
Transformers: Deadly darkness

The story of how one man turns into a Cybertronian in the world of Transformers. Which side will he choose? Between two eternally warring factions, the Autobots and the Decepticons, each with their own goals, ideologies and ambitions in this war. **** As for what this universe is about, there's something from the IDW comics, from me, well, and from the Transformers Prime animated series. The stories will go at a fairly slow pace, with already written chapters being supplemented and revised. Thus, not only will I come up with a detailed fanfiction plot, as a result the chapters will be better and longer, I will try to immerse you in the Transformers universe as much as possible. Transformers and its characters do not belong to me, except for my characters. The content is +18! The cover art is not mine, if the author of this art wants it, I will remove it. English is not my first language, so expect lots of mistakes. I'm writing this fanfic for fun. Thank you all for your attention, and enjoy reading.

XMorganX · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


Looking with my eyepieces at the stream of passing transformers, I thought. There hasn't been an outbreak of Decepticon rebellion yet, at least I don't see it. What should I be doing? Hmmm... I clearly need more information, as well as a job.

Can you become a mercenary? Loans will definitely come in handy. Where crime and corruption thrives, there is always a goldmine, and a goldmine means the fastest way to raise money, and the Kaon metropolis is perfect for this. And as we all know, mercenaries in the underworld are always in demand, because someone has to do the dirty work. While there is a chance of being killed or captured by the Autobots and sent to jail, it's still worth it.

I will do what I do best - kill, my body and the protocols in my head will help me in this. I need more combat experience, and learn everything that is possible, as they say in my homeland, "Live and learn", because the time will come and everything will go to hell, because of the war, many of the knowledge of Cybertron will be lost, you should not miss the opportunity to learn everything in many aspects, because the life of transformers is not limited to hundreds of years, they as such can live forever.

And now I should look for some kind of bar, if I'm lucky, maybe there I will find an employer, or at least they will indicate where to go. Passing through the crowds of transformers of different sizes and colors, looking at the environment, I got the impression that I was in some kind of cyberpunk, brightly glowing neon signs and billboards in the Cybertronian language, a couple of times there were drawings of local artists on the walls, as well as soot from shots, apparently local gangs tried.

By the way, while I was looking for a bar, I even met severe-looking transformers passing by with weapons at the ready, and on their body they wore red well-known Autobot badges, it seems they are patrolling on this street.

Walking around for a while, I soon came across what I was looking for, a bar, a glowing neon sign that said "Highly Charged Cube" in Cybertronian, and saw a few bots enter and I followed them inside.


"And it's crowded here…." I said in a whisper, looking through the eyepieces of a noisy room full of various bots, laughter, exclamations, and just chatter were heard in the hall. Some kind of fur, sitting at an armchair in an embrace with two women, enthusiastically told them about something, someone collapsed on a round table and passed out due to drunkenness, some calmly sat at the bar and drank, and someone just talked.

In the corner of the hall there was a large screen around which a small company of transformers gathered enthusiastically looking at the screen, it was possible to observe how several racing cars rushed along the track at high speeds overtaking each other trying to get ahead.

"Come on, come on! Come on!".

"Ha ha ha, I think my bet will win this time! "


"Slag! I bet quite a lot on it…"

In the heat of the race, a group of mechs chatted loudly and placed bets.

In general, there was everything you need for a bar, alcohol, round tables with chairs, posters decorating the walls, and a bar counter behind which there was a large transformer rubbing a glass with a cloth, it was a bartender, the body was dark green, instead of where there should be eyepieces there was one a large red visor, I did not observe the wings behind his back, apparently he has an alt-module of a heavy ground transport, I headed towards him.

Sitting behind a chair behind the bar, I raised my hand, attracting the attention of the bartender. Seeing a new client, he approached and asked, "Welcome, I'm a Heavy bartender and the owner of this place, do you want to order something?" to which I shook my head and leaned a little into it and said, "Do you have friends who need a mercenary?" The bartender thought for a moment and replied, "Hmm… actually there is…"

"Can you contact him? Or give me directions to meet him…" I said intrigued, tapping my fingers on the table.

"I'll contact him now, by the way, he's just looking for bots who don't mind getting their manipulators dirty, but as I see it, you seem to be a combat type, right? These are always needed," the mech replied thoughtfully.

"I'll wait…" I told him, to which the Bartender nodded and walked away somewhere, and I thought about what exactly I would do, liquidation? Security? There are quite a few options ... I didn't have time to think deeply, a bartender appeared from the aisle and, coming up, put a glass with a blue-blue liquid on the table and said: "Heavily charged at the expense of the institution, but at the expense of the employer, he was nearby and will be here soon, so expect it" without saying anything more, he went about his business.

And with curiosity I took a glass with a bluish liquid, lifting it up, examining the liquid with eyepieces and chatting lightly, I decided to try how it tastes, waiting for my unknown employer.

Is it interesting to read? or kind of boring? If there are good story ideas I don't mind reading them and any suggestions to improve the chapters?

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