
Transcended Blood

Not all things can be explained, not all things can be comprehended, not all things are known. Vampires, demons, angels, gods, monsters. These things aren't just myths and folklores, they are not mere fiction who were given birth to by the imaginations of humans. Supernatural powers and supernatural entities do exist. They just decide not to let their existence be known to us. After all, we are not worth their time. Insignificant creatures who have no special power, that's us humans. But, throughout history, their existence have been turned into fiction, their stories have become entertainment. But beware, for not all stories are fiction. Perhaps, some of us knew their existence, turning them into fiction not for our entertainment, but to enlighten the currently ignorant mankind. Perhaps, it is for us to know and accept the existence of the supernatural. The following story you are about to read, might not just be fiction..

Zytek · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Transcender of Identity

The clouds in the sky faded away, as if they became one with the sky, leaving a lone castle floating in the air. Despite the moon beaming red light in every direction, the castle from the ground looked dark, as if a dark shadow were looming above it.

"Well, guess it time to go," Raymond blurted out before taking a big leap, flying towards the castle. The lady in the black gown seemed to have disappeared.

Claire hovered over the ground, before gently and at a constant pace flying upwards towards the castle, her eyes still glued to her book.

*Damn. Just how interesting is that book?*

"See you in the castle."

Two dark black wings sprang out from her back, spreading out a meter in each direction. Her wings pointed towards the sky, before bringing them back down with immense force, creating a huge gust of wind that propelled her towards the castle.

I was left alone, standing in the sky looking up at the castle which remained floating.

*Something is not right. I could have sworn I felt it...*

I narrowed my eyes, peering at the castle, something did not feel right. It was as if there was something familiar just waiting for me in the castle. I brushed it aside, thinking that my deduction was very unlikely. But little did I know that I was spot on.

I squatted on the ground, getting ready. I pushed my feet exuding an incredible amount of force, propelling myself towards the castle, leaving many cracks around the area where I launched off.

I sped towards the castle, at speeds high enough to break the sound barrier, causing a roaring boom to spread across the dimension. As I continued to fly upwards, I passed the castle and kept flying forward. My direction then suddenly changed, as if an external force had turned my body upside down. I was now free-falling towards the castle.

I landed in front of the castle gates, sending dust and large debris flying everywhere. After the dust settled, I realized that I was standing on a large crater, about 5 meters in diameter, of my own making.

A young girl, wearing a house cleaner outfit greeted me at the gates. She had a strand of smooth black hair hanging down near her left and right ears, while the rest of her hair was tied up in a ponytail. She had smooth pale skin, that could be compared to Barabas, and looked to be about 15 years of age. Looks can be deceiving, looking into her eyes told me, she was a vampire that has lived for thousands of years and was more powerful than Raymond himself, overwhelmingly so.

"You must be Master Rogue then. The others have already arrived and are awaiting your arrival."

*Well, she sure sounds like a 15-year-old.*

"I apologize for my late arrival," I said with the best apologetic face I could create.

Seems like it failed, since the girl giggled under her breath.

"I sincerely welcome you to the manor of the 'Lord of the Night'" she continued in a serious tone, after regaining her composure.

Upon saying those words, the gate of the entrance slowly opened itself.

"Please follow me this way," she bowed her head before taking the lead.

Once again, I was led through a hallway, of sorts. Passing portraits, this time all the portraits being of those of the previous Lords.

*Déjà vu?*

Once again, I was standing in front of a remarkably familiar door, however, this stupidly wide door did not have a magic circle carved into it. The maid once again lowered her head, performing a slight bow before lifting her head and proceeding to knock on the door.

"Master Rogue has responded to your summons, my Lord," she informed whoever was on the other side then took a few steps back until she was behind me. As the door slowly opened, I turned my head to look at the maid, who was once again performing a slight bow.

I casually walked through the door, as it started to close behind me.

Dangling from the ceiling were chandeliers, illuminating the room in a crimson red. On the walls could be seen torches that were lit up with raging red flames. I continued to walk on the red carpet that led to the end of the room, and the throne.

Sitting on the throne was a mature woman, with deep blue hair and bright amber eyes that looked through my soul. The crimson lights from the chandeliers reflected off her slightly pale, and slightly tanned skin, giving her a reddish glow.

From upon her throne, she looked down at me, a slight grin appearing across her face.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Rogue Vlad Tepes," she said in a manner that made one believe she was announcing something to the whole realm.

"I have been awaiting your arrival for the longest time. I have been waiting for you. Dear descendant of Dracula."

*Now it all made sense. The strange feeling, I had. It was her. Now it all made sense.*

"After killing the previous lord, you also went on to kill the current one, huh?" I shouted in the most unsurprised manner.

She looked at me with a blank expression from atop her throne.

"What are you talking about?" She responded with a confused look on her face.

*So that is how you want to play it, huh? Well, then I will play along.*

"It truly has been a long time, hasn't it? The Transcender of Identity, Neon Hamilton" my tone shifting from a sarcastic to a serious one.

Neon Hamilton is one of my kind, a vampire, one who has become a transcendent being (for information on transcendent beings read the epilogue). Her special vampire ability allows her to steal the existence of someone whose blood she has drunk.

One's powers, one's memories, one's personality, and behavior, Neon Hamilton is capable of mimicking everything, if she gets even a drop of their blood. Mimicking someone does not mean that she loses her own herself. Her powers, memories, and personality all remain intact, no matter what form she takes her powers as a transcended being remain. It's like having multiple different personalities, except she can switch these personalities as she wills, and there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of them.

Just as you guessed, this means the person standing in front of me is not the current Lord of the Night, but Neon Hamilton herself. Not only does she now have the powers of the Lord of the Night, but those powers are also probably elevated to the level of a transcended being. Put simply, Neon Hamilton has now become the Lord of the Night, at the level of a transcended being.

Thus, giving her the name, The Transcender of Identity.

"Tch, you figured it out, huh?" Neon murmured with a frustrated look.

"Well, I sure as hell can't think of anyone else, who knows my identity, and refers to me as the descendant of Dracula," I responded.

"That's because you get mad whenever someone calls you that, why is that?" She had a very curious expression on her face, waiting in anticipation for my answer.

"You always were a curious one, always getting into others' personal business. Don't expect an answer from me."

I was starting to get annoyed by all her pointless questions.

"Are you going to get onto the point, or is the reason you made this infinitely expanding dessert dimension just for us to have a chat?"

"Of course, not," was what she said in response looking at me with a huge grin on her face.

"Kneel down," she commanded with a dominating tone.

Suddenly, a huge amount of pressure from above pushed me on my hands and knees.

"All you Demon kind are the same. You all have an absolute hierarchy, the strong dominate the week. With vampires, their lord is at the top. Since I have now become your lord, all vampires are at my command.

"I was wondering what you had in store; you didn't think this would be enough to stop me, did you?"

My silver-white hair, took on a deep red color, growing down to my waist. My nails extended one centimeter in length, my eyes lighting up in a glorious crimson.

I stood up looking directly in her eyes.

She took a few steps back.

I leaped towards her and drove a fist right into her face, the force resulting in the destruction of half the castle behind me and causing Neon to fly through the castle walls behind her.

Neon flew a few billion kilometers into the wasteland, only coming to a stop after crashing into the ground, resulting in a crater 100 kilometers in diameter and 5 miles in depth being formed.

She hovered up from the middle of the crater surveying her surroundings.

In an instant Rogue appeared in front of her, driving another fist into her guts, this time, causing Neon to fly twice as far, and creating a crater 5 times the size of the previous one. Despite all this she did not even have a scratch on her.

Just like last time, Rogue appeared 10 or so meters in front of Neon from thin air.

"Stop playing around, you know physical attacks do not affect a Transcended being." Neon screamed at Rogue.

"I know. I am just teaching you a harsh lesson for messing around with me." Rogue responded with a clearly visible grin on his face.

"Why you!!! You dare mock me!!! I have gotten much, much, much stronger. I will make you regret looking down on me!!!" Neon yelled in a fit of fury.

She breathed in and out to calm herself, then extended her left hand to chest level. Neon then closed her eyes for a short moment, before opening them large and wide.

The wind from my surroundings started to gather around my hands. A small orb of pitch-black energy started to form on the palm of my left hand. [Neon]

*Here it comes, you will regret looking down on me. Now be devoured by darkness, Rogue!!! [Neon]*

The orb grew bigger and bigger, eventually spanning across his whole palm. He then looked towards me with a big grin on his face, believing he had won.

"This darkness in this orb devours everything, reducing it all to nothingness. With me forming this orb, it is now capable of devouring even a Transcended being. Now, get ready for your demise. Be reduced to nothingness."

She then fired the black orb straight in my direction.