
Appointment and Evolution

Date: April 24, 2012, Time: 9:32 A.M.

While M.E.C.H. engineers and Scientists were beginning to transfer energon to their Project Chimera Cybertronian Transformers; Inside stasis of his New Cybertonian body Jackson Darby was in a Dream like nether-world. Jack was on some type of ground with a center light on him and after a few seconds he heard a voice from something in this Dream like Nether world saying, "Are you Jackson Darby the one chosen by Optimus Prime to carry the Key of Vector Sigma?"

Jack gathered some courage into his tone with a moderate amount of curious as well, Jack "Who is asking I'm I dead if so, is this Heaven and are you God?"

The Voice in a firm calm tone, Voice "Nothing so awe inspiring young one." Then more lights came on and revealed 12 huge Transformer figures standing each a few ft. away from him. Jack had Heard from Ratchet after 13 huge Transformer figures that have long since disappeared and lost in time, they were the 12 original Primes.

Jack wanted to confirm his theory of these 12 huge Transformer figures. He gathered some of his strength into his voice but was a little nervous and it showed in his tone, Jack "Are you guys the 13 original Primes created by Primus to defeat Unicron all those millions of years ago?" Jack saw a look of amazement on all their faces and saw the tallest Transformer one in the middle of the group kneeled down on one kneel.

The tallest transformer in a calm firm tone, The Tallest Transformer "I see you have learned some of our race's history and was told of us by one of the natives of Cybertron, to answer your question young one yes we're the 12 Original Primes. I'm Prima and I'm the Leader of the council of the 12 Primes.(he raised his hand and point to his left at a vatable Looking Cybertronian.) This is Vector Prime,(his Pointed his finger to the next in line to his left to another Vatable looking Cybertronian.) Alpha Trion who helped me led the early Cybertronians through our beginning to the Great War and who died at the hands of those twisted Decepticons' after they final attack on Iacon;(his pointed his finger to the next in line to his left to another Vatable looking Cybertronian but this one has Feminine features.) Solus Prime our races first female transformer who was murdered by the one of original betrayed us: Megatronus, an act that made him rename himself "The Fallen", with her body melting away into the surface of Cybertron and opening a channel to the deep core of Primus himself at the center of the planet, now known as the Well of All-sparks.

Prima(Pointed his finger to the next in line to his left to another Vatable looking Cybertronian.), Micronus Prime who merged with Primus and would later go on to mentor our current Disciple of Primus and how you look up to like a father figure Jack, Optimus Prime;(he raised his hand and pointed to his left at a vatable Looking Cybertronian.) Alchemist Prime;(he raised his hand and pointed to his left at a venerable looking Cybertronian.) Nexus Prime who split into five lesser bots to protect the pieces of the Blades of time which could grant access to Vector Prime's personal dimension;(Prima put down his left arm and raised his other hand and pointed to his right at a vatable Looking Cybertronian.) Onyx Prime merged with Primus after being grievously wounded;(Prima pointed to his right at a vatable Looking Cybertronian.) Amalgamous Prime left to travel the stars. He lost his T-Cog and it slowly gave many Cybertronians amazing transformation skills, but at the cost of merging into one being;(Prima pointed to his right at a vatable Looking Cybertronian.) Quintus Prime created the Quintessons who died shortly after teaching them how to make more Quintessons;(Prima pointed to his right at a vatable Looking Cybertronian.) and finally Liege Maximo whose Physical body torn apart, decapitated and buried in a built tomb inside our old city.

Jack in a nervously calm and curious tone, Jack "Why am I here in this Dream like nether-world?"

Prima in a calm tone, Prima "Jack you are because members of your race have been able to crack the engineering and Biology secrets of the Cybertronian race, it's in-genius in an evil Twisted way that members of your race were able to figure out some of our race's secrets. Jack the Prime Council have debated along time and have come to a decision, we will make you an Honor Prime to Carry on our Legacy with Optimus Prime by making you his Apprentice to learn to become a powerful wise leader to help lead the Cybertronian race back to greatness?"

Jack was humbled by what the Prime council said and in a calm tone, Jack "I would be honored but do you think I'm ready to become a Prime to help lead your race back to greatness?"

Prima in a calm firm Voice, Prima "Jack we have seen the lengths you are willing to go to help your friends. We have seen that you are willing to protect them with your own life even with the threat of death. You have showed to take responsibility for your actions and have shown courage in the face of death. Your always there to comfort your friends and family plus your ability to control your emotions very well to not let them get the better of you to make stupid Decisions. Jack those are the qualities of a someone to become a Prime, though you still have much to learn if you accept you will have Optimus there to help you; Oh, by the way it's not our Race(Prima pointed to himself than the rest of the Prime Council) it's your race now since because of you and your friend transformers into beings of our race."

Jack in a calm tone, Jack "Than I would be honored and pledge myself to the will of the Prime Council and to the Creator of all Cybertronian Life: Primus to serve until my time in the universe is up." As he was saying that he heard the Prime Council Movement around and he looked up to see the Prime Council taking out swords.

Prima approached Jack and with his sword tapped each of Jack's shoulders and a moderately calm awe-inspiring and commanding tone, Prima "Arise Jackson Darby Prime.(he then shifts his tone to a calmer tone.) Now on to other business."

Within a few seconds Jack saw lights come on and saw his family, friends(including Arcee) and rival inside now a massive nether world meeting hall. Miko was the first to speak after she took a quick look around to where she and her friends were and with some strength in her voice and in calm curious tone, Miko "Guys where are we in hell, heaven or somewhere in between?"

Alpha Trion in a calm tone, Alpha Trion "Your not in hell nor heaven young one you're somewhere in between."

Sierra Michaelson in a somewhat nervous, calm and curious tone, Sierra Michaelson "Who are you guys?"

Prima turned his attention to Seirra Michealson and in calm tone, Prima "We're the Legendary 12 Primes of Cybertron, 13 if you count the Traitor Megrontaus Prime Who Betray us and is not among us."

As Rafael Esquivel was listening to them and saw Prima finished his statement to Sierra in a calm and curious tone, Rafael "So is this a type of dimensional realm beyond your own home reality?"

Solus Prime in a calm and amusing tone, Solus Prime "How clever young one and yes this is another Dimensional realm beyond your own home reality. It is to use one of your civilization's sayings a 'Spiritual Realm' were Sprits like Gods, Angels, Demons and Devils are to enact in the Physical world without being noticed unless they want to reveal themselves to a person or People in the physical Realm like we're doing to talk to you."

While they spoke Arcee was shocked to see that she was being pulled from her physical Body and in some type of nether-world. She thought she'll never see the Council of Primes nor did she think that she would ever see them. She knelt to 1 knee and bowed to the Council of Primes. Prima in a calm firm tone, Prima "Raise young one."

Arcee did and managed to gather some strength into her tone but still was nervous and curious as to why she is here and it showed in her tone, Arcee "Why are we here oh High Council of Primes?"

Jack Darby gathered some steel into his tone, looked straight at Prima and in a calm firm tone to Prima, Jack Darby "I think I spoke for everyone here and besides appointing me as a future Prime why are we all here?" All of Jack's family and Friends let slip a dumbfounded expression on what they just heard Jack.

Arcee gathered some steel into her tone, Arcee "What have you guys done he's not even a member of our race. Even if you're willing to overlook that, are you sure that you have chosen correctly? if so, it might not be wise."

Prima in a calm tone to Arcee, Prima "Technically you are correct Arcee, however the evil mad scientists and engineers of: MECH is led by one of the most twisted evil Human Genius's that is a live: Silas that has been able to crack the engineering and Biology secrets of our race. He has decided to try to create his own Transformer Army to try to take control of your world. This is only the first stage of a larger scheme that Silas is planning. Arcee since your team's Human allies have been Transformed into Transformers with a sentient mind, we're have considered them as members of our race Arcee. As for your Possible spark-mate: Jack, we have seen Him go through lengths that he's willing to go to help his friends. We have seen that he is willing to protect them with his own life even with the threat of death. He has showed to take responsibility for his actions and have shown courage in the face of death. He always there to comfort his friends and family plus in his abilities to control his emotions very well to not let them get the better of him to make stupid Decisions. Acree those are the qualities of a Prime. As for wise you may be correct on that is well however we have told him that he would have the current Prime as a teacher and mentor for him to learn from and for Optimus Prime to give him advise to make wise decisions to help lead and rebuild our race back to its former greatness before this terrible war caused by the Warlord Megatron and his Army of Decepticons."

Arcee stood silently for a few Seconds(if she had the ability to blush she would be Blushing) and then look straight at Prima and in a calm and subdued, Arcee "Very well."

Jack Darby in a calm and curious tone, Jack "What exactly is a Spark-mate?"

Solus Prime was the 1st to answer and in a calm monotone tone, Solus Prime "A spark-mate is similar to your civilization's consent of marriage but on a much deeper level Jack. It was where two Partner's Sparks or in you Civilization 'Hearts' love each other so much that they are one long 2 Individuals but one where both can feel the Emotions of both to share."

Jack Just stood Still for a few seconds and was blushing and in a calm and now somewhat nervously embarrassing tone, Jack "why do you say that me and Arcee could be Possible Spark-mates?"

Solus Prime in a calm tone, Solus Prime "Well Jack have you noticed how Arcee is always protective of you and from what we saw while she was talking with Airachnid she defended you with such passion as if you were more than just Professional Partners. What we are saying is that since you were here for Arcee in her time of distress to help her overcome her personal demons like Airachnid and the traumatic expresses that she suffered in this great war so far like with the loss of Tailgate and recently Cliff-jumper. You both have always been there you each other and it's possible that Arcee would seek someone that she is close to as a possible Spark-mate to share her life with and possible start a Family, to be direct Arcee as fallen love with you Jack.(she shifted her tone to that of a curious tone.) Do you share the similar feelings to Arcee?"

Jack was now nervous and blushing, and it show in his tone, Jack "Yes and No Solus Prime. I do have some romance feels for Arcee that are beyond the Professional partnership but a I saw have some romance feels for another girl.(he was blushing even more when raise his right arm and hand and pointed to Sierra Michaelson.) Sierra Michaelson and if I had to choose, I would choose Arcee but I don't want to hurt Sierra's feels." Sierra Michaelson was blushing at Jack when he said her name.

Solus Prime in calm suggestive tone, Solus Prime "Why not have both Arcee and Sierra Michaelson after all we would need as many women for what we have decided to do to you all to help rebuild our great civilization to its former Glory."

While Arcee and Jack were talking to the High council of Primes, Sierra Michaelson gathered some courage into her voice but still was a nervous and curious of what Solus Prime said and it showed in her tone, Sierra "What you can't be serious Solus Prime of this and what is a Prime?"

Vector Prime looked straight at Sierra and in a calm firm tone, Vector Prime "Young Sierra she is quite serious if it means we can save our race from extinction don't you like Jack Darby Prime?"

Sierra Michaelson in a still calm and moderately nervous tone, Sierra "Yes I did like him as a friend and maybe in the future more than just a Friend. Now please answer my question."

Vector Prime in a calm tone, Vector Prime "Very well young Sierra. A Prime is the highest rank of distinction in our Race of Cybertronians or Transformers as you call us. Typically, it is used as the identification for the leader of Good Hearted Cybertronians later known as the Autobots, something that is bestowed only on those that carry the Matrix of Leadership within them. It is retroactively derived from Primus, the creator of the Transformers."

Jack Darby in a calm and curious tone, Jack "What do you mean by needing women for our races to rebuilding. I meet from what I Know Cybertronians have evolved completely differently from Humans and don't have the necessary reproductive organs as Humans do; It is Possible that you evolved to not even have the meets of having the same reproductive system as Humans."

Prima in a calm tone to Jack, Prima "You are correct Jack of us not having the same reproductive system as humans in fact we don't even have one but that is going to change right now thanks to your Mother Jack: June Darby."

June Darby in a calm, moderately nervous and curious tone, June "What do you need me for Prima?"

Prima in calm and moderately commanding tone, Prima "Ms. Darby myself and the Council have had a long debate about this and have decided to give out the means of reproduction similar to that of humans but to do that we need your help."

Everything clicked into place for June Darby when she heard what Prima was saying and in calm and somewhat surprised tone, June Darby "You want me to give you the information of the Human reproductive system for Solus Prime and use her forge to create a very complex Robotic Reproductive system."

Prima in calm and moderately commanding tone, Prima "That is correct Ms. Darby now can you step forward for Solus Prime to talk to you Personally."

June Darby in a calm and accepting tone, June "Very well."

June approached Solus Prime and stopped a few ft. away from her and Solus Prime in a calm tone, Solus Prime "That is close enough Ms. Darby now Please give me your Hand and don't be afraid." June gave Solus Prime her hand and was about to ask a question June felt a massive powerful presence coming to her mind.

She put up mental defenses her heard a voice saying "I told you to not be afraid Ms. Darby now please lower your mental barriers and guide me to the knowledge I need to give our Race the ability to have a very complex Robotic Reproductive system similar to the Humans." June Did as she was asked, she lower her mental Barriers and June guide her to the Information she need. After a few minutes after June Darby give her the information that she needed Solus Prime withdraw from June's mind.

After other few minutes Solus Prime grab her Forge and began put energy into it and in a calm and moderately concerned tone, Solus Prime "You may want to braise yourself, this could get painful." June got to her kneels and sit straight to prepare from what Solus Prime was going to do. Solus Prime put her forge over June Darby's body. June screamed out in pain for a few seconds and then the pain was gone. As the Pain subside June raise and felt different, she imagined in her mind without clothes on and after a few seconds she heard clicks and saw her armor retracted revealing complex Robotic Reproductive organs and all the other organs like similarly to what human female has when she born and needed to support a grow life inside her and to nurture her Cybertronian Baby. June quickly thought in her mind of her having clothes and after a split seconds and a few clicks she had herself covered in protective armor to cover the areas of where her very complex Cybertronian size Robotic Reproductive organs similar to a Human woman.

June Darby in awe-inspiring and moderately calm tone, June "That was incredible and a little embarrassing."

Solus Prime in calm and moderately awe-inspiring tone, Solus Prime "Now you have all the necessary Robotic Reproductive organs similar to a Human woman to have Cybertronian children.(June returned to the Group as she did Solus Prime in calm and moderately commanding tone to the rest of the group but turned her attention to Jack Darby.) Jack Darby Prime please step forward and prepare for Evolution."

Jack did and Solus Prime to the same to Jack Darby to what she did to His mother but gave him complex Robotic reproductive organs and other organs for the Male Cybertronians similarly to what a human male has went their born. Solus Prime did the same to the Jack's friends and girlfriends(Arcee and Sierra Michelson) by giving them a very complex Robotic Reproductive organs and all the other organs like similarly to what human female has when she born and needed to support a grow life inside her and to nurture her Cybertronian Baby as well as a Robotic reproductive organs and other organs for the Male Cybertronians similarly to what a human male has went their born.

Prima in a calm tone, Prima "Our job is complete for now, rest now, and awaken when your bodies are operational."

After the Jack and his Friend went through the evolution transformation in the Physical world Silas, MECH scientists and engineers heard large movement coming from the Transformer Robots. Silas said to some of his computer scientists and engineers at the virtual status station of his Transformers in a curious, shocked and commanding tone, Silas "what is happening to my Transformers?"

After a few seconds of looking at their virtual status station on the computer 1 of the Scientists in calm and moderately curious tone, Scientist "Sir you have to see this."

Silas walked up to the Virtual status station and saw what the scientist showed him after a few seconds of analyzing the areas of where the scientist pointed Silas had a shocked look on his face at first. After another few seconds of studying; In a calm, shocked and curious tone, Silas "what?(After another few seconds of going over what he just saw and in a calm and curious tone.) Fascinating I thought that we have not yet discovered how to Produce a very complex Robotic reproductive system."

The scientist had a dumbfound express on his face, Scientist "We didn't Sir somehow they just appeared out of no where."

Silas in a commanding tone, Silas "That's Impossible there has to be an explanation, Find one now."

The Scientist in a calm and subdued tone, Scientist "Yes, sir."

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