

Is it wrong that I envy you? Don't I want to look pretty too? Who stole Cassie's body? Is there still love for me? As well as many other questions in Carren's head. A beautiful woman who loves her twin sister very much, but that was then. Prior to the tragedy, a fire in their home caused him to become a victim of that incident. Like the story in the fairy tale Princess Goose. Her twin sister named Cassie grew up beautiful like Princess Swan who was admired by many princes out there. What about Carren? Of course everyone can guess. Yes, he is the figure of the Ugly Duck. Will any luck befall him? Can he switch places with his brother? Even before the fire happened to him, the two of them had always been extraordinary figures. So why does fate seem to be playing a toy on him? People now always compared the two of them, causing the previously cheerful Carren to become a quiet person and didn't want to see people anymore. Envy, revenge, envy and disapproval of the circumstances that befell him, made Carren make a very fatal mistake in his life. Will Carren still be able to finish everything? Will be delivered in this 'TRAITOR' brotherhood story….

NadNadia28 · Urban
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15 Chs

Are We Ready?

She broke down the delivery room door, as if she felt locked from the inside. But it turns out the door is not locked. Unfortunately for Matthew, his body was pushed forward, almost crashing into the maternity equipment rack. Everyone in the room immediately turned to look at him. Under normal circumstances, aka not giving birth like this, of course Matthew would be very embarrassed. Of course he looks like a reckless person.

"Her husband!" whispered a nurse to a middle-aged man. That person is the doctor who will be responsible for handling this delivery process.

The doctor just smiled and nodded his head in understanding. He also remembered how panicked he was when his wife gave birth to their first child. And what embarrassed him even more was that he was a final year medical student at the time. If possible, it seems that he himself will give birth to his wife. In his eyes, what the birth doctor did at that time was less than perfect. Too slow, rambling, or the stitches are sloppy. He was so talkative at the time that the doctor snapped at him and told him to either shut up, or get out of the room.

"Vera!" whispered Matthew, squirming on the edge of his wife. "It's me, baby! You'll be fine!" whispered Matthew's song. He held his wife's hand tightly, and kissed her.

Vera smiled. But his face immediately paled when he saw the equipment rack to Matthew's right. Scissors, scalpels, syringes, and tools similar to pliers, and some even look like Coke or Coca-Cola bottle openers. The sound of a box-shaped object with the top and bottom lines connected to the IV line. There are still many types of tools that seem foreign to him. She hoped doctors wouldn't use all those tools to get her baby out. Hopeless the birth goes well.

The nurses and doctors who were there fell silent. They were not fascinated to see such a Romeo Juliet scene. But deliberately giving them both a chance, before the actual delivery takes place.

Matthew's shoulder was tapped from behind. Matthew turned his head hastily. Doctor.


"Sayersz! Matthew Sayersz!" replied Matthew stuttering.

"Well . . . I know you're worried and confused right now. It's the first time, isn't it?" The doctor then looked at him sharply. "But I think you already know that our team won't be able to get your babies out safely if you don't help to keep calm during labour. Can you do that?"

Matthew fell silent. Then he nodded.

"This isn't a normal delivery. You know what that means? It's twins."

"Will it really hurt, Doc?" Matthew asked. Vera could not stand to wait for the answer. Up to this point, he felt he could survive.

The doctor did not comment. He put on his rubber gloves.

"Why not just sedated?" shouted Matthew without despair.

"We need your wife to be aware during the contraction process and that is very useful to push the baby out," the doctor replied, then paused for a moment. "Unless it's a C-section. But I'm sure we don't have to. It can be done normally." continued the doctor explained.

Matthew nodded. Meanwhile, Vera started to moan. Several sisters held her hand.

"The music, Doc?" asked a nurse.

The doctor nodded. A moment later a classic song played from the CD player, which was in the corner of the delivery room.

Matthew groaned inwardly. What were those people thinking? In an emergency like this, even listening to music?


"I think Carren and Cassie are great!"

"Carren and Cassie Sayersz? Why not?" said Matthew, taking his wife's hand. Vera smiled. He was worried when the nurse said that the baby was premature. Does this mean she might lose her two children?

"No! Your baby is fine!"

"Is that right, Nurse?"

"You can take my word for it."

The nurse's last words made Vera finally smile with relief. He asked when he could see the babies. The nurse said maybe a few more days. This is because the baby was born with a low body weight. Vera panicked again. But the nurse hastily assured that in the birth of twins, it can happen. And because so far he has always been able to handle it well.

"Are you all right, honey?" whispered Matthew softly, wiping the sweat on Vera's forehead. He tidied his wife's messy hair. Vera's face is so beautiful and sparkling. Matthew was once told by someone, that the most beautiful woman's face is after giving birth.

Vera looked at her husband with her deep gaze. His chest rumbled. She then hugged her husband's waist with overflowing relief. Her tears trickled down her cheeks.

"I... I....!" Vera stammered. The feeling was like a gas balloon exploding in his chest. And its explosion blooms flowers for all in its path. Vera cried with feelings of happiness mixed with emotion.

"Our child was born safely. I... I can't believe it!" whispered Vera.

Matthew smiled, and tears welled up in his eyes. They had been waiting for this moment for months. Anxious months. They found that Vera's stomach was larger than the normal pregnancy size. Especially when Vera was seven months pregnant, Vera felt two pairs of legs in her womb. Matthew immediately took Vera to the hospital. Sure enough, the doctor said they were going to have twins.

They returned home, soon after hearing the doctor say that they would soon give birth to twins. During the trip, neither Vera nor Matthew spoke to each other. They are busy with their own thoughts. They forgot that they had not previously commented on the news given by the doctor.

Arriving at home, Vera went straight to the room prepared for her baby. He stared at the wooden cupboard that had been filled with baby clothes borrowed from his neighbour. Then she saw the stroller Matthew had just bought a few days ago at the "Brooklyn" baby store. After all they had prepared for the birth of the baby. But now they have to face the fact that they will soon have two babies. At the same time.

Matthew was behind Vera. He wrapped his arms around Vera's waist. Kissed his wife's neck.

Vera smiled faintly. "Are we ready to have twins?"

Matthew didn't answer right away.

"Actually I'm not sure we can raise two small children at once," Vera muttered.
