
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

_Beyond · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 19 The Dawn of the Omniverse

December 22, 2008, etched itself into the annals of Marvel's hierarchy and the Omniverse as a day that would resonate throughout existence. It marked the collapse of the longstanding power structures, unleashing an era of unprecedented possibilities and uncertainty.

In the New York sky, Alvis couldn't help but emit a hearty chuckle. Its origin eluded him, yet the Ancient One and Exanimo Ludificator, attuned to cosmic energies, turned their gaze toward him. Alvis, meeting their scrutiny head-on, offered words that would linger in the corridors of time, "What an interesting time to be alive. Ancient One, I view you as a friend, and I hope we remain so. Exanimo Ludificator, though we've not crossed paths personally, should you entertain the notion of consuming Earth and this reality, consider it the final perception of reality you'll ever have. I will endeavor, and even the abyss won't be your final destination."

As Alvis's eyes glowed with a whitish hue tainted by a hint of darkness, he was shedding the layers of artifice. The impending turmoil seemed to bear witness to his own reflections—a contributor, perhaps, to the impending turbulence. Contemplating the future, he could almost visualize the intricacies that awaited, a tapestry woven with threads of uncertainty and cosmic revelation.

"Primordial, I will appreciate not fighting your race and you specifically, but it seems our paths will cross in the near future, Primordial…," said Exanimo Ludificator. He could feel his dimension drawing closer than ever. He sensed himself becoming an abstract entity within his own created reality. 'What a strong manipulation of the rules—who and how did this...,' he pondered. In his thoughts, Exanimo floated to the sky and entered the rift he created. Little by little, the rift closed, but it wasn't fully sealed.

Looking at the partially closed rift above, Alvis contemplated and then turned his head to the Ancient One, saying, "It seems this rift ain't going anywhere in the near time…." The Ancient One, hearing Alvis's observation, nodded in acknowledgment. Gripping her hand, she shifted her position near where Alvis was floating. Alvis, observing her with amazement, remarked, "Time Manipulation, interesting. Is this your gift? I thought you would have the same boost as every sorcerer , not a new power-up... or is your affinity to time so high…"

As Alvis gazed at the Ancient One, preparing to scan her, a powerful screeching sound resonated through the New York sky. In less than a second, both Alvis and the Ancient One turned their heads towards the origin of the piercing sound. A rift was slowly opening up, evolving from a mere line to a square, then further transforming into a circle, shaping an extra-dimensional portal. 

Gazing toward the portal it changed its color from colorless to a pure red color feeling a little tension existing the portal as the portal begun growing up little by little standing high in height till it reached the half the height of stark tower next to it as it grow in width reaching to 100 meters as a huge red demonic hand begun existing the portal little by little as a huge demonic creature existed it as it screamed so loud it shattered the windows of little remaining standing buildings next to it

"Interesting," said Alvis as he began examining the titan-like demon creature from afar, noting some noticeable features—black horns resembling a goat, a goat-like face, and square eyes. "Fuck, it's Baphomet. The hell, why is it this big…?" Cursing the titan demon, Alvis recognized the entity but couldn't pinpoint which version of Baphomet this one was and its origin. 

"Do you know what this creature is? It doesn't seem to be similar to our demons," said the Ancient One. She could sense a slight feeling of disgust and pure madness, along with a hint of darkness emanating from the creature. It looked unlike anything she had encountered in her lifetime, even among the demons she was familiar with.

"Yeah, I know the this demon. Well See it yourself," Alvis replied as he raised his hand to the Ancient One, shaping and constructing a status menu of Baphomet for her to examine.


Name: Baphomet, King of Madness {Avatar}

Life: 100,000/100,000

Demonic-Energy {DE}: 45,000/50,000

Race: Abyss Demon - Data Entity via Undefined Power

Level of Power: High 6-C: Large Island level / {LOCKED} Low 1-C: Low Complex Multiverse level

Supernatural Power: Demonic-Energy Manipulation / Abyss Madness / Demonic Strength

Passive Skills {PS}: Demon Physiology

Active Skills {AS}: Demon Blast, Abyss Scream, Madness Manipulation, Abyss Summon, Extra-Dimensional Portal

Magic: Demon Magic {Undefined}, Abyss Magic {Undefined}

Seeing the word abyss, Alvis's blood ran cold. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," he cursed four times. The Ancient One looked at Alvis in confusion. She had many questions for Alvis right now, seeing him visibly scared.

"Why are you scared, Alvis? I didn't think you would be scared of something. If it's the level of power, it's not that strong either. What made you scared, Alvis?" asked the Ancient One. She was genuinely curious about the information displayed on the screen, but her curiosity about what made Alvis scared was even more compelling.

"Abyss. I didn't know it existed... We're in big trouble. We need to close that portal now, or we are going to lose badly. If my information is right, the whole Multiverse is in danger," Alvis exclaimed before he could continue. Suddenly, a deafening scream echoed so loudly that it shook the entire continent, reaching from New York to the exosphere of Earth. In an instant, Alvis felt his consciousness shaken, and he hurriedly closed down his higher conciseness.

Blood-eyed, Alvis looked at the Ancient One. He had never felt this angry before. "It's conceptual power," said the Ancient One, raising her hand upwards and constructing a red magical circle in an attempt to contain the power escaping from the demonic being. She felt a strong rebound but continued, "Interesting." Channeling her newly acquired powers, she constructed another magical circle, this time grayish but with hints of red and yellow, combining three different types of magic to finally contain the madness.

Feeling his sanity returning, Alvis wrapped his higher consciousness around his body, checking what exactly had made him go insane and angry, even after his consciousness had been upgraded and his mind had become divine. He discovered a demonic rune attached to his soul. "I see, it's a soul attack. That's why I was manipulated. It seems I need to study souls a little more. Now, this demon should die," Gripping his hand Washing the runic with omni-energy to erase the runic as Alvis declared his anger seeped out of his body. However, someone was faster than him in taking action.

A massive surge of energy erupted from Stark Tower, its pulsating force resonating across the entirety of New York City. The once-pristine structure began to crumble, metals cascading to the ground only to defy gravity and rise once more. In a mesmerizing dance, the material transitioned from solid to liquid, each transformation a testament to an unprecedented metamorphosis. The heartbeat of the city quickened as Stark Tower shape-shifted into a colossal robot, not a mundane automaton but a War Machine of epic proportions.

As Alvis's rage subsided, his gaze fixed on the distant Stark Tower, a recognition flashing in his eyes. With a wry smile, he turned to the Ancient One, quipping, "Seems the hero destined to save the universe still follows the script written for him." Amused, the Ancient One regarded the War Machine on the horizon and remarked, "His preferences and taste are woven into the fabric of his timeline."

Inside the colossal robot, Anthony Edward Stark, also known as Tony Stark and Iron Man in future, the being with the body of a mortal, standing shoulder to shoulder with gods.

Within the head of the robot, Tony Stark found himself inside his office, surrounded by numerous screens. His body was encased in something resembling his future Iron Man suit. Looking at the screens before him, he exclaimed, "Jarvis, what the hell happened? Is this still Earth, or was I transported to another reality? Before answering, scan me. I feel better than ever. I can bang five chicks, no, ten."

Jarvis, the trusted A.I. of Tony Stark, followed his creator's instructions. "Sir, your physiology as a human being has somehow changed, but your nature as a human didn't change. I don't understand. It seems your body's health is equivalent to ten times that of a normal human and produces energy equivalent to three nuclear reactors."

"Jarvis, it seems what that being or god said, I didn't believe it. What that being yelled before seems to have become true," Tony Stark realized. He felt something going from his mind to his body by instincts so he unleashed it, sensing that he could control technology and metal, not merely as an affinity or being in control, but more like he become technology and metal.

Raising his hand, the colossal robot mirrored the motion. Though he felt a slight loss of energy, it was within the normal range. Tony calculated this without understanding how, but as he could feel his connection to all of Stark Tower, now transformed into the colossal robot by instincts. He focused on the people inside the building, seeing Happy, his bodyguard, fighting an Ork physically beating it into meatball and Obadiah Stane controlling the air around him to crush another Ork.

Both seemed to handle the situation well. His attention then shifted to Pepper Potts, who was facing an enemy compressed into a metal-like structure. It was different from what Happy and Obadiah had faced earlier. Tony tried to control the metal and warp the metal around the enemy from inside out, but Pepper was quicker than he anticipated.

Pepper, engulfed in fire, sprinted towards the metal enemy, breaking the sound barrier with a punch that sent a fiery fist into the creature, shaping it into molten alloy in a matter of seconds.

Controlling the speakers in the room, Tony addressed Pepper, "Pepper, chill. You're melting down the walls. The floor cannot handle your fire. It's over six thousand degrees, and the enemy is already melted." He directed the molten metal to his lab for later observation.

Upon realizing the situation, Pepper calmed down but then asked Tony about her newfound ability. In response, Tony chuckled and told her to relax told her it's happening to everyone also, advising her to look outside. As she turned her attention to the window, she noticed the changed gravity and room shape, realizing she is on the middle level of the tower. However, her focus shifted to the towering hands next to her as she noticed the titan-like demon in distance.

"TONY, TONY, WHAT'S THAT?" Pepper screamed, witnessing the towering demon creature in the distance moving towards them. Hearing her cries, Tony chuckled and reassured her, "Relax, Pepper. Look how I will take it down. It's just a loud animal." He controlled his colossal armor, moving towards the approaching enemy, not fully comprehending the nature of the adversary he was about to face.

"Ancient One, did you erase Baphomet's madness scream from existence?" Alvis heightened his senses, focusing on the events inside Stark Tower. Observing that Tony showed no fear or signs of madness when confronting the demon, and finding no chaos or insanity, he shifted his gaze to the Ancient One, asking in a questioning tone, "Check it yourself. It seems you have done it a lot..."

Giving Alvis a side-eye, the Ancient One concentrated on the demons colluding with Tony as he delivered a powerful punch, sending one of them flying.

In response, Alvis swiftly raised his hand Constructing another status for the Ancient One.


Name: Unknown/Ancient One

Life: 10^82/10^82 {∞ Regressing}

Energy :10^100/10^100 {∞ Regressing}

Race: Human - Data Entity via Undefined Power

Level of Power: Low 2-C: Universe level+ {Regressing}

Divinity: Obliteration {Locked} Magic {LU-Law} {Regressing}

Concept: Comprehensive Magic {LU-Law} {Regressing} Obliteration {Semi-locked}

Knowledge: Comprehensive Magic {LU-Law} {Regressing} {Undefined} {Undefined}

Talent: Genius Intelligence - Obliteration Pathway

Supernatural Power: Magic Manipulation

Passive Skills {PS}: Undefined 

Active Skills {AS}: Undefined

Magic/Spells {SP}: Undefined

As both Alvis and the Ancient One examined her status, she raised an eyebrow and remarked to Alvis, "Your observation power seems a little strong. It even examined my diminishing energy and power, including the power from that being. Interesting, Alvis, you're truly a mystery." She studied Alvis, noticing a look of great fear on his face. Feeling a sense of unease about his expression, she inquired, "What happened?"

"Ancient One, my question may be a little off, maybe personal, but could you take the memory you received and heard from that being for me? I need to check something, and I hope it's not what I'm imagining... or, no, never mind. We, everyone and everything, are really heading towards destruction, oblivion, or even worse," Alvis confessed. His emotions were overwhelming, unable to contain the weight of the vision of the omniverse being destroyed, returning to oblivion. With his simple-profound understanding of how the omniverse hierarchy flowed, he knew better than anyone what that destruction implied. He desperately hoped that the ominous thoughts in his mind wouldn't materialize into reality.

Hearing Alvis's question, the Ancient One looked at his face, which betrayed a profound fear and a hint of great sadness. 'He knows something... maybe trusting him should be the best option for now. I hope this bet, which I don't lose...' she thought. Manipulating memories for the Ancient One was an easy task, and she raised her hand, summoning a pure, colorless orb that flew towards Alvis. He caught it and squished it, reading the memory. A wave of great grief filled his face, and his emotions broke loose.

As he viewed the memories like a video, materializing the Ancient One's status menu next to the video, Alvis began to hear the being's speech, comprehending what he could from the information. Glancing at the status pathways: 'a path, maybe to divine level, seems so...'; Gift-talents: 'supernatural power to overcome mortality'; Killing: 'Is to limit those who cannot be understood...'; Upgrade: 'Does it see us as a game...'; Life: 'It becomes worthless or it is worthless...'; Creation: 'The divine work of everything and anything, no limits...'; Destruction: 'The limit of everything, the end of everything...'. "I see I was right," he spoke to himself as Alvis began to comprehend the truth.

"We're messed up," Alvis exclaimed, releasing his energy to its highest level, breaking through his limits. He began absorbing free omni-energy in space without limit, causing reality near Alvis to almost break down. Sensing the intense energy, the Ancient One distanced herself from him, witnessing the profound impact of the revelation on Alvis's state of being.