare at Airachind and got up but inside his mind he could feel a moderate amount of pain coming from his wound but thanks to his military training was able to suppress the pain coming from his wound. He cursed himself for being overconfident to let his opponent get the better of him just like Jackson Darby did when he was able to with him look his radio and contact the Agent Fowler forcing him to retreat from his base of operations. He got back into a fighting stance and both of them began to circle each other a few seconds and then he Jumped in with his right arm in straight punch toward Airachind's left side(left side to Airachind near her lower Rib cage area.) restarting their training section with each other. Both Silas and Airachind continued their sparring section for another 2 minutes and 15 seconds and ended with Airachind knocking down Silas with an unexpected left kick and give Silas another moderate size cut at a moderate depth into Silas's right side chest armor and was able to partially penetrate thought his right side chest armor causing some energon to leak out from his wound along with 3 rapped punches causing him to loss his balance and fall to the ground with Airachind standing on top of Silas with her Right arm extended out near Silas's head area and with both breathing moderately exhausted from their sparring section.

Silas looked at the Airachind with her Right arm extended out near his head area and in calm accepted defeated tone to Airachind, Silas "I yield(Airachind put down her Right arm extended out near Silas's head area and Silas got up.) Medic!" The MECH Medic's came to both Silas and Airahind to weld and seal up their wounds they give each other in their training section. During their sparring section Airachind received a few good hits from Silas in their sparring section causing her to groan in pain from her own moderate size cut at a moderate depth into her right-side chest's armor and was able to partially penetrate thought her right-side chest armor causing some energon to leak out from her wound. She got another wound from Silas getting a luck slash hit on her left leg causing a moderate of damage causing her to lip and bruises from a few luck hits from Silas successful bypassing her guard and giving her 5 direct hits to her left upper and Mid torso area from Silas.

As both were being repaired Airachind in a calm satisfy, Airachind "Glad to see your combat training is coming along nicely I'm pleased with your rapid progress."

*MECH Stands for Mechanical Engineering Cybernetic Humans.

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