
Transcended Blood

Not all things can be explained, not all things can be comprehended, not all things are known. Vampires, demons, angels, gods, monsters. These things aren't just myths and folklores, they are not mere fiction who were given birth to by the imaginations of humans. Supernatural powers and supernatural entities do exist. They just decide not to let their existence be known to us. After all, we are not worth their time. Insignificant creatures who have no special power, that's us humans. But, throughout history, their existence have been turned into fiction, their stories have become entertainment. But beware, for not all stories are fiction. Perhaps, some of us knew their existence, turning them into fiction not for our entertainment, but to enlighten the currently ignorant mankind. Perhaps, it is for us to know and accept the existence of the supernatural. The following story you are about to read, might not just be fiction..

Zytek · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Awaiting thy Presence

As always it was night. I stared at the night sky, which was painted blood red, as always. People were bustling around in the city, as always. *Honestly so noisy.*

"It is time for us to depart, Master Rogue." someone called out from the darkness of my room. It was a female who looked to be in her twenties, though I can guarantee you she is at least a few hundred years old. She had silver white hair, much like mine, the only difference was her hair was long, long enough to almost reach down to her feet. She had bright red eyes and wore a dark black gown.

Streams of red moonlight shone down on her, making her black gown shine a bright red in some places.

"The Lord of the Night is awaiting your presence," she said before disappearing back into the darkness which she emerged from. I followed her, also disappearing into the depth of the darkness. The lady led me to a hallway, of sorts. Despite being unimaginably big, it was cold, dark, and gloomy, and could be considered the perfect home for our kind. I strolled by portraits of what I presumed were the family and relatives of the lord. There were all kinds of them, some with pale white skin, others with dark. Some had white hair, red hair, blue hair, black hair, brown hair, anyways there were a lot of them. But there was one thing in common, they all had red eyes. Of course, they did, after all, we are vampires.

"We have arrived, Master Rogue," she announced most elegantly. I came to a halt. In front of me was a door that was about 14 meters tall and equally as wide. On the stupidly wide door, there was what seemed to be a magic circle, carved with blood.

The lady in front of me asked for my permission, to which I just gave a slight nod. She then grabbed a knife about the size of an average man's index finger. She made a small cut on the right palm of her hand, then proceeded to collect the blood that flowed down in a test tube. The woman looked me in the eye, her bright red eyes peering into my crimson ones. In her right hand, she held out the same knife, offering it to me.

I looked her in the eyes, waiting for her to notice the blood that remained on it.

It looked like she did, as she asked me for my forgiveness, before offering me a different knife of the same type. This time I took the knife from her hand and made a slight cut on the palm of my left hand, blood flowed down my palm and dropped on the red mat I was standing on. The woman collected some of the blood in another of the same glass type container, pausing for a moment, eyeing the glass container with a satisfied look on her face. I looked at the cut on my hand, which closed up almost instantly.

"Now we can proceed," she said with a mischievous smile, letting out a quiet giggle.

I did not really understand what collecting the blood was about. But, then again, I had not visited the castle in five centuries. I was not even aware of the previous lord being killed. Apparently, a transcendent being did it.

*I bet it was him, he probably got too bored and wanted to play around.*

I offered a moment of silent in my mind for the now deceased Lord.

*Poor him, being toyed to death by that guy.* The more I thought about it the more I felt bad for him. It was ironic, really, feeling bad for the guy, whose name I do not even know, despite him being the strongest lord our kind has ever seen.

The lady started chanting some words at the door, as if responding to her chanting, the magic circle carved on the door glowed a bright red, illuminating the dark hallway, blinding me completely.

It wasn't long, maybe, about five seconds, before my vision returned.

It was the same sky, painted in blood red, with a crimson moon. Even though the sky looked so familiar, I could tell, we were no longer where we previously were. We were currently in a whole other dimension of the Lord's creation.

"Yo, long time no see, Rogue." That voice was familiar, familiar enough to make me regret coming here. I turned my head knowing what was about to happen. Walking towards us, was a guy about 6'5, he wore a black leather jacket, with no sleeves, revealing his absolute stupidly muscular arms, and wolf fur near the collar. You could see the muscular outline of his abdomen, through his jacket.

*All brawn and no brains, that's Raymond for you.*

"How many years has it been? Three hundred? Four hundred? Where have you been all this time?"

"It has been five hundred years, Raymond." I said with a very big frown on my face. He looked at me, then sighed. That worsened my mood even more.

*I see that he is as annoying as always.*

Behind Raymond were two girls.

*That's right, I remember Raymond having two sisters.*

The eldest of the sisters, who was also the eldest in the family, caught me glancing at her. She smiled and waved towards me. Ignoring her I looked towards the second sister, who was also the youngest in the family. She had immersed herself in her book. She felt my gaze, but decided to give priority to her book.

*Well, like brother like sisters. All of them annoyed me one way another. Then again, I get annoyed pretty easily.*

"How's that temper of yours? Doesn't seem like you got a girlfriend, told Ya girls don't like guys with anger issues."

That one sentence was enough to put the frown, which had almost completely disappeared, back onto my face.

"Well, anyways, remember my sisters?" Raymond asked. It was as if he was nervous. I could tell as he was looking at me wide eyed, waiting for my answer. I saw a drop of sweat roll from the left side of his face, down to his mean jawline.

I was about to shake my head, when I saw Raymond continuously winking his left eye at me. He could tell I had forgotten all about them, and, I could tell that he wanted me to say otherwise.

"Yes, I do." I groaned, my face making it obvious that I thought this was a pain.

Raymond sighed once again.

"Well, this is my younger sister, Claire," he started.

"As you can see, she loves her books. She hasn't stopped reading for a bit since she got here. She will be turning six-hundred and fifty-four this year, she's basically an old hag."

Oh boy should he have not said that. Claire looked up from her book, her face showing that she was out for blood.

"And this is my older sister, Barbara." I couldn't hold in my laugh. Raymond had a red hand imprinted on his right cheek.

He must have noticed me giggling.

"Well, I'll be damned, didn't know you had it in you to laugh."

I coughed, straightening my back, which was bent from me trying to hold in my laughter.

"Barbara is a future candidate for the position of The Lord of the Night," he said with a prideful smile on his face."

I looked at Barbara, who was already smiling at me. It looks like Raymond learned his lesson, as he did not bother mentioning Barbara's age.

"I thought we were going to be first, but it looks like there are others here before us," a voice from behind me said. There was a little hint of disappointment in his tone.

Seeing Raymond, he quickly rushed over to greet him. He was followed by five others.

They wore a black hood, covering all their body features, and face masks, to hide their face. Among them was someone, who seemed to be slightly taller, and more muscular than Raymond. He, just like the others, wore a black hood covering his whole body, and a face mask.

"How have you all been? Haven't seen you in a while. Your aura tells me you have gotten a little stronger." Raymond nonchalantly said.

"Yes sir, it has been a while, sir!!!" responded who I believed to be the leader of the group.

The group lowered their head to bow down in front of Raymond.

*Well, well, to think even a guy like him is respected, what a surprise.*

The group lifted their heads, getting ready to take their leave.

"Sir, it was nice seeing you, allow us to take our leave."

"Yea, it was nice seeing you all too. Don't forget to keep up with your training."

As they walked past me, through the mask, the leader and I made eye contact, before the group vanished into thin air.

It was a little weird, but I disregarded the details.

Winds started to gather around us, then towards the sky. Looking up I saw clouds, the same color as the sky, blood-red, starting to circle above us, similar to how clouds circle around the eye of the storm. The clouds started to spread apart, descending from the empty space was a giant floating castle.

The lady who had escorted me was not doing anything until now, she took a knee on the ground, looking up at the descending castle that was being circled by cloud, she then declared...

"The Lord of the Night has descended onto this realm."