
Transcendent [MHA]

Arthur Vagabond, a boy born with an extremely powerful quirk; One For All, after the death of the greatest hero alive. All Might. [THIS IS A CONTINUATION, MY OTHER ACCOUNT GOT LOST] "People don't mess with me because they know its a waste of time.. Why try and kill a God?" [OP FROM START, ONLY GETS STRONGER]

MonkeyKingJooz · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 5 - Mission


Sitting on the ledge of a raised curbside, Arthur was lost in thought. Playing around with One For All by passing the energy throughout his body at random percentages.

His hand would be at one hundred percent, while his feet would be at ten percent. He would change the ratio, his knuckles holding fifty percent while his fingers held thirteen. His feet and toes mixing between twenty percent and thirty.

It was for him to practice getting his control over the excessive energy without actually having to do much. This was something he found himself doing a lot while he was laying around, waiting for something to do.

Metal doors leading to the inside of a Helios Storage room, out came a young woman with bright orange hair sporting a black eye mask. A pale purple blouse with frilled cuffs wrapped around her torso and arms, ending at her wrists, leading to her hands which she had covered up with brown gloves.

She wore a navy blue dress-skirt that ended high up on her thighs; purple thigh-high socks with black boots to match.

"It's completely empty.. It seems like whoever hit us up came back after their first shipment and cleared out everything else." She informed, pushing her finger on her chin as she was quite worried about what would happen if they didn't manage to get the huge shipment back.

Arthur hummed, calling his dad to let him know the new change.

"Shipment was stolen completely. Warehouse was wiped out… Yeah.. Mhm… Bye." The call was short but Slice could hear Arnold yelling at the young boy. The one in question just shrugged it off as he stood up.

Looking around, he noticed that one of his partners never managed to show up. "Where's.. Swordkil? Was he not informed of what was going on?" Arthur asked, spinning on his heel as he stretched.

Kiruka –Slice– shrugged. Rocking back and forth on her feet as she looked to the entrance of the driveway, leading to their current location. She eyed the stray pedestrians, all speed walking to get home.

"Fine, let's go. He'll have to deal with my father later. No point in waiting any longer for him." Cloaking himself in ten percent One For All, he leaped straight up. Clearing the ten story office building in front of him.

Slice scoffed, "Show off.." She muttered, before following her young leader's footsteps by using her hair as picks to climb the building. Less convenient, but not as flashy as a boy clad in flickering white lightning skipping from building to building during dusk.

Their target for tonight was an off-site abandoned warehouse on the rundown and forgotten part of the big city of Tokyo. A couple of Helios' technology quirk related hackers had located it through the use of.. Well, trackers.

Each crate of the Quirk Enhancer drug had a tiny, almost non-existence biological tracker. Thanks to a man named Sawari Boke.

His quirk, Miniaturization. He can shrink any in-organic item as small as he wants. Though, the only limit being when it's almost the size of an atom. A really convenient quirk for something like this.

—Ten Minutes Later—

Coming to a stop around Saitama Prefecture, the duo peer down at their targeted building from atop a nearby abandoned three story office building.

"See anything?" Arthur asks, scooting over a bit so Kiruka could hopefully get a sight of anything useful with her binoculars. She shakes her head with a hum.

"Not anything we didn't already expect. Besides the groups of Meta Liberation minions walking about, I don't see the truck with our shipments." Arthur clicks his tongue but his eyes stay on the building.

"Guess we have to do this the hard way." He mumbles, putting his hood up to cover his medium length silver hair, then comes along a black mask that covers only his mouth and nose that's connected to his jumpsuit.

Getting the memo, Kiruka pulls up her own mask. The eye mask she wore didn't really do much, so Arthur had given her a traditional ski mask. It was the only thing he had on him at the time.

Coating himself in a cowl of One For All, maxing out at twenty-five percent. He seemingly disappears with a single step only to reappear in the middle of the growing group of people.

Kiruka stood, shocked at how fast the little boy could move. 'He's scary…' She thought with a shiver. Shaking her head, she jumped down to help her leader, even though she's about a block away.

Upon his arrival, Arthur gave the Meta Liberation squad no time to breathe. Immediately pouncing on the closest one to him, he spared no one.

Caving chests, popping heads, blowing off limbs and putting holes through people were all a part of the carnage.

"SURROUND HIM! USE LONG RANGED QUIRKS, DON'T LET HIM GET CLO-'' One of the men clad in all black tried to bark out orders only for him to be met with a superpowered flick of air pressure to the face. Tearing up everything behind him and sending him through the wall of the very warehouse he's supposed to be protecting.

The group of thirty was now down to twenty before Kiruka even arrived, and it was quickly becoming smaller with each step Arthur took.

"RUN!! REPORT THIS TO THE HI-" Just like her companion, a woman tried to give orders to the rest, thinking they had a chance to escape but was met with the unstoppable force, Arthur. Punching a hole in her chest he watched as her life drained from her eyes.

Swiping at the air to throw off the blood, he continued his massacre till one remained. Frozen in fear after seeing his whole group get mowed down by a single boy in seconds, he was up for grabs when Kiruka finally did arrive.

Wrapping him up in her hair and sharpening it around his neck, she immediately began her interrogation while Arthur swept the warehouse, looking for the shipments.

"Who do you work for?" She questioned the man, shoving him against a stone wall hard enough to crack it. Groaning in pain, the man gasped.

"We- I can't tell you! I'll die!" He exclaimed; Kiruka scoffed. "Like we won't kill you either?" She said, gesturing to the broken up, gory mess of dead bodies behind her. "I suggest you just say it if you even want a chance to live.. Boss man doesn't seem like he's in the best of moods right now." She bobs her head towards Arthur as soon as he appeared with some paperwork, the man gulped.

"I-I was hired alongside my buddies to protect this shipment. The group that hired us was unknown- Ack!" Kiruka tightened her sharpened hair around the man's neck. Not liking his answer.

"I- I swear! T-That's all I was told! The pay was good and it seemed easy! Please, just let me li-" The man's words were cut short as Kiruka heard enough.

Cracking his neck with her hair, she dropped the broken man and turned towards Arthur, looking curiously at the sheets of paper in his hands.

"It's a shipment location. This stuff was supposed to be moved later tonight.."

"To the actual group that robbed us?" Kiruka inquired, causing Arthur to shrug. "Doesn't say. All I know is that this ragtag group was supposed to meet up with some people. But with everything like it is… I guess we blew it at getting a chance to see who was behind it." Kiruka hummed, taking one last sweep at her surroundings.

"Yeah~ Doesn't seem like we'll get that chance. Let's just call it in and head back. I'm tired." She says with a yawn, stretching as she lifts herself up with her quirk. Arthur just scoffed, shaking his head as he plopped on a nearby wooden crate that happened to survive the rampage.

The warehouse had been ravaged pretty badly from the slew of air pressure attacks that followed each of Arthurs swings. In truth, he used more power than needed, something he was already mentally reprimanding himself about.

"Hey- Yeah we found it. It's all here ready for pick up." BEEP! Just like before, the call was short and vague. If anyone around managed to listen in or hack through Helios' secured line, they wouldn't have much information to go off of.

Arthur sighed, slipping his phone back in his pocket. 'I want to go home…' He thought, looking at his bloodied hands. His mind wandered from his mom to his sister, and then back to his mom.

He hasn't seen either of them for the past three days. Arnold had been keeping him up at the facility to manage it and observe everything while he wasn't there. The only reason Arnold came earlier today was because of the news he received last night about the shipment.

Kiruka watched the boy from afar, she herself sitting atop of one of the damaged armored delivery trucks just outside the light of a nearby flickering bulb.

In truth, she was conflicted about Arthur, he was young but brutal. Something that she hadn't expected. She wasn't there when Chikita, Kumaki and Rocko were punished, so his rampage just moments ago opened her eyes.

'Arnold really outdid himself. This is going to bite him in the ass.' She mused, frowning at the ideas swirling in her mind. However, their time of relaxation soon came to an end as the sound of police sirens heading in their direction reached their ears.

Arthur frowned, sending a mutual look of understanding to Kiruka and instantly coated himself in thirty percent One For All and blasted the warehouse to bits. Upping his cowling to fifty percent after making sure the building and everything in it was ripped up out of its foundations.

The surrounding buildings and a couple rows of houses, warehouses and shelters for the next couple of blocks behind got torn up too.

Calling the facility pickup drivers, he called off his dad's orders and told them the news, telling them that he would meet them back at the facility and he would be the one to break the news to his father.

Arthur then scooped up Kiruka and immediately headed towards the Helios Facility. Arthur grimaced at the thought of telling his father what happened tonight, but he steeled his mind and heart and cleared his head.

'It already happened, so there's no point in dwelling on it.' He tells himself, glancing at the woman in his arms. Her orange hair danced wildly in the wind, her eyes shut as hard as she could manage.

Arthur chuckled at this, and carried her all the way back, upping his speed along the way from fifty percent, to sixty.

Soon enough.

They arrived with devastating news.