

Date: March 31, 2012

After the Human terrorist organization known as MECH was able to get their Hands on Starscream's T-cog(a T-cog is a Cybertronian organ that allows them to transform from their Robot mode to Vehicle mode.); their Leader Silas has ordered all of their organization's top scientists and engineers available to begin extensive research and in reverse engineering as much Cybertronian technology and biology to create their own version of transformers; Thanks to Starscream providing them with the formula of Energon to support their Cybertronian Biology they began to search for Energon Deposits to mine and use for their own devious purposes. After weeks of searching they were able to find a small Deposit inside the Serra Nevada Mountain Range inside Yosemite National Park and begin to mine Energon and refining it into fuel to use in their experiments with Starscream's T-cog to refine their experiments in developing their own Highly advance transformer technology.

Recently MECH Received an encoded message from an old business Partner: Airachnid and that she requested a meeting with them especially Silas Personally. Silas Personally led a Scouting team to Airachnid's Location in an abandoned Cybertronian Energon mine. As they entered the mine Silas ordered all members of the Scouting team to stay on High alert because due to past experience with Arachnid it could be a trap with her. As they approach the end of the mine tunnel Silas saw Arachnid sitting on a small stone plateau with 2 Cybertronian Bodyguards(2 insecticon warriors) in defensive stands.

Airachnid in a charmingly calm and somewhat menacing tone, Airachnid "Well.. well.. Silas it has been a while." As said that she saw Silas's men had their weapons pointing at her and would fire at Silas order.

Silas in calm tone, Silas "That it has Arachnid now let's get down to business and tell us why you contact us time is limited."

Airachnid in a calm and somewhat amusing tone, Airachnid "Well Silas straight to business and no pleasure you look tense(Arachnid looked at Silas and saw by his body language that his was a little stiff and wanted to get out of this Abandoned mine and return to his regular business activities.); Very well I have contact you because Megatron found out in my attempt to take control of the decepticons while he was away for an extended amount of time in dealing with another matter; Plus at the time I thought he was going crazy from another form of Energon: Dark Energon causing him to have crazy so called visions and illusions; However that sneaky spymaster Soundwave recorded what I said and told Megatron what I attempted to do; So he tried to have me eliminated by 2 other Cybertonians: Dreadwing who is now from I what I hear over the Decepiticon channels is now Megatron's newest 1st Lt.

The other 1 with him is someone you guys are familiar with in trying to discover our race's secrets: Breakdown; I was able to eliminate Breakdown and escaped to where my hidden Insecticon hive is and here I am asking for your guys help; I want to help you in your goal in Researching and reverse engineering my races technology and biology. Silas I have contacted you because I want to work with you in your Goal."

Silas silently ordered his men to stand down and in a curiously calm tone, Silas "If we accept you offer what is that you are offering us and what do you want from us?"

Airachnid in a curiously calm tone, Airachnid "I see you have refined your instincts since we last met, you don't fully trust me that's good Silas no one should turn their back on a Decepticon. Now on to my offer I'm offering you and your organization the ability to study up close and Personal live cybertronians(she put her hands on her bodyguards) to experiment on and take their T-cogs and Spark chambers to study and develop your own version of 'Transformers'. Plus, Silas I can help you find more energon deposits to mine and refine into fuel in exchange I want a percentage of the energon you and your men mine to support myself."

Silas stood still for a few minutes thinking to himself of the Pros and Cons of having a Cybertronian business Partner to help him and his organization in having the most advance technology on the Planet. Silas walked up to Airachnid and put out his hand; Airachnid just sat there with a confused stare at him. Silas in a calm tone, Silas "It is a form of Greeting or a sign of trust between 2 people it's called a Handshake.(Airachnid than pulled out her Hand and shook Silas's hand.) I agree to your offers Airachnid."

As they shook hands, Silas give a hand signal to his men to come to the side of a little discussion with them. Silas addressed his leading scientists and engineers, gathered in the dimly lit mine in a quite whisper calm tone to hopefully not have Airachnid listen into their discussion. Silas "This partnership with Airachnid opens new doors for us. Our goal is within reach."

1 of MECH top engineers in a moderate nervous and curious tone "Sir, how do we ensure she won't betray us?"

Silas in a calm and confident tone " We watch her closely. Our objectives align, for now."

As they were quietly having their discussion unknown to them Airachnid was eavesdropping and listen in on their discussion and with a sly grin, glanced at the scientists.

Airachnid in an amused tone "Silas, your scientists seem skeptical. Can they handle the responsibility?"

Silas now learning that Airachnid was eavesdropping on their discussion he was a a little scared and but mostly annoyed at Airachnid's eavesdropping and in and calm assertive and somewhat annoyed tone "They will rise to the occasion. Now, let's discuss the specifics of our collaboration."

Airachnid in a calm and somewhat menacing tone, Airachnid "Good now first things first.(she turned and faced one of her Bodyguards and put her hand on its chin.) Your sacrifice won't be for nothing my subject.(Airachnid than took her Spider leg and slashed at her Bodyguard in the throat area causing Energon Blood to spill out of the open wound and saw her Bodyguard fall to the ground dead; After she killed her 1st bodyguard, she saw her 2nd 1 take a few steps away from her.) Where are you going my subject, your queen still needs your protection?(With that persuasion her 2nd bodyguard turned to her, and she did the same to her other Bodyguard and killed him as well in cold blood. She then turned her attention back to Silas.) Here are your first 2 specimens to study."

Silas has an impressed and a little surprised look on his face from seeing on how cold and malice she was towards her guards, Silas "Efficient. Our scientists will begin immediately."

The scientists, though intrigued, exchanged uncertain glances. 1 of the leading scientists to another in a whispering tone "This is unprecedented. We need to be cautious."

Meanwhile, Airachnid continued her dialogue with Silas. Airachnid(leaning in) "Silas, I want results. Your organization will provide the resources I need."

Silas(nodding) "We understand the terms. Our collaboration will be mutually beneficial." With that Airachnid nodded in agreement with Silas.

As weeks passed, MECH's scientists and engineers made remarkable strides in understanding Cybertronian technology. Inside 1 of their secret research and manufacturing facilities echoed with the hum of machinery and the occasional discussion among the researchers. Was access to some Cybertronian Specimens available to research MECH scientists and engineers have made quantum leaps in researching Cybertronian technology and biology.

As well Silas was walking among the bustling activity, noticed Airachnid observing the progress with a calculated gaze. Silas in calm, curious and growing impatient tone "Airachnid, what can we expect from our collaboration in the coming weeks?"

Airachnid answered him in a calm, menacing and somewhat frustrated tone "Results, Silas. I want to see the fruits of our partnership soon."

Silas nodded, acknowledging the pressure. Meanwhile, the leading scientists engaged in fervent discussions about their groundbreaking discoveries. 1 of MECH's leading scientists: Dr. Rodriguez in an excited tone "We've deciphered the intricacies of their biotechnical brain! The possibilities are unprecedented."

Another 1 of MECH's scientists: Dr. Walker in an intrigued tone "And our 1st generation molecule computers—they're a revolutionary leap forward in our technology."

Silas, overhearing their conversation, approached with a thoughtful expression. Silas in a calm and curious tone "Explain how this can be applied practically. What benefits can we reap?"

Dr. Rodriguez in a calm and somewhat monotone tone "We can potentially transfer human minds into transformer bodies, creating our own Cybertronians."

Silas absorbed this information, contemplating the implications.

Silas in a calm assertive and a cautious tone "Proceed cautiously. We need tangible results."

While MECH made strides in studying Cybertronian biology, the engineers focused on the monumental task of constructing their own transformers. Finally, as of April 22, 2012, their scientists and engineers had results. They have from studying the Cybertronian specimens have develop their 1st 5 giant transformer prototypes. These transformer prototypes ranged from Height as tall as 8.925 meters to as short as 5.875 meters. MECH's transformers have in them 3 key components needed to create their own Cybertronian transformer: 1st was the T-cog for their Cybertronian Transformers to transform from Robot mode to Vehicle mode and vice versa; 2nd a cybertronian heart spark chamber to have their Cybertronian have a life support system similar to the Cybertronians heart to keep Energon pumping and flowing in the transformers life systems to support the T-Cog and to have constant flow of energon flow thought the transformers body from dying; 3rd Energon Fuel to keep flow of energon moving throughout the transformers body to keep the life Support systems operational.

As Silas was looking impressed at the transformers in organizations is able to create Silas "This is the dawn of a new era. Our own transformers."

The scientists, though intrigued, exchanged glances, aware of the ethical challenges ahead. Dr. Rodriguez (whispering to Dr. Walker): "We're treading uncharted territory. Ethical considerations must not be ignored."

Back at Airachnid's observation point, she surveyed the prototypes with a sinister satisfaction. Airachnid (smirking): "Impressive, Silas. Now, we move to the next phase."

Silas, determined to control the narrative, addressed his team. Silas (confident): "Find willing volunteers for our project. The time for testing approaches." MECH turned its attention to Optimus Prime's human allies, monitoring Jackson "Jack" Darby, June Darby, Miko Nakadai, Rafael Jorge Gonzales Esquivel, and the troublesome Vince Jones.

Silas in throughout and calculating tone "I think the Autobot's Human allies that has caused us so much trouble would be protect; Plus it would be nice to stick it to them; But 1st we will need to as up a temporary base nearby and transport our knew create Transformers to it to setup; And them set of capturing our 'Volunteers".(Silas got a close look at the list of humans with their profiles and came up to 1 that interested him.) Vince Jones will be our first subject. Capture him and ensure he becomes an asset to Project Chimera."

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