
Transformers Prime: New Missions, Threats and Fights

Sequel to Transformers Prime: New bots. It has been over a month since Team Prime's Human allies have been transformed into Cybertronians/transformers and have Join the Autobot cause to help the Autobot's in the Cybertronian Civil War. Meanwhile M.E.C.H. has developed New Technology becoming an increasingly threat on Earth.

SithDan · TV
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19 Chs

Icon Relic Hunt Part I: Preparations and Heading out

Date: June 7, 2012, 12:30 P.M.

For the Past months both the Autobots and Decepticons have been in a decoding race on working to decoded more of the Icon Databases entrances to get their hands of cultural or ancient information or Decepticon Weapons of Mass destruction. Recently the Decepitcon Soundwave has been working on the Decepitcon warships command bridge and has been able to decode one entry in the Icon database and is on the verge of decoding other 2 entries. Soundwave went up to Megatron to show him the coordinates of the latest Icon entry he decoded. Megaton heard soundwave subtlety approach him and he turned and saw soundwave and in a calm and curious tone of Voice, Megatron "Yes Soundwave have you been able to decode anymore Icon Entries?(Soundwave silently nodded to Megatron and then showed him the coordinates of the decoded Icon Relic. Megatron shifted his tone into a calm satisfied tone.) Excellent Soundwave continue your mission in decoding the Icon database and finding the Autobot base.(Megatron than went up to the Decepticon internal communications station and press the announce button. he switched his tone to a more commanding tone.) Knockout came to the command bridge immediately."

Knockout was in medical laboratory and Infirmary just finishing up his medical repair work on a Decepitcon Miner that injured himself by not pay attention to his work for a split second and cause his Plasma cutter went his was using to cut a chunk of Raw Energon and cut of his right hand causing him to immediately be transferred to the Decepitcon warship's Medical Laboratory and Infirmary for repairs and to replace his right-hand appendage that he accidentally cut off. When he heard on the Ship over speak in a command tone "Knockout came to the command bridge immediately."

Knockout put his index and ring fingers to his internal processor communicator and turned on and switched it to the Decepitcon Internal communications frequency and in a Calm and firm tone, Knockout "On my way Lord Megatron." Knockout left his medical laboratory and Infirmary and made his way to the command Bridge.

Time: 12:32 P.M.

Knockout came into the command Bridge and a combat squadron of 9 Elite Decepitcons Troopers in the middle of the command Bridge. Megatron turned around and in a moderate calm menacing, threating and commanding tone, Megatron "Knockout I have an assignment for you."

Knockout in a subdued calm and curious tone, Knockout "What type of assignment my liege? Has Soundwave been able to decode more Icon entries in the Icon database? If so, is that why you summon me here to retrieve the Icon Relic for you, my Liege?"

Megatron "Indeed Knockout Soundwave has been able to decode another Icon entry in the Icon Database. I want you with a Mining detail and the elite troops I called up to escort you and the mining detail to the coordinates the Icon Entry says Icon Relic have crushed Millennium ago on this world and have been buried over the Millennium."

Knockout "I shall not failure for you in retrieve the Icon Relic."

Megatron "See that you don't Knockout or you will pay the price for your failure."

Meanwhile around the same time at the Autobot Base just outside Jasper, Nevada...

Optimus Prime has just finished decoding 2 Entries in their Icon Database with some help from Hardwire* and has been able to get the coordinates of the 2 Icon Relics on Earth along with working on decoding a 3rd Icon entry. Hardwire has been in his spare time been helping Optimus Prime decode their copy of the Icon Database that they copied from Ratchet and Hardwire secretly planting a Virus into Soundwave's partner: Laserbeak that secretly transmitted and downloaded a copy of the Icon Database into their base's computer mainframe. He was able to see a pattern in one section of the Icon Database coding to help Optimus decode 1 of the entries in the Icon Database. As Optimus finished confirming the 2 decode Icon Entries coordinates on Earth, he was quietly thinking who he would send of their Icon Retrieval Mission to Retrieve the 1st set of coordinates of the 1st Icon Relic. He thought of sending maybe Bulkhead and Bumblebee to retrieve the 1st decoded Icon Relic do to their last successful Icon Relic Retrieval missions. His 2nd choice was to maybe send Arcee and Bulkhead to retrieve the 1st decoded Icon Relic do to their own successful Icon Relic Retrieval missions.

His 3rd thought was to maybe have himself and Bulkhead to retrieve the 1st decoded Icon Relic due to their last Icon Relic Retrieval missions while have Hardwire take over at finishing decoding the 3rd Icon database Entry sense Hardwire has the hacking skills needed to decode the Icon database entries. His 4th thought was to maybe have himself and Arcee to retrieve the 1st decoded Icon Relic due to their last Icon Relic Retrieval missions while having Hardwire take over at finishing decoding the 3rd Icon database Entry. His 4th and final thought were to maybe have 1 or 2 of his team's members along with some of Nova-strike Prime's team to retrieve the 1st decoded Icon Relic and to gain some Real 1st hand field experience in retrieving Icon Relic's or to know how that reaction to live combat situations in the Field.

12:35 P.M.

As Optimus Prime spend the next few minutes of continuing to flip the options around in his Processor in who to send to retrieve the 1st decoded Icon Relic or Decepitcon Weapon of mass destruction. Finally, a few seconds He decided with his 4th option. Optimus decided that it was time to have 2 of his team's members along with 2 of Nova-strike Prime's team to retrieve the 1st decoded Icon Relic and to gain some Real 1st hand field experience in retrieving Icon Relic's or to know how that reaction to live combat situations in the Field. Optimus choose in his mind that he would have Arcee and Bumblebee to retrieve the 1st decoded Icon Relic along with having Nova-Strike Prime team members: Nova-Strike Prime* and Ultra Aid*. He would have them accompany Arcee and Bumblebee as possible reinforcements if they engage the Decepitcons but mainly to gain some Real 1st hand field experience in retrieving Icon Relic's to see if their capable of taking and complete Icon Retrieve Mission assigns, he will send them on.

Optimus Prime walk up to Ratchet and in a calm firm tone, Optimus Prime "Ratchet can you please radio the rest of Team Prime and Nova-Strike Prime to return to the Base I have a few Icon Relic Retrieval Missions for them."

Ratchet in a calm tone, Ratchet "Of course Optimus Right way;(Ratchet went up to the commutations computer terminal and get into the communication digital keyboard and type the necessary keys to prepare a secure radio frequency to not have the Decepitcons eardrop on their Communication to get the location of their Autobot Base. Ratchet press the Radio transmitter button and speak and in a calm and little calculating tone.) Autobot Outpost omega 1 Team Prime and Nova-Strike Prime Team please respond?"

Ratchet waited for a few seconds until he hears over the commination console speakers, Arcee in a calm and little irritated tone, Arcee "We copy Ratchet please send a ground-bridge at our location."

Shadow-Hunter in a calm tone, Shadow-Hunter "Copy that Ratchet please send a ground-bridge at our location."

For over the last couple of days the Team Prime: Arcee, Bumblebee and Bulkhead took the Nova-strike Team members: Nova-Strike Prime, Ultra Aid and Ryu Senshi to one of the quiet and Isolated paved side roads to help and train Nova-strike Prime team in learned how to transformer into their vehicle modes and practice driving in their vehicle modes. They helped Nova-strike Prime Team learn and practice on how to transform to and from their Vehicle modes quickly and use their momentum to attack an opponent with a sudden straight strike or side-strike Collision to an opponent to knock them down and pen them to the ground and finish them off quickly and move on to their next opponent quickly to be quickly overwhelmed. In their Practice training sections that would pair off them an each a member of another team members.

Arcee and mainly pair up with Nova-strike Prime and sometimes Ultra Aid(who was Mainly a training partner with Bumblebee.) do to them knowing other more than the other Members of Team Prime. During some of their training sections both Arcee and Nova-strike Prime would have Friendly races with each to see how was faster. In their training sections Ultra Aid saw how both Arcee and Nova-strike Prime would sometimes get flirty and Physical with each other in some of private areas and would stop as soon and she approached them. In her training with Arcee she would offend tense both Her son and Arcee in their more than Professional Relationship. Both her and Arcee would sometimes tell each other some of their past experiences. For Example, Ultra Aid learned while training with Arcee that she was an intelligent officer for the Cybertronian Military to gather information about possible enemies like Megatron against the Cybertronian Government before the Cybertronian Great War.

Arcee Learned from Listen to Ultra Aid that she married her high school sweetheart as age 20 and 3 years later at age 23 she had Jackson "Jack" Darby with her Husband. Arcee learned that her husband Joined the U.S. Arm forces to service his country and to protect the country from their enemies. She told her that His Joined Special forces division during his basic training and was shipped off for the country Afghanistan to the country's Military in how to fight against Extreme Islamic Religious terrorist groups in the country. She told her that her husband died in a car bomber attack in Afghanistan in checking for bombs in Vehicles until he found one, but it was too late and he was killed in the explosion. This forced her into becoming a single mother with a 6-year-old child to care of. As the years pasted, she grown more and more protective of her son and tried to be there when Jack ready needed her and helped both of their through a dark time in their lives after her husband was killed in a car bomb explosion leaving her and her son to offend for themselves.

Bulkhead mainly pair up Ryu Senshi do to them knowing other more than the other Members of Team Prime. During some of their training sections both Bulkhead and Ryu Senshi would have Friendly races with each to see how was faster. In their training sections both Bulkhead and Ryu Senshi would sometimes get flirty and Physical with each other in some of private areas and would stop as soon as someone approached them. Both he and Ryu Senshi would be sometimes of their past experiences. For Example, Ryu Senshi learned while training with Bulkhead that he was a construction worker before the Cybertronian Great War. He told her he helps build some of Cybertron's massive skyscrapers. He told her how in meet his then best friend Breakdown when he when down to one of the Body Polisher shops in his area of the Cybertronian capital city. Bulkhead learned from Listen to Ryu Senshi that her family sent her to one of her homeland's best foreign exchange student schools went she was 10 years. He learned that Ryu Senshi studied one of her planet's Native Languages: English and through intense determination and focus she become a fluent speaker in English in 4 years. On her 14th Birthday her Parents decided to send her of her choice to a U.S. school to complete her Education and to make some American friends with one of her home country's closest allies: The U.S.

As for Shadow-Hunter, Hardwire and Serenity the last couple of days their have been undergoing intense Ariel training with Special Agent William Fowler after getting permission from his superiors to use a few Jet Fighters with a few other experienced combat Air force veteran Pilots at Nellis Air Force Base to begin teaching Shadow-Hunter, Hardwire and Serenity in Ariel combat maneuvers to learn how to fly and fight against enemy Ariel targets. Fowler and the other Air force Pilots taught them how to take off and land as a Jet Fighter the conventional way along with some tips from the Ground vehicle based team members of Team Prime on how to transform to and from their vehicle modes quickly and use their momentum to attack an opponent with a sudden straight strike or side-strike Collision to an opponent to knock them down and pen them to the ground and finish them off quickly and move on to their next opponent quickly to be quickly overwhelmed. In the Air Fowler the other fighter Pilots taught them how to access their on-board target systems and sensors to use lock into enemy Ariel Targets and to take they out of the sky as well as learn how to use their Advance sensors to scan for an enemy aircraft 250 nmi(287.6945 Statue miles.) out. They taught them how to hunt each other 1 on 1 and to learn Ariel combat tactics and strategies against one other in engage possible Decepitcon con flyers, eliminate them or if massively outnumbered retreat to survive and live to fight another day. They taught them how to hunt their Ariel Targets as a group of fighters and develop as a team combat tactics and strategies to engage multiple fighter Jets or con flyers eliminating them or if massively outnumbered retreat to survive and live to fight another day.

As each of the teams came thought their respective ground-bridges to the Autobot base that came to the main control room computer area and staging area. They are saw on the Autobot base's main computer the coordinates' locations of the 2 Icon Relics. As They all come saw Optimus Prime with a serious look on his face and knew that it was something important to them. Optimus Prime in a calm firm tone, Optimus "Autobots I have been able to decode 2 more Icon Relic entries from the Icon Database and on the verge of decoding another one. I have been able to decode their coordinates on this Planet.(He turned his attention to Ratchet how is standing close to the Main computer Terminal.) Ratchet please show the Icon Relic Locations on a satellite view of the Planet." Ratchet nodded in agreement and did as Optimus asked of him and showed the Icon Relic locations on a satellite view of the planet.

Nova-Strike Prime was the 1st to take a look as the location coordinates of both Icon Relics and saw that one of the Icon Relics coordinate locations is roughly 45 minutes from U.S. city Austin in Texas probably buried under a few ft. of rock and soil. Nova-Strike Prime in a curious and calm tone, Nova-Strike Prime "It looks like the 1st Icon Relic is near the city Austin in Texas, U.S.A. probably buried under a few ft. of rock and soil."

While Nova-strike Prime was talking to everyone in the Autobot base Hardwire saw the coordinates' location of the 2nd Icon Relic and that it was somewhere Canada.(The 2nd Icon Relic is buried roughly an hour and 7 minutes from the Canadian Major city, Calgary in the Province Alberta.) After Nova-strike Prime finished him, statement Hardwire in a curious and calm tone, hardwire "It looks like the 2nd Icon Relic is somewhere in Canada buried in a few ft. of Rock and soil."

Optimus Prime in a calm and satisfied tone, Optimus "You both are correct Nova-strike Prime and Hardwire that is why I decided to send to 2 teams of Autobots to Hopefully retrieve the Icon Relics before the Decepitcons do.(He turned his attention to the Autobot Team: Arcee, Bumblebee, Bulkhead Nova-strike Prime, Ultra Aid and Ryu senshi that is training the Nova-strike team on how to transform from their Natural robotic Cybertronian mode to their Vehicle modes.) The 1st retrieve team would consist of Acree as team leader for this Icon Relic retrieval mission along with Bumblebee, Nova-Strike Prime and Ultra-Aid and to hopeful retrieve the Icon Relic before the Decepitcons."

Arcee in a curious and a small amount of annoyance tone, Arcee "Optimus why have you choose to have members of Nova-strike Prime team accompany us on this Icon Relic retrieval mission?"

Optimus in a calm tone, Optimus "Arcee I chosen them because You might need reinforcements if you engage a large Decepitcon retrieval team. However, Arcee I mainly want them to gain some Real 1st hand field experience in retrieving Icon Relic's to see if their capable of taking and complete Icon Retrieve Mission assigns, he would send them on."

Arcee "Very well Optimus,(she turned her attention to Ratchet.) Ratchet, please activate the Ground-bridge." Ratchet did as Arcee Requested and activated the ground-bridge controls and opened a Ground-bridge near the coordinates on the 1st Icon Relic and the 1st retrieval team was off to retrieve the 1st Icon Relic hopefully before the Decepitcons.

12:41 P.M.

Optimus turned his attention to Bulkhead as well as the other Autobot team: Shadow-Hunter, Hardwire and Serenity that have been undergoing intense Ariel training with Special Agent William Fowler with a few other experienced combat Air force veteran Pilots at Nellis Air Force Base to teach them in basic and advanced Ariel combat maneuvers to learn how to fly and fight against enemy Ariel targets. Optimus Prime in a calm and firm tone, Optimus "As for the 2nd retrieve team would consist of Bulkhead as team leader for this Icon Relic retrieval mission along with Shadow-hunter and Serenity to hopeful retrieve the 2nd the Icon Relic before the Decepitcons."

Bulkhead "Very well Optimus,(he turned his attention to Ratchet.) Ratchet, please activate the Ground-bridge." Ratchet did as Bulkhead Requested and activated the ground-bridge controls and opened a Ground-bridge near the coordinates on the 2nd Icon Relic.

12:44 P.M.

Optimus turned his attention the Remaining Autobots at the Base and took see Ryu Senshi* becoming very irritating in not being chose for an Icon Relic Retrieval mission as well as Hardwire giving him as curious look at him. Optimus Prime in a calm and firm tone, Optimus "After I'm finished in decoding the 3rd Icon database entry; The 3rd and finally Icon Relic retrieval team would consist of myself as team leader for this Icon Relic retrieval mission along with Ryu Senshi and Hardwire to hopeful retrieve the 3rd the Icon Relic before the Decepitcons."

Ratchet in a calm tone, Ratchet "Very well Optimus."

Meanwhile around the same time on the Decepitcon warship...

12:38 P.M.

The Decepitcon Soundwave has just decoded the 2nd Icon Relic entry and Soundwave went up to Megatron to show him the coordinates of the latest Icon entry he decoded. Megaton heard soundwave subtlety approach him and he turned and saw soundwave and in a calm and curious tone, Megatron "Yes Soundwave have you been able to decode anymore Icon entries?(Soundwave silently nodded to Megatron and then showed him the coordinates of the decoded Icon Relic. Megatron again shifted in a calm satisfied tone.) Excellent Soundwave continue your work in decoding the Icon database.(Megatron than went up to the Decepticon internal communications station and press the announce button. he switched his tone of Voice to a more commanding tone of Voice) Dreadwing came to the command bridge immediately."

Dreadwing was in 1 of the Decepitcon Sparring training areas sparring against 3 con troopers to keep his fight skills top tier shape as well as teaching the Con troopers as few new tricks in how to defeat an enemy or to survive to fight another day. As he was about to finish his last opponent in a sparring match, he heard on the Ship over speak in a command tone "Dreadwing came to the command bridge immediately."

Dreadwing put his index and ring fingers to his internal processor communicator and turned on and switched it to the Decepitcon Internal communications frequency and in a calm and firm tone, Dreadwing "On My way Lord Megatron." Dreadwing quickly finished off his last Sparring training opponent and left the sparring training area and made his way to the command Bridge.

Time: 12:40 P.M.

Dreadwing came into the command Bridge and a combat squadron of 12 Elite Decepitcons Troopers in the middle of the command Bridge. Megatron turned around and in a moderate calm menacing, threating and commanding tone, Megatron "Dreadwing I have an assignment for you."

Dreadwing in a subdued calm and curious tone, Dreadwing "What type of assignment my liege? Has Soundwave been able to decode another Icon database entry in the Icon database? If so, is that why you summon me here to retrieve the Icon Relic for you, my Liege?"

Megatron "Indeed Dreadwing soundwave has been able to decode another Icon entry in the Icon Database. I want you with a Mining detail and the elite troops I called up to escort you and the mining detail to the coordinates the Icon entry says Icon Relic have crushed Millennium ago on this world and have been buried over the Millennium."

Dreadwing "I shall not failure for you in retrieve the Icon Relic."

Megatron "See that you don't Dreadwing or you will pay the price for your failure."

During the each time the Decepitcons talked about a retrieval an Icon Relic they were unknowingly telling deep undercover MECH agents that was able to get themselves on members of the Decepitcon command bridge staff.(1 was a command bridge guard and 1 as a Decepitcon command bridge computer technician that was be able for the past months secretly coding advance Blueprints of Advance Cybertronian Technology and sending it through a heavily encrypted message embedded secretly through the Decepitcon Commutation network.) 1 of Deep undercover MECH agents has been for the past few minutes secretly recording and transmitting Megatron's conversations with his fellow Decepitcons another other useful information on these 'Icon Relics' to 1 of MECH's listing outposts and would relay it to the MECH leadership: Silas and other Key members of his terrorist organization.

After receiving the follow information Silas asked in a curious and calm tone to Airachnid who standing right next to him, Silas "Airachnid what is an Icon Relic?"

Airachnid in a calm and little menacing tone, Airachnid "My dear Silas an Icon Relic could be a Mystical, Ancient Artifacts, Decepitcon Weapons of mass Destruction or maybe some Data Cylinders that could contain Knowledge that had long sense faded from history. You see during the Cybertronian war for Cyberton the Autobot Archivist Alpha Trion launch all Mystical, Ancient Artifacts, Decepitcon Weapons of mass Destruction or maybe some Data Cylinders that could contain Knowledge that had long since faded from history. Alpha Trion send the Icon Relic into different places of the galaxy to keep them as far away from Decepitcons or anyone with evil intent to take the Icon Relic and cause massive amounts of destruction."

With had importance information Silas decided to act but he has limited amounts of Resource in North America. He checks all his Organization Hide based in the U.S. and saw that he has a MECH base top secretly 35 minutes away from the city Austin in Texas. He got of his organizations top secret communication relay and send a message to the MECH base to have all available MECHcon troopers to capture and retrieve the Icon Relic just as either the Autobots or Decepitcons dug up the Icon Relic and send it to him. The MECH Base at Austin, Texas has 20 MECH Con troopers at their base ready for action and send them to the 1st Icon coordinates that their Deep undercover spy in the Decepitcon ranks. The Race to Retrieve the Icon Relics is on.

*Hardwire is formerly the Human computer expert and hacker: Rafael Esquivel.

*Nova-Strike Prime is formerly Team Prime's Human ally Jackson 'Jack' Darby.

*Ultra-Aid is formerly Team Prime's Human nurse and medical specialist: June Darby and the mother of Jackson 'Jack' Darby.

*Ryu Senshi is formerly Team Prime's Human communication's expert: Miko Nakatia.

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